HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2024-R0197 - PO 31080754, Warren CAT, Repairs On A D6 Dozer - 04/09/2024�,� Cityof pURCHASE ORDER
P.O. BOX 2000
Ordered 3/12/2024 Freight
Requested 4/23/2024 Taken By
Delivery PER L MOBBS REQ 61038
Page -
Date -
Order Number
3/ 12/2024
31080754 000 OP
& Contract
PUR 17938/ BUYBOARD 646-21
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Mobbs: LMobbs��ylubbock.us or 806-775-2185
Description/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date
Dozer Rental - Repair 1.000 74,063.3200 EA 74,06332 4 23 2024
Total Order
Terms NET 10 EOM
74,06332 �
This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $74,063.32 awarded to Warren CAT of Lubbock, TX, on
_�nril9 , 2024. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Quote
dated February 15, 2024, from Warren CAT of Lubbock, TX, and BuyBoard Contract 646-21.
Resolution # 2024-R0197
Tray Pay , Mayor
Courtney az, City Secretary
��'� Cityof pURCHASE ORDER
P.O. BOX 2000
Ordered 3/12/2024 Freight
Requested 412312024 Taken By
Delivery PER L MOBBS REQ 61038
Page -
Date -
Order Number
31080754 000 OP
Director of Purchasing & Contract Management
PUR 179381 BUYBOARD 646-21
Commercial General Liabililv: Workers Compensation and Emplover Liabilitv:
$1,000,000 occurrence 1$2,000,000 aggregate (can be combined Statutory. If the vendor is an independent contractor with no
with an Excess Liability to meet requirement). CGL is required employees and are exempt from providing Workers'
in ALL contracts. It is perhaps the most important of Compensation coverage, they must sign a waiver (obtained
all insurance policies in a contractual relationship. It insures from COL Purchasing) and include a copy of their driver's
the Contractor has broad liability coverage for contractual license. Employer Liability ($1M) is required with
activities and for completed operations. Work 1 ers Compensation.
Commercial General Liability to include Products — Additional Policies:
Completion/OP, Personal and Advertising Injury, Garaee Liabilitv: No less than $2,000,000 combined single
Contractual Liability, Fire Damage (any one fire), and limit
Medical Expenses (any one person). Gara�ekeepers Le�al Liability Requirements:
No less than $1,000,000 per location
Automotive Liabilitv:
$1,000,000 occurrence
*The City of Lubbock (including its officials, employees and volunteers) shall be afforded additional insured status on a primary
and non-contributory basis on all liability policies except professional liabilities and workers' comp. *Waivers of Subrogation are
required for CGL, AL, and WC. *To Include Products of Completed Operations endorsement. *Carrier will provide a 30-day
written notice of cancellation, 10-day written notice for non-payment. *Carriers must meet an A.M. Best rating of A- or better.
*Subcontractors must carry same limits as listed above.
Rev. 3/2022
Seller and Buyer agree as
CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES. bv suoolvin¢ anv Goods or Servica that the Contractor hu read. Pollv
unders�ands. and will be in full comoliance with all �ems and conditions and �he dacrio�ive material contained herein
and anv addn�onal associatcd dacuments and Amendments. The Ci(y disclaims anv tertns and condilions yrovided bv
the Contractor unless aereed uoon in writine bv the oanies. In the event of conflict between �he Otv's terms a�d
co�i�ions and any trnns and wndiliont orovided bv Ihe Cont2Mor. �he lems and conditans nrovided herein shall
orevail. The �erms and conditions provided haein are �he final trnns aereed uoon bv Ihe oartins. and anv orior
conflictine �mnc shall be of no force or effce�.
I. SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS. Sella will package goods m accordance with good commercial praaice.
Each shipping container stiall be clearly and pm�unemly marked ac follows (a) Seller's name and addras, (b)
Consignee's name, address and purchaze order or purchase release number and Ihe supply agreemenl number d
appliwble, (c) Container number and total number of contamers, e g box I of 4 boxa, and (d) the number of the
container bearing Ihe packing slip. Selltt shall bear cas� of packaging unlas othmv�se prov�ded. Goods shall be
suitably packed to secure lowest iransportation casls and to conform wrth reqwrcmenis of common carriers and any
applicable specifica�ions. Buy+er's count or weight shall be final and conclusrve on sh�pmenls not accompamed by
packing lists.
2. SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHBITED Seller is �wt authorized to ship Ihe goods under
raervation and no tender of a bill of lading will opera�e az a tendtt of gaods.
3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. The �i�le and risk of loss of the good5 shall not pass to Buyer until Buyxr actually
receives and �aka possession of Ihe goods at Ihe point or points of delivery
4. NO REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTNE TENDER Every lender of delivery of goods must fully complywith all
provisions of this contracl az eo lime ofdelivery, qualityand the 10ce. Ifa lender �s made wh�ch doa not fully confortn,
this shall conttiwte a brcach and Sella shall not have �he nght to substrtute a con(o�ming lenda, provided, whae �he
�ime for performance has not yet expircd, the Sella may reasonably noufy Buyer of his intrn��on to cure and may
�hen make a confortning tender within �he contraA time but not afle`ward
5. INVOICES & PAYMENTS. a S e 1 I e r shall submu separate invoica, in duphwte, one wch purchase order or
purchase releate afler each delivery. Invoices shall indica�e the purchaze order or purchase releau number and
the supply agreement number if applicable. Invoices shall be nem�ud and Iransponation charges, if any, shall be
listed uparately. A copy of the bill of lading, and Ihe Geight waybJl when applicable, should be attached lo the
invoice. Mail To: Accounts Payable, City of Lubbock, P. O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 7945�. Payment shall not
be due untii �he above instruments are submitled aflerdelivery.
6. GRATUITIES. The Buyer may, by writtrn notice to the Seller, cancel this wntraa withow liabiliry �o Seller if
il is detemtined by Buyer that gramities, in �he form of rntenainmem, gifts or othefwise, were ofTaed ar given by the
Sella, or any agrnt or reprcsentative of the Seller, to any offiar or employee of the City of Lubbock with a viav �o
securing a contract or securing favorable treatment with rapect to the awarding or amending, or the making o( any
detertninations with rapec� to �he paforming of such a comraa. In the event �his wntrea is canceled by Buya
pursuant to Ihis provision, Buya shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and rcmedia, lo rccover or withhold
�he amount of the cost incurred by Seller in providing such graluities.
7. SPECIAL TOOLS & TFST EQUIPMENT. If Ihe price stated on the face haeof includa the cost of any special
looling or special tat equipment Fabriwted or requ'ved by Sella for the purpou of filling �his arder, such special
tooling equipmem and any procas shats rclated thercw shall become �he property of the Buyrr and ro the exlrnt
feasible shall be identified by Ihe Seller as such.
8. WARRANTY•PRICE. a The price lo be paid by Ihe Buysr shall be tha� contained in Seller's bid which
Seller warrants to be no higher than Seller's currrnt procas on orders by others for products of the kind and
specifiwlion covered by this agrmment for similar quantities unda similar of like conditions and methods of purchase.
In the event Sella brcacha this wa�ranty, Ihe prica of Ihe items shall be nduced lo the Seller's curtrnl prices
on orders by others, or in Ihe altemative. Buy¢r may cancel this contraa without liability to Seller tor brcach
or Sellei s ac�ual expense. b. The Seller wartants that no pason or ulling agency has been employed or Mained to
solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for commission, percrntage, brokeage, or contingent
fee excepting 6ona fide employees of bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maimained by �he Sella for
the pufpou of securing businas. For breach of viciation of this wa�ranty the Buyer shall have the right in addition to
any other right o( rights ro cancel this contract withom liability and to deduct from the contrac� price, or othmvice
recover withoul liability and �o deduct Gom the contrza price, orothrnvix recover the full amountofsuch commission,
percmtage, brokersge or contingeM fee.
9. WARRAMY-PRODUCT. Seller shall no� limit or exclude any implied warrantia and any attempt to do so shall
render this contract voidable at the option of the Buyer. Sella warrants �ha� the goods fumished will conform ro the
specifiwtion, drawings, and dacriptions listed in �he bid invitation, and to the umple(s) fumished by the Seller, if any.
In lhe event of a conflia or betwcen the specificalions, drawings, and dacriplions, the specifica�ions shall govem.
Nohvitlu�anding any provisions comained in Ihe contractual agreement, the Seller represents and warrants fault-Gee
perfom�anceand faull-trceraultintheprocessingdateanddaterclateddata (including, but not limited to cakulating,
comparing and sequencing) of all hardware, soflware and filmware products delivered and servica provided under
this Contract, individually or in combination, as Ihe case may be Gom the effeclive date of this Contracl The
obligations wntained herein apply �o pmducts and smices provided by the Seller, its sub Seller or any �hird pany
involved in the crea�ion or development of the products and services to be delivaed to the City of Lubbock u�a Ihis
Contract. Failurc �o comply with any of the obligations contained herein, may rcsult in �he City of Lubbock
availing itself of any of its rights under the law and unda �his Contraa including, but not limited to, i�s right penaining
lo tamination or default. The warrantia wntained herein are separate and discrete Gom any o�her warranties
specified in this Cantraa, and are not subject lo any disclaimer o(warranty, implied or expressed, or limitalion of Ihe
Seller's liabili�y which may be specified in this Contract, its apprndices, i�s schedules, its annexa or any document
incolporated in �his Cantrac� by rcfe2nce.
10. SAFETY WARRANTY. Seller wa�.ana that the producc sold to Ihe Buysr shall confo�m lo ehe slandards
promulgated by the U. S. Departmrnt of Labor wda the Occupational Sa&ry and Health Act of 1970. In the evmt �he
producl doa not confo`m �o OSHA standards, Buytr may rc�um the produa for cortmion or rcplacement at �he
Seller's eapense. In the event Seller fails to make the appropriate co�reclion within a reasonable time, wrtection
made by Buyer will be al Ihe Seller's expertse.
I I. NO WARRANTY BY BUYER AGAINST INFRINGEMEM'S. As pan of �his contract for sale Selltt agrea
ro azcertain whHher goods manufac�urcd in accordance with the specifica�ions aUached w this agreement will give
rise �o the righltul claim ot any �hird pnson by way of inGingement of the like. Buyer maka no wartanty Ihat the
produclion of gaods according �o Ihe specification will not give rise �o such a claim, and in no evrn� shall Buya be
liable to Seller for indemnification in Ihe event Ihat Sella is sued on the grou�s of infringement of �he like. If Seller
is of the opinion Ihat an infringement or the like will rault, he will notify the Buya to this effect in writing within two
w«ks aRer Ihe signing of Ihis agrament. If Buyer does no� rcceive nolice and is subsequently held liable for
the infnngement or the like, Seller will save Buyer hartnless If Sella in good faith ascMains the produclion of the
goods m acwrdance wilh the specifications will result in infringemrnt or the like, the contract shall be null a� void
12 NON APPROPRIATION. All funds for payment by the Cny unda this contract arc subject �o the availability of an
annual appropriation for this purpose by the C�ty. In the event of �ronappropriation of funds by �he Ciry Council of Ihe
Ciry of Lubbock for the grwds or services provided unda the wntract, the City will �ertninale the contraa, wilhom
tertnmauan charge or other liability, on the last day of Ihe �hrn-currrnt fiscal year or when the appropriation made for
the �hen•currcnt year for the goods or serv�ces covered by this contrad is spent, whichever event occurs first. 1(al any
time funds are not appmpriated !or Ihe continuance of Ihis conlracl, cancellalion shall be accepled by the Seller on
thirly (30) days prior writtrn no�ice, but failure to give such notice shall be of no eBea and the City shall not be
obhgaled under Iha contract beyond �he date of trnnination.
13 RIGHT OF MSPECTION. Buyer shall have the right to mspect the goods at delivery before accepting them
14. CANCELLATION. Buy+er slull have �he nght to cancel for default all or any part of the undelivered portion of
this order if Selltt breacha any of Ihe tem� hereof including warrantia of Seller or if the Seller becoma insolvem or
commns acts of bank`uptty. Such ngh� ofcancellauon is in addition to and nol in lieu of any other rcmedia which
Buyer may have in law or equily.
I S TERMMATION. The performance of work unda Ihis order may be termina�ed in whole, or in part by �he Buyer
in accordance with this provision. Trnnination of work hereunder shall be effated by the delivery of the Sella o(
a"Nonce of Temunation" specifying Ihe exlrnt to which performarce of work u�a the order is telminaled and the
date upon which such termination Ixcoma effective Such nght or tmnmauan �s m addition to and not in lieu of the
rights of Buyer set fonh in Clause 14, herein.
16. FORCE MAlEl1RE. Neither party shall be held raponsible for losses, resulting if the fulfillmem of any
tema of pmvisionc of �his contract is delayed or prcvmted by any wuse not wilhin the contml of the party whose
pttfortnance �s interfered with, and which by the exercise of reasonable diligence said party is unable to prevrnt.
17. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION. No righ� or interest in this contract shall be assigned or delegation of any
obligatwn made by Sella wilhout Ihe writtrn prnnission of �he Buyer. Any auempted auignment or delegation by
Seller shall be wlwlly void and to�ally ineffeaive for all purpose unlas made in con(ormitywith this paragraph
18. WANER. No claim or right arising out of a brcach of this conirad can be discharged in whole or in part by a
waiva or renunciation of the claim or rigM unlas �he waiver or renunciation is supponed by consideration and is in
wriling s�gned by the aggrievtd party.
19. INTERPRETATION-PAROLE EVmENCE. This writing, plus any specificanons (or bids and performance
provided by Buyer in its advMisement For bids, and any other documenis provided by Seller as part of his bid,
is intended by the parties az a final expression of the'v agreement and intended also az a complete and exclusive
stalement of the trnns of Ihe'v agreement. Whenever a trnn defined by the Uniform Commercial Code is used in this
agreemenl, lhe definilion contained in ihe Code is to wnlrol.
20. APPLICABLE LAW. Thit ageement shall be govemed by the Uniform Commercial Code. Wherever Ihe trnn
"Unifo`m Commercial Code" is used, il shall be constfued as meaning the Uniform Commercial Code az adopled in
�he Stam of Texaz as effective and in Porce on the date of this agrmmem.
21. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whenever one pany to �his comrza in good faith hat rcason lo quation the other
party's inirnt lo perfortn he may demand ihat Ihe otha party give written atsura�e of his intent �o perform. In ihe
wenl Ihal a demand is made and no sssurance is given within five (5) days, �he demanding party may treat Ihis
faJure as an anticipatory rcpudiation of the conlract.
22. INDEMNIFICATION. Sella shall indemnify, keep and save harmlas the Buyer, its agrnts, officials and
employsa, against all injuries, dwths, loss, damaga, claimc, patrnt claims, suits, liabilitia, judgmenis, cosls and
expenses, which may in anywise accrue againsl �he Buyxr in consequence of the granting of Ihis Contract or which
may anywise rauh thercfrom, whether or not it shall be alleged or detmnined that the act was caused �hrough
negligence or omission of the Selln or its employees, or of �he subSeller or assigna or ils employxa, if any, and the
Sella shall, at his own ezpense, appear, defend and pay all charga of a�tomeys and all ws�s and otha expenses
arising therefrom of incufred in connection themvith, and, if any judgment shall be rendered aga�nst the Buyer in any
such aclion, the Sella shall, at ils own expenses, satitfy and discharge the same Seller expressly understands and
agras Ihat any bond requ'ved by this contract, or othernise provided by Seller, shall in no way limit �he
raponsibility �o indemnify, keep and save hannlas and defend �he Buyer az httein provided
23. TafE. It is haeby expressly agrced and understood that �ime is of the asence for the performance of this
contracl, and failure by contraa to meet the time specifiwtionc of Iha agrament wdl cause Seller to be in default
of Ihis agreemem.
24. MBE. The City of Lubiack haeby �rotifia all bidders that in rcgard w any wntract mtercd imo pursuant �o
this rcquat, minority and women businas enterprisa will be afforded equal oppo`tunilies lo submil b�ds in response
to this invitation and will nol be discriminaled against on the grounds of race, wlor, ux or na�ursl origin in
consideratan for an award.
25. NON-ARBITRATION. The Ci�y resma the right to exercise any righ� or remedy to it by law, comract, equi�y, or
othmvix, including wi�hout limitalion, the right to sxk any and all fortnc of rclief in a court of competrn�
jurisdictioa Funher, �he Ciry shall not be subject ro any arbitrotion process prior lo exercising tls unrcstricted
right lo seek judicial remedy. The remedies set (oNh hercin are cumulative and na� exclusive, and may be exacised
concurtently To the ex�ent of any conflia betwmn �his provision and another provision m, or relaled to, Ih�s document,
this provision shall contml.
26. RIGHT TO AUDIT. A1 any lime during the le�m of Ihe conlracl, or Ihereafler, �he City, or a duly au�hurized
audit rcpresrn�ative of the Ciry or �he State of Texas, at its expense and at reasonable tima, rames �he right to
audit Contraaors rccords and books rclevant to all smica provided �o �he Ciry under Ihis Contraa. In the event such
an audil by Ihe City meals any errors or overyayments by the City, Contraaor shall rcfund the City the full amount
of such overyaymenls within thiny (30) days of such audit findings, or �he City, at its option, rama the right to
deduct mch amounts owing Ihe City from any payments due Contraaor.
27. The Contraaor shall not assign or sublet �he contract, or any portion of the wntract, without �vrittrn content from
the D'vecror of Purchazing and Contraa Managemrnt.
28. Conlracts with Compania Engaged in Businas with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Trnorist Olgani�auon Proh�brted.
Pursuanl to Section 2252.152 of Ihe Texac Govemment Code, prohibits Ihe Ci�y from entering imo a contract wnh a
vendor thal is idenlified by The Comptroller as a company known to have contrac�s wi�h or pmvide supplia or smice
with Iran, Sudan or a foreign tertorist organiu�ion
29. Texas Govemment Code. Sation 2252.908 rcqu'va a business entiry emering inm certain contracls with a
govemmental enliry or s�ale agrncy lo file with Ihe govemmental rn�ity or s�ate agmcy a discbsurc of interated pama
at Ihe time the businas entity submi�s the signed conhact lo the govemmental entity or starc agency. Instrucuons for
compleling Form 1295 are available at: htlp-�4s��1.�khhpckSx.uf��p�I�q�Gpi�i-.
30. No Boycott of Israel. Pursuant ro Section 2271.002 of �he Texat Govemment Code, Respondrnt cert�fies �hat
either (i) it mee�s an exemption criteria under Seaion 2271.002; or (ii) il doa not boycott Israel and will nol boycott
Israel during the tmn of Ihe contrad resulting Gom this solicitation. Rapondent shall sta�e any fac�s �hat make n
exempt �om Ihe boycott certification in its Raponse.
31. No Boycott of Energy Companies. Pursuant �o Section 2274 o(Ihe Texas Govemment Code, Respondrnt
certifies tha� either (i) it mens an exemption criteria under Sation 2274.002; or (ii) it does not boycou Energy
Companies and will �rot boyxotl Energy Compania during the �rnn of �he comrzct rcsulting from this whcitatwn
Raspondent shall state any faas Iha� make it exempt Gom �he boycott cMification in its Response.
32. No Boycott of a Fircartn Entity or Fircarm Trade Association. Pursuant lo Section 2274 of �he Texas
Govemment Code, Rapondrnt certifia Ihal either (i) il mmts an exemplion cri�eria under Sation 2274 002; or (�i) it
doa not boycotl a F'vearm Enti�y or F'vearm Trsde Associa�ion and will not hoycotl a F'vearm Entiry or Fvearm
Trzde Assoc�ation during the term of Ihe wmract resulting Gom this solicitation. Rapondem shall state any facts thal
make rt exempl from Ihe boycon certification in its Raponse.
33 Contrac�s with Companies Engagcd in Business wi�h Iran, Sudan, or Forcign Terronst Organ"vation Prohibned
Pursuant to Section 2252.152 of the Texas Govemment Code, prohibits the City from entenng inlo a contmd wnh a
vendor �hat �s identified by The Comptmller u a company known to have conlmets with or provide supphes or
serv�ce with Iran, Sudan or a farcign trnolist organiza�ion
34 TEXAS PUBLIC MFORMATION ACT. The requirements of Subchapta 1, Chapter 552, Govemment Code,
may apply to this contract and the conhactor or vendor agrca tha� the contraa can be �ttmmated �f the wmmctor or
vendor knowingly or intmtionally fails to comply wi�h a requircment of �hat subchapter
35 Pursuam to Section 552301(c) of �he Texaz Govemment Code, the City o(Lubbock has daignated �he followmg
email address for which public information requats may be made by an emailed requat� orrld m�lubb�xk us. Please
und tha requat to this email addras for it �o be processed
REV. 3•2022
LUBBOCK 806-745-4495
1 H E
� ' ' � Rental
Customer: 9982639
PO BOX 2000
LUBBOCK, TX 79457-0001
Signed By:
Rental Items
1 ID NO: C91604 SERIAL NO: OHYT00412
Miscellaneous Items
HRS OUT: 4560.0
Please Remit Payment To:
P.O. Box 842116
Dallas, Texas 75284-2116
Rental Subtotal:
Invoice Total
Tertns of Payment: Unless specific terms of payment are stated above, which shall then be the goveming terms hereof, this mvoice shall otherwise be due and payable in full 30 days from
the invoice date. Perfortnance under this invoice along with jurisdiction and venue shall be in Midland County. Texas. TITLE TO EQUIPMENT LISTED ON THIS INVOICE SHALL REMAIN
IN WARREN CAT UNTIL PURCHASE PRICE IS PAID IN FULL. Claims for damages and shortages wdl not be considered unless made within fifteen days after receipt of shipment. Our
responsibitity ceases upon obtaining receipt from Vansporlation company. Acceptance of goods or services constitutes acceptance of the Warren Cat Standard Terms and Conditions which
are incorporated by reference and available at http:/Mrww.warrencat.comftertns-conditions or upon request.
Rental Invoice
Invoice B21108165
Invoice Amount: $74,063.32
Invoice Date: 02/15/2024
Jobsite: RENTAL
Phone: 817-455-3014
17304 N FM2528
Written By: Damon Hughes
Sales Rep: KOLEY SCHAFFNER (G-7-938)
Printed on Wednesday, March s, 2024 3.02 09 PM by CPYLES InvoiCe No. RR0221108165 B21108165 Page 1 of 1
Vendor Warren Cat
Contact Autumn Severson
Phone 806-336-3083
Email autumn.severson@warrencat.com
Vendor Website www.warrencat.com
TIN 74-2765226
Address Line 1 702 East Slaton Rd.
Vendor City Lubbock
Vendor Zip 79404
Vendor State TX
Vendor Country USA
Delivery Days 10
Freight Terms FOB Destination
Payment Terms Net 30 days
Shipping Terms Pre-paid and added to invoice
Ship Via Common Carrier
Designated Dealer No
EDGAR Received Yes
Service-disabied Veteran Owned No
Minority Owned No
Women Owned No
National Yes
No Foreign Terrorist Orgs Yes
No Israel Boycott Yes
ESCs 9, 14, 1 S, 16, 17, 18
States Oklahoma, Texas
Contract Name Rental Services of Construction Equipment, Vehicles, and
Other Equipment
Contract No. 646-21
Effective 07/01/2021
Expiration 06/30/2024
Accepts RFQs Yes
Quote Reference Number 646-21
Return Policy Rental equipment should be called off rent at the time it is
ready to return or picked up.
3/13/2024 2:06 PM