HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2268-1957 - Levying Assessments For Part Of Cost. Portion Of Ave V. BEST SCAN AVAILABLE - 07/25/1957.... _ ---! CIWO 2103 0--=1--25-\.95/ oe-ce-\951 oco-2.2-\..957 OUDidCIIO. 2266 . d OIDDidCI CLOSDG IIA&DIG AIID l.lftDQ AI81SIIIIft8 JOa A PltD 01 ftl COS'f f1l DIR09J.a A lOI'fiC:. or AYIJIUI Y, JOLlft Aa.l, AfiiUI l, AftiUJ I, 1JIII lftU! • 431D 8ftlft, ODOU AfUUI, 48ft lftl..ft, UW. AUIIUI, DUll lftlft, IIDIGD A .... , ~ AYIIUI, 41ft 8ftlft, BJ.GII AftiiUI, GUAVA AftiUI, 6ft mar, •VIIRJI I, 5ft ftllft, 34ft lftll'r, QUID' AYIIUI, mil 8ftlft AID !'II ALLn D J'':':~ 1791 <aiOIML 'l'WII, IVQ POftlOIS aDIQ Jail P.AI!ICUIMLY .. callA D Dl fAYml AIUiallftl 01 !II em 01 LUIIOCK AftACRID llllftO AID MAa 4 rar RI'Of AID POUIOII 01 ODD IUIID&Y mars. 8~1'1, AftlftJIS ltJIJ/ era AU.I1I DIll em or I.UIIOCK, ftUS, AD/fll. Au. ftl IOUIIDA&DI fll SAID em AD PIGVIDDG rca !Ill COLUIC'fU. or SUCI &5811_.8 AID roR I'll ISSUAJICI 91 MIJGIAII.I caaxrtCA.!IS u nmuca !BIIIOr, ALLOCAt'DG rmma. . ' VIIIIAI, the Cit7 of Lu.'book, a laM lule MuntctpalltJ, ba1 bantofon ol'clend that the bentDHlov MDtioeed portioae of etnete, hf.abwaJ•• awau•• -.d/or alleJ• .. illlprovacl by tM rateiq, aracU.•s aacl fUliaa acl pa•taa ad 1tJ iutalU.•a coae~•t• cun aa41 pttera acl dnme wlaen nece•••l'J' oa ••·UDlt aoe. 1 aacl 2 •f U.tt lo. 1111, lub-UDlt lOa. 1, 2, 3, 4, s, 6, 1, 8, '~ 10, 11 aa4 12 of lhllt •. 1189, 88•1Jillt loe. 1, 2, l, 4 aad 5 of O.tt lo. 1890, a..a.-ODtt lloa. 1, 2 •• 3 of hit lo. 1191, sut.-Ualta 1, 2 aa4 l of Bait ... 1192. aa~t-VD1te 1, 2, 3, 4 •• 5 of vatt lo. 103, aa4 hit 1o. A·l13, tu potq toM of bot...U n~ tnatMDt OD a dx (6) iacb c0lllpa.:te4 caliclaa uee. ~optba~ with tlla MCUUI'J tacf.Miatala a4 appurteuacea, all •• pn• •14a41 1D tile apect.flcatlou pnpancl 1tJ tM CltJ lqtaeer .. aow Oil flle vttla aatd CitJI aa4 an-aq at fo-r tlae .Utq aad coutruc:tioa of aucb t-.ro11 rate ad coatract •• ntend bto with Ploaaer Pawn, lac:orporated, aaid portt•• .. , .. •• follon • t~vit: Vaat OM•bal! of,._..._. f fna ita 11lteraactioa vlth tbe Worth Property Liae of allaJ lol'tb of 4tb 8tr .. t to ita l1ltereact101l vltb tbe •o-rtlt Pnpert7 Ltu of 4th ltnet, lalcNa aad deeipatad u lul»•lntt ._.,er 1 of Unit .._..I' 1888. f Joliet Awaue fl'OlD ita iater .. ctioa wltb the Soutlt Property Llae of 2Z..d Place to l~a tetel'lectiOD vt~h th• lortb Pnpedy Lilla of 23-rd Stree~, kDotiG aad daaipatad aa .au~Ualt ._..r 2. of Vllllt ._.." 1888. A-..-. a fraa ita loteraectloallrtth the South Gutter Lt .. of 34tll Street to itl illteraectloa vitb tJae •orth rnpertJ Lt• of 36tb ltr .. t, a-ad daat-tacl •• 1\lt•U.lt .... I' l ot U.lt ._..r 1889. ' Awaue I ft. lta toteraeettoa vitll tbe Iouth Property l.iM ef 36th Street to ita tllter .. ctloa Vitia ~-lol'tb Pnlq LiM of 38th It net, kllcND •• ... lpate4 aa •••hit ._.,er 2 of VDit ....,.r 1119. 39th ltraat fna ita !BeraectlOift with tba laat Panq J.tae of SU.da loed to ita iDteraecU.• with the w .. t PnpertJ LiM of 'fork • .,..... , la:lcND aad daat•- uted u Sa• Bait ...,. .. 3 of U.lt ._...r 1189. 39th ltnet fna ita intaraectloe with the last fropertJ Ltae of WaJfte A...ue to ita i1lteraecttoa vith the laet rropartJ Liae of fteka1nara A.,..ue. mo.a aa4 deai-ted u 1111t•Uo.l~ ._..r 4 of 1Jait ..._I' 1889. I . , 43~4 ltrMt fna ita f.atel'aectloa with tbe laat II'OpertJ Liae of leo~la AYeMe to tte iatei'Hctioa with tlla lut Pnpel'tJ Ltu of ~laado Awaue, a-aad deet-te4 u s._Oatt .... 1' 5 of VDit llullltel' 1189. Oafor4A.-aue f~ ita tateraectioa wltb tbe Sooth PropertJ Ltae of 30tb ltr .. t to ita t.Dteraeettoa with tile lcn:tb rnpertJ Ltoe of 31et Stl'•t, kDcNa aad deal~•• •• lult-VIllt ._..~ 6 of Vait ._.. .. 1189. 48tll Stnet fna ita latei'Mctloa with tlae Baat PnpertJ LiM of Collap A....a t~ ita iateraecttoa wttb the illeat '"pertJ Lf.De of AWDUe a,...,_ ad cleats· aated aa 8ult•U.tt ..... 7 of U.lt aru.Mr 1819. laapr AWDU f~ ita toteraectiaa with the South laYllll Llae of 19th ltl' .. t to ita totel'eectloa vith tbe lorth PNperty Ltoe of 26th Street, kaoa Mel daatpate4 u lub·Ualt .... r 8 of Volt .-.r 1889 • Ida Street fna ita ioteraecU.• wttb tbia lut Pnpel'tJ L1De of Bol'tb lacU.au Awue to ita taterlectloa witb tbe lut lnpel'tJ LU. of Jlorth Banford .,.... , ..._ aad deaipatad aa Sub-Uillt .._r 9 of 1hait ....._ .. 1889. ladiN4 Awau fna ita laterHctloa with t ... 8CNtb rropel'tJ LiM of ... c II'Oa ... , to it• tater .. cttGB with tbe aorth Propert7 Ltae of ... t llth ltceet (l .. t tel) , kllOWD ad deaipated u Sub• hit ... " 10 of UDtt l_..r 1889. ' . Oak A..-. fna ita iatenectloa wttb the 8o.atb lnpertJ Liae of lut lne .... J to ita iaterNctloa with the lort.h l10pert7 Llae of laat 13tla ltl' .. t (laat Lea) , kaCND ad deatpate4 •• Sa•V.it .._r 11 of Uolt -..... .. 1889. 47tla Street In~~ it• iateraectioo with tbe ... t PI'Opel'tJ. LiM of •~ G to ita latereectloa witla the 11eat faytq LiM of AYeaue D, k1aowa ead clealpated u SU.hf.t .... r 12 of Uait .... r 1119. Weet oae•llalf of llata Awaa fna ita S.ateraectf.OD wf.tla tbe aoutb rropert7 Llae of alleJ SCNtb of 58th ltr .. t (Veat J.ea) to ita t.atereaeU.oa witla the •ortb fropertJ LiM of alleJ lortb of 60th Str .. t (laat Lea) • lmova aad ••ia• aated •• l.,_lalt .... r l of 1Ja1t ...._I' 1890. Wut -.•balf of ll&iD AWDUe fna ita iotel' .. ctloa wltll tM lonh lJOPertJ Liae of all8J •ortb of 6Gtll Street, to ite lateructloe wtth tile Iouth Pnpert7 LiM of elleJ Iouth of 63r4 Stnet, ao.a aad dea~ed u 8...,.U.it ..... 2 of U..tt ....... 1890. a.Aucl AftDU8 fna ita illt,l'aect ioa With tile lortb lro"rt7 LIM of laet lStJa Stnet (But Lea) to lte 1aterMct1oa wltb tlle •ortb Paytq Liae of laat 14th St~eet (Jut tea) , laaOWD aa4 daetpatecl u Su'b•Uait ._..1' 3 of Uait llullber 1890. • Guaft Anaua fi'Ga ite i'llte'fMCtiOD with tba South PaYiaa Liae of Parkw7 Dl'l"fe to ita taterHct1• with tbe hrtll Gutter Lf.De of Baat 2'1l4 Stnet • ao. •4 •atpated .. s•·Valt ._..r 4 of 1Jait ._.." 1890. Guava A'femae fl'aa ite tatei'Mctioa with the Soutb Property Llae of laat 2ad ltr .. t to ita 1Dtexaectioa wltb tba lortb Propert7 Ltae of lut 4th ltr.et (11aat t..e&), lca4Na aacl dalpated •• Su·VDlt '-Iter s of Unit ..._r 1890. I - ·' 6tb 8t~t f~ ltl tat•~•acttoa vltb tba lalt P~party Lilla of A..-ua c to ltl t.at•~••etloa wltla tile Waet Propal'tJ LiM of AW.Ue 1, 1aaow1t •• 4ae.lpatad u Su•VDit ._..r 1 of U.lt ...._r 1191. •~• I f~ ite t.tar .. ctloa witb tba IOrtb Gate•~ L~ ~~ Stll Street to lte iater .. ctioa with tba lout• Pnparty LiM of 6tll Street, kDOR ad de•ip&ted •• Su•VDt.t ._..." % of Ualt ...._r 1191. Jtb ltnet fna l"ta iatanectlaa with tile' lett PI'Oparty Lf.u of Awa• 0 -to ite latareactioa vitla tlae w .. t ktal' L1M of A,.... 1, 1raCNa aad daaipatad •• lult-Vatt ...... 3 of U.it ...... 1891. 34tll ltnat fna tte illt•l'•actloa witb tba la1t P••taa Liaa of Slide loacl to lte iatereectf.oa with tlae Waat lnparty LiM of Utica Awau•, lalowla ad ••ta· aate4 u I_..Uatt lluiiMI' 1 of Vaf.t ._..r 119%. Quirt A..-. fro.. lta latareact 1oa wttb tba loutb Pnparty LiM of Idalou lOad to U• c.atareactloa with tbe Iouth Pwperty LSAa of ·aut 19tll Stnet (laet Lq), kDcMa •d ••t.patacl •• Sub-Vait ..... r 2 of hit ._..r 189%. Vut oaa•ulf of Qail't AYaDUe froa tt1 iatarMctton vitb. tlla So..th Property Liu . of lalt 19tll It nat (la•t Lea) to lte iateraacti.oa with tba lorth Gutta I' Lt.M of laet 24t1a ltnat, laacMa acl 4a•1patad u lu•Uait .._r 3 of vatt .... ~ 102. 50th ltr•t froa ltl latareactloa vitla tM Wa•t Pl'Opart,. L1H of Ga'I'J Awaua (lortb Lea) to lte ioterlactloa vith tlae Waet Pnparty Liaa of rU.Dt A,... <•rtll t.J) • a-•4 aeipAtecl u Sub·Uait ._.,.r 1 of Unit .._.. .. 189J. ICNtla oae•laalf of 50th tt~t fr• it1 latal'eectioa wlth tM Vaat PI'Opel'tJ LlH of rlta& A,..._ (Jol'U ~ to ita ·waraactloa vith tlaa lalt Property L:tae of alaia •~ <hrtll J.aa) • ..._ •• deaf.pat,ca ae SU•Vaf.t luiiMJ: 2 of VDlt .... l' 1893. SOtll Str•t fna it• letar•ectioa vtth the laat Pnperty LiM of llata A,_..• (lortla tea) to ita iatenactioa vlt'b tba Walt Pnpeny LiM of caatoa Avaaua (lorth l.ea) , taow ad daetpatad •• sw-Valt .-.r 3 of hit ....,." 1893. lwtll oae-balf of SOth ltnat fro. lt1 tatai'MCU.oa with tba Weat Propanr Line o! Caatoa A.,.... (loltla Lea) to it• iatal' .. ctioa vlth tba laiC: rnpartJ LiM of loetoa A-.. (Jorth Lea), kaOIIID ea4l daaipatacl •• lub•Valt ... " 4 of DDlt ~I' 1893. 50t1a ltnet frca ite illtal"MCtlOB with tba laet Propart7 lJ.u of lo1toa A'ftiWtl (lonh Lea) to ltl tatal"MCtlola with. u ... sa fMt lalt of tbe lactlOB Lf.ae la Coli ... A.-. • .._ a4 claalpated u hlt-IJJait ..._r 5 of U.lt .-.r 1193. lortla-So.ti allaJ 1a llock 179, 01'1&1Dal %ova be~ ••-L aad • ._. & •• fna 15th It nat to 1.6th Stnat. aova ud daltpat•d •• Vatt .._r A•l13. Vlllltl, tM CltJ l .. l.aHr pnpare4 rolle o~ at at~• for cJae illpn~t• f.a eacb UDit, ...._t.aa tM .._.t• to k •• .. •••• apiaet tlae wrl.oue percale of alnattl.aa pnpart)', aad tM ~ o.era tluanof, aa4 elaoriaa otMr· utter• ad tbf.ap; aa4 tbe ,_. wra euatae4 by tba Ctty c:-lealoe ad appi'Oftd, ad a u ... ad place wa fi.Md for llurlaa co tllla ...... , of auda abuttl.q propertJ, aad to all otllel'e ta aa,vt•• iatanetad, act •• aa4 pnpar ~·-aot1ce •• at-.., aa4 eudl baartaa vu had aacl laald at tha tiM acl place fiaa4 therefor, to-vtts oe tba 25th day of JulJ, ltS7, at 10&00 o'cloCk •·•· ta tba c:c-t•eloa aoc. Sa tba CltJ of I.Ubock, feua, aocl at euda Martaa all deall'iq to M M&r4 wra f1111J ad faf.rlJ baarcl, ad oidaca •• ncat.-4 aa4 coui .. red aad all proc .. ce ad obJactloae Mcla wn c:oul. .. n4, aa4 ••14 laaarf.aa vaa ta all napactl •1• la tba ..... r pi'OYI.ded ad Rf~Vlnd by tba daartar •• lav ia force 1.a tld.1 Cit7 ad ,,. the pncee4f.aa• of tH Clt7 vltb refanaca to 111ch •ttara, ad tu followtoa protaata wn •• coacantaa tba · t.pro ..... ta ta tba uatte todf.catad .... tys K. D. 1 ... 11 ad Liloa D. laitb appund prota1tlq tile pnpoaecl pavtaa t.,ro•••••t• oa Joliet ...... f~ 22ad flace to 23r4 Street. v. a. JCartta appaancl for late fatlaar V. 11. llartia protaet~ tM pnpoHd PAvia& illpn:Yr rata • Awaaa I fn. 36tla lti'Mt to 38tla ltnat Hcaua late bouaa v111 k ia a pontoa of tba rt.pt-of1a1. lire. lertha Vaqbt callacl ltJ plaoM oppoatDa the propoeecl pavlq illpnfrl rata oa lhb Street fna Slide loa4 to tork Awaue. lira. lmo GratU. pl'Otaetacl bJ letter •• appaa.-ecl p.-ot••U.aa tha propoHd pavtaa illprovaMilta 011 39th ltreat froa WaJM AW1lU to 'ftckeltura •~ McauH alae vu .Ula to pay. Mr. aad Mre. larl ._,hnJ appeared oppoetaa tlae pnpoead partaa S.,tott rta • 43rd It nat fi'GII Peoria A'ftDua to Ylckakra AftiMie. a. o. Short ad tlal'riD lr&J appaand opporlaa the pnpoMcl paftlla illpl'OY ... ta oa laqol' Awaua f..-19th Street to 26th Street becauaa of tbe COlt, 111'1. S. B. t.ueaMqar appeared pi'OteaU.aa tlae propoMd P•Ylaa illprow• MD&e ac4 cta.t!catioa of rla)at•of-wy oa tlae W.eat oae-half of &lata A'ftlhle frva the allaJ •ortb of 60th st .... t to tlaa allaJ loutb of 63rcl ltl'eat. &a.ath lo.._ appean4 prote.U111 tlaa pro,•e~payS.q l.llprotr r•t• ' oa Guava • ....,.. f~ farkvar Drift to laat 2nd ltnat. f J· S7l.U Callicut u.S Mn. a. s. fierce appeancl oppoaf.q tbe p~eecl Pnlaa bipi'OWMDCI oa A....aa I fl'oa Sth .tl'eet to 6th Street. a. I • ·II'Uce .,purecl fot' let ... l lo4aet8 oppoalq tbe propoea4 pavlq iltpn..a.&\tl on Stll Stnet from AveDue 0 to A'ftmle 1·, but vaa iD favo~ of tlul1e i.Japi'OW1181lta beiq cloae aut )'8&r. A. D. le~fo1cl appearecl oppoat.aa· the prop<»eed pavina 1111frovrmnta on Sth Street 'l'Oal A'ftllue 0 to Avenue R. · L.,.. • 1. •· leader appeared repreaeattq ._cler Pl'Operttaa, Ioco-qontecl ·' · a.t vas ill fa'¥01' of the pi'Opoaecl pavtaa illi#l'ovea.,te • but vatecl pa,..at clefas:rect by. two yeare oa 34tb. Street froa Utica '-venue to Sltcle loact. ' \ M1'~.011ver 1 .. Satth appeal'ed oppOfltq tbe propoaa4 panna t.pro...ata oa 34th ltr:eat from Utica Aveaue to lllde load. ~ LeWis' appea~d oppolf.na tbe proposed pavlna iaprov.-ata oo ' · Quirt ~. fr01.1 the ldaln· load to Baat 19th Street·~ but vaa ift favot: if paJM8t co.ald be 4.e~ayad unt U auc year. · ' •l •• ., AD.4 all objectloa• acl pr:otaatl _.. wn fully coaetclered ad eatcl laead.aa •• c:oatiauad f'I'Oa ·day to daJ aDd fl'OII tiM to time uatll thie date, aa4 tbe City eo..ia1iDD bav~ fully and fairly beard all parties .akiaa aDJ protest aacl all pa,rttea deaid.aa to be hear<~. ad havlq fully coaaldered all uttel'a pnHDte4 for cooetdentloa, an4 havtna fully cona14el'ecl all of the evidaace, ad all pertiaeat ad prop•t aattal'a ia of opioioo that tlaa followilaa 4ilpoaition ahou14 ~·.-de ' of auch prot .. ta aa4 ohjecttona, aa4 that •••eaa• •uta ah0ul4 'b• ~de •• hentn ordaiDecl, ~ 11. rr ~DID BY ftB Clft,CCIIIlSSIOB 01 Ul Ctn OF UJIIOC&; I. ' that all protests aacl objactioas, whether herein epeclftcally MD• tioud or aot. eull ..ul tu •-an laeralay ov.rwled aad the aat4 bead.q vl.th .-.. pact to each act all Sub•Uaita aacl Uatta ta herebJ cloaecl, ezcept that it •• foad that. Pavma Sub•IJDlt Bo. 2 of Uaf.t 1888, Joliet Aveaue froa tte latereectioa .vtth the S.oatb Property Lf.De of 22afl flaca to tt• Sratenectf.on t~th tile 8o~h lroparty Ltna of 23r4 Stnet; SU.Uatt lo. 4 of Ulaf.t 1189 • 39th Stnet froa ita tatereactt•w f.th the Batt PI'Opert)' L1De of Waya.e AftDU4t to tta ta.te1'1ec~toa vith the le•t hoperty List• of VtckabUI'I Aftllue » Sub•Uult lfo. 8 of Uatt lo. 1889, Baaao .. Av~n,.a• frena. ita tntel'aecttoa .wf.tb tbe South ravtaa Llae o! 19th Str:eat 'to ita tnteJ"eectiolalwlth tbe Botth Property Ltae of 26th Street& &ub•Uait Bo. 1 of Uait lo. 1890.' Weat one•balf of Blaill Avaaua fro. ita tatera•ctioa •l.th tbe South Property ~~--of the alley $outh of S8tb Street ~ett Lei) to itt iataraectioa with the Worth rrope~ty Liua of the ella)' Jfor:th of 60tb Str:eat (le1t tea); Sub•Onit lo. 2 of· VDit l'o. 1890. w .. t oae•balf of llaio A~• f~ ita tDteraaccioa vtth the lo~tb Property ~tae of the alley Rortb of 60th Street (laat Lea) to ita iatersecttou vitb the South lroperty LiM of the alley S0t1th of 63rcl Stre•t (laet Lea) J lub•Uatt lo. 1 of Vait lo. 1891, 6th Stnat fro. tta interaectloll with tba laet h'opel'ty Liae Av._. C to ita tuter•acu.ou with the Waat lzoperty Liae of AWIMlal; aa.d Su•Uait lo. 2 of U.it lo. 1891, Aveoua I f~ .tbe lon:h O..ttal' Liaa of Stb t1Mnof, ,..,._ .. or Mt .uda OWMI'a N cernctly .._. lletef.D _. •\ICh U.•• 1hall 1te aa4l coa1U.tae tile ff.r1t eafowcuble clala ... , •• , tlaa property ...... e4, ucl allall k a fll'lt _. par..-at lleo, lauped.or to all otur lt.Da o4 clelal, acept ltate. eo-ty acl ICualclpal taxa• acl tile IUM 10 u••••ed aba11 lte pa,Ule •• fol,lon. to-vlt c Ia tbne -.ual iutallMDte, tba fll'et payule ea or before tea (10) .. ,. aftel' tile GG~~Pletto. aa4 accfPtaace 1ty t'be C:ltJ' of ,.._ &.prow ate f.a tlae lu1»-VIIit upoa *ida tbe particolar p~rtJ abut•' tlla MceH tutelt..t date ea or before OM Je&l' fna eaicl 4ate of co.plet&oB _. aeceptace, aad tM tlt.ird iDetelt..t due oa Ol' 1tefore two ,.are fro. eald elate of C*lfleU.• •• acceptaac•• _. eucb u•••-t• elaall '-~' latanat fl'• tile data of ncb ' COIIpletiOD acl acceptaace at ta.. rate of 61. per am•, payola araaually with ucla tutallMDt, to tlaat upoa eollfleU.oa •cl accaptaaice of tbe U.,l'o~t• ill a partf.cul&l' Sult-Udt ........ t• -ialt tu propert)' alNttiaa upoa a\&ch OGIIflatacl acl aAcepted &uat-U.it ehall 1te acl kcc.e ... act p&Jaltle ia auG.b laecalt..te aacl viti\ iatena~ fn. the date of eucb CGIIflatioa ... accaptaace1 providacl tlaat .. , OWDel' eball 'bave tu d.&Jat to,., off tbe attn u•••-t• or &DJ f.Utall-.t tbanof. 1tefon Mturit)', by ,.,..c of pd.acipal act ac• cne4 latel' .. t • •• pnvided funber tUt if 4efalt Hall k -• ia tu ,.,...c of •7 f.Utal~ pi'OIIftly •• the..-•tuna, thea the atire --t of tM UHI...C, upoa wlch aucb default ia •de alaall, at the optf.oa of lloOM.-l&WI'I, lacoQOI'&te4 Ol' lt• uaipe, 'be •• 1tec.o. ~4l&t•ly 4ue a4 p&Ja1tle, atl eull 1te colleot'l'l• witla naeoaa~le attonaey' • f .. • aa4l coate'of collectioD f.f tacu~•· Yl, !be City of ,_.,ock ela&ll aot ill DJ aaDal' be liable fol' tlle par ... t of aay .... Jaanb)r ....... .s apiuc aDJ propartJ acl the CMMal'l tbenef, kt fi.GMer laver•, Iacorporate4, alaall look aolely to aalcl pmpel'ty, a4 tbe CNMI"I tbenof a for tile pa,_at of tba -UleeMd q&inlt the napectf.ft pal'cele of propert7 • IMat aaid City e11a11 aerc1H all of ita lawful pgwn to a14 1a tbe eaforc•••t land eollactloD of aaicl 11•• ucl .... ,_.ta, acl 11 default eball 1te •de ill tbe pa,...at o£ •Y u•••.-t• collecttc.D tiMnof ahall k .torce4 eitber 'b7 ule of the p-roperty by the ru Collectol' •• .UMa1or of tba Clt7 of ~ok u uar u po•a1ble ia t11e IIDil&l' pi'O.t4ed for tile eala of pr:opett:7 tor tba aon.-p.,._t of acl valona taea • Ol' at tM optlaa of JioDear •••~"•• IDcor,orated, or ite uelpa, pa,a.t of ••t• .-. ehali be -'orcacl by nit 1D aay court laaVf.Da jUI'I.aclictioa. fll. rol' tbe f\II'P08e of evideacf.lla the eeverel au.e •••••••cl apinat tlae mel pa"l'cela of propel't)' • ad tb.e CNMI'I thel'&of, acl the t&• a4 tama of pa,_at, aa4 to aiel in tbe afol'c-t thanof, aealpale certiff.catea ala&ll H 1elliH 1»7 tlaa Cit)' of Lll'-bock upora the CGIIPletion acl acceptace of tile wort 1D .. cb Su•U.lt of illpl'o.._.t •• the wotk J.a ••eta Su'b•UDlt ia COIIfl&ted ad accepted, wbtch certifl.cat•• elaall k euc"" ..... .a ~ the 'Mayor &atM.._ of tile City, atceeted by tba City a.c.-eta~ with tM corpo~at• M&l, ad eJaall lte .P•Jabl• to fiODMr Pawn, lacorporatacl, 01' it1 ueipl • ad ehall daclan tbe eaia aauot• and tu U• aad teme of pa,..at eud rate o! l.otere•t •• date of CG~~Pletioa a4 acceptace of the S.,ro~t• for nlch tba cart1ff.cate 1• 1aaue4, aacl 1ba1l contaill tu 111M of the ower •• accuretelJ u poleible, aad ! .. · tba de•cd.pttoa of tiM prvpeny b7 lot aad It~ ..-.r, H froat f•t tbenof • or audl otber 4-aed.ptioa aa •Y otbetWiae 14eatify the ..... ad if. tu .. ,. pnparty alaall be .ovucl by a aatata, tba to ao a tate the deaerlpU.• tt.nof u 110 CMad aiaall ba-aufflei•t or if ·ca..-of the ower H Ulllaaowa, tben to eo a tate aball be avffici..at • aacl ao a not:' or aiatake ia cteaerlbtlla ay pnper- ty, or 1a atviq tbs n-. of ay CNMI'a, aball ill a,.nae iaft114ate, or illpall' the aeMa.-at lniact bel'eby or tbe certiff.eate ienecl tu evlclac• thenef. 1. 1'M aa14 ca~tff.catea allall funbar pwvtcle aubatatlall'J tbat if default ahal1 be .ade 111 the p.,...at of _, iutalt.llt of pdact.pal or tatar- .. t due, vbn, thea, at tM optioa of lioe.ar Pawra, lccorporata4, t~.r ita aaeipa. the vbola of the Mid ••••-t ntdnced thereby .-..u at oaca be• cc.a due ad payable, •d aball 1te collectible vith nuoaabla attoi'MJ•• f•• aad coata of collecttoa, if iDCUnacS. And aaict c:ertUicatu aball Ht fortll acl nt.._• the pereoul lt.Ullity of the OWDen of av.ch property •• tlle U.aa wpoa aveh property, ad ahall provide ill effect if default aball M •• ia tile pa,._t tbereof tbe .-. •Y be •fol'ead e1tMr ~the aala .-f the pxoperty 'by tlt.e 'l'ax Collactol' aJUl Aaaaaeo~ of tJt.e Cit7 of LOIJock, u _... recited, or lty ault in any court bavU.a jurbcU.etioc .. The ••1~ eert1f1oatea ehell f~rther recite tu effect tbat all prO• cee41D&a wit-h l'efenaea to Mklq Ni4 Sllpnw 1et1 ~ Mea nplarly u• 1a cOIIPU.ace with tile ln ill force aacl proceaf1111&• of tbe City of J.ubhek, .U that all pnnqu!eit .. to tbe ff.xiaa of the U.• an4 claia of ,.1'.-al U.Uf.U.- ty avicJencad ~7 aucll certUtcatee baw baea npladJ dou m4 perfome~, wbtcla rec:ltale eball 'be avf.clellca of the -ctera ancl fact• ao ncited, •• DO ful'tber proof thanof abaU 'b• ~.aired in any court. AlleS tbe aaid certf.fteatea -Y haft CCNPOftl attachecl tbento Ill evidnca of eac:h or. ~Y of the aewral tuetallMata thereof • or tha7 •1 bini coupou for &ada of t..._ ftrat two iutall-ta, leavtas the .. ta certificate fol' tba thil'4• And tba Nid certificatea .eball further pi'OVide la effect tbat tlle City of 1Aibbock eball aerciae'· all of ita lawful povere, vbea raquute41 ao to do by tba bolder of Nf.cl carttfi.catea, to aid •ta tbe euforc..at a4 c:ollacttoa thereof. acl aa1cl cartiflcatae may contata otbar ad further racitala pal'ttaaat and appmprlata t'bereto. lt shall DOt be oeceaaary tllat eald c•tlff.cat•• eball be 1D the uac:t fora aar above Mt forth, but tJae aultatanca •• affect t:beceof aball avffic:e. Vlll. 1'be ... u-ta 1a-.1ad by tbla orcliaaace for: the t.pro-.-ta 1D each UDf.t are altoptaa.c aapante u4 dilttact fna uaeaiMilte f.u eacb •4 evai'J otbar Vftit. 11M aaau .. ta for: blproWMata la _. Unit ar:a ia MWiH affacta4 t.y tu t.pro..._.t• ill or tu ••-•-t• 1evie4 for the blprou sat• f.n any other Uatt, m4 ta Mkins ad levyiq •••••IIMDta the coat of tba s.- pl'of nata 1D each IJD1t, the baeftta by ••• of tu illpro11 1ata, ad all otbar Mttare and thiap with nfaranca to the illpro••• nta ill eac:h Vaf.t, II&• Maa coe•1dan4, act detamtDad altoaetber without nfannce to aD'J IUcb •ttera tn uy otur Uftic, a4 the Oldeeioa of tbe illpnv-ta ta ..,. ID.f.C J' eh&ll 1a aovtM affect· or S.,alr to valltity of u•••--t• for tbe tllprove- ..ata til aDJ otJaer ualt. TU •lea ion of Sspro•.-t8' ia UJ particular unit in fJ'Oilt of ay pnperty --.t fn. tba lin of aucb ........ ta aball in DOWlH affect or iltpaf.r tba validity of UI881M1lte aaailiat: other property in tl\at unit • u. •o ~stake, error, invalicity, or trxesularlty ia tba .... of aOJ propel'tJ OWDer, or the daac:d.ption of aay propartJ, or tba a.mmt of eDJ UHI .... t. or lD uy other utter or thin&. eull ln aDJ wbe invalidate or t.palr aay ..... _..t levied heruy or any certlflc:ate lane4, ucl aDJ nc.b abtake, error, lnwli4lty, or irraplarltJ, whether in auc:h a1aea...at or in t._. certificate laauecl f.ll evideace tbareof • uy be correcte4 at uy tiM by the CltJ. x. All a .. eaa..ata lavle4 are a peraoaal liability aacl char&• aaaiott tlwa real aa4 tNe OVDert of the preataea 4eacd.IMI4 eotwf.tb.ataacUAa tuch owaera My not be a-ct, or aDJ be iacorrectly GaMel. raaMd aDd approwcl by U1Wlilloua vote of the Ci.tJ Colaf.alioe this tba ~-6w5-....,>_claJ of JuJit , 19S7. Stb Paeaecl aci approved by wumimoua vote of the City eo.atealOII thh the _________ ctay of August , 1957. Paaae4 ucl approvecl by uoaad.1a0ue vote of the City C~aaion tb.b the ..._-.2.2n..,d....__clay of August • 1957 • r///.~ ;,, /0 I. s. ~o~n•t, Jr. , MaJOr: · Approftd: Joha ! • Btckeraoa, City lqiDMr Yaqla 1. WUaou. Cit7 Attomey •