HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2024-R0015 - 3 Resolutions, PO 10026967, 10027008, 10027033, Officewise, Package 1 - 01/09/2024Resolution No. 2024-R0015 Item No. 6.16 January 9, 2024 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order Contract No. 10026967 by and between the City of Lubbock and Officewise Commercial Interiors of Amarillo, Texas for furniture for the Health Department per OMNIA R191811, and related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on January 9, 2024 "I' ,, AYOR — - ATTLST: Cou ey Paz, City Sec ary ApPROVCD AS TO CONT�NT: �� � F Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney ccdocs IIIRES.00�cewise Commercial Interiors OMN1A R19181 1-PurchaseOrd December 13, 2023 rr� ���of Lubbock PURCHASE ORDER TEXAS TO: OFFICEWISE COMMERCIAL INTERI R SHIP TO: PO BOX 2688 AMARILLO TX 79105 INVOICE TO: CI'I'Y OF LUBBOCK ACCOUNI'SPAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 Ordered 11/14/2023 Requested 3/5/2024 Delivery PER TKEY REQ 61013 Freight Taken By BY: �� Page - 1 Date - I1/28/2023 Order Number 10026967 000 OP Branch/Plant 1611 CITY OF LUBBOCK HEALTH 2015 SOTH STREET SUITE A LUBBOCK TX 79412 &( T FLORES PUR 17722 / OMNIA R191811 If you have any questions in regard to this order, please contact Darren Densford, AIA, at 806-775-2368 or DDensford@mylubbock.us. DescriptionlSupplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date Furniture 1.000 96,9443100 EA 96,94431 3/5/2024 Installation 1.000 6,893.6800 EA 6,893.68 3/5/2024 Total Order Terms NET DUE ON RECEIPT INSURANCE REQUIRED: 103,837.99 Commercial General Liabilitv: Automotive Liabilitv: $1M occurrence 1$2M aggregate (can be combined with an Excess $1M/occurrence is needed Liability to meet requirement). CGL is required in ALL contracts. It is perhaps the most important of all insurance policies in a contractual Workers Comaensation and Emalover Liability: relationship. It insures the Contractor has broad liability coverage for Statutory. If the vendor is an independent contractor with no contractual activities and for completed operations. employees and are exempt from providing Workers' Compensation coverage, they must sign a waiver (obtained from COL Commercial General Liability to include Products �ompletion/OP, Purchasing) and include a copy of their driver's license. Employer Personal and Advertising Injury, Contractual Liability, Fire Damage Liability ($1M) is required with Workers (any one fire), and Medical Expenses (any one person). Compensation. *The City of Lubbock (including its officials, employees and volunteers) shall be afforded additional insured status on a primary and non- contributory basis on all liability policies except professional liabilities and workers' comp. *Waivers of Subrogation are required for CGL, AL, and WC. *To Include Products of Completed Operations endorsement. *Carrier will provide a 30-day written notice of cancellation, 10- day written notice for non-payment. *Carriers must meet an A.M. Best rating of A- or better. *Subcontractors must carry same limits as listed above. This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $103,837.99 awarded to Officewise Commercial Interiors of Amarillo, TX, on .ianuar; 9 , 2024. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Quote dated December 14, 2023, from Officewise Commercial Interiors of Amarillo, TX, and Omnia Contract R191811. Resolution # 2024-R0015 CITY OF C . Tray Pa , a o A �T: Courtney Paz, City Secre ary Rev. 3/2022 Seller and Buyer agree as follows: PURCHASE OItDER TERMS AND CONDITIOIYS STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER: CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES. bv suoolvine anv Goods or Smica that the Contmctor haz read. Pollv understands. and wdl be m full mmoliance wrth all �erms and wnditions and the darnptive material contained hercin and anv addn�onal aswciated documents and Amendmen�s. The Qtv daclaims am tem�s and co�dnions provided bv the Contractor unless a¢rced uoon m wntine bv Ihe oania. In the evenl of conflict between the Cnv s temu and conditions and anv terms and condi�ions prov�ded bv Ihe Contaclor. Ihe tertns and conditions provided hmein shall prevail. The tema and wndiuons provided herem are the final tertns aereed uoon bv �he oania. and anv orior wnFlicting terms shall be of no force or effat. I. SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS Sella wJl package goods in accordance with good commercial pmctice. Each shipping container shall be clearly and permanently marked az follows (a) Seller's name and address, (b) Consignee's name, address a�d purchax order or purchase release numbtt and the supply agreement number if applicable, (c) Conta�ner number and to�al number of contamers, e.g. box I of 4 boxa, and (d) the number of Ihe wntainer bearing �he packing sl�p Seller shall bear cost of packaging unlas olhmvise provided. Goods shall be suilably packed lo secure lowat Iransportatron cosls and �o conform with rcquircmems of comrtan carriers and any appliwble specifications Buyer's count or wnght shall be final and conclusive on shipments no� accompanied by packing lists. 2. SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHBITED. Seller is not authoriud to ship the gaods under resrnalion and no tenda of a bill of ladmg w�ll operate as a tender of goods. 3. TRLE AND RISK OF LOSS The tnle and nsk of loss o( Ihe goods shall nol pats to Buyer unlil Buyer actually receives and taka possession of the goods at the pomt or pom�s of delivery. 4. NO REPLACEMENf OF DEFECTIV E TENDER Every tender of delivery of goods must fully comply with all provisions of this contraa as to time of delrvery, qualrtyand the like. Ifa trnder is made which doa not fully conform, this shall conctitute a brcach and Seller shall not have the righ� to substi�ute a confom�ing tenda, provided, where the lime for per(omwnce has not }e� expired, Ihe Sella may reawnably notify Buyer of his intrntion lo cure and may Ihen make a confo�mmg tender wnhm Ihe conlrnA time but nol aftenvard. 5. INVOICES 8 PAYMENTS a S e 11 e r shall submn separate invoices, in duplicate, one each purchase order or pufchase rclease after wch delivery. Invoica shall indicate the purchase order or purchase rclease number and Ihe supply agreement number if applicable. Invoices shall be i�emiud and traiuportation charges, if any, shall be lis�ed separately A copy of Ihe bill of ladmg, and the (rc�ght waybill when applicable, should be a�tached ro �he invoice. Mail To: Accounts Payable, Ci�y of Lubbock, P. O. Box 2000, Lub6ock, Texas 79457. Payment shall �rot be due until the above instruments are submiued aRerdelivery 6. GRATUITIES. The Buyxr may, by wriltrn notice to the Seller, cancel this contract wilhou� liability lo Seller if i� is detrnnined by Buyer tha� grami�ia, in the form olrntMainment, gifls or othenvise, wero ofiered or given by �he Sella, or any agem or repraentative of the Seller, to any o�cer or employce of the City of Lubbock with a view lo securing a contraa or securing favoroble trwtmem with respect �o �he awarding or amending, or Ihe making of any detmninations with rcspecl to lhe per(o�ming of such a comract. In the event this comraa is canceled by Buyer pursuanl to Ihis provision, Buyer shall be entitled, in addilion to any other rights and rcmedia, to recover or withhold �he amount of �he cori incurted by Seller in providing such gra�uities. 7. SPECIAL TOOLS � TEST EQUfPMENT. If the price s�ated on the Face hermf includu the cwt of any special looling or special test equipment fabricated or roqu'aed by Sella (or Ihe purpox of filling this order, such special tooling equipmenl and any process shcels relaled Ihereto shall baome the property of the Buyer and w the extmt &asible slull be identified by the Sella az such. 8. WARRANfY-PRICE. a The price to be paid by the Buy+er shall be that wmained in Seller's bid which Seller warranls to be no higher than Seller's currrnt pmcess on orders by others (or produds of Ihe kind and specification covered by this agreemem for similar quantities unda similar of like wnditions and methods of purchate. In the wem Sella brcacha �his warramy, the prica of �he items shall be rcduced to the Selkr's curtrnt prices on orders by others, or in the altema�ive. Buyer may cancel this comraa without liability to Seller Por brcach or Seller's actual ezpense. b. The Seller wartanls that no person or selling agency has been employed or re�ained �o solicit or secure �his contrsa upon an agrcement or underslandmg for commissioq percrntage, brokerage, or contingent (ce excepting bona fide employea of bona fide atablished commttcial or selling agencia maintained by �he Sella far the p�upou of securing business. For brcach of viciation of this wartamy the Buyer shall have the right in addition ro any other right of rights lo cancel this contract without liabilily and to deduct from the contracl price, or othmvi�e recova without liabiliry and to deduct from ehe contraa price, or othenviu rccover Ihe full artwunt of such commiuion, percentage, brokeage or comingem fee. 9. WARRANTY-PRODUCT. Seller shall no� limit or exclude any implied wa�ranlia and any attempt lo do so shall render Ihis wntracl voidable at the op�ion of the Buyer. Seller warrants that the goodc fumished will conPorm ro the specificalion, drawings, and dacriptions lis�ed in the bid invital�on, and to the umple(s) fumished by the Seller, ifany. In the event of a conflia or behveen the specifica�ions, drawmgs, and descriptions, the specifica�iort� shall govem. Nohvithstanding any provisions contained in the contaaual agreement, �he Seller represems and warrants Fault-Gee perfofmaMe and faull-frce result in the processing date and dale rclated dala (including, but not limited to wlculating, comparing and sequencing) of all hardware, wfhvare and firmware products delivtted and services provided under this Contrac�, i�dividually or in wmbination, as the case may be from the effeclive dale of this Contrac� The obligations contained haein apply to products and servica provided by the Seller, its suM Seller or any third party involved in the crca�ion or dwelopmem of �he produc�s and smices to be delivered to the City of Lubbock unda this Contraa. Failure �o compty with any oF the obligations contained herein, may rault in �he City of Lubbock availing itself of any of ils rights under the law and under Ihis Conhact iMluding, but not limiled to, its righ� penaining lo lermination or defaull. The wartanties wntained haein are separate and discrete from any other warranties specified in this Comraa, and are not wbject to any disclaimer of warranty, implied or expressed, or limilation of lhe Seller's liability which may be specified in this Contracl, i1s appendices, iLs schedula, its annexes or any document inco�poratcd in this Contrac� by reference. 10. SAFETY WARRANTY. Seller wartants tha� �he pmdua wld lo Ihe Buyer shall wnform to the slandards promulgated by the U. S. Departmrnt of Labor under the Occupa�ional Sa@tyand Health Act of 1970. In �he event �he producl doa not confortn to OSHA slandards, Buyer may rctum �he product for correction or rcplacemrnt at �he Seller's expense. In �he event Sella Fails to make lhe appropriale co`rection within a reasonable time, co�reclion made by Buyer will Ix at the Seller's expense. 11. NO WARRANfY BY BIJYER AGAINST MFRINGEMEM'$. As part of this contract for ule Selln agrees lo auertain whether goodt manufacWrcd in accordance wilh Ihe specifications anached to �his agreement will give rise to the right(ul claim of any third person by way of inGingement of the like. Buya maka no warran�y �hat the production of goods according to the specifica�ion will not grve rise to such a claim, and in no evrnt shall Buya be liable to Sella for indemnificatian in �he wem tha� Seller is sued on Ihe grounds of infringement of the like. If Sella is of the opinion that an infringement or Ihe like will rault, he will no�ify the Buyer to this effect in writing wi�hin hvo weeks aRer lhe signing of Ihis agreemenl. If Buyer does not rcceive notice and is subsequently held liable for lhe infringement or the like, Seller will uve Buyer hartnless If Seller in good faith azcertains Ihe production of the goods in acwrdance with the specifiwtions will result in infringement or the like, �he contract shall be null and void. 12. NON APPROPRIATION. All funds for payment by the Crty unda this contract are subject to �he availabilily of an annual appropriation far this pulpox by the City. In the evrnt of nonappropria�ion of funds by the Ciry Council of �he Ciry of Lubbock for the goods or services pmvided under Ihe contract, the City will terminate Ihe wntract, withoul lermination charge or other liability, on �he last day of the Ihrn-curtenl fiscal year or when the appropria�ion made (or Ihe then-curtent year for the goods or srnices covercd by Ihis contratl is spenl, whichever event occurs firs�. If at any lime fu�s are not appmpriated for the continuance of this contracl, cancellation shall be accepted by �he Sella on Ihirty (30) days prior wriltrn no�ice, but (ailurc �o give such no�ice shall be of no efTect and �he City shall not be obligated under this conlract beyond the date of trnnination. 13. RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Buyer shall luve the right lo inspect the goods at delivery before accepting them 14. CANCELLATION. Buy+er shall have the righ� to cancel for default all or any part of �he undelivered ponion of this order if Seller brcacha anyof the �rnns haeof including wairantia of Seller or if the Seller bewma insolvenl or wmmits acts of bankruptcy. Such righl ofcancellation is in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedia which Buy+er may have in law or equily. I5. TERMMATION. The perfomunce of work unda this order may be trnninated in whole, or in part by the Buyer in accordance wi�h this provision. Trnnination of work haeunder shall be ef%cted by the delivery of �he Seller of a"Nouce of Trnnmanon" specifying �he extent to which pttformance of work under ihe order is tertnma�ed and the dale upon which such telmination bewmes efTeclive. Such right or irnnination is in addilion lo and �wt m I�eu of the rights of Buyxr set forth in Clause 14, haeia 16. FORCE MNEURE. Nenher party shall be held raponsible (or lossa, resulting if the (ulfillment of any tem�s of pmvis�ons of this comrac� is delayed or prevrnted by any wuse not within the comml of �he party whox perfolmance is mtafered wnh, and which by the exercise of reasonable diligence said party is ureble to prcvrnt. 17. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION. No right or interest in this contract shall be atsigned or delegation of any obligalion made by Seller withoul the wri�ten permission of the Buyer. Any attempted assignment or delega�ion by Seller shall be wholly void a�d totally ineffective for all purpose unless made in conformi�ywith this paragraph. I8. WAIVER No claim or right ansing out of a breach of this contrzcl can be discharged in whole or in part by a waiver or renunciat�on of the claim or right unless the waiver or renunciation �s supponed by considera�ion and is in wriling signed by the aggneved party 19. INTERPRETATION-PAROLE EVIDENCE. Thic writing, plus any specifica�ionc for bids and performance provided by Buyer m�ty adven�ument (or bids, and any otha documents provided by Seller as pan of his bid, is intended by the partKs az a final expression of the'v agreement and intrnded also as a complete and exclusive slalement of the trnns of thev agrcement Whenever a �rnn defined by the Umform Commercial Code is used in this agreement, the definiuon wntained m �he Code is to wntml. 20. APPLICABLE LAW. Th�c agreement shall be govemed by �he Unifofm Commerciai Code. Whereva the lerm "Uniform Commercial Code' �s uud, it shall be construed as meaning the Unifomi Commercial Code ac adopted in the State of Texaz as efialive and in force on Ihe dale of Ihis agreement. 21. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Whenever one party to this comraa in good faith haz rcason lo quation the other party's intrnt lo perfom� he may demand that �he o�ha parry give wriurn assurance of his intent to perfotm. In the event that a demand �s made and no assursnce is given within five (5) days, the demanding parry may trwt �his failure az an amic�pawry repudauon of the wntract. 22. INDEMNIFICATION. Seller shall indemnify, keep and save harmlas the Buya, its agmts, oRcials and employees, agams� all m�uries, dwths, loss, damaga, claims, patrnt claims, suits, liabilitia, judgments, costs and ezpenses, wh¢h may m anyw�se accrue aga�nst the Buyer in consequence of the granting of this Contraa or which may anywise result Iherefio� whtlher or not it shall be alleged or darnnined that Ihe acl was caused through negligence or omission of Ihe Seller or its employees, or of the subSeller or assignee or its employea, if any, and �he Seller shall, at his own expense, appear, defend and pay all charga of a�tomeys and all costs and other ezpenses arising therefrom of incurred in connection themvith, and, if anyjudgment shall be rendered against the Buyer in any such ac�ion, the Sella shall, at its own expenses, sa�isfy and discharge the same Seller exprasly understands and agrees �hat any bond requ'ved by �his contract, or othmvise provided by Seller, shall in no way limi� the raponsibility ro indemnify, keep and save harmlas and defend the Buyer as herein provided. 23. TIME. 1� is hereby expressly agreed and unders�ood that �ime is of the asence for the perf'ormance of this contrad, and failure by contract to meet Ihe time specifiwtions of Ihis agreemenl will wuse Seller lo be in defau�t of this agreement. 24. MBE. The Ciry of Lubbock haeby no�ifia all bidders that in regard lo any contact rn�ered inlo pursuant �o this rcquat, minority and women businas emefprisa will be afforded equal opportuni�ies to submi� bids in raponse to �his invitalion and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex or nalural origin in consideration for an award. 25. NON•ARBITRATION. The City rama �he right to exercice any right or rcmedy to it by law, contrac�, equiry, or othmviu, including withow limitation, the right �o seek any and all formc of rclief in a coun of competrnt jurisdiction. Fu�her, the City shall not be subja� to any arbitration promss prior to exercising its unrestricled right to seek judicial remedy. The remedia sel fonh hercin are cumulalive and not exclusive, and may be exacised concurtently To �he eatent of any conFlict be�wmn this provision and another pmvision in, or rela�ed to, this document. this provision shall comml. 26. RIGHT TO AUDIT. At any time during the te�m of the contraa, or Ihereafler, Ihe Citg or a duly aulhorized audit representative o( Ihe City or the Slale of Texas, at its expense and a� rcasonable tima, rarna Ihe rigM to audit Contraaors records and books rclevant �o all smices provided �o the City under this Contraa. In the event such an audi� by �he Cirymeals any ertors or overyaymrnts by Ihe City, Contraclor sha0 rePo�d the City the PoII amount of such overpayments within thiny (30) days of such audit findings, or �he City, at its option, resma �he right to deduct such amounts owing the City from any payments due Conlrador. ?7. The Contraaor shall not assign or suble� the contrzct, or any ponion of the contract, withow wrinen conum from the D'vecmr of Purchazing and Contract Managemrn�. 28. Conlracls with Compania Engaged in Businas with Iran, Sudan, or Forcign Temorisl Organization Prohibited. Pursuanl to Section 2252.152 ohhe Texas Govemment Code, prohibits Ihe City from enlering into a contraa with a vendor that is identified by The Comptroller as a company known to have comracic with or provide supplia or service with Iran, Sudan or a(oreign Irnorist organ'vation 29. Texu Govemment Code. Section 2252.908 requves a business entiry entaing into certain wntracls with a govemmental entity orslate agrncy to file wilh the govemmental entily or state agency a disclosurc of interestcd parties at the time the businas emity submits the signed contract to the govemmental rntity or s�ate agrnry. Inshuctiort� for compleling Form 1295 arc available ar. �ia:,�w�rw.ci1u61wck.ix.us`deoartmenlal• websites/drnartments/ourchasing/vendor-infortnauon 30. No Boycott of Israel. Pursuant to Section 2271.002 of the Texaz Govemment Code, Rapondrnt certifies that eitha (i) it meets an exemption aitttia under Sectian 2271.002; or (ii) it daa not boycott Israel and will not hoycon Israel during the term of Ihe contrad raulting Gom Ihis solicilalion. Respondent shall state any facts thal make it exempt Gom Ihe boycott cMifiwtion in its Raponse. 31. No Boycott of Ene�y Companies. P�vsuant m Sec�ion 2274 of the Texu Govemment Code, Rapondmt cMifies tha� either (i) i� meets an exemp�ion criteria under Section 2274.002; or (ii) it does no� boycon Energy Companies and will nol boycott Energy Compania during Ihe tmn of the conhact raulting Gom this wlicilation. Rapondent shall s�a�e any facts that make it exempt Gom the boycott certificatian in its Raponse. 32. No Boycott of a Fireartn Entiry or Firearm Trade Association. Pursuant �o Smion 2274 of the Texas Govemment Code, Respondenl certifies thal either (i) it mals an exemption criteria under Section 2274.002; or (ii) rt doa not boycot� a F'veami En�ity or F'vearm Tmde Association and will not boycott a F'vearm Entity or F'aearm Trade Association during the �erm of the contract rauhing from this solicitation. Respondent shall state any fac�s that make rt exempl Bom the hoycon cenifica�ion in its Raponse. 33 Contrac�s with Compania Engaged in Businas with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Tertorist Organ'vation Prohibited. Pursuant to Section 2252.152 of the Teaas Govemment Code, prohibils Ihe City finm entering into a conlrad with a vendor �hat �s identified by The Comptroller az a company known to have conhacts with or pmvide supplia or sm�ce with Iran, Sudan or a foreign termrist organization 34 TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT. The requircments of Subchapter J, Chapter 552, Govemment Code, may apply to this contraa and Ihe wntrac�or or vendor agrees tha� �he contraq can be trnninaled if �he comracror or vendor knowingly or intrntionally fails �o comply with a requirement of that subchapter 35. Pursuam �o Seaion 55?301(c) of the Texas Govemment Code, �he City of Lubbock has daignated Ihe following email address for which public informa�ion requats may be made by an emailed rcquest: q�y���. Please send �his requat w �his email address Por it �o be procased REV. 3'_'€T�' ^ . ✓ � Officewise Commercial Inter�ors Quotation Prepared For: Marta Ahrarez Date: 12/14/2023 City of Lubbock Expires: 1/19/2024 1314 Avenue K Lubbodc TX 79401 Kimball Omnia R191811, CDA 30003735 806.7752572 malvarez� mail.ci.lubbock.bc.us Account Manager: Cheryl Stephens cstephens � officewiseco.com Designer: Cheryl Stephens 806-763-2500 YURETHANE ,202.40 $7,214.40 K688MR1ACP DTE BACK UPHOLSTERY �RADE DESIGNTEX GRADE E 3921_404 BACK UPHOLSTERY PATTEI LINNEN SALT WATER DTE SEAT UPHOLSTERY GRADE DESIGNTEX GRADE E 3921_404 SEAT UPHOLSTERY PATTEF LINNEN SALT WATER 501 FRAME COLOR PLATINUM METALLIC 496 ARM CAP PU COLOR GREY M81 MOISTURE BARRIER MOISTURE BARRIER,SEAT ONLY Ext. ist: 16,032.00 Subtotak $7,214.40 � ., ���.� �.� � � �...,���.,�..,.�.��,�.��.. ,.� � � .,.,..�.,.,..�.�,,,....�. � .,..� � �..,�, , .,.,. � � ,, �.-..�� ��, �,,.�., N58L1MUAX DTB BACK UPHOLSTERY GRADE DESIGNTEX GRADE B 3888_107 BACK UPHOLSTERY PATTEI HYDE CHARCOAL DTB EXTREME BAqC UPH GRAD DESIGNTEX GRADE B 3888_107 EXTREME BAqC UPH PATTE HYDE CHARCOAL DTB SEAT UPHOLSTERY GRADE DESIGNTEX GRADE B 3888_107 SEAT UPHOLSTERY PATTEF HYDE CHARCOAL 4 ACCENT UPHOLSTERY GRA GRADE 4 41606 ACCENT UPH PATTERN COl MASQUERADE TRUFFLE YO FINISH MONTEREY Ext. List: 19,385.00 Subtotal: E8,72325 � 4 KIM KL1 PAIRINGS,NOOK,2 SEAT,ARMLESS $15,805.00 $7,11225 $28,449.00 K82NL2 7 BACK UPHOLSTERY GRADE �RADE 7 72008 BACK UPHOLSTERY PATTEI BRISA DISTRESSED STORMY 7 SEAT UPHOLSTERY GRADE GRADE 7 72008 SEAT UPHOLSTERY PATTEf BRISA DISTRESSED STORMY 7 INSIDE UPHOLSTERY GRAD GRADE 7 71002 INSIDE UPHOLSTERY PATTE BRISA CAMBRIDGE BLUE 7 OUTSIDE UPHOLSTERY GFU GRADE 7 71002 OUTSIDE UPHOLSTERY PA1 BRISA CAMBRIDGE BLUE 7 BOXING UPH GRADE GRADE 7 71002 BOXING UPHaSTERY PATI BRISA CAMBRIDGE BLUE X KICK RAIL POWER MODULE NO POWER MODULE RUW LEG SMEICOLOR ROUND WOOD,URBAN X MARKER BOARD CONNECT� NONE N N MOUNT NO X BACK PANEL WS CONNECT� NONE X LOW STORAGE CONNECTO NONE xt. List: 63,220.00 Subtotal: 528,449.00 COLLETTE,GANGING N84GK 66.05 COL HD-1122.23 Kimball.sp4 Page 1 of 4 � 1 KIM NL1 COLLETTE,INSIDE90DEGREE,S�UARELEGS,DIAGONAL $3,922.00 $1,764.90 $1,764.90 N841N9D � Z 1 _ 4 UPHOLSTERY GRADE �RADE 4 41614 PRIMARY UPH PATTERN CC MASQUERADE AEGEAN AA THREAD COLOR MATCHING THREAD X GROMMET NO GROtu1MET 5501 LEG MATERIAUFINISH METAL LEG,PLATINUM METALIIC STD GLIDE STANDARD HARD GLIDE KIM NL1 COLLETTE,2 SEAT,S�UARE LEGS,ARMLESS N84L2M 4 UPHOLSTERY GRADE GRADE 4 41614 PRIMARY UPH PATTERN CC MAS�UERADE AEGEAN AA THREADCOLOR MATCHINGTHREAD X GROMMET NOGf±OMMET S-501 LEG MATERIAUFINISH METAL LEG,PLATINUM METALLIC STD GLIDE STANDARD HARD GLIDE KIM NL1 COLLEfTE,3 SEAT,S�UARE LEGS,ARMLESS $5,362.00 $2,412.90 $4,825.80 $7,386.00 $3,323.70 $3,323.70 N84L3M 4 UPHOLSTERY GRADE GRADE 4 41614 PRIMARY UPH PATTERN CC MASaUERADE AEGEAN AA THREAD COLOR MATCHING THREAD X GROMMET NOGROMMET S-501 LEG MATERIAUFINISH METAL LEG,PLATINUM METALLIC STD GLIDE STANDARD HARD GLIDE xt. List: 22,401.00 Subtotal: E10,080.45 � � 4 KIM NL1 COLLETTE,36DX36W,OTTOMAN,S�UARE LEGS N84D2 4 UPHOLSTERY GRADE GRADE 4 41614 PRIMARY UPH PATTERN CC MASQUERADE AEGEAN AA THREAD COLOR MATCHING THREAD X GROMMET NOGROMMET S-501 LEG MATERIAUFINISH METAL LEG,PLATINUM METALLIC STD GLIDE STANDARD HARD GLIDE 4 KIM NL1 COLLEITE,GANGING IQT N84GK 1 KIM NL1 COLLETTE,2 SEAT,SQUARE LEGS,ARMLESS ,163.70 $4,654.80 $123.00 $55.35 $221.40 $5,362.00 $2,412.90 $2,412.90 N84L2M 4 UPHOLSTERY GRADE GRADE 4 41614 PRIMARY UPH PATTERN CC MAS�UERADE AEGEAN AA THREAD COLOR MATCHING THREAD X GROMMET NOGROMMET 5-501 LEG MATERIAUFINISH METAL LEG,PLATINUM METALLIC STD GLIDE STANDARD HARD GLIDE Ext. ist: 16,198.00 Subtotal: 37,289•10 � N84D2 . . . 4 UPHOLSTERY GRADE GRADE 4 41614 PRIMARY UPH PATTERN CC MASQUERADE AEGEAN AA THREAD COLOR MATCHING THREAD X GROMMET NOGROMMET S-501 LEG MATERIAUFINISH METAL LEG,PLATINUM METALLIC STD GLIDE STANDARD HARD GLIDE 4 KIM NL1 COLLETTE,GANGING KR i N84GK � 1 KIM NL1 COLLETTE,2 SEAT,SQUARE LEGS,ARMLESS $123.00 $55.35 $221.40 $5,362.00 $2,412.90 $2,412.90 N84L2M 4 UPHOLSTERY GHADE GRADE 4 41614 PRIMARY UPH PATTERN CC MASaUERADE AEGEAN AA THREADCOLOR MATCHINGTHREAD X GROMMET NO GRadMET S-501 LEG MATERIAUFINISH METAL LEG,PLATINUM METALLIC STD GLIDE STANDARD HARD GLIDE xt. List: 16,198.00 COL HD-112223 Kimball.sp4 Page 2 of 4 Subtotal: 37,289.10 KIM NL1 COLLETTE,30DX30W,OTTOMAN,S�UARE LEGS N84D1 2 UPHOLSTERY GRADE GRADE 2 22151 PRIMARY UPH PATTERN CC SEDONA PLATEAU AA THREAD COLOR MATCHING THREAD X GROMMET NOGROMMET 5-501 LEG MATERIAUFINISH MEfAI LEG,PIATINUM METALIIC STD GLIDE STANDARD HARD GIIDE KIM NL1 COLLETTE,GANGING IQT ,973.00 $887.85 $123.00 $55.35 $110.70 N84GK Ext. List: 10,111.00 Subtotal: 54,549.95 3 KIM NL1 COLLETTE,3 SEAT,S�UARE LEGS,SLOPE ARMS _ N84L3A0 2 UPHOLSTERY GRADE GRADE 2 22151 PRIMARY UPH PATTERN CC SEDONA PLATEAU AA THREAD COLOR MATCHING THREAD X GROMMET NOGROMMET S-501 LE� MATERIALIFINISH METAL LEG,PLATINUM METALLIC STD GLIDE STANDARD HARD GLIDE Ext. List: 21,957.00 Subtotal: 39,880.65 69N2912SMBXHDL G1005 DRAWERIDOOR LAMINATE MIDNIGHT RUN G1005 LAMINATE COLOR MIDNIGHT RUN G1005 TOP SHELF LAMINATE MIDNIGHT RUN KIM NL3 LOCHLYN,90WX15H,FRAME,STYLE A,METAL $4,126.00 $1,856.70 $5,570.10 69N9015AFRFM 462 PAINT CINDER Ext. List: 24,909.60 Subtotai: 511,211•21 � 1 KIM NL3 LOCHLYN,18DX36W,MOBILE STORAGE CART,LAMINATE, LOCiONG $5,016.00 $2,25720 $2,25720 NCG01824489362 REF MODELN69N1836MSCN 88PL PULL LEVEI,PLATINUM METALLIC YO DRAWERIDOOR LAMINATE MONTEREY YO LAMINATE COLOR MONTEREY 501 PAINT PLATINUM METALLIC Ext. List: 5,016.00 Subtotal: $2,257.20 Installation $0.00 $6,893.68 $6,893.68 List Price Total: FINANCING OPTiONS AVAILABLE $215,427.60 Total Sell: $103,837.99 COL HO-112223 Kimbail.sp4 Page 3 of 4 Furniture ProJect Payment Terms: Special Order Furnfture is non-returnable Design and Project Management Services: Hourty acaual of work performed, to be billed monthty - Rate: $75.00 Monthly Payment - billable hours based on work completed. Payment due upon receipt of invoice - standard 15 day period FumitureJParts Order - 75% deposit due at time of order Second Deposit due 'rf produd is stored beyond 30 days from time of receiving to our warehouse - 40% due. Final balance due upon completion of delivery Review all turniture finishes prior to placing order Please review fabrics and finishes for accuracy before placing order. If fabric or finish samples are needed, please contact your sales representative at 806.7632500. Once fabrics and finishes are approved, please sign below and indude with Purchase Order. CustomerSignature - Date I agree fabrics and finishes on this quote are accurate. I understand special order fumiture cannot be retumed. COL HD-11.22.23 Kimball.sp4 Page 4 of 4