HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2396-1958 - $3,379,000 Waterworks System Revenue Bonds - 02/10/1958) I ) - ·~ O.;l-lO-~ .95e ORDINANCE NO. 2396 "-' ,) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $3,3791 000 "CI'l'Y OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WATERWORKS SYSTEM DVBHUE BONDS, SERIES l958tt, DATED MARCH 1, 1958 THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF LUBBOCK COUNTY OF LUBBOCK I ON THIS the lOth day ot Bebruary, 1958, the City Comndssion of the Oity ot Lubbock, Texas, convened in SPECIAL ses,ion at the regular meeting place theregf in the City Hall, all the members thereof being present, to-wit: S. S. FORREST, Ja. LDNIS BADR 0. L. BYRD HOMER G. MAXEY DAVID CASEY MRS. LA VENIA LOWE MAYOR ) j OOMMISSIONBBS ) and Oifi SECRETARY, also being present; constituting a quorum, at which time the following among other business was transacted: Oouaissioner ___ --:;;..Bmt~-----presented for the Consider ation ot the City Commission an ordinance authorizing the issuance of "OI'l'Y OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WATERWORKS SYS'l'EM BEVBNUE BONDS, SERIES 1958n, dated March 1, 1958, in the principal sam of $3,379,000. The ordinance was read in tul~ by the City secretar7. Thereupon, Co.missioner Byrd moved that the ___ ....:;.. __ _ rule requiring that no ordinance shall be passed on the day on whioh it ia introduced be suspended, ana that in view ot the emergency set rorth and defined in the preamble to the proposed ordinance, tbat~e same be declared an emergency measure. l J This motion was duly seconded by commisa1oner _____ c~a-s~e~y---------· The motion carried by the following vote: YEAS: Mayor Forreat and OODUDiss1Gners Baker, Byrd, Maxey and casey. NAYS: None Thereupon, Cammissioner Byni moved that the __ __;, ____ _ ordi.nance as read in tull by the City Secretary be tinally passed and adopted by the Commission. This motion waa aeconded by Oommisaioner ____ c_a_sey~-----------' and the mo,ion carrying with it the final passage and adoption ot the ordinance, was unantmoualy carried by the following vote: YEAS: Mayor ~orrest and Commissioners Baker, Byrd, Maxey and Casey. NAYS: .None. Thereupon, the Mayor announced that the ordinance had been finally passed and adopted by unanimous vote ot the Com- mission in accordance with the require.menta ot Sections 15, 16 and 17 ot Article IX ot the Lubbock Charter; and the Mayor thereupon signed and approved the ordinance in the presence of the Oomm1ss1on. Tbe ORDINANCE is as follows: ltUMBER 2396 "AN ORDINANCE by the Oity Commtaa1on of the City ot Lubbock, Texas, authorizing the issuance ot bonds in the principal sum of $3,379,000 ($275,000 Gf such bonds being the fourth and tinal parcel or installment or a total authorization of $4,644,000 bonds voted at an election held on the 9th day ot December, 1952J and $3,104,000 ot such bonds being the aeoond parcel or installment ot a total autho- rization of $9,o80,000 bonds voted at an election held on the 8th day ot November, 1955) ror the purpose ot making permanent pub~1o tmprovementa, to-wit: constructing improvements and extensions to the City1 s Waterworks System, Sanitary Sewer System and Electric Light System, as authorized by the General Laws of the State ot Texaa, particularly v Articles 1111 et ·ae•·~ Revised Civil Statutes ot 19256 as amended; preser!bing the to~ ot the bond and the :form ot interest aoupon; pledging the revenues ot the City1s Waterworks System to the payment ot the principal ot and interest on the bonds, after deduction ot reasonable expenses ot operating and maintaining said system; enact- ing provisions incident and relating to the subject and purpose ot this ordinance; and declaring an emergency." WHEREAS, under and by virtue ot a resolution and order duly passed and adopted by the City Commission ot the City ot Lubbock, Texas, on the 21st day ot Noveaber, 1952, an election was ordered to be held in said City on the 9th day ot »eoember, 1952, at which eleo~ion the following propositions were sub- mitted to the qualified electors ot said 01ty: "SHALL the City Oa..ission ot the City ot Lubbock. Texas, be authorized to issue POUR MILLION ONE HUNDRED NINET.EBN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,119,000) revenue bonds of said Oity tor the purpose ot making permanent public improvements, to-wit: constructing ~provementa and ex-tensions to the 01tr•a Waterworks System; said bonds to mature aerially over a period of not to exceed thirty (30) yeara from their date~ and to bear interest at a rate not to exceed THREE AND 'rHBEE-FOUBTHS PER CEN'fl»> (3-3/4.) per annum, payable annual~y or semi-annually; said revenue bonds to be special obligations of the City, payable as to both principal and interest solely from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the revenues ot the Oity1s Waterworks System, after deduction ofl8asonable operation and maintenance expenses, as said expenses are defined by statute?" PROPOSITION NUMBBR 2 "SHALL the City Commission of the City or LubbockJ Texas, be authorized to issue FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY PIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($525,000) revenue bonds or said City for the purpose ot making permanen~ public improvements~ to-wit: constructing improvements and extensions to the City's Sanitary Sewer System, said bonds to mature aerially over a period of not to exceed thirty (30) years from their date, and to bear interest at a rate not to exceed THRBB AND THRD-J.i'OURTHS PER CENTUM (333/4~) per annum~ payable annually or semi-annually; said revenue bonds to be special obligations of the City, payable as to both principal and interest solely from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the revenues of the City1s Waterworks System, after de4uot1on ot reasonable operation and maintenance expensea#aa said expenses are detined by statute?11 3 AND WHEREAS, the said election was held pursuant to said resolution and order on the 9th day of December, 1952; and WHEREAS, this Oity Commission has heretof~re examined into and investigated the regularity ot the proceedings tor said election, and tound that the same was duly and legally held; that the notice required by law to be given had been duly and legally given; that said election was conducted in strict con- formity with the law; and that due returns of said election bad been made by the proper officers; and WHEREAS, at said election, a majority of the qualified voters who are property taxpayers of the City ot Lubbock, voting at said election, sustained both ot ·the propoaitions to issue the aforesaid bonds, 1n the aggregate principal sum of $4,644,000; and WHEREAS, this City Commission bas heretofore, to-wit: on the ll~h day of December, 1952, adopted a resolution can- vassing the returns and declaring the results ot said election and determining the spee1tic authority of the City to issue said revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, it was provided in the aforesaid resolution and order calling said election that the bonds ot the two series hereinabove mentioned were to be ratably secured in such manner that no one bond shall have priority 0t lien over any other bond or bonds, it being the intention to provide tor the creation ot an indebtedness against tne City1a Waterworks System for the purposes therein stated; and which bonds~ if approved by the qualified voters, voting at said election, were to be issued as one aeries; and WHEREAS, the City Comm1aaion heretofore, to-wit: on the 24tb day ot April, 1953, adopted and passed an ordinance by which $2~045,000 o~ the $4~644,000 uonds voted aa atoreaaid, were authorized and issued, said ordinance having been ratified, confirmed and approved by ordinance passed and adopted on the 26th day ot May 1 1953; $1,795,000 ot the bonds so issued being for the construction of improveaents and extensions to the City's Waterworks System, and $250,000 of the bonds so issued being tor the construction ot improvements and extensions to the City 1a Sanitary Sewer System; it being determined by the Oity Commis- sion at that ttme that the remaining amount ot said bonds, to-wit $2,599,000~ should be issued at a future date or dates, when in the judgment of the City Commission, the proceeds ot the said additional bonds are needed by the City tor the purposes tor which authorized; it being also turther provided that it and when such remaining $2,599,000 ot bGnds, or any portion thereof, should be issued and sold, said bonds so issued and sold, to- gether with the $2,045,000 ot bonds therein authorized to be issued, should be ratably secured by a pledge of the net revenues ot the City's Waterworks System in such manner that no one bond ot the total authorized amount ot $4,644,000 shall have priority ot lien over any other bond or bonds or said authorized amount; and it being also turther provided that the City shall not issue and sell any ot auch remaining bonds authorized at said election, until such ttme as the City has secured troa a Certified Public Accountant a certificate showing that the net revenues and income ot the Waterworks System, after full p~ovisiona have been made tor adequate maintenance and operation charges, tor the last completed fiscal year immediately preceding the issuance and sale ot the additional bonda1 is equal te at least two times the average of the total annual principal, intereat and reserve requirements provided tor the bonds authorized by the ordinance or April 241 1953, as ratified~ confirmed and approved May 26~ 1953 1 plus the average annual principal, interest and any reserve requireaents ot the proposed bonds.; and that the Oity has secured a certificate troa an Engineer registered by the State Board ot Registration tor Professional Engineers ot the State of Texas, showing that tbe prGJeoted net inco.e and reve- nues of said Waterworks System, atter provision for adequate maintenance and operation expenses, as estimated by him through- out tbe maturities of all suoh bonds, will each year, be at least two times the average annual principal, interest and re- serve require.ents ot all bonds payable troa such revenues, whiob will be outstanding atter tbe issuance of the additional bonds; and WHEHBAS, thereafter, t9-w1t: on the 9th day of Febru- ary, 1954, it having been tound and deter.mined that all require- menta pertaining to the issuance ot additional bonds ef the voted authorization had been complied with, by ordinance duly passed and adopted, the City Commission authorized the issuance of an additional $1,000,000 of the $4,644,000 bonds voted as aforesaid, said ordinance being thereafter amended on the 25th day ot Webruary, 1954, such bonds being tor the construction ot ~proveaenta and extensions to the C1ty•a Waterworks System, it being determined by the Cit7 Commission at that time tbat the reaa1n1ng amount ot said Bonds, to-wit: $1,599,000 should be issued at a future date or dates when in the judgment ~t the Cit Oomaiasion, the proceeds ot the said additional bonds are needed b7 the City tor the purposes tor whic~ authorized; said ordinano furth~r providing that the issuance ot additional bonds of the voted authorization should be governed by the same covenants, restrictions and limitations as those set forth in the ordi- nance authorizing the issuance ot the $2,045,000 bonds ot the first iastal~ent; and WHEREAS, under and by virtue of a resolution and order duly passed and adopted by the City Commissioa or the City of Lubbock, 'l'exas, on the 21st day of October, 19551 &JK election was ordered to be held 1n said Oi~y on the 8th day of November, 1955, at which election the tollowing propositions were sub- mitted to the qualified electors of said Cityz PROPOSITION HUMBER 1 . "SHALL the City comm1ss1on ot the City of Lubboek, Texas, be authorized to issue THHEE MILLION ]i)OLLABS ($3,000,000) revenue boRda or saicl Oity for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: constructing improvements and extensions to the City's Waterworks System; said bonds to mature serially over a period of not to exceed Thirty (30) years rroa their date, and t(!) bear interest at a rate not to exceed THBEE J.l«) 'l'HREE-POURTHS PBR CENTUM (3-3/4-) per annum, payable annually or semi-annually; said revenue bonds to be special obligations or the City, payable as to both princ1pal and interest solely from and secured by a first lien on and pledge ot the revenues ot the City's Waterworks System, after de- duction or reasonable operation and maintenance ex- pence&, aa said expenses are defined by statute,?" PROPOSITION NUMBER 2 "SHALL the City Commission ot the City of Lubbock, Texas, be authorized to issue SIX MILLION EIGH'l'Y THOUSAND DOLLARS ($6,080,000) revenue bonds of sai4 City for the purpose ot making permanent public improvements, to-wit: constructing improvements and extensions to the Oity•s Electric Light System; said bonds to mature serially over a period of not to exceed Thirty (30) years trom their date, and to bear interest at a rate not to exceed THBEB AND THREE- FOUR'l'IIS PBB OBW.rUM (3-3/4~) per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, said revenue bonds to be special obligations of the City, payable as to both principal and interest solely from and secured by a first lien on and pledge or the revenues ot the City1s Waterworks System, after deduction ot reasonable operation and maintenance expenses, as said expenses are defined by sta~ute?" AND WHEREAS, the said election was held pursuant to said resolution and order on the 8th day of November, 1955; and - WHEREAS, this City Collllission has heretofore examined into an4 investigated the regularity of the proceedings tor said election, and found that the same was duly and legally held; that the notice required by law to be given had been duly and legally given; and that said election was conducted in strict cont~r.mity with the law; and that due returns of said election ha been made by the proper otticers; and WHEREAS, at said election, a maJority of the qualified voters who are property taxpayers ot the City of Lubbock, voting at said election, sustained both ot the propoaitisns to issue the atoreeaid bonds, in the aggregate principal sum ot $9,080,000 and WHEREAS, this City Commission has heretofore, to-wit: on the lOth day of November, 1955, adopted a resolution can- vassing tae returns and declaring the results of said election and deter.mining the specific authority of the city to issue said revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, it was provided in the aforesaid resolution and order calling said election that the bonds of the two series tberein mentioned were to be ratably secured in such manner that no one bond shall have priority of lien over any other bond or bonds so provided, and 10 that no one bond authorized at the election therein ordered shall have priority or lien over any of tbe $4,644,000 Waterworks System Revenue Bonda authorized at the election held in said City on the 9th day of December, 1952, it being the intention to provide for the creation ot an in- debtedness against the Cityta Waterworks System tor the purposes stated; and whioh bonds, it approved by the qualified voters, voting at said election, were to be issued in one or more in- stallments, but as a single combined authorization payable from the net revenues of the City's Waterworks System on a parity with the $4,644,000 Waterworks System Revenue Bonds authorized at the election held in the City ot Lubbock, Texas, on tbe 9th day ot December~ 1952, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, thereafter, to-wit: 0n the 14th day of Februar,r 1956, it having been round and determined that all requirements pertaining to the issuance of additional bonds as provided in the ordinances authorizing the issuance of the two installments or bonds voted at the election ot December 9, 1952 had been complied with~ by ordinance duly passed and adopted, the City Commission authorized the issuance ot an additional $1,324,000 being all the remaining bonds voted for constructing improvements and extensions to the Oity1s Waterwo~a Systea at the election ot December 9, 1952, it being determined by the Oit7 Commission at that time that the remaining amount ot said Bonds, to-wit& f275,000 voted tor constructing improvements and extensions to the City's Sanitary Sewer Syate• should be issued at a future date or dates when in the judgment ot the City Co~ssion~ the proceeds ot the said additional bonds are needed by the City for tbe purposes tor which authorizedJ and WHEBEAS, by the same ordinance of February 15, 1956, the City CoJIIIIlission authorized the issuance ot $5,976,000 bonds ot tbe $9,080,000 bonds authorized at the election ot Noveaber 8, 1955, being $2,476,000 for constructing improvements and extensions to the City's Waterworks System and $3,500~000 tor constructing improvements and extensions to the CitJis Electric Light System, it being detei'IIined that the remaining amount or said bQnda, to-witz $524,000 bonds tor constructing improve- menta and extensiaa to the C1ty•s Waterworks System, and $2,580,000 bonds for constructing ~provementa and extensions to the Cit~•s Electric Light System, aggregating $3,104,000 should be issued at a tuture date or dates, when in the judgment ot the City Commission the proceeds ot said additional b~nds are needed for the purposes for which authorized; and WHEREAS, said ordinance of February 15, 1956 further provided that if and wben such remaining $275,000 ot bonds heretofore voted at the Election of December 9, 1952, and the remaining $3,m04,000 ot bonds voted at the Election of November 8, 1955, or any portion thereof, should be 1aaued and sold, said bonds, so issued and sold, together with the $2,045,000 or bonds dated June 1, 1953, the $1,000,000 of bonds dated March 1, 1954 the $1~)00,000 of bonds dated March l, 1956, and such other bends of the $4,644,000 authorization voted at the election of December 9, 1952, and such other bonds ot the $9,080,000 .authorization voted at the election of November 8, 1955, as may have been issued and sold shall be ratably secured by a pledge ot the net revenues of the Oity•s Waterworks System in such mann~r that no one bond or the total authorized amount ot $4.644.000 or the total authorized amount or $9,o80,000 afore- said. shall have priority or lien over any other bond or bon4s ot said authorized amounts; and WHBRBAS, it was provided in the ordinances authorizing the issuance ot the b~nds dated June 11 1953, larch 1. 1954 and March 1, 19561 that the City shall not_isaue and aell any ot such remaining bonds until such ttme as the City has secured from a Catif1ed Public Accountant a certificate showing that the net revenues and income of the Waterworks System after full provisions have been made tGr adequate maintenance and operation chargesJ for the last completed fiscal year ~ediate­ ly preceding tbe issuance and sale ot the additional bonds ia }0 - equal to at least two times the average annual principal interest and reserve requirements provided for the bonds dated June 1, 1953, the series ot bonds dated March 1, 1954 and the aeries ot bonds dated March l, 1956, plus the average annual interest principal and any reserve requirements ot the proposed bondsJ and in addition that the City haa secured a certificate from an Engineer regtatered by the State Board or Registration for Pro- fessional Engineers ot the State ot Texas, showing that the projected net income and revenues of said Waterworks System, after providing tor adequate maintenance and operation expenses, as estimated by him throughout the maturities ot all such bonds, will each year, be at least two times the average annual pr1noipa interest and reserve requirements ot all bonds payable from such revenues, which will be outstanding arter the issuance ot the additional bonds~ and WHEHBAS, it is now found and determined by the Oity Commission ot the City ot Lub~ook, !exas, that the City 1& not 1n default as to an7 covenant, condition or obligation contained in the ordinance of April 24, 1953, aa ratified, approved and confirmed on May 26, 1953, or the ordinance of February 9, 1954, as amended on Pebrurary 25, 1954, authoriztg the issuance of the first and aecond installments ot the bonds voted at the elec- tion ot December 9, 19521 and that the City is not in default as to any covenant, condition or obligation contained in the ordinance or Pebruar,y 14th, 1956, authorizing the issuance of the third installment ot bon4s voted at the election of December 9, 1952 and the first installment ot bonds voted at the election or Novembeb 8, 1955; and WHEREAS, it is now round and determined by the Oity Cemmiss1on that the net revenues and income of the Waterworka S7stem of the City or Lubbock~ Texas, fQr the last completed fiscal 7ear ~ediately preceding the sale of the bonds herein authorized, and being the fiscal year ending September 30, 1957 .. after ."deducting adequate maintenance and operation expenses /. t; have been certified by ____ ~R~o~b=er-t._E~·-A~b~b~e----------------~' a Certified Public Accountant, to be equal to at least two times the average of the total annual principal, intereat and reserve requirements provided for the bonds authorized heretotore,- bei~g $2,045,000 "Orl'Y OJ' LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WATERWORKS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES l953tt, dated June 1, 1953, the $1,000,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WA'fBRWOftKS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES l954tt, dated March l, 1954; and the $7,300,000 "CITY OF LUDOOK, TEXAS, VA'l'EHWORKS SYSTEM BEVENT:JE BONDS, SERIES 1956" 1 dated Mareh 1, 1956; and the average annual principal, interest and reserve requirements et the $3,379,000 additional bQnds herein authorized to be issuedJ and further, that the City has secured a certificate from John Hickerson ,an ------------------------------~ Engineer registered by the State Board or Registration tor Prot•saional Engineers of the State ot Texas, showing that the projected net incoae and revenues or aaid Waterworks System, after providing for ade•uate maintenance and operation expenses, as estt.ated by him throughout the maturities or all the bonds heretotore and herein authorized, will each year, be at least two tiaea the average annual principal, interest and reserve requirements ot the Series 1953 Bonds, the Series 1954 Bonds, the Series 1956 Bonds, and of the bonds herein authorized tG be ia·aued; and WHEREAS, it is now determined by the City Commission that it is desired at this time to issue all ot the remaining bonds voted tor constructing iaprovementa and extensions to the City's Sanitary Sewer System at the election or December 9, 1952 in the amount of $275,000; WHEREAS, it is also now determined by the Oity Com- mission that it is desired at this time to issue all of the remaining bonds voted at the election of November 8, 1955 being $524,000 bonds for constructing improvements and extensions to the City's Waterworks System and $2,580,000 bonds tor con- structing improvements and Extensions to the Cityts Electric Light System, aggregating $3,104,000; and WHEREAS, it is considered, tound and deter.mined that it is advisable and 1n the best interest ot the Oity Q! Lubbock to make appropriate provision• herein tor the future issuance or additional revenue bonds tor water, sewer and electric pur- poses, which, it and when authorized in accordance with law, are to occupy a position ot parity and enjoy an equality ot lien on the revenues ot the City's Waterworks System with the bonds authorized at the elections ot December 9, 1952 and November 8, 1955; and further to herein prescribe the restric- tions, eovenanta and ltmitat1ons which shall govern the issuance ot suoh additional parity bondSJ and WHEREAS, it is FOUND DETERMINED AND ADJUDGED that it ia necessary and to the best interest ot the City to construct improvements and extensions to the City's Waterworks System, Sanitary Sewer System and Electric Light System at the earliest possible date, tor the immediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety of the citizens of the CitJ or Lubbock, Texas, and that by virtue thereof this ordinance shall be passed and adopted as an emergency measureJ therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE OITY OF LUBBOCJCs SECTION 1: Authorization -Principal Amount -Designa- tion. That in order to borrow the said sum of THREE MILLION 'l'HREE HUNDRED DVENTY NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,379,000), tor l3 the purpose of making permanent public improvements, to-wit: constructing improvements and extensioas to the Oity1 a Waterworks System, Sanitary Sewer System and Electric Light System, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, by virtue of the authority expressly conferred upon it by the qualified voters of said City, voting at the aforesaid elections and pursuant to the General Laws of the State of Texas, particularly Articles llll et aeq. Texas Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, as amended, has determined that there shall be issued and there is hereby issued a series of coupon bonds in the tot&lprincipal sum of THREE MILLION 'l'HREB HUNDBED SEVENTY NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,379,000), ($275,000 of such bonds being a tourth and final parcel or installment of a total authorization of $4,644,000 bonds voted at an eleat1on held on the 9th day ot December, 1952; and $3,104,000 of sueh bonds being the second and final parcel or installment of a total authorization of $9,0SO,OOO bonds voted at an election held on the 8th day of November, 1955), such bonds to be designated "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WATERWORKS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 195811 , payable as to both principal and interest solely from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the revenues ot the 01ty 1s Waterworks System after deduction of reasonable operation and maintenance expenses, as said expenses are defined by statute. SECTION 2: Date, Numbers, Maturity and Option • That said bonda small be dated March 1, 1958; shall be numbered consecutively from One (1) to Three Thousand Three Hundred " Seventy Nine (3379), both inclusive; shall be 1n the denomina- tion ot one Thousand Dollars {$1,000) each; and shall becgme due and payable serially, w1thGut right of prior redemption, in aooordance with the following schedule: BOND NUMBERS (All Inclusive} MA 'rtJRI'l'Y DATES AMOUNTS 1 to 135 June 1~ 1959 $1351000 136 to 270 June 11 1960 135,000 271 to 405 June 1, 1961 135,000 406 to 540 June 1, 1962 135,000 541 to 684 June 1, 1963 144,000 685 to 829 June 1, 1964 1451000 830 to 974 June 1., 1965 145.-000 975 to 1119 June 1, 1966 145,000 1120 to 1264 June 1, 1967 145,00G 1265 to 1409 June 1, 1968 145,000 1410 to 1554 June 1, 1969 145,000 1555 to 1699 June 1, 1970 145,000 1700 to 1839 June 1, 1971 140,000 1840 to 1979 June 1, 1972 140,0QO 1980 to 2119 June 1, 1973 140,000 2120 to 2259 ·June 1, 1974 140,000 2260 to 2399 June l, 1975 140,000 2400 to 2539 June l, 1976 140,000 2§~0 to 2679 June 1, 1977 140,000 2680 to 2819 June 1, 1978 140,000 2820 to 2959 June 1, 1979 140,000 2960 to 3099 June 1, 1980 140,000 3100 to 3239 June 1, 1981 140,000 ,3240 to 3379 June 1, 1982 140,000 SECTION 3: Interest. That said bonds shall bear interest trom date until paid at the following rates per annum, that is to say:-- (a) Bonds Numbered 1 to ~4-o , both inc1aaive, maturing on June 1st in eaeh Gf the years 1959 to 19 bJc:, both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate or l..a...:.\\...:.~~t:~c_+-.:..-;~:..:.'1.~.o~Ro.~o~t"~~E._-...~t....:OU~J\.,::C.a..:kt§.:..&.;:;:. ________ ~PER CENTUM ( >3 .sJy.-"') per annwn; (b) Bonds Numbered ..{ l} i to _b~e -4-tf: _ _., both in- elusive, maturing on June lst in each or the years 19 b~ t0 19 ---, both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate or ]1\\\,EE "~ •l=o\tt'-\ \-\\)f\) b Bth£. ( -3. '+o ~) per annum; (a ) Bonds Numbered I-K to l. '!-o 1 PER CENTUM , both in- elusive, maturing on Jwne lat in each ot the years l9~b~¥~- to l9_k~Z----• both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate ot'ttl\\EG fhJh C!J E -J=oul\tl'f ( 3 '/'{: -) per annum; PER CENTUM ( C!l) Bonds Numbered 14 1 o to .:3,-3 1 j , both in- elusive, maturing on June lat in each or the years 19 bq to 19 ~ Y , both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate or 'T\\-Rt:~ /tllh l::J>\3.-r 'j H-"NP Re.laP PER CEN'.rml ( 3. 4--o ~) per annum; and (e) Bonds Numbered to , both ------------ inclusive, maturing on June lst in each or the years 19 - to 19 , both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate ot PER CENTUM { ~) per annum.; such interest tG be evidenced by proper coupons attached to each ot said bonds, and said interest shall be payable on December l, 1958, and se~1-annually thereafter on June lst and December lst in each year. )b SEO'I'ION 4: PLACE OF PAYMENT That both principal and interest of this issue of bonds shall be payable in lawful money or the United States or America, without exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder1 at THE FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK OP NEW Y0BK1 New York, New York, or at the holder•s option at the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK1 LUBBOOK1 TEXAS, upon presentation and surrender of bonds or proper coupons. SEOTION 5: Execution ot Bonds and Coupons. That the eorpo~ate seal of the "CI'rY OF LUBBOCK, TEXASn shall be impressed upon e,ch ot said bonds and said bonds and the interest coupons appurtenant thereto may be executed by the imprinted facsimile signatures ot the Mayor and City Secretary ot the City, and exe- cution in such manner shall have the same erreet as if such bonds and coupons had been signed by the Mayor and City Secretary by their manual signatures. Inasmuch as such bonds are required to be registered by the Oomptroller ot Public Accounts of the State of Texas, only his signature (or that of a deputy designated in writing to act tor the Comptroller} shall be required to be manually aueacribed to such bonds in connectian with his regis- tration certificate to appear thereGn1 as above provided; all 1n accordance with the provisions ot Chapter 2931 enacted by the 54th Legislature ot Texas at its regular session in 1955 (codified as Article 717J vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas~ 1925 as amended) • SECTION 6: Form ot Bonds. That~ the form ot said bonds shall be substantially as follows: NO. __ :.·,tJBITED STATES OF AMERIOA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Cifi OF LUBBOCK1 TEXAS 1 WATERWORKS SYS'l'EM REVENUE BOND1 SERIES 1958 $11000 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Lubbock, a municipal corporation 0t the State ot ~xas, hereby acknowledges 1tselt indebted to and promises to pay to bearer, as hereina£ter stated, without right of prior redemption on the FIRST DAY OF JUNE, 19 ___ , the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS {$1,000), 1n lawtul money ot the United States of '-rica, with interest thereon tram the date hereof until paid, at the rate of ____________ ...,.PER OBNTOM ( ___ -'tf,) per annum, payable on December l, 1958, and semi-annually thereafter on June lst and December lst in each year, and interest falling due en or prtr te maturity hereof is payable only upon presentation and surrender or the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. BOTH PRINCIPAL and interest or this bond are hereby made payable at '1'HB FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK OP NEW YOHK, New York, Hew York, or at the holder 1s option, at the CITIZENS NATIONAL BAHK, Lubbock, Texas, without exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, and the said City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby held and firmly bound to apply the pledged appropriated revenues of ita waterworks System to the prompt payment ot prin- cipal and interest of this bond at maturity, and to pay said principal and interest as they mature. THIS BOND is one of a series 0f bonds ot like tenor and ettect; except as to number, interest rate and maturity, aggre- gating in amount 'fHBBE MILLION 'l'Hl1EE HUNDRED SBVBN'l'Y NINE 'l'HOUS DOLLARS ($3,379,000), ($275,000 of such bonds being a fourth and final parcel or installment ot a total authorization of $4,644.00 } ~ bonds voted at an election held on the 9th day of December, 1952; and $3,104,000 ot such bonds being the second and final parcel or~atallment ot a total authorization or $9,080,000 bonds voted at an election held on the 8th day ot November, 1955), numbered consecutively from One (1) to Three Thousand Three Hundred Sevent Nine (3379), both inclusive, in denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, issued tor the purpose ot making pe~nent public improvements, to-wit: constructing improvements and extensions to the City•a Waterworks System, Sanitary Sewer System and Electric Light System, in accordance with the constitution and laws ot the State of Texas, particularly Articles 1111 et seq., Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, as amended, and oy authorit ot a vote Gt the qualified property taxpaying voters of said City, who had duly rendered their property for taxation, voting at electi0na held for that purpose within said City on the 9th day of December, 1952, and on the 8th day of November, 1955, and pursuant to an ordinance passed by the City Oommission of the City or Lubbock, Texas, and duly recorded in the Minutes of the City Commission. THE DATE ot this bond in confQrmity with the ordinance above mentioned ia March 1, 1958. THIS BOND and the aeries ot which it is a part, to- gether with the $2,045,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WATERWORKS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1953n, dated June 1, 1953, the $1,000.,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WATERWORKS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SBRIBS 1954", dated March 1, 1954, and the $7,300,000 "CITY GP LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WATERWORKS SYSTEM RBVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1956", dated March 1, 1956, constitute special obligations ot the City of Lubbock, and are payable as to both principal an4 interest trom and equally secured by a first lien on and pledge of the revenues of the City•s Waterworka System, atter deduction or reasonable expenses of operation and maintenance. THE CITY reserves the right to issue additional bonds and obligations payable trom the net revenues ot the WaterWQrks System on a parity with the bonds ot this issue, with the $2,045,000 noiTY OP LUBBOOK, TEXAS, WATERIPHKS SYST.EK HEVBNUE BONDS, SERIBS 1953", dated June 1, 1953, the $1,000,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WA'f.EBWOBKS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1954n, dated larch 1, 1954, and the $7,300,000 "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WATERWOBKB SYSTEM RBVBNUE BONDS, SERIES 1956", dated March 1, 1956, but pursuant to and subject only to the reat~tctions, covenants and limitations contained in tbe ordinance authorizing this issue or bonds, to which reference is made for full parti- culars. THE HOLDER hereof shall never have the right to demand payment ot this obligation out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation. EACH HOLDER of this bond, payable to bearer, or of the interest coupons hereto attached, is conclusively presumed to forego and renounce his equities in favor of subsequent holders tor value without notice and to agree that, being payable to bearer, this bond and each or the interest coupons attached, may be negotiated by delivery however possession may have been acquired, and that any subsequent holders who may receive this bond or any ot the interest coupons attaahed, for value without notice, has thereby acquired absolute title tree from all equi- ties and claims or ownership or any pr19r helder. Tbe City or LubbQc~, its officers and the paying agents shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary. AND IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITD that the iasu- ance or this bond1 and the series ot which it is a part1 is duly authorized by law; that all acta, conditions and things required to exist and to be done precedent to and in the issu- ance of this bond to render the same lawful and valid have been properly done, have happened and been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and the ordinance hereinabove men- tioned; that this series of revenue bands does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitations; and that provision has been made for the payment of the principal of and interest on this bond and the series of which it is a part by irrevocably pledging the revenues of said Waterworks System of said City of Lubbock, Texas. IN TESTIJIIONY WHEREOF, the 01 ty Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, has caused the aal ot said Oity to be impressed hereon, and this bond and its appurtenant coupons to be executed with the imprinted facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Oity Secretary of said City (in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 293, enacted by the 54th Legislature ot Texas, at its regular session in 1955), the date ot this bond, in confo~ty with the ordinance abGve referred to, being the 1st day or March, 1958. Miyor, city~or tubhock, texas COUNTBRSIONED' 01~y Secretary, city ot Lubbock, Texas. SECTION 7: Coupon Po~. The form ot said interest coupons shall be substantially as follows: NO. --Oll THE ___ DAY OF __ 19_:~ ·-- the CITY OF LUBBOCK, a municipal oerparati.on of the State of Texas, hereby promises to pay to the bearer:J out of funds specified in the bond to which this ooupon is attached {without right to demand payment out ot any tunda raiaed or to be raised by taxation), and in lawful money ot the United States of America, without exchange or collection charges to the owner or holder, at THE FIRST NATIONAL OITY BANK OF NEW YORK, New York New York, or at the holder1a oPton, at the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, Lubbock, Texas, the sum of -------------------DOLLARS ($ ), said sum being months' interest due that day on "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS,. WA'l'ERWORKS SYSTEM REVENUE BOND:~ SERIES 1958'' :J dated March 1, 1958. Bond No.---- city Secretary Mayor SEO'l'ION 8: Form ot Comptroller1 a Certificate. Sub- stantially the following shall~be printed on the back of each bond OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER STA '1'E OF TEXAS I REGISTER NO. ---- I HKRBBY CERTIFY that there is on tile and ot record in my office a certificate of the Attorney General or the State or Texas, to the etteot that this bond has been examined by him as required by law, and that he tinds that it has been issued in yv oontor.mity with the Constitution and laws of the State or Texas# and that it is a valid and binding special obligation ot the City ot Lubbock, Texas, payable from the revenues pledged to ita payment by and in the erdinance aut~orizing same, and said bond has this day been registered by me. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE at Austin, Texas, ------------------------· ca.ptrol!er ot PUblic lcoounts or the State or Texas SECTION 9: Requirement Schedule: That the tGllowing 1a a schedule of the principal and interest requirements, showing also the total annual requirements of said "CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WATERWORKS SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1958", that is t0 aay-- YEAR ENDING JUNE lst 1959 1960 1961 1961° 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 PRINCIPAL $135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 144,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 INTEBBST $144,610 110,626 105,563 100,501 90,542 85,830 81,117 76,405 71,692 66,980 62,050 57,120 52,360 47,600 42,840 38,080 33,320 28.,560 23,800 19,040 14,280 9,520 4,760 TOTAL ALL REQUIREMENTS $279,610 245,626 240,563 235,501 239,438 235,542 230,830 226,117 221,405 216,692 211,980 207,050 197,120 192,360 187,600 182,840 178,080 173,320 168,560 163,800 159,040 154,280 149,520 144,760 No mistake in the foregoing calculations shall in any manner operate to diminish the payment or the amounts to be- come due on said bonds, but an amount is hereby ordered to be set aside for each of the years specified, sufficient to meet th requirements hereof in all respects. SECTION 10: Oreating Special Fund, Use of Surplus Funds. The City of Lubbock, Texas, covenants, reaffirms and agrees that, as received, all operating income and reT•aues of its Waterworks System shall be first deposited in an account designated the "Waterworks System. Fund 11 kept separate and apart from all Gther !'unds or accounts, and.turther that saic:J "Water-, workS System .Fund'' shall be pledged and appropriated to the following uses and in the order of precedence shown: First: To the payment of all necessary and reason- able expenses of operation and maintenance of the waterworks System as said expenses are defined by statute. Second: To the "SPECIAL WATERWORKS SYSTEM BEVENUE BOND RETIREMENT AND RESERVE-FUND" heretofore created and hereby reaffir.med, for the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds heretofore and herein authorized as the same fall due and mature, and to be used tor no other purpose. Third : To any other proper city purpose now or hereafter permitted by law. The tollGwing provisions shall govern the creation and maintenance of the aforesaid "SPECIAL WATERWORKS SYSTEM REVE- NUE BOND BEI'l'REMENT AND BESERVB FUND" r The entire net income and revenues of the City 1s waterworks System remaining after operation and maintenance expenses are deducted, have been heretofore and are hereby reaffirmed to be irrevocably pledged to said Special Fund, in amounts sufficient to produce the total annual principal and interest requirements of the revenue bonds heretofGre and herein authorized, as such total requirements are shown in the schedules relating thereto as set out in Section 10 ot the aforesaid ordi- nance of April 24, 1953, in Section 10 or the aforesaid ordinance of February 9, 1954, in Section 9 of the aforesaid ordinance of February 14, 1956, and in Section 9 of this ordinance; AND, IN ADDITION to the reserve port~on of said Speeial Fund establish- ed for the three series of bonds aforesaid in the ordinances pertaining to their authorization (in the aggregate sum of $6oo;·ooo in excess of all amounts required to fully meet and dis- charge principal and interest installments with respect to said three series ot bonds), tor the bonds herein authorized the Special FUnd shall also contain a reserve and to establish such reserve shall be supplemebted each month hereafter by tae amount ot $3,335.00, until such time as the said reserve portion ot said Special FUnd pertaining to the bonds herein authorized shall total $200,000 !n excess of all amounts required to tully meet and discharge the principal and interest installments thereof falling due on or before the next succeeding principal maturity date. It is hereby declared to be the oity1s purpose and intent, and said City so covenants and agrees that when finally established in accordance with the provisions hereof, the amounts to be maintained in said Special Fund tor the bonds herein authorized shall eontinuosly be in excess of any parti- cular year's principal and interest requirements of the bonds herein authorized by the sum ot $200#00Q# as a reserve tor use in meeting the requirements of said bonds, it need be, and that this arrangement shall continue aad said Special Fund shall be continuously supplemented as necessary to maintain said reserve until said bonds with all interest thereon have been tully paid and discharsed, or until sue» time as the Special Pund~ plus said reserve, shall contain amounts equal to the total principal and interest requirements of the bonds then outstanding at their tina~ maturity. The City Treasurer is authorized and directed to calculate the amounts required annually as aforesaid {including said reserve) and to withdraw said amounts thus deter.ained .from the aforementioned "Waterworks System Fund", and deposit same in said n SPECIAL WATBBWOBltS SYSTEM BEVENUE BOD RETIREMENT AND RESERVE FUND" in equal menthl¥ installments on or betore the 15th day of each month. The CrfiZENS NATIONAL BANK, Lubbock, Texas, bas been heretot~re, and is hereby reaffirmed to be ~he custodian o.f said Special JUnd, and the deposits above prescribed shall be transmitted to said tund with said bank. In the event the income and revenues of the City's Water- works System are insufficient in any month to permit the required deposits into the Special FUnd in full accord with the provisions hereof, then the amount of any deficiency shall be added to the amount otherwise required to be deposited in said fund in the next month, until all deficiencies are rectitied. The custodian bank is authorized to invest the reserve portion ot said Special FUnd 1n short ter.m direct obligations or the United States ot America, maturing not later than five years from their date1 as the City Commission may direct. Said obligations shall be held by the aforesaid custodian bank and it at any time uninvested funds shall be 1nsurticient to per,mit payment or principal and interest maturities of the bonds herein authorized as heretofore directed, said bank shall sell on the open market such amount of the securities as is re- quired to pay said bonds and interest when due~ and shall give due notice thereof to the City of Lubbock. All moneys resulting from the maturity of principal and interest of the securities in which :tbe reserve funds are invested may be reinvested or accumu- lated in said reserve portion of said Special Fund and considered a part thereGf and used for and only for the purposes hereinabove provided with respect to said reserve. Any funds rema1ntpg on band as the proceeds or the perat1ng 1nceme and revenues or the City1s Waterworks System after first making full provisions for the purposes and funds referred to in the foregoing paragraphs may be used by the Oity for the payment or bonds then outstanding and eligible for prior redemption and the purchase of bonds in the open market at not exceeding the market value tbereot, or tor any ather purpose which may new or hereafter be permitted by law. SECTION 11: Definition of System. For all purposes of this ordinance and in particular w1ta respect to the pledge and appropriation of revenues herein prescribed, the ter.m 11Waterworks Syatem" ot the City of Lubbock, Texas, shall include the Water- works System or sai4 City,tDg~ther with any additions and exten- sions thereto and impreveaents and replacements thereof. SECTION 12: Rates and Charges. The City of Lubbock further covenants, reatf1~s and agrees that, so long as any of the revenue bonds and coupons herein authorized, or any of the revenue bonds dated June l, l95B, March l, 1954 or March l, 1956, are outstanding and unpaid, it will fix and maintain rates and collect charges fGr the ~acil1t1ea and services afforded by its Waterworks System which will produce income and revenues autf1- cient at all times to: {l) Pay all operation, maintenance, depreciation and better-ment charges and expenses of said System; and {2) FUrther establish and tully maintain the above mentioned "SPECIAL WATERWORKS REVENUE BOND RE!fREMENT AND RESERVE FUND." SECTION 13: Further Covenants. The City further Govenants1 reaffirms and agrees by and through this ordinance as follows: (a) That the revenue bonds authorized hereunder shall be special obligations of the City and the holder thereof shall never have the right to demand payment out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation; {b) That it has the lawful power to pledge the ~evenues supporting this issue of bonds, and has lawfully exercised said power under the Constitution and laws of the State Gf Texas, including power existing under Articles 1111 to 1118, both inclusive, 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, with amendments thereto, and by authority or a vote ot the qualified electors of said City, voting at the elections held on the 9th day of December~ 1952, and on the 8th day of November, l955J that the bonds issued hereunder, together with the three series of previously issued revenue bonds~ to-wit: $2,045,000 dated June l, 1953, $1,000,000 dated March 1, 1954~ and $7,300,000 dated March 1, 1956, hereinafter referred to, shall be ratably secured in suoh manner that one bond shall have no pre- ference over any other bond of said issues; and (c) That, o;her than for the payment or the bonds heretofore and hereby issued1 the r.ents, revenues and iqoome ot the said Waterworks System have not been in any manner pledged to the payment of any debt or obligation ot the Oity and/or said System, and that said System ia free and clear or all encumbrances whatsoever. r't Uu SECTION 14: Issuance ot Additional Parity Bonds. The City of Lubbock hereby reaffirms that it reserves the right to issue additional revenue bonds payable from the net income and revenues of its Waterworks System. When duly authorized and issued in compliance with the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing~ such additional bonds shall be on a parity with the series of bonda herein authorized# the series ot bonds dated June 1# 1953# those dated March 1 1 1954~ and with those dated March 1# 1956. Upon issuance as aforesaid, said additional parity bonds shall be equally and ratably secured with the bands herein and heretQfore issued, gy a first lien on and pledge ot the revenues ot the City's Waterworks System. The City covenants and agrees1 however, tha~ it will not issue any other revenue bonds or obligations of any nature payable from the revenues ot the City's Waterworks System on a parity with the bonds herein and heretofore authorized, unless and until all the following conditions have been met: (a) fThat the City is not then in default as to any covenant~ condition or obligation contained in this ordinance, or the ordinance ot April 24, 1953, as ratified, approved and confirmed on May 26, 1953, the ordinance of February 9, 1954, as amended on Februar.y 25, 1954, and the ordinance of February 141 1956; (b) The proposed additional bonds shall have been favorably voted at an election duly .called and held tor tha~ purpose; (c) That the Oity has secured a certificate from a Certified Public Accountant showing that the net revenues and income or the Waterworks System, after full provisions have been made tor adequate maintenance and operation 3o charges~ tor the last completed fiscal year ~ediately preceding the issuance and sale of the additional bonds is equal to at least two times the average of the annuaX principal~ interest and reserve requirements provided for the bonds herein authorized~ tor· the said $2~045~000 "City ot Lubbock~ Texas, Waterworks Revenue Bonds, Series 1953"~ dated June 1, 1953~ tor the $1~000,000 "City of Lubbock, Texas, Waterwork~ Revenue Bonds, Series 1954", dated March 1, 1954, and tor the $7~300,000 "City ot Luobo~k, Texas, Waterworks Revenue Bonds, Series 1~56", ' dated March l, 1956, plus the average annual interest, principal and any reserve requirements of the additional bonds; and in addition, that the City has secured a certi- ficate trom an Engineer registered by the State Board ot Registration tor Professional Engineers of the State of Texas, sh6wing that the proJected net income and revenues ot said Waterworks System, atter providing tor adequate maintenance and operation expenses, as estimated by him throughout the maturities ot all such bonds, will~ each year, be at least two ttmes the average annual princip$1, interest and reserve requirements ot all bonds payable trom such revenues which will be outstanding atter the issuance ot the additional bonds. Such additional bonds~ when thus issued, may be secured by a pledge ot the revenues ot the Waterworks System on a parity with the pledge securing the issuance of the bonds herein autaorized. SECTION 15: Maintenance and operation. The City of Lubbock hereby covenants~ reattirma and agrees to maintain the Waterworks System facilities in good condition and operate the same in an etticient manner and at reasonable cost. So long as any ot the bonds herein and heretofore issued are outstanding the City agrees to maintain insurance tor the benefit of the holde or holders of the bonds ot the kinds and in the amounts which are usually carried by private companies operating similar properties. and that during such time all policies of insurance shall be maintained in force and kept current as to premium payments. All money _s received from losses under such insurance policies other than tor public liability policies. are hereby pledged as security tor the bonds until and ualess such proceeds are paid out in making good the loss or damage in respect of which such proceeds are received. either by replac~ng the property destroyed or re- pairing the property damaged, and adequate provision tor making good such loss or damage made within ninety (90) days from the date of the loss. The payment of premiums for all insurance policies required under the provisions ot this section shallbe considered as maintenance and operation expenses. SECTION 16: Records and Accounts. The City of Lubbock hereby covenants and reattir.ms the tact that it has installed and agrees that it will maintain a complete system of records and accounts pertainimg to the operation of the Waterworks System (separate and apart from all other records and accounts), in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all trans- actions relating to said system, as provided by Article 1113 Revised.Oivil Statutes ot Texas, as amended. The City shall eon- tine to cause an audit ot the records pertaining to the operation ot the System to be made at the close of each fiscal year by an independent auditor. said audit to include, among other things, th following: (a) A statement in detail of the income and expendi- tures ot the System tor such year; (b) A balance sheet as of the end of the year; (c) The Accountant's comment regarding the manner in which the City has carried out the requirements ot the bond ordinances and his recolllllendationa, if any, forJJOhanges or improvements in the operation of the Systems {d) A list of the insurance policies in force at the end of the year on properties ot the System, setting out as to each policy the amount of the policy, the risk covered, the name of the insurer, and the expiration date ot the policy; (e) The number of customers connected with the System, showing totals at the end of the year~ Copies of the aforesaid annual audit shall be furnished immediately to the Executive Director of the Municipal Advisory Council of 'l'exaa at his office in Austln, Texas, and to any bondholder upon his written request therefor, not more than aixty days after the cloae of the fiscal year. In addition to said annual audit, and at the close of the first six months period of each fiscal year, the City Secretary is authorized and directed to furnish copies of an o~erating and income state- ment in reasonable detail covering such six month's period, to any bondgGlder upon his written request therefor, not more than thirty da;ys after the close of said six months' period. SEOTION 17: Right to Inspect~system. Any purchaser ot twenty-five per centum (25~) ot aggregate principal amount of the bonds at the time then outstanding or any bolder or aolders ot twenty-five per centum (2,.) ot said amount ot out- standing bonds, shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect the System and all records, accounts and data of the City relating thereto; and shall have the right to req~eat and receive such financial stateaenta and other pertinent informa- tion and data rellting to the City and the Waterworks System as such purchaser from time to time may reasonable require. SECTION 18: Remedies in Event ot Default. In addition to all the rights and remedies provided by the laws of the State ot Texas, the City covenants, reattirms and agrees that in the event the City (a) defaults in the payment ot principal or inter- est on any ot the bonds when due, (b) fails to make the payments required by Section 10 of this ordinance to be made into the "SPECI.AL WATERWORKS SYSTEM REVENUE BOND RETIREMENT ANJ) RESERVE POND", or (o) defaults in the observance or performance ot any other of the covenants, conditions or obligations set forth in this ordinance, the following remedies shall be available; (l) The holder or holders of any ot the bonds shall be entitled to a writ ot mandamus issued by a court of competent jurisdiction compelling and requiring the City Commission and other officers of the 01ty to observe and perform any covenant, obligation or condition prescribed in the bond ordinance. (2) No delay or o~asion to exercise any right or power acoruing upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver ot any such default or acquiescence therein, and every such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. The specitie remedies herein provided shall be cumula- tive ot all other existing remedies and the specifications of such remedies shall not be deemed to be exclusive. SECTION 19: Making Rates. Collecting Charges, No Pree Service, Designating Fiscal Year. The City ot Lubbock further covenants, reaffirms and agrees that it will faithfully and punc- tually perto~ all duties with reference to the System as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including the making and collecting ot reasonable and sutticient rates for water aervieea aup;lied by the System, an4 the segre- gation and application of the revenues of the System as required by the provisions ot this ordinance. Tbe Oity covenants, re- affirms and agrees that no tree service shall be rendered by the System to any customers, including the Oity and its various departments, and that all water services used by the City and its various departments will be paid for at the same rates charged other consumers. The fiscal year tor the operation of such system shall be from October lst of each year to September 30th ot the succeeding year. SECTION 20: Sale, Lease or other Encumbrance or System. The City of Lubbock hereby irrevocably covenants, reattirma, binds and obligated itself not to sell, lease or in any manner dispose ot the Waterworks Systea1 or any part thereof, including any and all extensions and additions that may be made thereto1 until the bonds herein authorized to be issued shall have been paid in tull as both to principal and interest (provided that thia covenant shall not be construed to prevent the disposal by the City ot property which in its judgment haa become inexpedient to use in conneoti~n with the System when other property ot equal val~e haa been auballtuted therefor). .. SECTION 21: Competition. That so tar as it legally may, the Oity or Lubbock covenants and agrees, tor theprotec- tion and security of the bonds herein authorized and the holders thereGf from time to time, that it will not grant a franchise for the operation of any competing Waterworks System in the City ot Lubbock until all bonds issued pursuant to this ordinance, the ordinance of April 24, 1953, as ratified, approved and oonfirmed on May 26, 1953, the ordinance ot February 9, 1954, as amended on February 25, 1954, and the ordinance of February 14, 1956, shall have been retired. SECTION 22: Ordinance to Constitute Contract. That the proviaiona or this ordinance shall constitute a contract between the City of Lubbock, Texas, and the holder or holders from time to time of the bonds herein authorized to be issued, and after the issuance of any of said bonds, no change, variation or alteration or any kind ot the provisions of this ordinance may be made, unless as herein otherwise provided, until all of the bonds issued hereunder shall have been paid as to both principal and interest. SECTION ~3: Mayor to Have Charge of Records and Bonds. That the Mayor of said City shall be and he is hereby authorized to take and have charge ot all necessary orders and records pending investigation by the Attorney General of the State ot Texas, and shall take and have charge and control ot the bonds herein authorized, pending their approval by the Attorney General and their registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. SECTION 24: Confirmation ot Sale. -----· the bonds herein authorized to -- \--* f\ L~E 't ..s \ \) fH\ 1 Pt \J .b ~\-\;~L~~ \=E~N ~N b ~. '!'hat the sale of ' at the price of par and accrued interest to date of delivery plus a premiwa ot $ \,3>(1~ is hereby confirmed. Delivery of the bonds shall be made to aaid purchasers as soon as may be after the adoption of this ordinance, upon payment therefor in acc~rdanee with the terms of sale. SECTION 25: Emergency. The fact that it is to the best interest of the City of Lubbock that the authorized construction ot improvements and extensions to the City's Waterworks Sy,~em, Sanitary Sewer System and Electric Light SJ&tem as hereinabove set out, be effected at the earliest possible date, creates tbis an emergency measure for the immediate preservation of the public peace, praperty, health and safety as well as a more efficient a~inistration and operation ot the City's above mentioned Systems, demanding that the Charter provis1Qn to the effect that no ordinance shall be passed on the day on which it shall be introduced be suspended, and this ordinance is hereby declared an emergency measure by unanimous vote of the City Commission, and the same shall take effect from and after ita passage, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the lOth day Gt February, 1958. oitt~ary, ~ubb0ck, Texas (City Seal) 7. THE S'l'ATE OF TEXAS OITY OF LUBBOCK COUNTY OF LUBBOCK CERTIIIOATB Gli' OI'l'Y SECRETARY I I, Lavenia Lowe, City Secretary of the City of Lubbock, Texas, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of $3,379,000 "City of Lubbock, Texas, Waterworks System Revenue Bonds, Series 1958 .. , dated Jlaroh l, 1958, (and Minutes pertaining to ita adoption), passed by the City CoDDD1ssion at said City on the lOth day of February, 1958, and that it has been properly enrolled, placed in the office of the City Secretary and approved by the Mayor, having been recorded in Book ;A( , page et se ., ot the Minutes or said Commission. IN,WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name officially and affixed the seal of said City, this the lOth day ot February, 1958o Texas (City Seal)