HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2537-1958 - Replaced By Ordinance 2545 - 07/24/1958WHEREAS, the City Co de.scribe~ there is an area City Limits, which is in 1· ofdevelopm experienced by the City Lubbock, and the Commission f' s further • fore annexed, and 1 and bounds in the 0 ·~ !NANCE NO. 2537 -08 ~I lf---,~5---~----~, RACTS OF LANO,. ICH A CITY OF £are1 and the Commission ovisions of the City of Lub- THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: ea of land contained within the following described tract and area of land, and which area contained therein has not hereto fore been annexed to and brought within the corporate limits of the City of Lubboc ~ and which area contained therei~ considered as one tract of lan~ abuts and is adjacent to the existing corporate lirnif;s of the City of Lubbock in Lubbock County"t Texas, and included within the area described by metes and bounds as follows; to-wit, BEGINNING at a point in the West line of Survey 10, Block 11A 11 and 150 feet North of ~he North line of the South one-half section of said Survey lOa Block "A"; THENCE East parallel to and 150 feet North of the North line of the South one-half section of Survey 10,, Block "A" to a point 150 feet East and 150 feet North of the intersection of said one-half section line with the East line of said Survey 10, Block 11A 11; THENCE South parallel t~ and 150 feet East of the East line of Surveys 10 and 7~ Block "A", (being 150 feet East of the approximate center line of 'a street to be known as Quirt Avenue), to a point 150 feet North and 150 feet East of the Southeast corner of said Survey 7f u THENCE East parallel to and 150 feet North of the North lines of Surveys 5 and 6, Block "A11 (being 150 feet North of approxi- mate c enterline of 'a street to be known as Ursuline Street) to a point 150 feet East and 150 feet North a£ the Northeast corner of said Survey 6; THENCE South parallel to and 150 feet East of the East lines of Surveys 6 and 3, Block 11A 11• {being 150 feet East of the approximate centerline of a str\et to be known as O)ive Avenue) to a point 150 feet East of the So\!theast corner of said Survey 3, said point being in the approximate centerline of 4th Street; t7(THENCE continuing South parallel to and 150 feet East of the East , ~nes of Survey 5, Block 110 11, Survey 2, Block 11 B 11 , and Survey 1, 1)\lock "B", (being approximately 150 feet East of the centerline of a street to be known as Olive Avenue}, to a point in the South line of Survey 11, Block "B1'; THENCE continuing South 841 feet West of the East lines of Surveys 1 and 4, Block 11S11 to a point 300 feet Northeast of the centerline of the Panhandle and Santa Fe Railway Company's m~in line. right of way as measured at right ang les to said right of way;,· THENCE South 39°421 East parall41 to and 300 fe'et from the centerline of said Railway right off way a distance of 5950 feet to a point; THENCE South S5°0t East a distance of 1900 feet to a point; THENCE South 35~0t West 8001; 0 more or less THENCE North 67 0' West 5322. ~l'feet/t.o a point 1 SO feet South of the South line of Survey 4, B.lock 115 11 ; THENCE West parallel to and 150· feet South of the South lines of Surveys 4 and 3, Block usu (being approximately ISO feet South of the centerline of a street to be known as 82nd Street} to a point in the West line of Survey 6, Block 115 11 ; THENCE continuing West across Survey 23, Block '1R 11 to a point in the East line of Survey 7, Block 11 E11 , said point being 150 feet South of the South line of Survey 6, Block 11E 11 ; THENCE continuing West parallel to and 150 feet South of the .South line of Survey 6, Block 11E 11 to a point in the West line of Survey 7, Block 11 E"; THENCE continuing West parallel to and 150 feet South of the South lines of Surveys 5 and 4, Block i•Eu and Surveys 12, 11, 10 and 27, Block "''E-211 and Survey 29, Block "AK11 (being lSO feet South of the approximate centerline of proposed street to be known as 82nd Street) to a point 150 feet South and 150 feet West of the Southwest corner of said Survey 29, Block 11AK11 ; "-,- '. THENCE North parallel to and 150 feet West of the West lines of Surveys 2.9, 36, 37 and 44, Block 11AK"; and Survey 9, Block "JS", (being 150 feet..West of the approximate centerline of a proposed street to be known as Milwaukee Avenue) to a point 150 feet North and 150 feet West of the Northwest corner of Survey 9. Block 11 JS"; THENCE East parallel to and 150 feet North of the North line of Survey 9, Block UJS" to a point lying 150 feet West of the West line of Survey 1, Block 11 JSn; THENCE North parallel to and 150 feet West of · the West lines of Surveys 1, and 6, Block 11JS11, (being approximately ISO feet West of the proposed centerline of Frankford Avenue) to a point 150 feet North and 150 feet West of the Northwest corner of Survey 6, Block 11JS11 ; THENCE East parallel to and 150 feet North of the North line of Surveys 6 and 5, Block 11JSU, and Survey 18, Block 11A 11 , (being 150 feet North of the approximate centerline of Ursuline Street) to a point 150 feet North and 150 feet West of the Northeast corner of Survey 18, Block "A11 ; THENCE North parallel to and 150 feet We.st of the West line of Survey 12, Block 11A 11 and Survey 2, Block 11D411 to a point 150 feet West and 150 feet North of the North line of the South one hall of said Survey 2, BlocklD411; THENCE East parallel to and 150 feet North of the North lines of the South one -half of Surveys 2 and 1, Block "D411 and the South one-half q£ Survey 9, Biock "A" to the POINT OF BEGINNING, all in Lubbock County, Texas, BE and the same is hereby annexed to and included within the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock. SECTION Z. This ordinance shall be forthwith published in a daily news- paper published in the City of Lubbock, Texas, one (1) time and shall not be thereafter finally acted upon until at least thirty (30) days have elapsed after such publication, and if finally passed in its present form the boundary limits o£ the City of Lubbock shall thereby be fixed to include the area, territory and extension described in Section 1 of this Ordinance, {which contained area has not heretofore been annexed, containing approximately 28, 829 acres lying between the present City Limits and the new boundary established by this Ordinance), and the corporat boundaries of the City are hereby extended in accordance therewith. AND IT IS SO ORDERED • .2--+ ;J;~}!) ~ Passed by the Commission on first reading this 24th day of July 195 8 • --------~ - ~oR------~------~ ATTEST: ·---------------.....-----· City Secretary-Treasurer The foregoing Ordinance having been duly published as provided therein on the ~7th day of July , 195 JL_. in a daily newspaper published in the City of Lubbock, Texas, to-wit; A.u~-Jomonal , 'I and thirty days have elapsed since saiCfpUb!lcatioh, the IoregoTng Ordinance-- was passed by the Commission on second reading this the }4th day of Auguot , 195~. MAYO~-------------- ATTEST: