HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2024-R0050 - FY 22-23 Federal Transit Administration Sect 5307 Grant (Project TX-2024-013-00) - 01/23/2024Resolution No. 2024-R0050 Item No. 6.25 January 23, 2024 RESOLUTION BE IT 1t�SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock, for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, does hereby ratify the acts of the Chief Financial Officer in connection with the acceptance of an award under the FY 2022 & FY 2023 Section 5307 Grant, Project ID No. TX- 2024-013-00 with the Federal Transit Administration to provide operating assistance, preventative maintenance, ADA paratransit, capital and planning assistance, and all related acts and documents. Documentation of said award is attached hereto and incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the Council. Passed by the City Council on January 23, 2024 _____ AT' 'EST: Co ney Paz, City Sec a APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: LD �l Bill Howerton, Deputy City Manager .. � � ,� � � � � /r ,/� /I�: �/,1 �, ���r .�r �.r -�v •, , �i i . � • - ccdocslRES.rTA-Citibus Proj TX-2024-013-00 January 10, 2024 Resolution No. 2024-R0050 DOT U.S. Department of Transportation F TA Federal Transit Administration Awa rd Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN) Temporary Application Number Award Name Award Status Award Budget Number TX-2024-013-00 1993-2022-3 Lubbock-Citibus FY2022 & 2023 Section 5307 Grant (Operating, Planning, Prev. Maint) Obligated / Ready for Execution 0 Period of Performance Start Date 1/9/2024 Original Period of Performance End Date 12/31/2025 Current Period of Performance End Date 12/31/2025 Revision #: 0 Approved?: Yes Budget Period Start Date 1/9/2024 Budget Period End Date 12/31/2025 Part 1: Recipient Information Name: LUBBOCK, CITY OF Recipient ID Recipient OST Type Recipient Alias UEI DUNS 1993 City CITY OF LUBBOCK LXDNEKWRVKJ6 058213893 Location 7ype Address City State Zip Headquarters 1314 AVENUE K LUBBOCK TX 79401 Physical Address 1314 AVENUE K LUBBOCK TX 79401 Mailing Address P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK TX 79457 Union Information Part 2: Award Information Title: Lubbock-Citibus FY2022 & 2023 Section 5307 Grant ( Operating, Planning, Prev. Maint) FAIN Award Status TX-2024- Obligated / Ready 013-00 for Execution Award Application Cost Date Last Updated From Type Center Created Date TEAM? Grant Region 6 7/26/2022 7/26/2022 No Award Executive Summary This application is to request FY22 & 23 Section 5307 funds apportioned to the Lubbock, TX UZA in the amount of $8,762,650 (FY 2022: $4,339,022; FY 2023: $4,423,628) PURPOSE: This application is for FY 2022 and FY2023 Section 5307 Grant funds in the amount of $8, 762,650. ACTIVITIES TO BE PERFORMED: These funds ($5,398,317) federal funds and ($1,349,579) local match will be used for preventative maintenance on all revenue/non-revenue vehicles, ($228,188) federal funds and ($57,047) local match for general/comprehensive planning, ($867,804) federal funds and ($216,951) local match funds for non-fixed route, complementary ADA paratransit service, ($1,868, 341) federal funds and ($1868,341) local match funds for general operating and ($400,000) federal funds and ($100,000) local match funds for capital to acquire miscellaneous support equipment. Attached documents: TIP/STIP & UPWP The grant breakdown will be as follows: Category - Federal - Local - Total - Preventative Maintenance - $5,398,317 - $1,349,579 - $6>747,896 Planning - $228,188 - $57,047 - $285,235 ADA - $867,804- $216,951 - $1,084,755 Operating - $1,868,341 - $1,868,341 - $3,736,682 Misc Equipment - $400,000 - $100,000 - $500,000 Total Request - $8,762,650 -$3,591,918 - $12,354,568 EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Improved service, safety and security for all of our passengers due to getting new buses, fare equipment, as well as security enhancements. INTENDED BENEFICIARIES: All passengers using the Transit service in the City of Lubbock SUBRECIPIENT ACTIVITIES: N/A The $3,591,918 of local match will be provided by the City of Lubbock's general fund. The 1.0% security requirement, a minimum of $123,546 combined federal/local funding, will be satisfied by miscellaneous support equipment (roughly half of the $500k total or 2%) such as: security and surveillance, purchase new radios for buses, pay for the radio communication contract, security alarm monitoring and other miscellaneous capital items used for security. The 0.75% safety requirement, a minimum of $92,656 combined federal/local funding, is covered by the cost of preventive maintenance (total of $6,747,897 or 54%) for state of good repair, which includes many safety related repair and maintenance items like tires, doors, windows, etc. This grant request is within acceptable limits of the fleet rate. We are using up to 10 percent of our annual formula apportionment under Section 5307 at 80/20 reimbursement for NON FIXED ROUTE ADA PARATRANSIT SERVICE. We are not exceeding the operating assistance special rule operator caps for FY 2023 and FY 2022; refer to Table 3A. FY 2023 Section 5307 Operating Assistance Special Rule Operator Caps (Full Year) and Table 3A. FY 2022 Section 5307 Operating Assistance Special Rule Operator Caps (Full Year). Frequency of Milestone Progress Reports (MPR) Quarterly Frequency of Federal Financial Reports (FFR) Quarterly Does this application include funds for research and/or development activities? This award does not include research and development activities. Pre-Award Authority This award is using Pre-Award Authority. Does this application include suballocation funds? Recipient organization is the Designated Recipient and can apply for and receive these apportioned funds. Will this Grant be using Lapsing Funds? No, this Grant does not use Lapsing Funds. Will indirect costs be applied to this application? This award does not include an indirect cost rate. Indirect Rate Details: N/A Requires E.O. 12372 Review No, this application does not require E.O. 12372 Review. Delinquent Federal Debt No, my organization does not have delinquent federal debt. Award Description Purpose This application is for FY 2022 and FY2023 Section 5307 Grant funds in the amount of $8,762,650. Federal funds in the amount of $5,398,317 and $1,349,579 local match funds will be used for preventative maintenance on all revenue/non-revenue vehicles, $228,188 federal funds and $57,047 local match for general/comprehensive planning, $867,804 federal funds and $216,951 local match funds for non-fixed route, complementary ADA paratransit service, $1,868,341 federal funds and $1, 868,341 local match funds for general operating and $400,000 federal funds and $100,000 local match funds for capital to acquire miscellaneous support equipment. Activities to be performed: These funds will support general operations of our fixed route service, ADA complementary paratransit operations, preventative maintenance for all vehicles, general planning activities and the purchase of small capital items including passenger shelters, safety and security equipment, maintenance shop tools and other items to support transit services in our community. Expected outcomes: Continue to provide transit service (fixed route, paratransit, microtransit) to the Lubbock, TX community through funding operations, preventative maintenance, and planning efforts, enhance the safety and security and passenger amenities of our system for both employees and passengers by purchasing miscellaneous capital equipment such as bus shelters, camera systems for facilities and various, unidentified equipment and tools to support our maintenance department for the upkeep of our buses and facilities. Intended beneficiaries: All persons in the Lubbock community will benefit from these services. Subrecipient Activities: None Award Point of Contact Information First Last Name Name Rebecca Rodriguez Title Accountant/Planning Analyst E-mail Address rebeccarodriguez@citibus.com daniel.peschell@dot.gov Transportation Program Specialist Marc Oliphant Community Planner marc.oliphant@dot.gov Award Budget Control Totals Funding Source 5307 - Urbanized Area Formula Grants (2013 and forward) Local Section of Statute 5307-2A Phone (806) 775- 3443 8067753443 (817) 978- 0554 CFDA Amount Number 20507 $8,762,650 $3,591,919 Local/In-Kind State State/In-Kind Other Federal Transportation Development Credit Adjustment Total Eligible Cost Award Budget $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,354,569 Project gudget Item FTA Amount Non-FTA Total Eligible Quantity Number Amount Amount TX- 114- 2024- 00 BUS: SUPPORT EQUIP AND $400,000.00 $100,000.00 $500,000.00 013-01- (114- FACILITIES 00 A1) TX- ACQUIRE - MISC 2024- 11.42.20 SUPPORT $400,000.00 $100,000.00 $500,000.00 013-01- EQUIPMENT 00 TX- 117- 2024- 00 OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS $6,266,121.00 $1,566,531.00 $7,832,652.00 013-01- (117- (BUS) 00 A2) TX- 2024- 11.7A.00 PREVENTIVE $5,398,317.00 $1,349,580.00 $6,747,897.00 013-01- MAINTENANCE 00 TX- NON FIXED 2024- 11.7C.00 ROUTE ADA $g67,804.00 $216,951.00 $1,084,755.00 013-01- PARATRANSIT 00 SERVICE TX- 300- 2024- 00 OPERATING ASSISTANCE $1,868,341.00 $1,868,341.00 $3,736,682.00 013-01- (300- 00 A3) TX- SPECIAL RULE - 2024- 30.09.03 OPERATING $1,868,341.00 $1,868,341.00 $3,736,682.00 013-01- ASSISTANCE /1 - 00 75 BUSES TX- 442- 2024- 00 METROPOLITAN PLANNING $228,188.00 $57,047.00 $285,235.00 013-01- (442- 00 A4) 2�24- 4422.00 DEVE OPMENT/ $228,188.00 $57,047.00 $285,235.00 C: � n � � .7� ;�7 .7� � 013-01- COMPREHENSIVE , 00 PLANNING Discretionary Allocations This application does not contain discretionary allocations. Sources of Federat Financial Assistance Account PO Project Scope Scope Scope UZA Area Amendment Cumulative Number Number Name Number Su�x Code Name Class FPC Description Amount Amount Code TX-2024 METROP TX-90-Y OLITAN 442-00 ( 541 0�3-01-0 P�NNIN 442) A4 G TX-90-Y TX-2024 OPERAT 300-00 ( 013-01-0 ING ASSI A3 541 0 STANCE 300) BUS: SU TX-90-Y TX-2024- PPORT � � 4-00 ( 013-01-0 EQUIP A A1 541 0 ND FACI 114) LITIES TX-2024 OTHER TX-90-Y 013-01-0 CAPITAL 117-00 ( 541 0 ITEMS (B 117) US) TX-2024- OTHER TX-90-Y 013-01-0 CAPITAL 117-00 ( 541 � ITEMS (B 117) US) 4813 Lubbo 2022.2J.9 Urbanized Ar 50 ck, TX 0.91.2 02 ea Formula G$228,188 $228,188 rants 4813 Lubbo 2022.2J.9 Urbanized Ar 50 ck, TX 0.91.2 04 ea Formula G$1,868,341 $1,868,341 rants 4813 Lubbo 2022.2J.9 Urbanized Ar 50 ck, TX 0.91.2 00 ea Formula G$400,000 $400,000 rants 4813 Lubbo 2022.2J.9 Urbanized Ar � 50 ck, TX 0.91.2 00 ea Fortnula G$1,842,493 $1,842,493 rants 4813 Lubbo 2023.2J.9 Urbanized Ar � 50 ck, TX 0.91.2 00 ea FoRnula G$4,423,628 $4,423,628 rants Part 3: Project Information Project Title: Lubbock-Citibus FY 2022 & FY 2023 5307 Grant Project Number Temporary Project Number Date Created Start Date End Date TX-2024-013-01-00 1993-2022-3-P2 7/29/2022 9/1/2022 5/30/2025 Project Description This application for FY 2022 & FY 2023 Section 5307 Grant funds in the amount of $8,762,650. Activities to be performed: These funds ($5,398,317) federal funds and ($1,349,579) local match will be used for preventative maintenance on all revenue/non-revenue vehicles, ($228,188) federal funds and ( $57,047) local match for general/comprehensive planning, ($867,804) federal funds and ($216,951) local match funds for non-fixed route, complementary ADA paratransit service, ($1,868,341) federal funds and ($1,868,341) local match funds for general operating and ($400,000) federal funds and ($ 100,000) local match funds for capital to acquire miscellaneous support equipment. Attached documents: TIP/STIP & UPWP The grant breakdown will be as follows: Category - Federal - Local - Total - Preventative Maintenance - $5,398,317 - $1,349,579 - $6,747,896 Planning - $228,188 - $57,047 - $285,235 ADA - $867,804 - $216,951 - $1,084,755 Operating - $1,868,341 - $1,868,341 - $3,736,682 Misc Equipment - $400,000 - $100,000 - $500,000 Total Request - $8,762,650 -$3,591,918 - $12,354,568 The $3,591,918 of local match will be provided by the City of Lubbock's general fund. The 1.0% security requirement, a minimum of $123,546 combined federal/local funding, will be satisfied by miscellaneous support equipment (roughly half of the $500k total or 2%) such as: security and surveillance, purchase new radios for buses, pay for the radio communication contract, security alarm monitoring and other miscellaneous capital items used for security. The 0.75% safety requirement, a minimum of $92,656 combined federal/local funding, is covered by the cost of preventive maintenance (total of $6,747,897 or 54%) for state of good repair, which includes many safety related repair and maintenance items like tires, doors, windows, etc. This grant request is within acceptable limits of the fleet rate. Expected Outcomes: Improved service, safety and security for all of our passengers due to getting new buses, fare equipment, as well as security enhancements. Intended Beneficiaries: All passengers using the Transit service in the City of Lubbock Subrecipient Activities: N/A Project Benefits Project Benefits These funds will allow Citibus to continue to provide transit services to the citizens of the City of Lubbock, Texas. The funds will be utilized to fix/repair and perform preventative maintenance on all of Citibus' vehicles (revenue and non-revenue), perform various planning activities including maintenance of eligibility, strategic planning and fixed route planning, provide non-fixed route ADA complementary paratransit services within the 3/4 of a mile of a fixed route to those who qualify, rolling stock bus purchase that will allow for older buses to be retired which will reduce fleet age and create greater reliability for passengers and to purchase miscellaneous support equipment for maintenance and administration facilities including computer replacement and miscellaneous shop equipment. Additional Information Additional Information All of these funds will be used for expenses related to transit services in the City of Lubbock, Texas. Location Description All of these funds will be used for expenses related to transit services in the City of Lubbock, Texas Project Location (Urbanized Areas) UZA Code 481350 Area Name Lubbock, TX Congressional District Information District 19 State Texas Program Plan Information STIP/TIP Date: Not Provided Description: Pages 1169-1172 from FY 2021-2024 STIP and pages 1197-1201 from FY 2023-2026 STIP. UPWP Date: 7/23/2021 Description: FY22 and FY23 Lubbock MPO UPWP Long Range Plan Date: N/A Description: N/A Project Control Totals Funding Source 5307 - Urbanized Area Formula Grants (2013 and forward) Local Local/In-Kind State State/In-Kind Other Federal Transportation Development Credit Adjustment Total Eligible Cost Section of Statute 5307-2A Project Budget Project Numbe Budget Item r TX- 114- 2024- 00 BUS: SUPPORT EQUIP 013-01- (114 AND FACILITIES 00 -A1) TX- ACQUIRE - MISC 2024- 11.42.20 SUPPORT 013-01- EQUIPMENT 00 TX- 117- OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS 2024- 00 (BUS) CFDA Number 20507 Amount $8,762,650 $3,591,919 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,354,569 FTA Amount Non-FTA Total Eligible Quantit Amount Amount y $400,000.00 $100,000.00 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $100,000.00 $500,000.00 $6,266,121.0 $1,566,531.0 $7,832,652.0 0 0 0 0 0 C�7 013-01- (117 00 -A2) TX- 2024- 11.7A.0 PREVENTIVE 013-01- 0 MAINTENANCE 00 TX- NON FIXED 2024- 11.7C.0 ROUTE ADA 013-01- 0 PARATRANSIT 00 SERVICE TX- 300- 2024- 00 OPERATING ASSISTANCE 013-01- (300 00 -A3) TX- SPECIAL RULE - 2024- 30.09.03 OPERATING 013-01- ASSISTANCE /1 - 00 75 BUSES TX- 442- 2024- 00 METROPOLITAN 013-01- (442 PLANNING 00 -A4) TX- GENERAL 2024- 44.22.00 DEVELOPMENT/ 013-01- COMPREHENSIV 00 E PLANNING $5,398,317.0 $1,349,580.0 $6,747,897.0 0 0 0 $867,804.00 $216,951.00 $1,084,755.0 0 $1,868,341.0 $1,868,341.0 $3,736,682.0 0 0 0 $1,868,341.0 $1,868,341.0 $3,736,682.0 0 0 0 $228,188.00 $57,047.00 $285,235.00 $228,188.00 $57,047.00 $285,235.00 C�7 C7 � � Cl C7 Project Budget Activity Line Items Budget Activity Line Item: 44.22.00 - GENERAL DEVELOPMENT/COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING Scope Name I Code Line Line Item Name Activity Quantity Item # METROPOLITAN GENERAL DEVELOPMENT/ METROPOLITAN PLANNING (442-00) 44.22.00 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING PLANNING � Extended Budget Description These funds will be utilized to provide various planning activities including strategic planning and fixed route planning. Local match provided by the City of Lubbock in the amount of $57,047. Will 3rd Party contractors be used to fulfill this activity line item? No, 3rd Party Contractors will not be used for this line item. Funding Source 5307 - Urbanized Area Formula Grants (2013 and forward) Section of CFDA Statute Number 5307-2A 20507 Amount $228,188 Local Local/In-Kind State State/In-Kind Other Federal Transportation Development Credit Adjustment Total Eligible Cost Milestone Name Start Date End Date Est. Completion Date 9/1/2022 12/31/2024 Description Contract Award Final Expenditures $57,047 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $285,235 Budget Activity Line Item: 30.09.03 - SPECIAL RULE - OPERATING ASSISTANCE /1 - 75 BUSES Scope Name / Code #�ne Item Line Item Name Activity Quantity OPERATING SPECIAL RULE - OPERATING OPERATING ASSISTANCE (300-00) 30.09.03 ASSISTANCE /1 - 75 BUSES ASSISTANCE � Extended Budget Description These funds will be used for general operating assistance to help pay for our fixed route service and everything needed to support that service set forth by the operating assistance rule. Will 3rd Party contractors be used to fulfill this activity line item? No, 3rd Party Contractors will not be used for this line item. Funding Source 5307 - Urbanized Area Formula Grants (2013 and forward) Local Local/In-Kind State State/In-Kind Other Federal Transportation Development Credit Adjustment Total Eligible Cost Section of CFDA Statute Number 5307-2A 20507 Amount $1,868,341 $1,868,341 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,736,682 Milestone Name Est. Completion Description Date Start Date 9/1/2022 Contract Start End Date 12/31/2024 Final Expenditures Budget Activity Line Item: 11.7C.00 - NON FIXED ROUTE ADA PARATRANSIT SERVICE Scope Name / Code #�ne Item Line Item Name Activity Quantity OTHER CAPITAL NON FIXED ROUTE ADA OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS (BUS) (117-00) 11.7C.00 PARATRANSIT SERVICE ITEMS (BUS) � Extended Budget Description These funds will be used to operate our non-fixed route complementary ADA paratransit services that occur outside of our fixed routes. This service is for individuals that are unable to access the fixed routes due to a disability. Will 3rd Party contractors be used to fulfill this activity line item? No, 3rd Party Contractors will not be used for this line item. Funding Source 5307 - Urbanized Area Formula Grants (2013 and forward) Local Local/In-Kind State State/In-Kind Other Federal Transportation Development Credit Adjustment Total Eligible Cost Milestone Name Start Date End Date Est. Completion Date 9/1/2022 12/31 /2024 Section of CFDA Statute Number 5307-2A 20507 Description Contact Start Date Final Expenditures Amount $867,804 $216,951 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,084,755 Budget Activity Line Item: 11.7A.00 - PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Scope Name / Code #�ne Item Line Item Name Activity Quantity OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS PREVENTIVE OTHER CAPITAL (BUS) (117-00) 11.7A.00 MAINTENANCE ITEMS (BUS) � Extended Budget Description These funds will be used for preventative maintenance on all Citibus vehicles including all buses for fixed route service, vans used for paratransit service and non-revenue staff vehicles. Preventative maintenance funded by this ALI will occur in fiscal year 2022 with local match provided by the City of Lubbock. Will 3rd Party contractors be used to fulfill this activity line item? No, 3rd Party Contractors will not be used for this line item. Funding Source 5307 - Urbanized Area Formula Grants (2013 and forward) Local Local/In-Kind State State/In-Kind Other Federal Transportation Development Credit Adjustment Total Eligible Cost Milestone Name Start Date End Date Est. Completion Date 9/1 /2022 12/31 /2024 Section of CFDA Statute Number 5307-2A 20507 Description Contract Award Date Final Expenditures Amount $5,398,317 $1,349,580 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,747,897 Budget Activity Line Item: 11.42.20 - ACQUIRE - MISC SUPPORT EQUIPMENT Scope Name / Code BUS: SUPPORT EQUIP AND FACILITIES (114- 00) Line Line Item Name Activity Item # ACQUIRE - MISC ACQUISITION OF BUS 11.42.20 SUPPORT SUPPORT EQUIPMENT EQUIP/FACILITIES Quantity C� Extended Budget Description This funding will be used to purchase miscellaneous support equipment for maintenance and administration facilities. This equipment will include computer replacement, miscellaneous shop equipment that may be needed to repair buses and facilities, and passenger amenities including bus shelters (15 year useful life). All bus shelter related activities will be conducted within existing public rights of way. If the useful life of equipment is more than 1 year and the acquisition value is greater than $5,000, then we will amend the grant to add the equipment acquired and the useful life. Facilities that will be supported by this funding are located at 801 Texas Avenue and 801 Broadway Avenue in Lubbock, Texas. We anticipate acquiring 12 bus shelters. Will 3rd Party contractors be used to fulfill this activity line item? Yes, 3rd Party Contractors will be used for this line item. Funding Source 5307 - Urbanized Area Formula Grants (2013 and forward) Local Local/In-Kind State State/In-Kind Other Federal Transportation Development Credit Adjustment Total Eligible Cost Milestone Name RFP Contract Award Date Contract Completion Date Est. Completion Date 3/1 /2024 5/31 /2024 5/30/2025 Project Environmental Findings Section of Statute 5307-2A Description RFP CFDA Amount Number 20507 $400,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 Finding: Class II(c) - Categorical Exclusions (C-List) Class Level Description Class II(c) consists of projects that do not have a significant environmental impact on the human or natural environment and are therefore categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement. FTA requires a sufficient project description to support a CE determination. The project may require additional documentation to comply with other environmental laws. Categorical Exclusion Description Type 07: Acquisition, installation, rehabilitation, replacement, and maintenance of vehicles or equipment, within or accommodated by existing facilities, that does not result in a change in functional use of the facilities, such as: equipment to be located within existing facilities and with no substantial off-site impacts; and vehicles, including buses, rail cars, trolley cars, ferry boats and people movers that can be accommodated by existing facilities or by new facilities that qualify for a categorical exclusion. Date Description Class Ilc CE Approved Scope Name / Code Line Item Line Item Name Quantity FTA Number Amount Date Total Eligible Cost BUS: SUPPORT ACQUIRE - MISC EQUIP AND 11.42.20 SUPPORT 0 $400,000.00 $500,000.00 FACILITIES (114-00) EQUIPMENT Finding: Class II(c) - Categorical Exclusions (C-List) Class Level Description Class II(c) consists of projects that do not have a significant environmental impact on the human or natural environment and are therefore categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement. FTA requires a sufficient project description to support a CE determination. The project may require additional documentation to comply with other environmental laws. Categorical Exclusion Description Type 07: Acquisition, installation, rehabilitation, replacement, and maintenance of vehicles or equipment, within or accommodated by existing facilities, that does not result in a change in functional use of the facilities, such as: equipment to be located within existing facilities and with no substantial off-site impacts; and vehicles, including buses, rail cars, trolley cars, ferry boats and people movers that can be accommodated by existing facilities or by new facilities that qualify for a categorical exclusion. Date Description Class Ilc CE Approved Scope Name I Line Item Code Number OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS (BUS) (117- 11.7A.00 00) Line Item Name PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Date Quantity FTA Amount Total Eligible Cost $5,398,317.00 $6,747,897.00 Finding: Class II(c) - Categorical Exclusions (C-List) Class Level Description Class II(c) consists of projects that do not have a significant environmental impact on the human or natural environment and are therefore categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement. FTA requires a sufficient project description to support a CE determination. The project may require additional documentation to comply with other environmental laws. Categorical Exclusion Description Type 04: Planning and administrative activities which do not involve or lead directly to construction, such as: training, technical assistance and research; promulgation of rules, regulations, directives, or program guidance; approval of project concepts; engineering; and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue existing service or increase service to meet routine demand. Date Description Class Ilc CE Approved Scope Name I Line Item Line Item Name Quantity FTA Code Number Amount Date Total Eligible Cost OTHER CAPI7AL NON FIXED ROUTE ADA ITEMS (BUS) 11.7C.00 PARATRANSIT SERVICE 0 $867,804.00 $1,084,755.00 (117-00) Finding: Class II(c) - Categorical Exclusions (C-List) Class Level Description Class II(c) consists of projects that do not have a significant environmental impact on the human or natural environment and are therefore categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement. FTA requires a sufficient project description to support a CE determination. The project may require additional documentation to comply with other environmental laws. Categorical Exclusion Description Type 04: Planning and administrative activities which do not involve or lead directly to construction, such as: training, technical assistance and research; promulgation of rules, regulations, directives, or program guidance; approval of project concepts; engineering; and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue existing service or increase service to meet routine demand. Date Description Class Ilc CE Approved Date Scope Name / Line Item Line Item Name Code Number OPERATING SPECIAL RULE - ASSISTANCE 30.09.03 OPERATING (300-00) ASSISTANCE /1 - 75 BUSES Quantity FTA Amount Total Eligible Cost 0 $1,868,341.00 $3,736,682.00 Finding: Class II(c) - Categorical Exclusions (C-List) Class Level Description Class II(c) consists of projects that do not have a significant environmental impact on the human or natural environment and are therefore categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement. FTA requires a sufficient project description to support a CE determination. The project may require additional documentation to comply with other environmental laws. Categorical Exclusion Description Type 04: Planning and administrative activities which do not involve or lead directly to construction, such as: training, technical assistance and research; promulgation of rules, regulations, directives, or program guidance; approval of project concepts; engineering; and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue existing service or increase service to meet routine demand. Date Description Class Ilc CE Approved Date Scope Name / Code Line Item Line Item Name Number Quantity FTA Total Amount Eligible Cost GENERAL METROPOLITAN 44.22.00 DEVELOPMENT/ � $22g,188.00 $285,235.00 PLANNING (442-00) COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING Part 4: Fleet Details No fleet data exists for this application. Part 5: FTA Review Comments Application Review Comments Comment By Marc Oliphant Comment Type Date Comment Pre-Award Manager Returns Application 2/8/2023 as requested for update Comment By Marc Oliphant Comment Type Date Comment Pre-Award Manager Returns Application 12/11/2023 Please see 12/11/23 email with requested updates/comments/questions Application Review Comments Comment By Marisa Appleton Comment Application Details Type Date 7/3/2023 The City of Lubbock (Citibus) must comply with all applicable Federal laws and regulations related to this project, including the ADA Standards for Transportation Facilities, based on the U.S. Access Board's ADA Accessibility Guidelines. Found here: http://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/transportation/facilities/ada- standards-for-transportation-facilities Specifically, Citibus must comply with the ADA Standards for Transportation Facilities Comment when constructing/renovating bus shelters. The following is a non-exhaustive list of ADA standards that Citibus must comply with and document compliance of: Bus Shelter Construction/Renovation • As required under DOT ADA Standard 810.2, Citibus must ensure new, altered, or relocated bus stops must have a firm, stable surface and must provide a clear length of 96 inches (2,440 mm), measured perpendicular to the curb or vehicle roadway edge, and a clear width of 60 inches (1,525 mm), measured parallel to the vehicle roadway. • As required under DOT ADA Standard 810.2, Citibus must ensure bus stops must also connect via an accessible route to streets, sidewalks, or pedestrian paths. • As required under DOT ADA Standard 810.2, Citibus must ensure the slope of the bus boarding and alighting area in the direction parallel to the roadway must be the same as that of the roadway to the maximum extent practicable. Perpendicular to the roadway, the slope must not exceed 1:48, that is, not more than 1 inch of rise over a horizontal distance of 48 inches. • As required under DOT ADA Standard 810.3, Citibus must ensure that the minimum clear floor or ground space (as set forth in Section 305) must be entirely within the shelter to accommodate individuals using wheelchairs and must be connected to an accessible route that complies with Section 402 to the boarding and alighting area. As noted above, these requirements apply to the extent that construction specifications are within the control of public entities; compliance is required to the maximum extent practicable. If a transit agency does not own the right-of way, but another public entity does own it, FTA encourages the transit agency to work with the public entity to come to an arrangement where a bus boarding and alighting area that complies with Section 810.2 to the maximum extent practicable is provided. The information provided above is intended as technical assistance and applies only to the project as described. Should the project scope change or new information on the project be provided, FTA may require a re-evaluation of the project information as it relates to ADA and require additional information. This confirmation is not an express or implied promise of project compliance with the ADA. Part 6: Agreement UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION GRANT AGREEMENT (FTA G-30) On the date the authorized U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) official signs this Grant Agreement, FTA has obligated and awarded federal assistance as provided below. Upon execution of this Grant Agreement by the Recipient named below, the Recipient affirms this FTA Award, enters into this Grant Agreement with FTA, and binds its compliance with the terms of this Grant Agreement. The following documents are incorporated by reference and made part of this Grant Agreement: (1) "Federal Transit Administration Master Agreement," FTA MA(30), http://www.transit.dot.gov, (2) The Certifications and Assurances applicable to the FTA Award that the Recipient has selected and provided to FTA, and (3) Any Award notification containing special conditions or requirements, if issued. WHEN THE TERM "FTA AWARD" OR "AWARD" IS USED, EITHER IN THIS GRANT AGREEMENT OR THE APPLICABLE MASTER AGREEMENT, "AWARD" ALSO INCLUDES ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS GRANT AGREEMENT. FTA OR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MAY WITHDRAW ITS OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE IF THE RECIPIENT DOES NOT EXECUTE THIS GRANT AGREEMENT WITHIN 90 DAYS FOLLOWING FTA's AWARD DATE SET FORTH HEREIN. FTA AWARD Federal Transit Administration (FTA) hereby awards a Federal Grant as follows: Recipient Information Reciaient Name: LUBBOCK, CITY OF Recipient ID: 1993 UEI: LXDNEKWRVKJ6 DUNS: 058213893 Award Information Federal Award Identification Number: TX-2024-013-00 Award Name: Lubbock-Citibus FY2022 8� 2023 Section 5307 Grant (Operating, Planning, Prev. Maint) Award Start Date: 1/9/2024 Ori4inal Award End Date: 12/31/2025 Current Award End Date: 12/31/2025 Award Executive Summarv: This application is to request FY22 & 23 Section 5307 funds apportioned to the Lubbock, TX UZA in the amount of $8,762,650 (FY 2022: $4,339,022; FY 2023: $4,423,628) PURPOSE: This application is for FY 2022 and FY2023 Section 5307 Grant funds in the amount of $8,762,650. ACTIVITIES TO BE PERFORMED: These funds ($5,398,317) federal funds and ($1,349,579) local match will be used for preventative maintenance on all revenue/non-revenue vehicles, ($228,188) federal funds and ($57,047) local match for general/comprehensive planning, ($867,804) federal funds and ($216,951) local match funds for non-fixed route, complementary ADA paratransit service, ($1,868,341) federal funds and ($1868,341) local match funds for general operating and ($400,000) federal funds and ($100,000) local match funds for capital to acquire miscellaneous support equipment. Attached documents: TIP/STIP & UPWP The grant breakdown will be as follows: Category - Federal - Local - Total - Preventative Maintenance - $5,398,317 - $1,349,579 - $6,747,896 Planning - $228,188 - $57,047 - $285,235 ADA - $867,804- $216,951 - $1,084,755 Operating - $1,868,341 - $1,868,341 - $3,736,682 Misc Equipment - $400,000 - $100,000 - $500,000 Total Request - $8,762,650 -$3,591,918 - $12,354,568 EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Improved service, safety and security for all of our passengers due to getting new buses, fare equipment, as well as security enhancements. INTENDED BENEFICIARIES: All passengers using the Transit service in the City of Lubbock SUBRECIPIENT ACTIVITIES: N/A The $3,591,918 of local match will be provided by the City of Lubbock's general fund. The 1.0% security requirement, a minimum of $123,546 combined federal/local funding, will be satisfied by miscellaneous support equipment (roughly half of the $500k total or 2%) such as: security and surveillance, purchase new radios for buses, pay for the radio communication contract, security alarm monitoring and other miscellaneous capital items used for security. The 0.75% safety requirement, a minimum of $92,656 combined federal/local funding, is covered by the cost of preventive maintenance (total of $6,747,897 or 54%) for state of good repair, which includes many safety related repair and maintenance items like tires, doors, windows, etc. This grant request is within acceptable limits of the fleet rate. We are using up to 10 percent of our annual formula apportionment under Section 5307 at 80/20 reimbursement for NON FIXED ROUTE ADA PARATRANSIT SERVICE. We are not exceeding the operating assistance special rule operator caps for FY 2023 and FY 2022; refer to Table 3A. FY 2023 Section 5307 Operating Assistance Special Rule Operator Caps (Full Year) and Table 3A. FY 2022 Section 5307 Operating Assistance Special Rule Operator Caps (Full Year). Research and Development: This award does not include research and development activities. Indirect Costs: This award does not include an indirect cost rate. Suballocation Funds: Recipient organization is the Designated Recipient and can apply for and receive these apportioned funds. Pre-Award Authoritv: This award is using Pre-Award Authority. Award Budget Total Award Bud4et: $12,354,569.00 Amount of Federal Assistance Obli4ated for This FTA Action (in U.S. Dollars): $8,762,650.00 Amount of Non-Federal Funds Committed to This FTA Action (in U.S. Dollars): $3,591,919.00 Total FTA Amount Awarded and Obliqated (in U.S. Dollars): $8,762,650.00 Total Non-Federal Funds Committed to the Overall Award (in U.S. Dollarsl: $3,591,919.00 Award Budget Control Totals includes the individual Funding Source and Activitv Line Items) or as Section of Statute 5307 - Urbanized Area Formula Grants (2013 and forward) Local Local/In-Kind State State/In-Kind 5307-2A CFDA Amount Number 20507 $8,762,650 $3,591,919 $0 $0 $0 Other Federal Transportation Development Credit Adjustment Total Eligible Cost $0 $0 $0 $12,354,569 (The Transportation Development Credits are not added to the amount of the Total Award Budget.) U.S. Department of Labor Certification of Public Transportation Employee Protective Arrangements: DOL Decision: DOL Concurs - Certified DOL Review Date: 1/9/2024 DOL Certification Date: 1/9/2024 Special Conditions There are no special conditions. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS By signing this Award on behalf of FTA, I am making all the determinations and findings required by federal law and regulations before this Award may be made. FTA AWARD OF THE GRANT AGREEMENT Awarded By: Donald Koski Deputy Regional Administrator FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Contact Info: donald.koski@dot.gov Award Date: 1/9/2024 EXECUTION OF THE GRANT AGREEMENT Upon full execution of this Grant Agreement by the Recipient, the Effective Date will be the date FTA or the Federal Government awarded Federal assistance for this Grant Agreement. By executing this Grant Agreement, the Recipient intends to enter into a legally binding agreement in which the Recipient: (1) Affirms this FTA Award, (2) Adopts and ratifies all of the following information it has submitted to FTA: (a) Statements, (b) Representations, (c) Warranties, (d) Covenants, and (e) Materials, (3) Consents to comply with the requirements of this FTA Award, and (4) Agrees to all terms and conditions set forth in this Grant Agreement. Executed By: LUBBOCK, CITY OF