HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2019-R0344 - Safety City Grant - 09_24_2019Resolution No. 2019-RO344
Item No. 6.26
September 24, 2019
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for
and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, a Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement and
related documents from the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of
Transportation. Said Grant Agreement will be used to develop and provide comprehensive
traffic eduation programs to the South Plains with the initiative to create a safe environment
on and around public roadways, and the grant funds will be used only for the purposes for
which they are intended under the grant. Said Grant Agreement is attached hereto and
incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes
of the City Council.
Passed by the City Council on SeptCMbQr 24, 2019
Pkcca Garza, City Sec eta
I�M&A,Lul) ---
Bridget I~ aulkenberry, Director of Parks & Recreation
stant City Attorney
RI:S. Grant Agreement 2020 kDOT fraf'fic Safety
City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Texas Depoho ent Of Trawportalion-'lfaltic Safety
Electronic Signature Authorization Form
This form ideFftes the persorXs) who have the authority to sign grant ageemenls and
amendments for the Grant ID fisted at the bottom of the page.
No= Of OrgarftMon: City of Lubbock
Propet 711119: Safety City: "Providing Education Today for a Safer Tonrorraaf'
Authodzft Audrorilt►
The signatory of the Subgrantee hereby represents and warrants that shelhe is an officer of
to organization for which sheltie has executed this agreement and that shelhe has full and
complete authority to ever into the agreement on behalf of the organization. I authorize the
person(s) Isted under the section "Authorized to Electronically Sign Grant Agreements and
' to enter into an agreement on behalf of the organization.
Daniel M. Pope
September 24. 2019
f Under the authority of Ordirrarxe or Resolution
Number (ti applicable) Resolution No. 2019-RO344
Authorised to Electronieatiy Sign Grant Agreement and Amendmarle
List Subgrantee Administrators who have complete authority to ender into an agreement on
behalf of the organization _
PdnI Name of Sulbgranhe A*Nlubtratm M
UDOT TmMc Safeq eGmuft + TN1e
Daniel M Pope Mayor
O.J. Williams Outdoor Recreation Coordinator
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Texas Traffic Safety eGrants
Fiscal Year 2020
Organization Name: City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
Legal Name: City of Lubbock
Payee Identification Number: 17560005906000
Project Title: Safety City: "Providing Education Today for a Safer
ID: 2020-LubbockP-G-1 YG-0217
Period: 10/01/2019 to 09/30/2020
City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
X The following person has authorized the submittal of this proposal
O J Williams
Outdoor Recreation Coordinator
1611 10th Street
Zip Code
Phone Number
806-775-2690 (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Fax Number
806-775-2686 (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
E-mail address
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Bailey County - Lubbock District
Castro County - Lubbock District
Cochran County - Lubbock District
Crosby County - Lubbock District
Dawson County - Lubbock District
Floyd County - Lubbock District
Games County - Lubbock District
Garza County - Lubbock District
Hale County - Lubbock District
Hockley County - Lubbock District
Lamb County - Lubbock District
Lubbock County - Lubbock District
Lynn County - Lubbock District
Parmer County - Lubbock District
SvAsher County - Lubbock District
Terry County - Lubbock District
'oakum County - Lubbock District
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
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US Congress* Congressional District 19
Texas Senate* Texas Senate District 2$
Texas House* Texas House of Representatives District $3
Texas House of Representatives District 84
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General -2020
Definitions: For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the "Department" is also known as the
"State" and the "prospective primary participant" and the "Subgrantee" is also known as the
"Subrecipient" and "prospective lower tier participant"
The Subgrantee shall comply with all federal state and local laws, statutes. codes, ordinances
rules and regulations, and the orders and decrees of any courts or administrative bodies or tribunals
in any matter affecting the performance of this agreement, including without limitation workers'
compensation laws, minimum and maximum salary and wage statutes and regulations
nondiscrimination laws and regulations, and licensing laws and regulations When required the
Subgrantee shall furnish the Department with satisfactory proof of compliance
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The Subgrantee assures and certifies that it will comply with the reguWions, policies: guidelines, and
requirements, including 2 CFR, Part 200; and the Department's Traffic Safety Program Manual, as
they relate to the application, acceptance, and use of federal or state funds for this project_ Also, the
Subgrantee assures and certifies that:
A. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant. and that a resolution, motion. or similar action
has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the
filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained in the application: and
directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in
connection with the application and to provide any additional information that may be required
B. It and its subcontractors will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-
352), as amended, and in accordance with that Act, no person shall discriminate. on the grounds of
race, color, sex, national origin. age. religion, or disability.
C ft will comply with requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisitions Act of 1970. as amended; 42 USC (United States Code) §§4601 et seq.; and
United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) regulations. "Uniform Relocation and Real
Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs " 49 CFR Part 24, which provide
for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of federal and federal;y assisted
D Political activity (Hatch Act) (applies to subrecipients as well as States). The State will comply
with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U_S.C. 1501-1508) which limits the political activities of
employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds
E. It will comply with the federal Fair Labor Standards Act's minimum wage and overtime
requirements for employees performing project work.
F It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or
gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others,
particularly those with whom they have family, business or other ties
G It will give the Department the access to and the right to examine all records, books papers. or
documents related to this Grant Agreement
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H It will comply with all requirements imposed by the Department concerning special requirements
of law program requirements, and other administrative requirements.
L It recognizes that many federal and state laws imposing environmental and resource conservation
requirements may apply to this Grant Agreement Some, but not all, of the mayor federal laws that
may affect the project include: the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 42 USC
§§4321 et seq. the Clean Air Act, as amended 42 USC §§7401 et seq and sections of 29 USC; the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended 33 USC §§1251 et seq ; the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended, 42 USC §§6901 et seq.; and the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as amended, 42 USC §§9601 et seq.
The Subgrantee also recognizes that the U -S_ Environmental Protection Agency, USDOT, and other
federal agencies have issued. and in the future are expected to issue, regulations, guidelines,
standards, orders, directives, or other requirements that may affect this Project_ Thus, it agrees to
comply, and assures the compliance of each contractor and each subcontractor, with any federal
requirements that the federal government may now or in the future promulgate,
J. It will comply with the flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood
Disaster Protection Act of 1973 42 USC §4012a(a) Section 102(a) requires, on and after March 2.
1975, the purchase of flood insurance in communities where that insurance is available as a
condition for the receipt of any federal financial assistance for construction or acquisition purposes
for use in any area that has been identified by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development as an area having special flood hazards The phrase "federal financial assistance"
includes any form of loan, grant, guaranty, insurance payment, rebate, subsidy, disaster assistance
loan or grant, or any form of direct or indirect federal assistance
K It will assist the Department in its compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470 et seq.), Executive Order 11593. and the
Antiquities Code of Texas (National Resources Code, Chapter 191)
L It will comply with Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code by ensuring that no officer.
employee, or member of the Subgrantee's governing board or the Subgrantee's subcontractors shall
vote or confirm the employment of any person related within the second degree of affinity or third
degree by consanguinity to any member of the governing body or to any other officer or employee
authorized to employ or supervise that person This prohibition shall not apply to the employment of a
person described in Section 573 062 of the Texas Government Code.
M It will ensure that all information collected, assembled, or maintained by the applicant relative to
this project shall be available to the public during normal business hours in compliance with Chapter
552 of the Texas Government Code, unless otherwise expressly provided by law
N If applicable it will comply with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, which requires all
regular special or called meetings of governmental bodies to be open to the public. except as
otherwise provided by law or specifically permitted in the Texas Constitution.
►T 4ZPTii1+1hN,
A The method of payment for this agreement will be based on actual costs incurred up to and not to
exceed the limits specified in the Project Budget The amount included in a Project Budget category
will be deemed to be an estimate only and a higher amount can be reimbursed. subject to the
conditions specified in paragraph S of this Article If the Project Budget species that costs are
based on a specific rate, per-unit cost. or other method of payment, reimbursement will be based on
the specified method,
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B All payments will be made in accordance with the Protect Budget,
1 The Subgrantee's expenditures may overrun a budget category (1, Il, or III) in the approved Project
Budget without a grant (budget) amendment, as long as the overrun does not exceed a total of five
(5) percent of the maximum amount eligible for reimbursement (TxDOT) in the attached Project
Budget for the current fiscal year. This overrun must be off -set by an equivalent underrun elsewhere
in the Project Budget.
2 If the overrun is five (5) percent or less, the Subgrantee must provide written notification to the
Department through the TxDOT Electronic Grants Management System (eGrants) prior to the
Request for Reimbursement being approved The notification must indicate the amount the percent
over, and the specific reason(s) for the overrun
3. Any overrun of more than five (5) percent of the amount eligible for reimbursement (TxDOT) in the
attached Project Budget requires an amendment of this Grant Agreement.
4 The maximum amount eligible for reimbursement shall not be increased above the Grand Total
TxDOT Amount in the approved Project Budget, unless this Grant Agreement is amended, as
described in Article 5 of this agreement
5_ For Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) grants only In the Project Budget,
Subgrantees are not allowed to use underrun funds from the TxDOT amount of (100) Salaries,
Subcategories A. "Enforcement." or B, "PI&E Activities," to exceed the TxDOT amount listed in
Subcategory C, "Other " Also, Subgrantees are not allowed to use underrun funds from the TxDOT
amount of (100) Salaries, Subcategories A. "Enforcement " or C, "Other," to exceed the TxDOT
amount listed in Subcategory B. "PI&E Activities " The TxDOT amount for Subcategory B ' PI&E
Activities," or C, "Other," can only be exceeded with.n the five (5) percent flexibility with underrun
funds from Budget Categories II or III
C To be eligible for reimbursement under this agreement, a cost must be incurred in accordance
with the Project Budget, within the time frame specified in the Grant Period of this Grant Agreement
attributable to work covered byth;s agreement and which has been completed in a manner
satisfactory and acceptable to the Department
D. Federal or TxDOT funds cannot supplant (replace) funds from any other sources The term
"supplanting," refers to the use of federal or TxDOT funds to support personnel or an activity already
supported by local or state funds
E Payment of costs incurred under this agreement is further governed by the cost principles
outlined in 2 CFR Part 200
F. The Subgrantee agrees to submit monthly Requests for Reimbursement, as designated in this
Grant Agreement. within thirty (30) days after the end of the billing period The Request for
Reimbursement and appropriate supporting documentation must be submitted through eGrants
G. The Subgrantee agrees to submit the final Request for Reimbursement under this agreement
within forty -live (45) days of the end of the grant period.
H. Payments are contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds
L Project agreements supported with federal or TxDOT funds are limited to the length of this Grant
Period specified in this Grant Agreement_ If the Department determines that the project has
demonstrated merit or has potential long-range benefits, the Subgrantee may apply for funding
assistance bevond the initial aareement period.
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Preference for funding will be given to projects based on (1) proposed cost sharing and (2)
demonstrated performance history
Payment of costs incurred under this agreement is contingent upon the availability of funds. If at any
time during this Grant Period. the Department determines that there is insufficient funding to continue
the project, the Department shall notify the Subgrantee, giving notice of intent to terminate this
agreement as specified in Article 11 of this agreement_ V at the end of a federal fiscal year, the
Department determines that there is sufficient funding and performance to continue the project. the
Department may notify the Subgrantee to continue this agreement
This agreement may be amended prior to its expiration by mutual written consent of both parties,
utilizing the Grant Agreement Amendment in eGrants. Any amendment must be executed by the
parties within the Grant Period as specified in this Grant Agreement.
A. If the Subgrantee is of the opinion that any assigned work is beyond the scope of this agreement
and constitutes additional work, the Subgrantee shall promptly notify the Department in writing
through eGrants If the Department finds that such work does constitute additional work, the
Department shall advise the Subgrantee and a written amendment to this agreement will be
executed according to Article 5. Amendments. to provide compensation for doing this work on the
same basis as the original work. If performance of the additional wcrk will cause the maximum
amount payable to be exceeded, the work will not be performed before a written grant amendment is
B. If the Subgrantee has submitted work in accordance with the terms of this agreement but the
Department requests changes to the completed work or parts of the work which involve changes to
the original scope of services or character of work under this agreement. the Subgrantee shall make
those revisions as requested and directed by the Department This will be considered as additional
work and will be paid for as specified in this Article
C. If the Subgrantee submits work that does not comp;y with the terms of this agreement. the
Department shall instruct the Subgrantee to make any revis,ons that are necessary to bring the work
into compliance with this agreement. No additional compensation shall be paid for this work
D. The Subgrantee shall make revisions to the work authorized in this agreement that are necessary
to correct errors or omissions when required to do so by the Department No additional
compensation shall be pa d for this work
E The Department shall not be responsible for actions by the Subgrantee or any costs incurred by
the Subgrantee relating to additional work not directly associated with or prior to the execution of an
A Not later than thirty (30) days after the end of each reporting period, the Subgrantee shall submit a
performance report through eGrants Reporting periods vary by project duration and are defined as
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1 For short term projects the reporting period is the duration of the project Subgrantee shall submit
a performance report within 30 days of project completion
2 For longer projects. the reporting period is monthly Subgrantee shall submit a performance report
within 30 days of the completion of each project month and within 30 days of project completion
3 For Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Wave projects, the reporting period is each
billing cycle. Subgrantee shall submit a performance report within 30 days of the completion of each
billing cycle.
B The performance report will include as a minimum (1) a comparison of actual accomplishments
to the objectives established for the period (2) reasons why established objectives and performance
measures were not met, if appropriate and (3) other pert -neat information including, when
appropriate, an analysis and explanation of cost underruns overruns, or high unit costs.
C The Subgrantee shall promptly advise the Department in writing, through eGrants, of events that
will have a significant impact upon this agreement. including
1. Problems, delays or adverse conditions, including a change of project director or other changes
in Subgrantee personnel, that will materially affect the ability to attain objectives and performance
measures, prevent the meeting of time schedules and objectives. or preclude the attainment of
project objectives or performance measures by the established time periods_ This disclosure shall
be accompanied by a statement of the action taken or contemplated and any Department or federal
assistance needed to resolve the situation
2 Favorable developments or events that enable meeting time schedules and objectives sooner
than anticipated or achieving greater performance meas.ire output tian originally projected
D. The Subgrantee shall submit the Final Performance Report through eGrants within thirty (30)
days after completion of the grant.
The Subgrantee agrees to maintain all reports, documents, papers accounting records books and
other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and work performed under this agreement (called the
"Records") and shall make the Records available at its office for the time period authorized within
the Grant Period, as specified in this Grant Agreement The Subgrantee further agrees to retain the
Records for four (4) years from the date of final payment under this agreement until f.ompletion of all
audits, or until pending litigation has been completely and fully resolved whichever occurs 3ast
Duly authorized representatives of the Department the USDOT, the Office of the Inspector General,
Texas State Auditor. and the Comptroller General shat; have access to the Records This right of
access is not limited to the four (4) year period but shall last as long as the Records are retained
A. To the extent permitted by law, the Subgrantee. if other than a government entity, shah indemnify,
hold, and save harmless the Department and its officers and employees from all claims and liability
due to the acts or omissions of the Subgrantee its agents or employees The Subgrantee also
agrees to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify, hold and save harmless the Department from
any and all expenses including but not limited to attorney fees all court costs and awards for
damages incurred by the Department in litigation or otherwise res,sting claims or liabilities as a result
of any activities of the Subgrantee its agents, or employees
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B. To the extent permitted by law, the Subgrantee, if other than a government entity, agrees to
protect, indemnify and save harmless the Department from and against all claims. demands and
causes of action of every kind and character brought by any employee of the Subgrantee against the
Department due to personal injuries to or death of any employee resulting from any alleged negligent
act by either commission or omission on the part of the Subgrantee.
C. If the Subgrantee is a government entity, both parties to this agreement agree that no party is an
agent servant, or employee of the other party and each parry agrees it is responsible for its individual
acts and deeds, as well as the acts and deeds of its contractors. employees. representatives. and
This agreement supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. If a conflict arises between this
agreement and the Traffic Safety Program Manual, this agreement shall govern. The Subgrantee
shall be responsible for the settlement of all contractual and administrative issues arising out of
procurement made by the Subgrantee in support of work under this agreement Disputes concerning
performance or payment shall be submitted to the Department for settlement with the Executive
Director or his or her designee acting as final referee
A This agreement shall remain in effect until the Subgrantee has satisfactorily completed all
services and obligations described in this agreement and these have been accepted by the
Department. unless.
1 This agreement is terminated in writing with the mutual consent of both parties. or
2 There is a written thirty (30) day notice by either party_ or
3. The Department determines that the performance of the project is not in the best interest of the
Department and informs the Subgrantee that the project is terminated immediately,
B The Department shall compensate the Subgrantee for only those eligible expenses incurred
during the Grant Period specified in this Grant Agreement that are directly attributable to the
completed portion of the work covered by this agreement provided that the work has been
completed in a manner satisfactory and acceptable to the Department The Subgrantee shall not
incur nor be reimbursed for any new obligations after the effective date of termination
A. The Department and, when federal funds are involved. the USDOT, or any of their authorized
representatives. have the right at all reasonable times to inspect or otherwise evaluate the work
performed or being performed under this agreement and the premises in which it is being performed
B If any inspection or evaluation is made on the premises of the Subgrantee or its subcontractor, the
Subgrantee shall provide and require its subcontractor to provide all reasonable facilities and
assistance for the safety and convenience of the inspectors in the performance of their duties. A!I
inspections and evaluations shall be performed in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.
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The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state
directly under this agreement or indirectly through a subcontract under this agreement Acceptance
of funds directly under this agreement or indirectly through a subcontract under th!s agreement acts
as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit
committee. to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the
subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the
state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit
A subcontract in excess of $25,000 may not be executed by the Subgrantee without prior written
concurrence by the Department. Subcontracts in excess of $25.000 shall contain all applicable
terms and conditions of this agreement. No subcontract will relieve the Subgrantee of its
responsibility under this agreement
A_ Texas Transportation Commission policy mandates that employees of the Department shall not
accept any benefit, gift, or favor from any person doing business with or who reasonably speaking
may do business with the Department under this agreement The only exceptions allowed are
ordinary business lunches and items that have received the advanced written approval of the
Department's Executive Director
B Any person doing business with or who reasonably speaking may do business with the
Department under this agreement may not make any offer of benefits gifts or favors to Departmert
employees. except as mentioned here above_ Failure on the part of the Subgrantee to adhere to this
policy may result in termination of this agreement
The Subgrantee warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person other than a
bona fide employee working solely for the Subgrantee. to solicit or secure this agreement, and that it
has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person. other than a bona fide employee, any fee.
commission. percentage brokerage fee gift. or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting
from the award or making of this agreement. If the Subgrantee breaches or violates this warranty.
the Department shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability or. in its discretLon to
deduct from the agreement price or consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee,
commission brokerage fee contingent fee or gift
The Subgrantee represents that it or its employees have no conflict of interest that would in any way
interfere with its or its employees' performance or which in any way conflicts with the interests of the
Department The Subgrantee shall exercise reasonable care and diligence to prevent any actions or
conditions that could result in a conflict with the Department's interests
A The Subgrantee certifies that it presently has adequate qualified personnel in its employment to
perform the work required under this agreement. or will be able to obtain such personnel from
sources other than the department
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B. All employees of the Subgrantee shall have the knowledge and experience that will enable them to
perform the duties assigned to them Any employee of the Subgrantee who in the opinion of the
Department is incompetent or whose conduct becomes detrimental to the work shall immediately
be removed from association with the project
C. Unless otherwise specified the Subgrantee shall furnish all equipment materials. supplies and
other resources required to perform the work
The Subgrantee shall establish and administer a system to procure control, protect preserve. use
maintain. and dispose of any property furnished to it by the Department or purchased pursuant to
this agreement in accordance with its own procurement and property management procedures
provided that the procedures are not in conflict with (1) the Department's procurement and property
management standards and (2) the federal procurement and property management standards
provided by 2 CFR §§ 200 310- 316. 200 318- 324.
Upon completion or termination of this Grant Agreement, whether for cause or at the convenience of
the parties all finished or unfinished documents. data, studies surveys reports maps, drawings.
models photographs. etc prepared by the Subgrantee and equipment and supplies purchased with
grant funds shall. at the option of the Department, become the property of the Department. All
sketches, photographs calculations and other data prepared under this agreement shall be made
available upon request to the Department without restriction or limitation of their further use
A. Intellectual property consists of copyrights, patents and any other form of intellectual property
rights covering any databases software. inventions. training manuals systems design. or other
proprietary information in any form or medium
B All rights to Department The Department shall own all of the rights (including copyrights
copyright applications, copyright renewals and copyright extensions), title and interests in and to all
data: and other information developed under this contract and versions thereof unless otherwise
agreed to in writing that there will be joint ownership
C All rights to Subgrantee_ Classes and materials initially developed by the Subgrantee without any
type of funding or resource assistance from the Department remain the Subgrantee's intellectual
property For these classes and materials the Department payment is limited to payment for
attendance at classes.
The Department and the Subgrantee each binds itself, its successors, executors. assigns and
administrators to the other party to this agreement and to the successors, executors. assigns, and
admin strators of the other party in respect to all covenants of this agreement The Subgrantee shall
not assign sublet, or transfer interest and obligations in this agreement without written consent of
the Department through eGrants_
A Compliance with regulations: The Subgrantee shall comply with the regulations relative to
nondiscrimination in federally -assisted programs of the United States Department of Transportation
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(USDOT), 49 CFR, Part 21, 23 CFR. Part 200; and 41 CFR, Parts 60-74, as they may be amended
periodically (called the "Regulations") The Subgrantee agrees to comply with Executive Order
11246, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order 11375 and as
supplemented by the U S Department of Labor regulations (41 CFR: Part 60)_
B Nondiscrimination (applies to subrecipients as well as States) The State highway safety agency
will comply with all Federal statutes and implementing regulations relating to nondiscrimination
("Federal Nondiscrimination Authorities") These include but are not limited to-
• Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U_S.C. 2000d et seq.: 78 stat 252) (prohibits
discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin) and 49 CFR part 21
• The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970
(42 U.S.C, 4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been
acquired because of Federal or Federal -aid programs and projects),
• Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1973, (23 U.S.C. 324 et seq.), and Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U_S C 1681-1683 and 1685-1686) (prohibit
discrimination on the basis of sex);
• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29 U S C 794 et seq ) as amended,
(prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability) and 49 CFR part 27,
• The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U S C 6101 et seq ). (prohibits
discrimination on the basis of age);
• The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 , (Pub_ L. 100-209). (broadens scope, coverage
and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975
and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the terms
"programs or activities" to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal aid recipients
subrecipients and contractors whether such programs or activities are Federally -funded or
• Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U S C 12131-12189) (prohibits
discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities. public and private
transportation systems, places of public accommodation, and certain testing) and 49 CFR
parts 37 and 38;
• Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice In Minority
Populations and Low -Income Populations (prevents discrimination against minority
populations by discourag-ng programs polic!es and activities with disproportionately high and
adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations) and
• Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited
English Proficiency {guards against Title VI national origin discrimination/discrimination
because of limited English profic=cy (LEP) by ensuring that funding recipients take
reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to programs (70 FR
The State highway safety agency -
Will take all measures necessary to ensure that no person in the United States shall, on the
grounds of race color national origin, disability, sex, age. limited English proficiency, or
membership in any other class protected by Federal Nondiscrimination Authorities, be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to
discrimination under any of its programs or activities, so long as any portion of the program is
Federally -assisted
Will administer the program in a manner that reasonably ensures that any of its subrecipients.
contractors, subcontractors, and consultants receiving Federal financial assistance under this
program will comply with all requirements of the Non -Discrimination Authorities identified in
this Assurance-
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Agrees to comply (and require its subrecipients, contractors, subcontractors and consultants
to comply) with all applicable provisions of law or regulation governing US DOT's or NHTSA's
access to records, accounts, documents, information, facilities, and staff, and to cooperate
and comply with any program or compliance reviews, andfor complaint investigations
conducted by US DOT or NHTSA under any Federal Nondiscrimination Authority,
Acknowledges that the United States has a right to seek judicial enforcement with regard to
any matter arising under these Non -Discrimination Authorities and this Assurance;
Agrees to insert in all contracts and funding agreements with other State or private entities the
following clause:
"During the performance of this contract/funding agreement, the contractorlfunding recipient agrees -
a. To comply with all Federal nondiscrimination laws and regulations, as may be amended from time
to time,
b. Not to participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by any Federal non-
discrimination law or regulation, as set forth in appendix B of 49 CFR part 29 and herein,
c. To permit access to its books, records, accounts other sources of information, and its facilities
as required by the State highway safety office, US DOT or NHTSA:
d_ That. in event a contractodfinding recipient fails to comply with any nondiscrimination provisions in
this contract/funding agreement. the State highway safety agency will have the right to impose such
contract/agreement sanctions as it or NHTSA determine are appropriate including but not limited to
withholding payments to the contractorlfunding recipient under the contract/agreement unti.. the
contractor/funding recipient complies, andlor cancelling, terminating or suspending a contract or
funding agreement in whole or in part and
e. To insert this clause. including paragraphs (a) through (e), in every subcontract and
subagreement and in every solicitation for a subcontract or sub -agreement, that receives Federal
funds under this program
C_ Solicitations for subcontracts, including procurement of materials and equipment_ In all
solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the Subgrantee for work to be
performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, each
potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the Subgrantee of the Subgrantee's obligations
under this agreement and the regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color,
sex, national origin, age. religion. or disability
D Information and reports. The Subgrantee shall provide all information and reports required by the
Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books records
accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Department or
the USDOT to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with the Regulations or directives. Where any
information required of the Subgrantee is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses
to furnish this information the Subgrantee shall certify that to the Department or the USDOT,
whichever is appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts the Subgrantee has made to obtain the
requested information
E Sanctions for noncompliance. In the event of the Subgrantee's noncompliance with the
nondiscrimination provision of this agreement. the Department shall impose such sanctions as it or
the USDOT may determine to be appropriate_
F, Incorporation of provisions. The Subgrantee shall include the provisions of paragraphs A. through
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E in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless V
exempt by the regulations or directives The Subgrantee shall take any action with respect to any
subcontract or procurement that the Department may direct as a means of enforcing those
provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance. However in the event a Subgrantee becomes
involved in, or is threatened with litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such
direction, the Subgrantee may request the Department to enter into litigation to protect the interests
of the state; and in addition; the Subgrantee may request the United States to enter into such
litigation to protect the interests of the United States
A. The parties shall comply with the DBE Program requirements established in 49 CFR Part 26
B_ The Subgrantee shall adopt, in its totality, the Department's federally approved DBE program
C. The Subgrantee shall set an appropriate DBE goal consistent with the Department's DBE
guidelines and in consideration of the local market, project size. and nature of the goods or services
to be acquired_ The Subgrantee shall have final decision- making authority regarding the DBE goal
and shall be responsible for documenting its actions.
D The Subgrantee shall follow all other parts of the Department's DBE program referenced in
TxDOT Form 2395 Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Adoption of the Texas
Department of Transportation's Federally -Approved Disadvantaged Business Enterprise by Entity
and attachments found at web address :7t'a;rl mw.txdot yvv Wu _;Oesslaartnershiasidbe_ rikr-i!
E The Subgrantee shall not discriminate on the basis of race color, national origin or sex in the
award and performance of any USDOT-assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE
program or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26. The Subgrantee shall take all necessary and
reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure non-discrimination in award and administration of
USDOT-assisted contracts The Department's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR Part 26 and as
approved by USDOT is incorporated by reference in this agreement Implementation of this program
is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shalt be treated as a violation of this agreement
Upon notification to the Subgrantee of its failure to carry out its approved program the Department
may impose sanctions as provided for under 49 CFR Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases refer
the matter for enforcement under 18 USC 1001 and the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986
(31 USC 3801 et seq )
F. Each contract the Subgrantee signs with a contractor (and each subcontract the prime contractor
signs with a sub -contractor) must include the following assurance. The contractor sub -recipient or
sub -contractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race color. national origin, or sex in the
performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part
26 in the award and administration of USDOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry
out these requirements is a material breach of this agreement, which may result in the termination of
this agreement or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate
subrecipients as well as Statest
Instructions for Primary Tier Participant Certification (States)
1 By signing and submitting this proposal the prospective primary tier participant is providing the
certification set out below and agrees to comply with the requirements of 2 GFR parts 180 and 1200
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2 The inability of a person to provide the certification required below will not necessarily result in
denial of participation in this covered transaction The prospective primary tier participant shall
submit an explanation of why it cannot provide the certification set out below The certification or
explanation will be considered in connection with the department or agency's determination whether
to enter into this transaction_ However, failure of the prospective primary tier participant to furnish a
certification or an explanation shall disqualify such person from participation in this transaction.
3 The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed
when the department or agency determined to enter into this transaction If it is later determined that
the prospective primary tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification in addition to
other remedies available to the Federal Government the department or agency may terminate this
transaction for cause or default or may pursue suspension or debarment
4. The prospective primary tier participant shall provide immed ate written notice to the department or
agency to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective primary tier participant
learns its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of
changed circumstances
5 The terms covered transaction, civil judgment, debarment suspension, ineligible. participant
person. principal, and voluntarily excluded. as used in this clause. are defined in 2 CFR parts 180
and 1200. You may contact the department or agency to which this proposal is being submitted for
assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations
6 The prospective primary tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the
proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered
transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR Part 9, subpart 9.4,
debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered
transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency entering into this transaction
7. The prospective primary tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will
include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension; Ineligibility and Voluntary
Exclusion -Lower Tier Covered Transaction," provided by the department or agency entering into this
covered transaction, without modification , in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations
for lower tier covered transactions and will require lower tier participants to comply w th 2 CFR parts
180 and 1200.
8 A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a
lower tier covered transaction that it is not proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part 9, subpart
9.4 debarred suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it
knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant is responsible for ensuring that its principals
are not suspended debarred or otherwise ineligible to participate in covered transactions. To verify
the eligibility of its principals as well as the eligibility of any prospective lower tier participants, each
participant may, but is not required to check the System for Award Management Exclusions website
9. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of
records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and
information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent
person in the ordinary course of business dealings
10 Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 6 of these instructions :f a participant in a
covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is
proposed for debarment under 48 CFR Part 9, subpart 9 4 suspended debarred ineligible or
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voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to
the Federal Government, the department or agency may terminate this transaction for cause or
Cer_tifo on Regarding Debarment Suspension.nd Other Responsibility Matters-PdMarx Tier
Covered Transactions
(1) The prospective primary tier participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and
its principals
(a) Are not presently debarred. suspended. proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily
excluded from participating in covered transactions by any Federal department or agency,
(b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil
judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with
obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract
under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of
embezzlement. theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false
statements, or receiving stolen property;
(c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity
(Federal, State or Local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of
this certification: and
(d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this applicationproposal had one or more public
transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default
(2) Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the Statements in this
certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal_
Instructions for Lower Tier Particiaant Certification
1 By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the
certification set out below and agrees to comply with the requirements of 2 CFR parts 180 and 1200
2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed
when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier
participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification in addition to other remedies available to
the Federal government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may
pursue available remedies, including suspension or debarment
3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which
this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its
certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed
4. The terms covered transaction, civil judgment, debarment suspension ineligible participant
person, principal, and voluntarily excluded, as used in this clause are defined in 2 CFR parts 180
and 1200_ You may contact the person to whom this proposal is submitted for assistance in
obtaining a copy of those regulations.
5 The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that should the proposed
covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered
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transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR Part 9, subpart 9.4,
debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered
transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated.
6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include
the clause titled "Instructions for Lower Tier Participant Certification" including the "Certification
Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered
Transaction," without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for
lower tier covered transactions and will require lower tier participants to comply with 2 CFR parts
180 and 1200.
7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a
lower tier covered transaction that it is not proposed for debarment under 48 GFR Part 9 subpart
9.4, debarred, suspended, ineligible or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction unless it
knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant is responsible for ensuring that its principals
are not suspended, debarred, or otherwise ineligible to participate in covered transactions. To verify
the eligibility of its principals, as well as the eligibility of any prospective lower tier participants, each
participant may, but is not required to, check the System for Award Management Exclusions website
8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of
records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause The knowledge and
information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent
person in the ordinary course of business dea'ings.
9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions. if a participant in a
covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is
proposed for debarment under 48 CFR Part 9. subpart 9 4, suspended. debarred ineligible or
voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction. in addition to other remedies available to
the Federal government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may
pursue available remedies, including suspension or debarment
Certiticabon Regarding Debarment: Suspension, Ineligibility and Volunta!y Exclusion - Lower Tier
Covered Transactions:
1 The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal. that neither it nor its
principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment. declared ineligible or
voluntarily excluded from participation ;n this transaction by any Federal department or agency
2 Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this
certification such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal
well as States)
Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements
The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that
1 No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned,
to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a
Member of Congress. an officer or employee of Congress or an employee of a Member of Congress
in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making
of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation,
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renewal, amendment, or moditication of any Federal contract. grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for
influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress,
an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with
this Federal contract, grant loan, or cooperative agreement the undersigned shall complete and
submit Standard Form -LLL "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying." in accordance with its
3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award
documents for all sub -awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under
grant, loans. and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose
This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this
transaction was made or entered into Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or
entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U S. Code Any person who fails to
file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more
than $100,000 for each such failure
Under Section 231.006, Texas Family Code, the Subgrantee certifies that the individual or business
entity named in this agreement is not ineligible to receive the specked grant, loan. or payment and
acknowledges that this agreement may be terminated and payment may be withheld if this
certification is inaccurate_ If the above certification is shown to be false the Subgrantee is liable to
the state for attorney's fees and any other damages provided by law or the agreement. A child
support obligor or business entity ineligible to receive payments because of a payment delinquency
of more than thirty (30) days remains ineligible until. all arrearages have been paid. the obligor is in
compliance with a written repayment agreement or court order as to any existing delinquency, or the
court of continuing jurisdiction over the child support order has granted the obligor an exemption from
Subsection (a) of Section 231 006, Texas Family Code as part of a court -supervised effort to
improve earnings and child support payments
A Any recipient of funds under this agreement agrees to comply with the Federal Funding
Accountability and Transparency Act and implementing regulations at 2 CFR Part 170. including
Appendix A. This agreement is subject to the following award terms-
http.i�edocket.access.gpo.yoyi2010'pdfr2010-22705.pdf and
http_,Iledocket.access.apo.govi2O,1,O'pdf,201,0-22700pdf .
B_ The Subgrantee agrees that it shall:
1 Obtain and provide to the State a System for Award Management (SAM) number (48 CFR subpt
4 11) if this award provides for more than $25 000 in Federal funding The SAM number may be
obtained by visiting the SAM web -site at httl2s://www_sam.gov
2. Obtain and provide to the State a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, a unique
nine -character number that allows the Federal government to track the distribution of federal money
The DUNS number may be requested free of charge for all businesses and entities required to do so
by visiting the Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) on-line registration website http.rIfedgov.dnb.com/%.,iebform-,
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di IU
3_ Report the total compensation and names of its top five (5) executives to the State if
i More than 80% of annual gross revenues are from the Federal government, and those revenues
are greater than $25,000,000; and
ii The compensation information is not already available through reporting to the U S Securities and
Exchange Commission
A. The parties shall comply with the requirements of the Single Audit Act of 1984, P L. 98-502.
ensuring that the single audit report includes the coverage stipulated in 2 CFR Part 200.
B. If threshold expenditures of $750,000 or more are met during the Subgrantee's fiscal year the
Subgrantee must submit a Single Audit Report and Management Letter (if applicable) to TxDOT's
Audit Office, 125 East 11th Street, Austin. TX 78701 or contact TxDOT's Audit Office at
C if expenditures are less than $750 000 during the Subgrantee's fiscal year, the Subgrantee must
submit a statement to TxDOT's Audit Office as follows 'We did not meet the $750,000 expenditure
threshold and therefore, are not required to have a single audit performed for FY "
D. For each year the project remains open for federal funding expenditures, the Subgrantee will be
responsible for filing a report or statement as described above_ The required annual filing shall
extend throughout the life of the agreement, unless otherwise amended or the project has been
formally closed out and no charges have been incurred within the current fiscal year.
ARTICLE 29. BUY AMERICA ACT (applies to subrecipients as well as States)
The State and each subrecipient will comply with the Buy America requirement (23 U_S_C_ 313)
when purchasing items using Federal funds. Buy America requires a State, or subrecipient.. to
purchase with Federal funds only steel, iron and manufactured products produced in the United
States, unless the Secretary of Transportation determines that such domestically produced items
would be inconsistent with the public interest, that such materials are not reasonably available and of
a satisfactory quality, or that inclusion of domestic materials will increase the cost of the overall
project contract by more than 25 percent. In order to use Federal funds to purchase foreign
produced items, the State must submit a waiver request that provides an adequate basis and
justification for approval by the Secretary of Transportation
ARTICLE 30. RESTRICTION ON STATE LOBBYING (applies to subrecipients as well as States)
None of the funds under this program will be used for any activity specifically designed to urge or
influence a State or local legislator to favor or oppose the adoption of any speck legislative proposal
pending before any State or local legislative body. Such activities include both direct and indirect
(e.g_, "grassroots") lobbying activities, with one exception. This does not preclude a State official
whose salary is supported with NHTSA funds from engaging in direct communications with State or
local legislative officials, in accordance with customary State practice, even if such communications
urge legislative officials to favor or oppose the adoption of a specific pending legislative proposal
(This article applies only to non-profit entities.)
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The Subgrantee is required to make any information created or exchanged with the Department
pursuant to this Grant Agreement and not otherwise excepted from disclosure under the Texas
Public Information Act, available in a format that is accessible by the public at no additional charge to
the Department (SB -1368. 83rd Texas Legislature. Regular Session, Effective 9111131
(applies to subrecipients as well as States)
The State and each subrecipient will not use 23 U S C Chapter 4 grant funds for programs to check
helmet usage or to create checkpoints that specifically target motorcyclists
Subgrantee shall comply with Title 43 Texas Adm-nistrative Code §25 906(b) Subgrantee certifies it
has adopted an internal ethics and compliance prog,am that satisfies the requirements of Title 43
Texas Administrative Code § 10 51 (relating to Internal Ethics and Compliance Program). Subgrantee
shall enforce compliance with that program
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Data Universal Numbering System
The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNIS) is a unique nine -digit number recognized as the universal
standard for ident&*g and tracking businesses worldwide. The Federal Spending Transparency Directive
and the previous Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) requires grantees and
sub -grantees to have a DUI IS number_ Most agencies and organizations have DUNS numbers established,
please check with your accounting staff To obtain a DUNS number, applicants should go to the Dun and
Bradstreet website at http Tedgov. dnb.com webform
Data Universal Numbering System (D -L -N -S) 058213893
2 C.F.R. Part 200 Compliance
Enter the Begin Date and End Date of your Agency's Fiscal Year 2020
Begin Date: 101-2019 End Date: 9!30:x2020
Your entity is required to comply with federal (UvIB A-133) and or state (State of Texas Single Audit
Circular) requirements
If threshold expenditures of S750.000 or more are met during your agency's fiscal year, please submit a
Single Audit Report and Management Letter (if applicable) to TxDOT's Audit Office, 125 East Eleventh
Street, Austin, Th 78701 or contact TxDOT's Audit Office at singleaudits"&txdot gov
If expenditures are less than S`50,000 during your agency's fiscal year, please submit a statement to
TxDOT's Audit Office as follows:
"We did not meet the 5750.000 expenditure threshold and therefore we are not required to have a single
audit performed for FY."
X I agree
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X To reduce the number of motorcyclist fatalities.
Increase public information and education on motorists' responsibility pertainng to motorcycle safety.
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To increase occupant restraint use, including child -safety seats, in all passenger vehicles and
Increase public information and education campaigns
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X To reduce the number of motor vehicle -related pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities and serious
Increase public information and education on motorists' responsibities pertaining to pedestrian and
bicycbst safety.
Increase public information and education efforts on pedestrian and bicyclist safety
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X To reduce the number of speed -related fatal and serious injuries.
Pro -Me community training on speed -related issues
Increase public information and education concerning speed -related issues_
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X To increase public knowledge, perception and understanding of driver education and traffic
safety for all road users.
Develop and implement public information and education efforts on traffic safety issues_
X To reduce the number of crashes and injuries related to distracted driving.
Develop and implement public information and education efforts on traffic safety issues.
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X To reduce KA8 crashes at railroad/highway crossings.
Increase public education and information on rai7roadligh«ay crossing safety.
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X To reduce the number of traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities in work zones.
Increase public education and information on roadway safety _
Pro-dde training on roadway safety issues
To reduce large truck ("Semi- Trailer" or "Truck -Tractor") crashes, injuries and fatalities.
Increase public education and information on roadway safety
ProNide training on roadway safety issues
To increase knowledge of roadway safety and current technologies among people involved in
engineering, construction, and maintenance areas at both the state and local level.
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I.Problem Identification
According to the Texas Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Highlights, the fatality rate on Texas roadways in 2017
was 1.36 deaths per hundred mulh'on vehicle miles traveled This is a 1.22% decrease from 2016. Texas also
experienced a decrease in the number of motor vehicle traffic fatalities. The 201" death toll of 3,721 was a
decrease of 1.920.0 from the 3.794 deaths recorded in 2016 The population of Lubbock and surrounding
counties are are contributors to the trends shown in state wide data In 2017 Lubbock County experienced
41 fatal crashes with 42 fatalities. These topics are data driven topics for points of education and
enforcement among the populations served in the South Plains: pedestrian and cycling education, occupant
safety, motorcycle safety including the use of helmets, school bus safety, addressing driver education and
behavior, education on speed controL and railroad safety Among all indi%iduals regardless of age:
pedestrian and cycling safety is important to all communities in aspects of health and traffic safety. Texas
experienced a 100•a decrease in pedestrian fatalities in 2017 as well as a 160-o fatality decrease in cycling in
2017 from the previous year Texas saw a total of 501 motorcycle fatalities in 2017. According to TXDOT,
of 501 fatalities, 261 of those were from motorcyclists not wearing a helmet Throughout the South Plains,
613 crashes were the result of speeding (MOT). Lubbock County alone experienced 32' of those
crashes. hale County was the closest to Lubbock County with 45 crashes. Cochran County had the fewest
with 3 There were no deathless days on Texas roadways
H.Problem Solution
Safety City is a miniature town with w orking traffic lights, cross walks, overpass, school zone, and a railroad
crossing This 2 1,:21' acre site is a place in which school age youth and adults alike can learn real-world
experience in a safe and controlled setting Safety City currently provides pedestrian, bicycle, railroad
education; speeding education, occupant protection and proper restraint protocols, and general traffic safety
to at risk populations including youth ages 6-24. Students get hands on training by being able to participate
and experience the techniques needed to drive.`walk-ride in a city safely. The students that participate in our
training's are taught the information and given an opportunity to apply the learned skills by driving a pedal
car; riding a bike and walking across our streets. Research prodded by National Highway Traffic Safety
Association s Child Pedestrian Safety Education: Applying Learning and Developmental Theories to
Develop Safe Street -Crossing Behaviors. insists that behaviors are a motor skill. This means that the
behavior of any one of the equation elements prodded above or any of the problems addressed in the
previous section need to have a practical application portion. According to the report, the incorporation of
motor skill acquisition should be enough to make the motor actions automatic; "Once motor skills are
automatic, there is increased mental capacity for problem soling and decision making." To continue the
efforts of Safety City's goal of modeling and providing education to the. South Plains, it is necessary to
branch outside of the Lubbock County into the smaller more rural areas that are facing the same safety
challenges with smaller resource s. Garza Hockley,and Lamb Counties have come to Safety City to have
their Independent School District students taught traffiic,pedestrian and bicycle safety. Safety city staff
continues to reach out to all our surrounding counties for safety training to their Independent School
Districts. Scurry County which is outside the Lubbock area is also sending their Independent School district
students to Safety City for safety training. Safety City's program is also invested in addressing the basic
issues on which it was founded, education on safe pedestrian and cycling for youth through college age
students. One of the initiatives of Safety City is to be a one stop safety shop for all of the South Plains to
provide a place where community partners can come together. Safety City* hosts events like Health and
Safety Fair and the Bicycle Rodeo to encourage the community to participate in our safety programs and
show them what our miniature town is about. Safety City has already formed alliances with the Lubbock
Fire Department partnering with their paramedics and fire prevention specialist to provide fire education as
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
well as show students the equipment used when responding to emergencies and the types of things students
may experience in traumatic situations such as a crash. Working «rith other agencies. such as Texas
Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Lubbock Police Department (LPD): «ill provide more
experiences for our students and allow them to experience different situations and know behaviorally how to
respond to help first respondents and themselves Lubbock Police Department and Texas Department of
Public Safety are both active in our classes and help teach the students how a police officer may direct traffic
or assist in an accident. Many organizations are targeting the same populations for similar reasons such as
Lubbock Police Department working with second graders to provide cyber predator education or anti -
bullying campaigns. Together we can reach the same population at the same time and save energy and
resources for the school and for each working organization
HI.Project Evaluation
In order to measure the success of practical training aspects of traffic safety, classroom evaluations will be
distributed to teachers and volunteers who accompany classes and groups to Safety City.
Program'instructor evaluations ivill help to gauge content. materials. staff relevance and overall experiences
The evaluations «ill also incorporate student experience ratings_
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Objective statement: To Develop 1 alliance with an outside organization for a safer
community by 9130?2020
Activity Responsible Completion
1 Develop one alliance by the end of the second quarter Subgrantee 313012020
of the fiscal year to help educate students in different
areas of Traffic Safety -
2 Develop partnerships with multiple organizations to Subgrantee 4130;2020
promote safety objectives with events such as the Bike
3. Develop partnerships with multiple organizations to Subgrantee 5131/2020
promote safety objectives with events such as the
Health and Safety Fair
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
Genera! -2020
Objective statement: To Educate 10000 elementary students in safe pedestrian behavior
while participating at Safety City by 9 302020
Responsible Completion
Host Annual Trick or Treat Street to educate public on
Subgrantee 10.!3112019
pedestrian and other safe measures during Halloween
Host Walk. Roll_ or Run to educate public on pedestrian
Subgrantee 11130,12019
and other safe measures during Thanksgiving.
Develop partnerships with LISD. surrounding county
Subgrantee 33112020
ISD's: private and parochial schools to provide
pedestrian safety_
Distribute educational literature to elementary age
Subgrantee 913012020
students or adults on the importance of pedestrian
safety practices through outreach or classes -
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Objective statement: To Educate 10000 participants on motor vehicle safety by 9'302020
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Responsible Completion
1 Incorporate railroad safety into all aspects of traffic
Subgrantee 10;31.2019
safety education providing detailed hands on training to
elementary students.
2. Provide motor vehicle training to every class or group
Subgrantee 513012020
participating at Safety City including second grade and
above -
3 Promote proper occupant restraints by providing
Subgrantee 9130)2020
material on car seat installation and a car seat checkup
event with TXDOT and other safety advocates.
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Objective statement: To Educate 10000 persons on proper bicycle safety and riding
techniques by 9:302020
Responsible Completion
1 Develop partnerships with LISD, surrounding county Subgrantee 12:-3112019
ISD's, private and parochial schools to provide bicycle
safety and safe riding techniques.
2 Host a bicycle rodeo to provide a family event which
Subgrantee 413012020
focuses on skils and agility for participants ages 3-12.
3 Recruit early childcare centers to engage early motor
Subgrantee 613012020
skills in safe cycling and the importance of wearing a
4 Provide opportunities for children with disabilities to
Subgrantee 613012020
participate in bicycle safety training
5 Provide local Boy and Girl Scout troop cusses in order
Subgrantee 913012020
for them to earn safety badges by learning bicycle
safety and maintenance
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Objective statement: To Complete 3 professional training seminars or conferences
by 9.30:2020
To broaden their knowledge all Safety City staff. will
view and document 1 online traffic safety webinar to
train Safety City classes effectively.
To broaden their knowledge all Safety City staff will
view and document 1 ontine traffic safety webinar to
train Safety City classes effectively.
To broaden their knowledge one Safety City employee
is to attend a traffic safety conference during the year
Responsible Completion
Subgrantee 1231,2019
Subgrantee 3,312020
Subgrantee 9130f2020
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Position Title
Position Description:
('his field was added November 15th ?018 for
Fiscal Year 2020 onward)
Salary Type
Unit Price
Fringe Rate
Fringe Total
Breakdo«,n of Fringe Percentage
: Safety City Assistant (Position 1)
• Part Time employee who instructs classes and assists in
day to day Safety City operations.
S7,965 is °`o of the Indhiduals Total Salary (applicable to
Category- (100) Salaries Amount (200) Fringe Benefits Amount
TxDOT: S8.761.50 100.00% so 0.00%
Match: _ s0 0.00° o so 0.00%
Program Income: So_ 0.001,110 so %
Total:0.00 S8_?61.50 �w s0
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Position Title : Safety City Assistant (Position 2)
Position Description
(This field was added November 15th 2018 for 'Part Time employee who instructs classes and assists in
Fiscal Year 2020 onward) day to day Safety City operations.
Salary Type : Hourly
Unit Price
Fringe Rate
Fringe Total
Breakdown of Fringe Percentage
: S' 965 is 0 of the In6iduals Total Salary (applicable to
monthly yearly)
Category (100) Salaries Amount (200) Fringe Benefits Amount
TxDOT: _ S8,761.50 100,00% SO 0.00%
Match: SO 0.00% SO 0.00%
Program Income: SO 0,000,10 SO %
Total. -O,00 SS,761.50 I ISO
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Position'Title : Safety City Supenisor
Position Description: November . Schedules all ev=ents and coordinates classes and groups to -*isit Safety
(Tins field for addedear2020C to be educated in traffic safety. Instructs classes in-,-&ious forms of
15th 2018 for Fiscal Year 2020 '� �'
on«=ard) safety education. Supenises assistants on a daily basis
Salary Type : Hourly
S18257 is ° o of the In&iduals Total Salary (applicable to
Unit Price monthly yearly)
Quantity : 624
Total : 511,392.37
Fringe Rate : o 0
Fringe Total : SO
Breakdown of Fringe
(100) Salaries Amount
(200) Fringe Benefits Amount
Program Income:
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
TR43'EL A.ti'D PER DIEM .300
Description : Air Fare
Please explain : To and from Lifesat,ers Conference in Tampa_ FL
Emit Price -S600000
Quantity - 1
Total Cost - S600.00
Purpose./Details - Round trip airfare to attend 21020 Lifesavers conference in Tampa, Florida
Amount Percentages
TxDOT 5600.00 lW00%
Match SO 0.00% _
Program Income SO °'o
Total0.00 5600.00
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Description : Hotel Expenses
Please explain : Hotel accommodations for attending conference
Unit Price : 5205.000
Quantity .4
Total Cost -.S820.00
PurposelDetails : Hotel reservation wUe attending the 2020 Lifesavers conference in Tampa Florida.
Amount Percentages
TxDOT I S820.00 1100.00%
Match ISO 0-00%
Program Income ISO °o
Total0.00 5820,00
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
: Meals
Please explain
Meals for attending conference
Unit Price
Total Cost
- Meals while attending the 20-10 Lifesavers conference in Tampa, Florida
amount Percentages
TxDOT I5244.40 I 100.00°/0
ISO 0.00%
a Income ISO 40
00 5244.00
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Description : Vehicle Rental
Please explain : Transportation while attending conference
Unit Price -S190-000
Quantity :1
Total Cost : 5190.00
Purpose.+'Details : Rental vehicle while attending 2020 Lifesavers conference in Tampa, Florida
Program Income
Amount percentages
5190.00 1100.00%
s0 X0.00%
s0 %
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Description : Bicycle Helmets
Unit Price : S20.00
Quantity :25
Total Cost -.S500.00
: Bicycle helmets to replace old and broken helmets for elementary students to wear
during Safety Training class. We need to have sufficient stock to accommodate all
Purpose,Details students attending class v ith a variety of sizes.We must fit every student properly before
letting them ride during a training session. iffor any reason a helmet should become
damaged we must take it out of rotation Bicycle Safety is one of the 3 major courses
taught at Safety City and helmets are instrumental in this training
Amount Percentages
TxDOT S500A0 100.00%
Match SO 0.00%
Program Income ASO %
Tota10 00 S500.00
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
Genera! -2020
Description : Bicycles
unit Price : 5100 00
Quantity :10
Total Cost : 51,000.00
Bicycles to replace old and broken bicycles for elementary students to ride during Safety
Training class. We need to have sufficient stock to accommodate all students attending
Purpose.0etails class with a variety of sizes We must fit every student properly before letting them ride
during a training session. if for any reason a bicycle should become damaged beyond
repair we must take it out of rotation Bicycle Safety is one of the 3 major courses taught
at Safety City and are instrumental in this training.
Amount Percentages
TxDOT 51,000.00100.00°0
Match SO 0.00%
Program Income SO %
TotalO 00 51:000,001
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
: PI&E Educational Items
Educational Brochures
Unit Price
: SO. 50
Total Cost : S5,000.00
Purpose'Details ' Educational brochures to inform the public on a variety of safety topics. Brochures w2l
be distributed to all participants attending Safevy City.
Program Income
Tota10 00
Aumount Percentages
55,000.00 100.0000
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Name :Other
Description : Program Income
Unit Price : S2.00
Quantity :2800
Total Cost : S55,600.00
: Program income derived from estimated S2 00 per participant fee for independent
Purpose Detais school districts, private and parochial schools; groups, and private citizens who come to
Safety City for bicycle, pedestrian and car safety training.
Program Income
Tota! 100.00
Amount Percentages
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
Registration for Lifesavers conference
Unit Price
Total Cost
: S400.00
PurposelDetails : Registration for Safety City Supenisor to attend Lifesavers conference in Tampa;
Amount Percentages
s40o.o0 1 Ioo_oo%
Match � 0.00%
Program Income %
Totai0.00 5400.00
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City of Lubbock - Parks & Recreation
General -2020
BudgetCatepory 11 TxDOT Match Program Income Total
I . Labor Costs
$11,392.37 $0
$28 915 37
Sub-Total: $175230011
—$Oil $28,915.37
Category II - Other Direct Costs
$1 854 00
Equi menta
I $1.500,00
1 $1 500 00
Supplies: J1
1 $0
Services: 11
Sub -Total:
1 $8.754.0011
Total Direct Costs: 11
$26,277 00
1 $11,392.37
Category III - Indirect Costs
Indirect Cost 7slol$0 iol
Hlate: Iso
Total Labor $17,523.00F $11,392 37 $0 $28 915 37
FiCosts: 1
Flotal Direct $8.754.00 $4IF $5 600 00 $14 354 00
osts: __F
Total Indirect $0 $0 $0 $0
Grand Total:
$5 600 00
$43 269 3l
Fund Sources:
Salary and cost rates gill be based on the rates submitted by the Subgrantee in its grant application in
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