HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2024-R0122 - Workers’ Compensation , Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool - 03/26/2024Resolution No. 2024-R0122
Item No. 5.9
March 26, 2024
THAT the City Manager of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed
to purchase for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, workers' compensation coverage
from the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool, for a total amount not to
exceed $1,970,994.44; and
THAT the City Manager may execute any routine documents and forms associated
with said coverage.
Passed by the City Council this � March 26, 2024.___.__ _____ ___
D. u Kost ich, Chief Financial Officer
Je art el , Deputy City Attorney
RES.Risk Mgmt-Municipal League Risk Pool
February 26, 2024
Resolution No. 2024-R0122
Workers' Compensation
Insurante Company: Texas Municipal League
Policy Term: 04/01/2023 to 04/01/2024
Coverage: Part One — Workers' Compensation agrees to pay the benefits required
under the applicable State's Workers' Compensation Law.
Part Two — Employers Liability for work-related injuries or disease other
than that which is imposed by a state Workers' Compensation Law.
Total Contribution:
Part Three — Other States. States in which you have no exposure on the
policy inception date, but in which you may have a temporary or future
worksite or exposure in during the policy term. If listed, statutory benefits
will apply as if the state were listed in Part One.
$1,870,994.44 + $100,000.00 Loss Deposit Fund
. �• . .
Employers Liability - Each Accident $1,000,000
Employers Liability - Disease (Policy Limit)
Employers Liability - Disease (Each Employee)
Experience Mod
Statutory Limits Apply
Coverage is not automatic in all states. Please notify us immediately if you begin operations in another state.
• Total Premium $1,909,178
• 2% Paid in Full Discount: ($38,183.56)
• Premium Including Discount: $1,870,994.44
• Average Out of Pocket at $25,000 deductible is: $781,000
This requires $100,000 deposit in addition to the $1,870,994.44 premium. The deposit will be credited as
deductible is applied.
Total Due at Binding: $1,970,994.44
This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverege provided by the insurence companies being proposed and should be used for
reference purposes only; it is not a binder and does not amend or alter the insurence contract. Please refer to the policy contract for
specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions.
Proposal date: 02/22/2024 Prepared for City of Lubbock
Confidential. �� 2021 USI Insurance Services. All rights reserved. �
Workers' Compensation Schedule of Exposures
State: TX Experience Modifier: 0.53
Classlficatlon Descriptlon Estimated Rate # ot Estlmated
Payroli Emp. Contrlbutlor
3365 Welding/Cutting, Not Otherwise Classified 136,005 11.98 3 16,293
4299 Printing 84,300 2.83 2 2,386
4511 Building Inspectors 3,801,218 0.87 79 33,071
4511 Analytfcal Chemists 1,816,939 0.87 34 15,807
4519 Insect Extermination 234,668 7.06 5 16,568
5190 Radio & Electrical Installatlons and Trattic Stgnals 1,251,886 5.24 29 65,599
and Controls
5191 Computer Device Installation, Inspecdon, 2,330.807 1.10 33 25,639
Servicing or Repalr
5506 Street & Road Repafr 1,759,183 7.62 35 134,050
7423 Airpo�t Operations 2,135,191 3.66 40 78,148
7520 Watervvorks Operation, Flood Contral System 7,432,561 4.50 138 334,465
Malntenance, IrrtgaUon Control
7550 Combined Utility OperaUons (Water and Sewer) 159,749 4.50 3 7,189
7580 Sewage Treatment & Collection 2,550,841 4.50 42 114,788
7590 Refuse Reducdon 345,963 9.15 7 31,656
7704 Firefighte�s - Paid 44.401,076 6.02 406 2,672,945
7720 Police Of(icers - Paid (excluding Motorcycle 49,542,784 5.33 505 2,640,630
8107 Heavy Equlpment Maintenance 478,866 7.91 9 37,878
8292 Warehouse Operatlons 174,463 7.43 4 12,963
8391 Aulomoblle Garage 1,298,048 4.18 26 54,258
8601 Surveyors, Engineers & Architects 1,877,576 0.84 23 15,772
8742 Messengers and Socfal Workers 539,598 0.83 15 4,479
8810 Clerical - Office 25,883,341 0.41 433 105,302
8831 Animal Shelters 1,460,177 6.38 40 93,159
8833 Hospital Professlonals 944,875 1.21 15 11,433
8837 Soclal Weltare Operations, Not Otherwise 1,536,595 10.10 26 155,196
8838 Public Llbrary or Museum Protessional 2,438,738 0.55 81 13,413
Employees & Cle�ical
9014 Lawn Maintenance, Bullding Service Contractor 35,498 6.07 1 2,155
and Mowtng along Canals & Roadways
9015 Bullding Operations 1,269,157 5.52 19 70,057
9016 Audltoriums & Zoos (Use Code 8288 for 200 1,336,602 5.54 27 77,372
Animal Handlers.)
9101 C School Crossing Guards 110,244 3.27 13 3,605
9102 Parks 8 RecreaUon 4,115,91 B 3.60 120 148,173
9220 Cemetery Operattons 281,146 6.92 6 19,455
9402 Street Cleaning 479,928 11.34 11 54,424
9404 Refuse CollecUon & Disposal - Fully 4,286,394 6.47 76 277,330
Subtotals 166,390,333 2,306 7,345,658
This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for
reference purposes only; it is not a binder and does not amend or alter the insurance contrect. Please refer to the policy contract for
specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions.
Proposal date: 02/22/2024 Prepared for City of Lubbock
Confidential. O 2021 USI Insurance Services. All rights reserved. ��
Classiflcatlon Descriptlon Estimeted Rate # 01 Estlmated
Payrall Emp. Contributlon
Volunteers and Elected Officlals:
Outside Volunteers
Volunteer Fireflghters
Volunteer Ambulance/EMS
Police Reserves
ElectedlApptd Of�cfals-Governing Board
Elected�Apptd Oiflcials-All Boards/Commisslons
Inside Voiunteers
Police Reserves-Motorcycle No Exposure
Subtotals 3,820
110 7.11
No Expasure
No Exposure
No Expqsure
3,600 0.43
No Exposure
110 0.70
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Totals 166,394,153 2,312 7,345,682
Locatlon 2: Lubbock Power 8� Light, Lubbock, TX
Ciasslficatlon Descriptlon Esrimeted Rete # of Estimated
Payroll Emp. ContHbutlon
7539 Electricaf Distribution 17,305,659 4_08 161 706,071
8601 Surveyors, Engineers & Architects 1.197,153 0.84 14 10,056
8810 Clerical — Offlce 7,889,449 0.41 128 32,347
Subtotels 26,392,261 303 748,474
Volunteers and Elected Offlclals:
37240 Outside Volunteers No Enposure 0 Not Covered
7704V Volunteer Flrefighters No Enposure 0 Not Covered
7720E Volunteer AmbulancelEMS No F�cposure 0 Not Covered
7720V Police Reserves No Exposure 0 Not Covered
8742E Elected�Apptd Officials-Goveming Board No Exposure 0 Not Covered
8742F ElectedlApptd Oi�cials-All BoardslCommissions No Exposu�e 0 Not Covered
87421 Inside Volunteers No Exposure 0 Not Covered
8888V Police Reserves-Motorcycle No Enposure 0 Not Covered
Subtotels 0 0 0
Totals 26,392,261 303 748,474
� �. � .
Total Manual Contribution $8,094,156.00
Experience Modifier (0.53)
Fund Discount (20%)
Paid in Full Discount (2%)
Deductible Credit
This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for
reference purposes only; it is not a binder and does not amend or alter the insurence contrect. Please refer to the policy contract for
specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions.
Proposal date: 02/22/2024 Prepared for City of Lubbock
Confidential. �O 2021 USI Insurance Services. All rights reserved. �6
Audit Provisions
�- � . �-..
Audit based on Payroll $1,870,994.44
Premiums are calculated based on the insurance company's rules and rates. Premiums shown as advance, or deposit
premiums are subject to audit and adjustment at the close of each audit period. If the advance premium is less than the
earned premium as determined by the audit, the insured pays the difference. If the advance premi26um is more than
the earned premium as determined by the audit, the insurance company returns the difference to the insured. The
insured must keep records of the information needed for the audit and the premium calculations and send copies to the
insurance company when it requests them.
Excluded coverage or other coverages sought may be available: please discuss with USI.
Other exclusions and policy limitations may apply. Please refer to the actual policies for specific terms,
conditions, limitations, exclusions and sublimits that will govern in the event of a loss.
This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for
reference purposes only; it is not a binder and does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for
specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions.
Proposal date: 02/22/2024 Prepared for City of Lubbock
Confidential. OO 2021 USI Insurance Services. All rights reserved. �
This endorsement . forms a part of the Decleratlons to which attached,
effective on the Inceptlon date of the coverage unless otherwise stated
herein, and modlfies such coverage as is afforded by the provislons of the
coverage shown below:
Member Name: Lubbock
Member ID: 0547
Efiective Date: 04f01 i2024
In consideraUon of the Employer Pool Member's request for payment of addidonal benefits
and in further consideratlon of the Fund's agreement to pay such beneflts, the Interlocal
Agreement ts amended by adding thereto the applfcabie coverages indicated below.
The Fund will pay on behalf of the Employer Pool Member If a volunteer employee in a
classification for whfch coverage was accepted shall sustain InJury, including death resulting
theretrom, under cfrcumstances which would have rendered the Employer Pool Member
Ifable tor cflmpensaUon It the inJured volunteer employee and the Employer Pool Member
had been subJect to the Texas Workers' Compensation Law with respect to such voluntary
employment, an amount equal to the compensaUon and other benefits which would have
been payable under such law had the 1nJured volunteer and the Empioyer Pool Member
bee� subject to such law with respect to such voluntary employment. me partles ot this
agreement do not by Its use intend to make applicable to themselves any provislon oi the
Texas Workers' Compensation Law not already in torce and eftect as to them. The reterence
to the Texas Workers' Compensation Law is intended as a measure and extent of benefits
and the liability therefore and not an adoption of the law.
The Emptoyer Pool Member agrees to pay the contribudon for the volunteer employee
classificatlons shown on the Payroll Schedule (W 102). The informatlon regarding coverages
accepted or rejected has been deri�ed irom documentaUon on tile including the signed
acceptance executed by a representative of this entity duly authorized to accept or reject
Workers' Compensation coverage for volunteers.
This agreement shall be subJect to all ihe terms, provisions and conditions oi the Interlocal
Agreement, and nothing hereln contained shall vary, alter or extend any terrn, provision or
conditlon of the Interlocal Agreement except as herein specifically stated.
This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for
reference purposes only; it is not a binder and does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for
specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions.
Proposal date: 02/22/2024 Prepared for City of Lubbock
Confidential. OO 2021 USI [nsurance Services. All rights reserved. �
Proposal Workers' Compensation Retention Sche�ule
Member Name : Lubbock
Member ID : 0547
Effective Date : 04I01/2024
Anniversary Date : 04�01f2025
Date : 02l21 l2024
The Member shall pay the TOTAL ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION shown in four equal quarterly
payments, subject to adjustment based on the annual anniversary date payroll audit. The TML
Workers' Compensatlon Joint Insurance Fund, hereinafter referred to as the FUND, shall make
init(al payment tor all losses and allocated loss adJustment expenses which shall Include, but
not be Iimited to, attomey's fees, outside investigatlon and Texas Department of Insurance
Dfvislon of Workers' Compensation representation charges.
OCCURRENCE is deflned as an accident resulting In bodfly inJury to one or more empbyees
at a speciiic place and t(me. Repetitive traumaUc inJury or occupational disease sustained by
each employee shall be deemed to be one, separate OCCURRENCE and the OCCURRENCE
shall be deemed to take place on the date upon which the employee Is last exposed at work to
conditlons allegedly causing such traumatic inJury or occupattonal disease.
Aiter payments within the PER OCCURRENCE RETENTION exceecl the ANNUAL
AGGREGATE RETENTION. the FUND will pay all losses and allocated loss adjustment
expenses, including those within the PER OCCURRENCE RETENTtON, unttl the
5. LOSS DEPOSIT FUND $ t oo,000
The Member agrees to promptly relmburse monthly the FUND for any payments made on its
behalf and to mafntain a LOSS DEPOSIT FUND in the amount specitied. The LOSS DEPOSIT
FUND is an average of two months of the Member's pald losses and is evaluated annually. If
the Member iails to relmburse the FUND wfthin 15 days of the date of the invoice, the FUND
shall notify the Member in writfng oi its non-compUance. If the Member falls to reimburse the
FUND within flve days of such notice, the FUND, at Its discretfon, may declare the Member in
detault and terminate the Interlocal Agreement by giving the Member 10 days' written notice
of its intent to termfnate as specifled in paragraph 5 oi the Workers' Compensation Interlocal
Agreement. Interest charges oi t% per month shall be due on any blll not pald within 30 days.
This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for
reference purposes only; it is not a binder and does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contract for
specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions.
Proposal date: 02/22/2024 Prepared for City of Lubbock
Confidential. �O 2021 USI Insurance Services. All rights reserved. �
Proposat Workers' Compensation Retention Schedule
The FUND shall be subrogated to all the Member's rights oi recovery in a thtrd-party action
under Texas Labor Code Chapter 417. The FUND wflt act in concert with the Member in the
exercise of such rights of recovery. Ii the FUND obtains a subrogat[on recovery of workers'
compensaUon beneffts, the proceeds oi such subrogatlon recovery shall first be used by the
FUND to pay its costs of recovery, and any excess shall be divided between the FUND and the
Member to pay thefr losses in the proportlon of their respective interests in benefits paid for the
OCCURRENCE at the tlme of recovery. My excess paid to the Member shall not be applfed
toward the Member's PER OCCURRENCE RETENTION for the workers' compensatlon clalm
and thus shall not be applled to reduce the amount of payments deemed paid by the Member
wlthin the PER OCCURRENCE RETENTION. If the FUND obtalns an advance against future
benefits under Sectlon 471.002(b) of the Texas Labor Code, the ad�rance shall first be applfed
toward the Member's PER OCCURRENCE RETENTION li not yet fully paid at the time oi
recovery, and any excess advance against future benefits shall be applied toward future
beneflts owed by the FUND.
This proposal is merely a descriptive summary of coverage provided by the insurance companies being proposed and should be used for
reference purposes only; it is not a binder and does not amend or alter the insurance contract. Please refer to the policy contrect for
specific terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions.
Proposal date: 02/22/2024 Prepared for City of Lubbock �
Confidential. O 2021 USI Insurance Services. All rights reserved.
d �