HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 2183-1957 - Amended By Ordinance 5217. - 04/11/1957}<I :"-. ( ,;_J ... ~-==='"""-Ordinance No. 2183 amended by -Ordinance 5217 j?ft'; t ~~' ~ ... ' r. ~ 1'111-, .. 1 ~ r~ "''J. J.".· - ? vn~' ~- r.~-S"? ~b.- ( \ ORDINANCE NO• _2183 04--25-\qS7 · AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. i695 AND THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK SO AS TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHAN.GE: ZONE CASE NO. 624 : CHANGE CERTAIN PROPERTY HEREINAFT DESCRIBED IN THE BODY OF THIS ORDINANCE FROM AN uR-1" TO A "C-3" ZONING DISl'RICT SUBJECT TO THE. CONDITIONS WHICH ARE HEREINAFTER SET FORTH IN THE. BODY OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the proposed change in zoning districts as hereinafter made has been duly presented to the Zoning and Planning Commission for its recomm.endatio~ which was received by the City Commission and after due consideration, the City Commission finds that making the proposed change as hereinafter set out will be in the public interest; and., WHE~ all conditions. precedent required by law for a valid amend- ment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied wit~ as well as giving notices in compliance with Section 2.0 of Ordinance No. 16.95, as well as notices provided by Article lOllf, Vernonts Annotated Civil Statutes, amended in 1953 and notice was duly published in the Lubbock Morning Avalanche more tha.n fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing according to said notice was duly held in the City Commission Room on the first floor of the City Hall, Lubbock, Texas, at which time p.ersons appeared in support of the proposal; and" after said public hearing, it was by the City Commission determined that it would be in the public interest. due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map be amended in the manner hereinafter set forth in the body of this Ordinance and this Ordinance having been introduced in final written form prior to first reading hereofJ NOWIIt THEREFO~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Ordinance No. 1695 and the Official Zoning ~ap BE, and the same are hereby amended as follows, to-wit: Z-ONE CASE NO. 62.4 : Change the following de scribed tracts of land located in the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, from an "R-1" to a "C-3" zoning district. TRACT NO.; 1 That tract of land lying between the centerline of 54th Street and a line, said line being the extension of the centerline of 53rd Street from the east, and between the centerline of Elgin Avenue and a line, said line being the extension of the centerline of Gary Avenue from the south. I, ( ( TRACT NO.o Z BEGINNING at a point, said point being in the centerline of Elgin Avenue and 90 feet south of the north right-of-way line of 50th Street; THENCE in a southerly direction along the centerline of Elgin Avenue a distance of .210 feet to a point; THENCE west to a point~ said point being in a line, said line being the extension of the centerline of Gary Avenue from the south; THENCE north a distance of ZlO feet to a pointi THENCE east to the POINT OF BEGINNING. S\TBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! (1) That planting screens be provided along Elgin and Gary Avenues on each tract of land (TRACTS l and Z) and along 54th Street. This condition shall not apply to the east three .and one-half acres of Tract 1 adjacent to 54th Street and Elgin Avenue if this acreage is used for church purposes. (Z) That at least ZOO feet be kept clear for parking on 59th Street as mea- sured from the future property line as and when finally determine~ and at least ZOO feet be kept clear for parking on Elgin and Gary Avenues on both tracts of land (TRACTS 1 and Z) as measured from the future property lines of Elgin .and Gary Avenues as and when finally determined and on 54th Str.eet as measured from. the existing property line. This condition shall not apply to the east three and one-half acres of Tract l adjacent to 54th Street and Elgin Avenue$ if this acreage is used for church purposes. (3) That there be not more than three openings in the planting screen for ingress and eg.ress on 54th Street and that there be not mor.e than three total openings in each of the .planting screens of both Tracts 1 and Z on Elgin and Gary Avenues for ingress and egress in combination with the adjacent planting screens of the adjacent commercial property. SECTION z. THAT from. and after passage and effective date of this Ordinancet said lots, tracts and parcels of land de scribed in Section 1 hereoft shall be changed to the Zoning District indicated and the Official Zoning Map is amended in accordance herewith. AN.D IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed by the Commission on first reading this lltftaY of AR!it ~a~ sed by the Commission on second reading thi:s 25 day of Apr t 1957. • 195 ' : r 3 .. 11------oRntNANC:E NO. 1183 lD ~ oprilii• .. -.• --G ---ORDINANCE NO. nB3 ~ A:N ORDINANCE A !ll E N DING :.F.. ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1195 UQ ~ri? T~~ O[~~~Jk~ ors TH.J5 E'.:: 'I' I I I I I I MAKE TKE FOLLOWING CHANGE: ~ tl I ~ l I I II -~~~~.J't.ASE P~P~t/ HH1;fls<irf: 1Y :,;_FTER DESCRIBED ll'l THE BODY ~ !OF THlS ORD1NAN'CE FROM AN ti· '"R·l" TO A "C-3" Z0NING 015-:R WoWs ~~~<fuTOKEWmm~i >F !SET FORTii 1N THE BODY OF Ill THI.S ORDINANCE. er I WHEREAS. the proposed chanae to • ln zonln& diltrlcts u herdntler 111-'made baa been dulY presented tD~ch >the Zonln& and Plannln& Commls· , .. Jsion for it1 rerommendattao. wb1Cb he lt .. waa recelved bY the CIIY Commls-111 sion and aner due con.t!tkralloon. the •r CitY CommJsslon Jlnda tbat makln& bU . the proposed cnanae u her<~IM!ter aet out will be In the pubUc Intel' cor< ~ uL: and. ; ~ ( WHEREAS. e.ll eontllttons pre~ ' dent required bll l&w tor a valid -' C amendment to the zoo~ Ol'dlna:n.ce and MaP han 'been tullY compiled with, aa well as 1\VIntr notices In lcomPllance with Section 20 ot Ordf-b' nance No. 1695. aa well u notice• pmvlded bY AriJele lOllf, Vemoo•a Annotated CIVIl Statlltes. IUI\8nded In 19&3 and notice was dillY Pllbllsbed 1 In the LubbOCk Mornlna Avalanche more than fifteen (15) da;v• prior In l tbe date or the publlc hearlna ac-cord~ to said noUce was dal7 held , In tbe CitY Comml11lon Room on the ;. 1 first floor ot the CIIY Hall. LUbbock. · I "l'exaa. at which ume penoos ap-,i.l p~ared In .fliP'POI"t ot the proposal; , and. atter said publlc heaT!III. It c waa by the C!tll <:omm!Alon deter-Wmtoed that It would be In th~ -pl.\l>Ue : 1 \... lnteltit. due to dlan&ed condll!Jn•· , that the Zoning OrcUnance and • ed~ ~J~.!M~ lnln ~. of th1l Ordinance and tbla Onlll t<> havlna been Introduced \a flr&l ten form prior to tint J"ee.dl.ll& ar: NOW. THEREFORE. ' BE lT ORDAINED BY THE crt'r jOO)OfiSSlON OF TB& CITY OF' ~LUBBOCK: SBCTION 1. 'l'HA't' ()r4illal>ee No. •, 1695 and tbe Ottlc:lal Zoalnc Map jB&. and the aame are berebY ameDd-d a1 toUowa, toowtt: t:ONE <JASJ!l !'10. IMt OlaDP tbe 1 follOWIN de8ct1be<J tracla d. )Uod , located In tbe C!b' of Lubboe!k. Lubbock Couni:Y. 'l'aaa. trom an "Rrl" to a "03" -.In& dlatrlet. '1'RA'CT NO. 1 That tract of land Jylq betwMn the c:e~~teri!M or 54th StrHt a>d a UDe. said Une belnl: tile-ext-Jon ot the eentertlne d. IISrd StrMt from the Ealt. and ~ lba eentertJM of Elaln •••• .nd a IJne, 1181d 11M bei!IC h exteNta> or the eenterUM ar 08n' Av-' trom tile IOIJih. TRACI' JIIO. I BE~G at • pOint. .aJ4 beW In t2le a!lltdUm! Cl( , Aveno» and • feet IICdb ~ north rlabt«-w., Uno Cl( Nth Strftt: THENCE 111 a ~ &lrWdSon alona the ectel'llne Cl( m.ln Ave-nu. a dlstance d. 2tt teet to a nt: II 0 :r ~ )o 0 0 -z ? ~:-. II ..... , 03 , . c. ;a -< 0 X ~ z (j\ lt-1 0 I. m ~ .I • "0 c: ... g.. • "' G .... :r G ., 0 ~ 1J !. c: ~ ~ 0 =. • ~ " n • (j\ 0 g n X a.. -)> i ~ UJ o-D PI (II ... 0,.. ~ ~ c P1 ~ CD D .... ID C ~D n -~ m --1 -0 z 0.0 ...... I ~ l ~ ~ til <D ...., ..,. g. ~ rt i ::r ~ rt 0 ~ 0 a ..,. ~ (') G n ~ <D t1 g· 0 Sll til tt ~ 0 • ~ ~ 8 N g t:;· (Jq a t3" g til g < G ~· (Jq ~ ~ til G 2: 0 • ~ ~ • ~ i = • 0 • E <D "1 til ~ .. 1:::::1 ..,. ~ () rt 0 t1 ~ [ (Jq ~ 1-:1 ~ ...., ..... n () 8 0 if til • ~ ~ ..,. ~ i "' C) ..... ~ (/.) CD ~ ~ s ~ ~ if "1 g. ~ "' ....... 10 c.n ~ ~~ 0 -< ~~ ~r . c gm lm eo ~ C1 .. ~ '---.... _""""_ j'~3 01tn ~raaa.r 70U prp q-"H 'l':S6r 'aunr 3ur .. n1 ~"J.. l wo.rs new ajqe.ze~prSuo; Of:.l. f. ~l?IIJ s.rao!l~o Pro• ,;,,... ·.r&rot l'n7 'rnr '. • "'•· ,..S lp<IT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK "~" ,.,IUS .4\ SaW&f Ol ... PIIW hM. :lfoaqo •tU p <~tn ~· qsea ~ li"liUIOqJ, liN E r 1 e Ma ri e Brown S:UtnJJSV";-~!3 P<IW.wpe • Before me a Notary Public in and for lubbock\;;~ Jt ,.r:,:a ~A~ Parker F. Prouty this doy personally appeore , President, ~ttb4;sMoto;of the Avalanche-Journal Publishing Company, publishers of The Lubbock Morning Avalanche--Lubbock Evening Journal-Sunday Avalanche-Journal, who after being by me duly sworn did depose and soy that said newspaper has been published continuously for more than Le~al Notice 20264 fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of thi No. at Ordinance No. 2183 Lubbock County, Texas, and that the attached printed copy of the: ________ _ is a true copy of the original ond wos printed in the said paper Avalanche-Journal on the following dates: April 30 and May 7, 1957 V ~L-c/ t L · .v:;,!V _. .,.....~ Subscribed and sworn to before me thi 8th day of __ M_a-=-y ____ _ 1921..__ h~/ .. uu~~n_,.·_. _ _LI(.._.,, LJ -NoFoF/P~blic'; mbo~ ~nty:-'T.~;a'S.;';.tU' Nolary Public on .bno~ County, Texas My • Commis~IO'I Expir~ Juno 1, 1957 ,\to'!