HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 3050-1960 - $4,025,000 General Obligation Bonds - 02/11/1960: first parcel or installment or a total voted authorization or $3~200~000 bonds) for the purpose of constructing street improve- menta in and for said City~ including acquisition or rights-of- way; $40~000 (being the first parcel or installment or a total voted authorization of $80,000 for the purpose of purchasing, constructing and installing traffic signals in and tor said City; $40~000 (being the first parcel or installment of a total voted authorization of $400,000 bonds) for the purpose of con- structing and equipping a fire station building in and for said City; $50~000 for the purpose ot enlarging~ repairing and equip- ping the municipal warehouse building in and for said City and $137~000 for the purpose ot constructing and equipping a street and water department maintenance and equipment storage building in and for said City; under authority of the Constitution and laws ot the State of Texas. and pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted by the City Commise1on of the City of Lubbock, Texas~ and recorded in the M1nutea of said City Commission. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED., RECLTBD AND REPRESEN'l'ED that the ieauance of this bond and the aeries or which it is a part~ is duly authorized by law and by a vote of the qualified property taxpaying voters of the City ot tubbock. Texas~ voting at elections held for that purpose within said City on the 8th day of November~ 1955 and the lOth day of September~ 1959; that all acts~ conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance or this series of born a and of tlm bond. have been properly done and performed and have happened in regular· and due time~ form and manner as required by law; that sufficient and proper provision for the levy and collection of taxes has been made which~ when collected, shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of this bond and the series of which it is a part~ and to the payment of the interest coupons thereto . .. "\,_ .._,.-,. ) ORDINANCE NO. 3050 0~ -l \ -19{/JQ ~ AH ORDINAXCB AU'l'HORIZING ISSUANCE OF $4,025,000 "CI'fi OF LUBBOCK, 'l'BXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION B>RDB, SERIES 1960 !'. and $225 t 000 "CITY OF L~CK,. TEXAS PARK BORDS,. SERIES 19t>O" ~ ALL DATED lURCH 1, 1960 '!'HE S'l'A'l'E OF TEXAS CITY OF LtT.BB)CK COUNTY OF LUBBOCK OR !BcrS, the 11 day of February, .1960, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texa,, convened in regular session at the regular m~eting place thereof in the City Hall with all members thereof being present and in attendance, to-wit: LENJIIS W. BAKER VERNON E. THOMPSON } OTIS !WIER HOMER G. MAXEY DAVID CASEY \ MRS. LAVERIA IOn JI!AYOR COMMISSIONERS and CI'l'Y SECRETARY also being present; at which time the following, among other business was tranaacted: Collllll1saioner Thompson presented tor the conaidera-• t1on or the City Commission an ordinance authorizing the issuance of "CI'l'Y 011 LUBBOCK, ~~ GENERAL OBLIGATION ll>NDS, SERIES . . 1960, in the principal sum of FOUR MILLION '1VBR'rY FIVE 'l'li>USAND JX)I.t,ARS ($4,025,000) ana "CI'l'Y OF LUBBOcK, TExAS, PARK BONDS, sEiri:Es 1960, in the principal sum ot NO HUNDRED 'lWB!r1'Y PIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($225,000), all dated March .l, 1960; and said -· ordinance was read in fUll by the City Secretary. Thereupon, Colllliaaioner_...T....,h..,.om-.e.,;;.,so..,.n..._ ____ moved that the rule requiring that no ordinance shall be passed on the day on which it is introduced be suspended, and that in view of the emergency set forth and defined in the preamble to the proposed ordinance that the same be declared an emergency measure. !his motion was duly seconded by Commiaaioner ____ ~M-a~ne~r----------· !be motion carried by the following vote: YEAS: Mayor :Baker and Commissioners 'l'hompson, Maner, Maxey and casey NAYS: None • Thereupon Commissioner ____ ~c~a~s~e~Y-------moved that the ordinance as read in fUll by the City Secretary be finally passed and adopted by the Commission. This motion was seconded by Co~ssioner ____ ~M~ax··~'-Y--------and the motion, carrying with it the final passage and adoption or the ordinance was un&Qimousl carried by the following vote: YBAS: Jllayor Baker and Commissioners Thompson, Manor, Jllaxey and Casey NAYS: None. 'thereupon, the Mayor announced that the ordinance had been finally passed and adopted by unanimous vote of the Com- mission, in accordance with the requirements ar Sections 15, 16 and 17 or Article IX of the Lubbock Charter; and the Mayor thereupon signed and approved the ordinance in the presence of the Commission: The ORDDlA!fCE is as follows: lfUJl8ER 3050 nAN OBDilfABCE by the City Commission ot the Citl .. ot . Lubbock, Texas, authorizing the issuance or J4,025,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, 'l'EXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1960.,! dated March 1., 1960 for the purpose ot making permanent public improvements., to-wit: $313,000 for constructing ~provements and extensions to the City's waterworks System; $345,000 for con- structing improvements and e~tesiona to the City's Sanitary sewer System; $1,100,000 for constructing enlarging# extending and installing storm sewers, drains, curbs and gutters and other improvements incidental thereto in and for aaid City; $500,000 for constructing.,enlarging, altering, repairing and equipping the municipal building in and tor said City to house City offices, Corporation Court and Police Station; $1,5001 000 for constructing street improve- ments in and tor said City, including acquisition of rights-ot-way; $40,000 for purchasing, constructing / 1 / and installing traffic signals in and for said City; $40,000 for constructing and equipping a fire station building in and for said City; $50,000 for the purpose or enlarging, repairing and equipping the municipal warehouse building in and for said City and .137,000 for constructing and equipping a street and water department maintenance and equipment storage building in and for said City; and authorizing the issuance or $225,000 1CITY OP LtJ:BB)CK, TEXAS, PARlt BOHDS, SERIES 1960', dated March l, 1960 for the. purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: purchasing and/or improving lands for public parks in and tor said Oi ty; prescribing the form or the bonds and the forJD of the interest coupons; levying a continuing direct annual ad valorem tax on all taxable property within the limits of said City to pay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fUnd for the redemption thereof and providing for the assessment and collection of such taxes; enacting provisions incident and relating to the purpose and subject or this ordinance; and declaring an emergency." ~~ pursuant to a resolution and order duly adopted and passed by the City COmmission of the City of Lubbock on the 21st day·ot October, 1955. an election was held on the 8th day of November, 1955 and resulted favorably to the issuance of general obligation bonds of said City to mature over a period of years not to exceed thirty years from their date and to bear interest at not to exceed 3-3/4' per annum as follows: $3 1 000~000 general obligation bonds for the purpose ot making permanent public improvements~ to-wit: constructing improvements and extensions to the City's Waterworks Systea; $1,585,000 general obligation bonds for the purpose or making permanent public improvements, to-wit: constructing improvements and extensions to the City's Sanitary Sewer System; $1 1 500,000 general obligation bonds for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: constructing, enlarging, extending and installing storm sewers, drains, curbs and gutters and other improvements incidental thereto in and for said city; and -$1,100,000 general obligatton bonds for the purpose Gf . making per.manent public improvements, to-wit: purchasing and/or improving lands tor public parks in and for said City; ARD VHEREAS1 pursuant to a resolution and order duly adopted and passed by the City Commission or the City of Lubbock on the 13th day of August, 1959, an election was held on the lOth day of September, 1959 and resulted favorably to the issu- ance of general obligation bonds or said City to mature over a period of years not to exceed thirty years from their date, and to bear interest at not to exceed 5~ per annum, as follows: $1,713,000 general obligation bonds, for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: constructing, enlarging, altering, repairing and equipping the municipal building in and for said City to house City offices, Corporation Court and Police Station; $4,000,000 general obligation bonds for the purpose of making permanent public improvements and extensions to the City's Waterworks System; $3,200,000 general obligation bonds for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: constructing street improvements for said City, inclu acquisition of rights-of-way; $80,000 general obligation bonds for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: the purchasing, constructing and installing of traffic signals in and for said Oity; $400,000 general obligation bonds for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: construct- ing and equipping a fire station building in and for said City; $50,000 general obligation bonds for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: enlarging, repairing and equipping the municipal warehouse building in and for said City; $137,000 general obligation bonds for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: constructing and equipping a street and water depart- ment maintenance and equipment storage building in and for said City. AND WHEREAS. the City Commission has heretofore canvasse the returns or said elections and by resolutions and orders passed and adopted respectively on the lOth day of November, 1955, and on the 11th day of September, 1959, the City CQmmission found that said elections had been conducted in the manner prescribed by law and were in all respects legally held after due and proper notice as required by law. That due returns of said elections had been made by the proper officers; that said election resulted favorably to the issuance of said bonds; that a maJority ot the qualified electors voting at said elect1o~voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds; and that the City Commission is in all things authorized to issue said bonds and to do any and all things necessary and/or convenient in connection therewith. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 1835, passed and adopted on the 14th d&y of-pebruary, 1956, Ordinance No. 2394, passed and adopted on the lOth day ot February, 1958, amended by Ordinance Number 2416, ~~ssed and adopted on the 27th day or February, 1958 and Ordinance No. 2738, passed and adopted on the 24th day of March, 1959 $2~e5o,ooo bonds tor waterworks improvements and extensions have been authorized by the City Commission out ot the $3,000,000 authorization voted in 1955; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance Ho. 1835, passed and adopted on the 14th day of February, 1956, Ordinance No. 2394, passed and adopted on the lOth day of Pebruary, 1958, amended by Ordinance HUmber 2416, passed and adopted on the 27th day ot February, 1958, and Ordinance Ho. 2738 passed and adopted on the 24th day of March, 1959 $1,240,000 bonds for sanitary sewer system improvements and extensions have been authorized by the City Commission out or the $1,585,000 authorization voted in 1955; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance Ho. 1835, passed and adopted on the 14th day-of February, 1956, Ordinance No. 2394, passed and adopted on the lOth day of Pebruary, 1958, amended by Ordinance Number 2416, passed and adopted on the 27th day of February, 1958, $400,000 bonds for stor.m sewer purposes have been authorized by the City Commission out of the $1,500,000 authorization voted in 1955; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 1836, passed and adopted on the 14th day or February, 1956, Ordinance No. 2395, passed and a- dopted on the lOtih day or February, 1958, amended by Ordinance No. 2417, passed and adopted on the 27th day or February, 1958, and Ordinance No. 2739, passed and adopted on the 24th day of March, 1959~ $875,000 bonds for park purposes have been authorized by the City Commission out or the $1,100,000 authorizaeion voted in 1955; and WHEREAS, the City Commission now deems it advisable and to the best interest of the City that the remaining bonds hereto- fore .. described authorized at the election held on the 8th day of November, 1955 in the amount or $1,820,000 should be issued and sold; Bonds Numbered 2151 to 3745, both inclusive of the "CITY OF LUBEK>CK, 'l'EUS, GENERAL 6BLIGA'l'ION B>NDS, SERIES 1960", herein issued are the $150,000 bonds for waterworks purposes, the $1,100,000 bonds for storm sewer purposes and the $345,000 bonds for sanitar.y sewer system purposes; and WHEREAS, it being now determined by the City Commission that it is 'not desired at this time to issue all or the bonds of said authorizations voted at the election or September 10, 1959, but that the amounts as shown by the schedule below are now desire to be issued, and that the remaining amount or said bonds of said total voted authorizations, shall be issued in one or more series at a future date or dates, when in the judgment of the City Com- mission of said City, the amounts thereof are needed by the City for the purposes for which such indebtedness was authorized. AMOURT AUTHORIZED AJJOUNT BEING ISSUED UNISSUED BALAN Municipal. Bldg. $1 . .,113, 000 $500,000 $i,213;eoo Waterworks System 4,ooo,oao 163,000 3,837,000 Street Improvement 3,200,060 11500,000 1,700,000 Traffic Signal 80,000 40,000 40,000 Fire Station 400,000 40,000 360,000 Municipal Warehouse 50,000 501000 -o- Maintenance & Equip. 137,000 137,000 -0- Storage E WHEREAS1 this City Commission deems it advisable and to the best interest or the City that the bonds or the authorization hereinabove described except the park bonds which are herein authorized as a separate !seue shall be issued in a single combined series; and WHEREAS1 it is FOUND. DETERMINED AND ADJUDGED that it is necessary and to the best interests of the City to construct the improvements and extensions herein contemplated at the earliest possible date for the immediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety of the citizens or the City ot Lubbock, Texas, and that by virtue thereof this ordinance shall be passed and adopted as an emergency measure; therefore BE I'l' ORDAINED :BY '!'HE CITY COJIIMISSION OP THE CITY OF LUBB)CK: PERTAINING TO THE GENERAL OBLIGATION :OONDS SECTION 1: That the bonds of the City of Lubbock, Texas, to be known as "City or Lubbook,Texas, General Obligatbn Bonds, Series 1960", be and same are hereby issued under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws or the State of Texas, for the following purposes, to-wit: $313,000 ($150,000 being ~he fourth and final parcel or installment of a total voted authoriza tion of $3,000,000 bonds and $163,000 being the first parcel or installment of a total voted authorization of $4,000,000 bonds) for the purpose or constructing imp~vements and extensions to the_Oity1 s Waterworks System; $345,000 (being the fourth and final parcel or installment of a total voted authorization of $11 585,000 bonds) for the purpose of constructing improvements and extenaions to the City's Sanitary sewer System; $1,100,000 (being the third and final parcel or installment or a total voted authorization or $1,500,060 bonds) for the purpose of construct1n enlarging, extending and installing stor.m sewers, drains, curbs and gutters and other improvements incidental thereto in and for said City; $500,000 (being the first parcel or installment or a total voted authorization ar $1,713,000 bonds) for the purpose of constructing, enlarging, altering, repairing and equipping the municipal building in and for said City to house City offices, Corporati~n Court and Police Station; $1,500,000 (being the first parcel or installment ot a total voted authorization of $3,?00,000 bonds) tor the purpoee or constructing street improve- -menta in and for said City, including acquisition of rights-of way; $40,000 (being the first parcel or installment of a total voted authorization of $80,000 for the purpose of purchasing, constructing and installing traffic signals in and for said City; $40,000 {being the first parcel or installment or a total voted authorization of $400,000 bonds) for the purpose of constructing and equipping a fire station building in and for said City; $50,000 for the purpose of enlarging, repairing and equipping the municipal warehouse building ~ for said City and $137,000 for the purpose of constructing and equipping a street and water department maintenance and equipment storage building in and tor said City; aggregating the principal sum of FOUR MILLION TWENTY PIVE 'l'IIDTJSAJID DOLLARS ( $4,025,000) • SEC~IOH 2: That said bonds shall be numbered consecu- tively from One {1) to Pour Thousand Twenty Five (4o25), both inclusive; shall be in denomination of One Thousand Dollars ( $1, ooo) each, aggregating the sum of F'Ol:JR MILLION TWENTY FIVE THOUSARD DOLLARS ( $4 I 025,000) • SECTION 3: That said bonds shall be dated March 1, 1960, and shall become due and payable serially, without right or prior redemption, in accordance with the following schedule: BOND NUJIJBERS {All Inclusive) 1 to 215 216 to 430 431 to 645 646 to 860 861 to 1075 1076 to 1290 1291 to 1505 1506 to 1720 1721 to 1935 1936 to 2150 2151 to 2335 2336 to 2520 2521 to 2705 27o6 to 2890 2891 to 3075 3076 to 3260 3261 to 3445 3446 to 3630 3631 to 3815 3816 to 4025 MATURI'fi DATES March 1, 1961 March 1, 1962 March 1, 1963 March 1, 1964 March 1, 1965 March 1, 1966 March 1, 1967 March 1, 1968 lllarch 1, 1969 March 1, 1970 March 1, 1971 March 1, 1972 March 1, 1973 March 1, 1974 Jllarcb 1, 1975 March 1, 1976 Jllarch 1, 1977 Jllareh 1, 1978 March 1, 1979 March 1, 1980 AMOUNTS $215,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 215,000 215,000/ 185,000 185,000 185.000 185,000 185,000 / 185,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 _/ 210,00() SECTION 4: That said bonds shall bear interest from date until paid at the following rates per annum, that is to s,.-y-- (a) Bonds NUmbered 1 to 2150, both inclusive, maturing on March lat in each or the years 1961 to 1970, both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of FIVE PER CDTOJII ( 5%) per annum; (b) Bonds Numbered 2151 to 3075, both inclusive, maturing on March 1st in each of the years 1971 to 1975, both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of THREE AJID THREE-FOUR'rHS PER CERTUM (3-3~) per annum; and collected tor or on account of each series of bonds shall be credited to said respective funds for the purpose of paying the interest on and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption or said bonds at maturity; and said funds shall be used for no other purpose; that, while said bonds, or any of them, are out- standing and unpaid, there shall be annually levied, assessed and collected in due time, form and manner, a tax upon all of the taxable property in said City, for each series, sufficient to pay the current interest thereon and create a sinking fund suffi- cient to pay each installment of principal as the same becomes due or a sinking fund of ~ whichever is greater; and to pay the in- terest on each of said series of bonds for the first year and to create a sinking fund with which to pay the principal as the same becomes due or a sinking fund of ~ whichever is greater~ there is hereby levied a sufficient tax on each one hundred dollars• valua- tion of taxable property in said City for the current year for f&n of said series and the same shall be assessed and collected and applied tothe purpose named; and while said bonds or any of them are outstanding and unpaid, a tax each year at a rate from year to year, as will be ample and sufficient to provide fUnds to pay the current interest on said bonds and to provide the necessary sinking tunds, fUll allowance being made for delinquen- cies and CQats of collection, shall be and is hereby levied for each year, respectively, while said bonds or any of them, are out- standing and unpaid, and said tax shall each year be assessed --- and collected and applied to the pa~nt or the principal of and inter.est on said bonds . The Cityf Commdss1on hereby declares ita purpose and intent to provide and levy a tax legally and fully sufficient for each of said series ot bonds, it having Lbeen determined that the existing and available taxing authority of the City for such purpose is adequate to permit a legally sufficient tax in consideration of all other outstanding obli- gations. (c) Bonds NUmbered 3076 to 3815~ both inclusive, -maturing on March lst in each or the years 1976 to 1979, both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate or THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT'Ul'l (3-1/~) per annum; and (d) Bonds Numbered 3816 to 4025, both inclusive, maturinS on March 1, 1980, shall bear interest at the rate or ONE-POURTH OF ONE PER CEN"tUlll (1/4 of 1~) per annum such interest to be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each of said bonds~ and said interest 'shall be payable on March 1, 1961, and semi-annually thereafter on September 1 and March 1 in each year. SEC'l'IOJrl 5: That the form of said bonds shall be sub- stantially as follows: NO. __ UBimD STATES OF AMERICA STATE CF 'l'EXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK ' Cifi OF LUBBOCK# '1'EXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION . . BOND, SERIES 1960 _ . . ~~fill-T $1,000 The CI'l'Y OF LUBBOCK, a municipal corporation or the state or 1'ezas, aclmowledges itself indebtedl.to, and FOR VALUE RECEIVED, hereby promises to pay to bearer, without right of -prior redemption~ the eum of ONE TB>USAND OOLLARS ($1,000) in lawful money of the United States or America~ on the FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 19 ___ , with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid at the rate or PER CEN'tUM ( ~) per annum, payable on March 1, 1961, and semi-annually thereafter on~eptember l and March 1 in each year~ and iaterest falling due on or prior to maturity hereof is payabl only upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. BOTH PRIRCIPAL and interest of this bond are hereby made payable at THE FIRS'!' NATIONAL CITY BARK OF J!fEW YORK, New Yor 1 New York, or at t~e option of the holder at the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, Labbock,Texas, without exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, and for the prompt payment or this bond and the interest thereon at maturity, the tull faith, credit and resources of the City of Lubbock, Texas, are hereby irrevocably pledged. THIS BOND is one of a series of Four 'l'housand TWenty Five {4025) aerial bonds, numbered consecutively from One (1) to Four Thousand Twenty Pive {4025), both inclusive, in denomina- tion or One Thousand Dollars (tl,OOO) each, aggregating POUR KILLION !WENT! PIVE THOUSAND DoLLARS ($4,025,000), issued for the followin8 purposes, to-wit: $313,000 (~~0,000 being the fourth and final parcel or installment of a total voted authoriza tion of $3,000,000 bonds and $163,000 being the first parcel or installment of a total voted authorization or $4,000,000 bonds) for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the City's Waterworks Systemj $345,000 (being the fourth and -final parcel or installment of a total voted authorization or $1,585,000 bonds) for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the City's Sanitary Sewer System; $1,100,000 (being· the third and final parcel or installment or a ~al voted author~zation of $1,500,000 bonds) for the purpose of constructing enlarging, extending and 1nsta111.ng storm sewers, drains, curbs and gutters and other improvements incidental thereto in and for said City; $5001 000 {being the first parcel or installment of a total voted authorization of $1,713,000 bonds} for the purpose -of constructing, enlarging, altering, repairing and equipping the municipal building in and for said City to house City offices, Corporation Court and Polie Station; $1,500,000 (being the '--- annexed; as the same shall become due; and that the total indebtedness of the City of Lubbock, Texas, including the entire series of bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN TESt' IMONY WHEREOF, the City Commission or theCity . ot Lubbock, Texas, has caused the seal of said City to be impressed he~eon, and this bond and its appurtenant coupons to be executed with the imprinted facsimile signatures ot the Mayor and .City Secretary of said City in accordance with the provisions of Article 717j, Vernon•s Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, as amended; the date ot this bond, in conformity with the ordinance above referred to, being the FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 1960 .. Mayor, City or LUbbOck, Texas COUNTERSIGNED: C!ty Secretary, City or LUbbock, Texas SECTI0N 8: That the for.m of interest coupon attached to each ot said bonds shall be substantially as follows: NO. --ON THE FIRST DAY OF ___ _ 19_ ·---... the CITY OF LUBBOCK, a municipal corporation of the State or .., J ; Texasr~pereby promises to pay to bearer at THE. FIRST NATIONAL . . CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, New York, New York, or at the op~ion ot the h~lder at the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, Lubbock, Texas, without exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, the sum of -----·---DOLLARS ($ p ), in lawful money of0the United States or America said • • ........ , " sum being months' interest due that day on the "CITY OF ·--- LU:BB)CK~ TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION a:>HD, SERIES 1960", dated March 1, i960. Bond No. --- eity secretary liyor PERTAINING TO THE PARK BONDS SECTION 9: That the bonds of the City of Lubbock, 'fexes, te be ka~~ as itCI'l'Y OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, PARK BONDS, SERIES 1960", be and same . are .hereby 1$sued under and by virtue or the Constitution and laws or the State of Texas, in the principal sum. ot 'fWO HUNDRED 'l¥BNTY PIVE 'rHOtJSA.ND DOLLARS ($225,000) (being the-fourth and final 'parcel or -inst8i1ment of a total voted authorization or $1,100,000 bonds) for the purpose ot making permanent public improvements, to-wit: purchasing and/or improving lands tor public parks in and for said City. SECTION 10: That said bonds shall be numbered consecu- tively ~rom one (1) to Two Hundred TWenty Five (225), both in- -. ~ ...... r elusive; and shall be in the denomination or One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, aggregating the sum or 'l'WO HUNDRED TWEH'1'Y PIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ( $225,000) SECTION ll: That said bonds shall be dated March 1, 1960, and shall beeome due and payable serially, without right or prior redemption, in accordance with the following schedule BOlD HtJJ.lBERS .{All inclusive} MA'l'URITY DATES AMOUNTS 1 to 25 March 1·, 1971 $25,000 26 to 50 March 1, 1972 25,000 51 to 75 March 1, 1973 25,000 76 to 100 March 1, 1974 25,000 .,. . MATURI'l'Y DATPJJ A!IIOUNTS 101 to March 1, 1975 $25,000 126 to 150 ilareh 1, 1976 25,000 151 to 175 March 1., 1977 25,000 176 to 200 March 1, 1978 25:;000 201 to 225 March 1, 1979 25,000 SECTION 12: That said bonds shall bear interest from date until paid, at the following rates per annum; that is to sa;y-- (a) Eonda Numbered 1 to 125, both inclusive, maturing on Karch let in each or the years 1971 to 1975, both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of '1'HREEr and 1'HREE-FOURTHS PER CENTUM (3-3/~) per annum; and {b) Bonds Numbered 126 to 225, both inclusive, maturing on March lst in each or the years 1976 to 1979, both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate ot THREE ARD ONE-HALF PER CENTUM (3-1/~} per annum such interest to be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each of said bonds, and said interest shall be payable on March 1, 1961, and semi-annually thereafter on September 1 and Karch 1 in each year. SECTION $3: That the form of said bonds shall be sub- stantially as follows: NO • . -UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXA8 COUNTY OF LUBBOCK CITY OF LUBBOCK~ TEXAS~ PARK BO!m~ SERIES 1960 $1,000 The CITY 0P LUBBOCK, a municipal corporation of the State of Texas, acknowledges itself indebted to, and POR VALUE RECEIVED hereby promises to pay to bearer, without right of prior redemption, the sum or ORE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000), in lawful money of the United States of America, on -the FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 19 __ ... with interest hereon from the date hereof unta paid at the rate of PER CENTUM ---------------- { ;) per annum, payable on March 1, 1961, and semi-annually thereafter on September 1 and March 1 in each year, and interest falling due on or prior to maturity hereof is payable only upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. BOTH PRINCIRIL and interest of this bond are hereby made payable at THE FIRsT lfATIONAL CI'l'Y BAHK OF NBN' YORK, Hew York, New York, or at the option of the holder at the CITIZENS -. N . NATIONAL BANK, Lubbock, Texas .. without exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, and for the prompt payment of this bond and the interest thereon at maturity, the full faith, credit and resources or the City or Lubbock, Texas, are hereby irrevocably pledged. THIS B:>RD is one of a series of Two Hundred TWenty Five (225) serial bonds, numbered consecutively from One (1) to Two HUndred Twenty Five (225), both inclusive, in denomination of On~ Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each .. aggregating in amount 'fWO HUNDRED '1WEN'fi FIVE THoUSAND DOLLARS ($225,000) (being the • • • I fourth and final parcel or installment of a total voted authori- zation of $1,100,000 bonds}, and issued for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: purchasing and/or improvi lands for public parks in and for said City, under authority of the Constitution and laws of the State of 'l'exas, and pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted by the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, and recorded in the Minutes of said City com- mission. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND REPRESE.N'fED that the issuance of this bond and the series of which it is a part, i duly authorized by law and by a vote of the qualified property taxpaying electors of the City of Lubbock, Texas, voting at an election held for that purpose within said City on the 8th day of November, 1955j that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this series of bonds and of this bond, have been properly done and performed and have happened in regular and due time, for.m and manner as required by law; that sufficient and proper provision for the levy and col- lection of taxes has been made which, when collected, shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of this bond and the series of which it is a part, and to the payment of the interest coupons thereto annexed, as the same shall become due; and that the total indebtedness of the City ot Lubbock, Texas, including the entire series of bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN TESTIMONY WBEHEOF the City Commission of the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, has caused the seal or said City to be c1mpressed hereon, and~this bond and its appur- tenant coupons to be executed with the imprinted facs~le signa- tures of the Mayor and City Secretary of said City in accordance with the provisions of Article 7173, Vernon•s Annotated Texas Civil statutes, as amended, the date of this bond, in eonfor.mity with the ordinance above referred to, being the FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 1960. COUB'f.KRSIGIIED: iiior, city or LUbbock, Texas dity secretary,City or Lubbock, Texas SBCTION 14: That the form of interest coupon attached to each or said bonds shall be substantially as follows: lfO. __ OH THE PIRST DAY OI' ___ _ 19 ~ - $ __ the qiTY OF LUBBOCK, a municipal corporation of the State of Texas~ hereby promises to pay to bearer, at THE PIRST RATIONAL CITY BAlfK OF HBW YORK, New York, New York, or at the option of the holder at the CI'l'IZBllS NATIONAL BANK, Lubbock, Texas, without exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, the sum of DOLLARS ($ ), in lawful money of the United States of America, said awa being months' interest due that day on the "CITY OF LUBB:>CK, ~~ PARK BOND, SERIES 196011 , dated March 1, 1960. Bond lfo. • --- city secre~ary Mayor PERTAIRIHG 'fO ~ ISSUES AB>VE DBSCRIBED SECTION 15: That both principal ot and interest on said bonds shall be payable in lawful money ot the United States of America, without exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, at THE FIBS'!' NATIONAL CI'l'Y BANK OP MEW YORK, Hew York, New York, or at the option of the Holder at the CITIZENS RATIONAL BANK, Lubboek,Texas, upon presentation and surrender of bonds or proper coupons. SECTION 16: That the corporate seal of the "CITY OF LUBSOCK,TEXAS" shall be impressed upon each or said bonds and said bonds and the interest coupons appurtenant thereto may be executed by the imprinted facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City secretary of the City, and execution in such manner shall have the same effect as it auch bonds and coupons had been signed by the Mayor and City Secretary by their manual signatures. Inasmuch as such bonds are required to be registere~ by the Comptroller or Public Accounts ot the State ef Texas~ only his signature (or that or a deputy designated in writing to act tor the ComptrOller) shall be required to be manually subscribed to -such bonds in connection with his registration certificate to appear thereon, as hereinafter provided; all in accordance with the provisions of Article 7173, Vernon•s Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, as amended. SECTION 17: That the following certificate shall be printed on the back of each bond: OWICE OP COMPTROLLER I STATE OP TEXAS REOISTER NO. -- I HEREBY CERTIFY that there is on tile and of record in -. my office a certificate of the Attorney General or the State or Texas, to the effect that this bond has been examined by him as required by law, and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State or Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon said City or Lubbock, Texas, and said bond has this day been registered by me. Texas, WITNESS MY HAND AID THE SEAL OF MY OFFICE at Austin~ ----------------------· comptroller or Publ!c lccounts or the State or Texas SECTION 18: BE IT PURTHER ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OP THE CrrY OP LUBBOCK: --. That special tunde to be designated "SPECIAL GENERAL OBLIGA'l'ION EOND FUliD., SERIES 1960" and "SPECIAL PARK OOND PUND., SERIES .l96o", are hereby ereated, ·and the proceeds ·or all taxes SBC'riOH 19: BE IT I'Oltl'HERORD.AIMED BY THE CITY COM.:, MISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK That the Mayor of said City shall be and he is hereby -authorized to take and have charge of all necessary orders and records pending investigation by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and shall take and have charge and control of the bonds herein authorized pending their approval by the Attorney General and their registration by the Comptroller or Public Accounts. SECTION 20: BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY THE CITY COM- MISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: That the sale of the bonds herein authorized to HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, .and ASSOCIATES at the price or par and accrued interest to date of delivery, plus a premium or $5,304.72 is hereby confirmed. Delivery or the bonds shall be made to said purchaser as soon as may be after the adoption of this ordinance, upon payment therefor in accord- ance with the ter.ms or sale. SEOTIOH 21 : AND BE IT FuRTHER ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: That the public importance of this measure, and the fact that it is to the best interest of the City to provide funds for the purpose of constructing the improvements and extensions herei contemplated at the earliest possible date for the imme~tate pre- servation of the public pleace, proper~y, health and safety of the citiz~ns of the City of Lubbock, constitute and create an emergenc and an urgent public necessity re~uiring that this ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and this ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take eftec and be in force immediately from and after its passage. PASSED AHD APPROVED~ this the ll day of !Pebruary,1960. ' r l)r./ • { 'I 'I ., CERriF~CATE OF CITY SECRETARY 'fHE STA'l'E OF TEXAS CITY OP LUBEOCK COUNTY OF LUBBOCK I I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City or Lubbock, Texas, DO HEREBY. CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance authorizing the 1esuanoe or $4,025,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK,TEXAS, GENERAL O~GATIOH BONDS, SERIES 19601', and $225,000 "CITY OF LUBEK>CK., '!'EnS, PARK BORDS, SERIES l960i', all dated March i .. 1960 (and lllinutes pertaining to its adoption), said ordinance passed and adopted by the City Commission on the 11th day of February, 1960, and which ordinance is of record in Book 19 Minutes of said Commission. page ___ 2 __ et seq., of the Dl WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto signed my name officially and affixed the seal of said City this tbe_!!_ day of February, 1960. (City Seal)