HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3274-1960 - Authorizing The Issuance Of A Specific Use Permit Zone - 10/13/1960Fom L. Do -59 -10-~ 3-l9<PO ORDlNANCE N0)2i6 ---- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT IN ZONE CASE NO. 869 ; DEa.AIUNG AN EMERGJWCY; AND .,ROVIDING FOR .PUBLICA1'ION.... · .. WHEREAS, after receiving the recQIIII!MIIdations of the Pl8lllli.ng and Zm~.iug ColD- million md after due notice aa.d pabllc heariDg and all matters having been dGDe and performed aa required by Section 14-A of Zcai.D.g Ol."'d.inaalce 1695 of the City of Lubbdck (laid Ordinallce being 811 Appendix to the Lubbock City Code) relating to Specific Use Pemits, the City Cc:alissi on finds that due to changed cmditims it would be exped.ict and in the interest of the public health, safety9 aorals9 aDd gceral velfare·to authorize the grauting of a Specific Use Permit as hereinafter set forth; and, lillmiEAS~ this Ordinance affects the daily operation of the narming and _zming Departmslts of the City of Lubbock, which creates an emergency; NOW TRmEFORE: BE l'f ORDAINED BY THE CrfY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBO<:z: SECI'ION lo The Director of PlaDning ot the City of Lubbock is authorized to issue a Specific Use Permit to the Applicant ill Zone Case Roo 869 in accordallce· with the recc:.aendations and cmditicns imposed by the Planning and ZmiD.g C<Diissim, and the City COIIIII.issioug provided said Applicant agrees to be bound by the te:rms of the Specific Use Permit, the granting of which is hereby made subject to campliance by said Applicant with all te:nu of said Sped.f'ic Use Permit and further subject to all provisions of Zoning Ordinance Noo 1695 of the City of Lubbock, including particu- larly but not limited to1 Section 14-A thereof relatirlg to Specific Use Permitso The specific use authorized by this ordinance is for "bilanthro,pic institution use {Kpi ihts gf Mnmbus Ha:Jl ) pursuant to Sectiaa. 14-A.l-3 of the ZclO.iJ:lg Ordinance and is located -~on __ _ the west si de of North Boston Ayenue in the 1400 Blgpk ----------------------------------------------------------------------· SECTION 2. The City Secretary shall canse the pablicatim of this Ordinance once a week for two ccnsecut ive weeks in a newspaper regularly published :in the City of Lubboek. SECTION 3o Since this Ordinance is an emergency aeaSili'e for the reasons set forth in t~e preamble hereof, the rule requiring two readings before final passage ia hereby suspended, and this ordinance shall take effect imediately after ita passace. AND rr IS SO ORDm.ED (A Motioo. of Ccadssiou.er Maner • secanded by Collaissioner O'Hara , the above and foregoing Ordinance was unanimously passed by the City Ccaa:i.ssi0r1 this 13th day of October , 196.Q_. MAYOR ATTEST : J!il4 C1ty Alrorney