HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2024-R0026 - Joint Election, Contract W/Other Eligible Governmental Units, Lbk Co., 9.30.24 - 01/09/2024Resolution No. 2024-R0026 Item No. 6.26 January 9, 2024 RESULUTION WHEIZ�AS, Chapter 31, Subchapter D, of the Texas Election Code authorizes the governing body of a political subdivision to contract with a County for the County's election officer's services for election services in an election ordered by the political subdivision; and WHEREAS, Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code provides for joint elections when an election is required upon the same day by two or more political subdivisions occupying all or part of the same county; and WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock desires to contract with the Lubbock County election officer for election services for any City elections to be held through September 30, 2024; and WH�REAS, several other political subdivisions within Lubbock County may also conduct elections on the same uniform date and may also have contracted with Lubbock County for the County election officer's services; and WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock desires to conduct joint elections whenever possible with Lubbock County or with such governmental units of Lubbock County as are eligible and desire to conduct a joint election with the City of Lubbock as expressed by order, resolution or other offcial action for each particular uniform election date during the term of the contract; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor to execute the attached Contract for Election Services and any associated documents with Lubbock County for election services through September 30, 2024; and 'fHA"1' "associated documents" include the Appointment of Bilingual Election Clerks and the list of Judges and Alternate Judges for Election Day, May 4, 2024. THAT the said Contract for Elections Services shall be deemed a joint election agreement authorized by this Resolution with Lubbock County and those governmental units within Lubbock County that have executed a similar Contract for Election Services; that occupy all or part of the same county as the City of Lubbock; that are conducting elections on the same uniform election dates; and that desire and are eligible to conduct a joint elections with the City of Lubbock; and THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to make any necessary changes to the Election NoticelOrder exhibits or otherwise to take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Resolution. THAT the use of Countywide Polling Places (Vote Centers) is hereby authorized for elections held on the uniform election date and any associated run-off elections, in accordance with State law; and THAT the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to make any necessary changes to the Election NoticelOrder exhibits or otherwise to take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Resolution. Passed by the City Council on January.9 , 2024. TRAY P NE, MAYOR ATTEST: Courtney Paz, City Sec tary APPROVED AS TO CO TENT: Courtney Paz, City Se APPROVEll AS TO FORM: - � . s, Dep i y Attorney City of Lubbock-Joint Election 2024 Res Resolution No. 2024-R0026 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF LUBBOCK § CONTRACT FOR ELECTION SERVICES WITH LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS FOR ALL JOINT ELECTIONS IN LUBBOCK COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2024 THIS CONTRACT made by and between LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, acting by and through Roxzine Stinson, in her capacity as Lubbock County Elections Administrator, hereinafter referred to as "The Elections Administrator" (who has been duly qualified and bonded as provided for under law) and City of Lubbock, a governmental entity organized under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Entity" and by the authority of Section 31.092(a) of the Texas Election Code for the conduct and supervision of the Entity's elections held during Lubbock County's Fiscal Year, October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024. The Entity joins with any such other governmental units as are eligible and desire to conduct a joint election, as may be expressed by order, resolution or other official action of each of the governmental units. In the case of an Entity which is a school district, a joint election will be conducted with one or more municipalities, andlor with Lubbock County, Texas, in compliance with the requirements for school districts set forth in Chapter 11, Subchapter C, Section 11.01, of the Texas Education Code. 12ECITALS Any elections held by the entity will be at the expense of the entity. In the case of joint elections, common expenses will be divided between the parties on a pro rata basis, calculated using the number of registered voters in each entity's jurisdiction. The election precincts of the Entity, which lie within the jurisdictional limits of Lubbock County (the "County"), have been established and may be re-established by the Entity as its election precincts pursuant to Section 42.061 of the Texas Election Code. The County owns the Hart InterCivic Verity Duo Version 2.5 Voting system which has been duly approved by the Secretary of State pursuant to Texas Election Code Chapter 122 as amended, and the Entity desires to use the County's electronic voting system in its election and to compensate the County for such use. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements, and benefits to the parties, IT IS AGREED as follows: I. ADMINISTRATION The Lubbock County Elections Administrator shall assist, coordinate, supervise, and handle all aspects of administering the election as provided in this Contract in a manner consistent with all relevant law, codes, rules and regulations, including, without limitations, those functions set forth in F,xhibit A. "1'hc 1?ntity agrccs to pay thc I,ubbock County I?lcctions Administrator for cquipmcnt, supplics, services, and administrativc costs as providcd in this Contract. "1'he Lubbock County Llections Administrator shall scrvc as thc administrator for thc election; howcvcr, the I?ntity shall rcmain responsiblc for thc lawful conduct of its elcction as rcgards thosc functions rescrvcd to thc Lntity set forth in Exhibit A, as rcgards such additional administrativc functions as thc l;ntity may othcrwisc undcrtakc to perform, and any functions which cannot bc lawfully dcicgatcd to thc Lubbock County 1?lcctions Administrator. '1'hc 1?Icctions Administrator shall providc advisory scrviccs in conncction with dccisions to bc madc and actions to bc taken by thc officcrs of thc l;ntity; howcvcr, it shall bc thc responsibility of thc I?ntily to obtain whatcvcr lcgal opinion(s) it dccros nccessary, from the L'ntity's chosen legal counsel and at the I:ntity's solc cost and expensc. "1'hc I,ubbock County Llections Administrator will not providc legal advice to the 1?ntity. II. LLGAL DOC[JMLN"fS "1'hc 13ntity shall bc responsiblc for thc prcparation, adoption, and publication of all rcquircd cicction ordcrs, resolutions, noticcs, and any othcr pertincnt documcnts rcquircd by thc "1'cxas 1?lcction Codc and/or its govcrning bodics. Prcparation of the ncccssary bilingual materials for notices and the language of the official ballot shall also bc thc responsibility of thc 13ntity; howcvcr, thc I,ubbock County l;lcctions Administrator will providc assistancc if rcqucstcd. "1'hc I?ntity shall providc a copy of its clection ordcr and noticc to thc I,ubbock County I;lcctions Administrator no latcr than cighty (80) days prior to l;lcction I�ay. III. VO"1'ING LOCA"I'TONS It is agrced that 1?lcction Day voting shall bc hcld at thc locations shown in thc l;lcction Ordcr and Noticc duly adopted by thc l;ntity. In thc cvcnt that any of thcsc voting locations arc not available, the Llections Administrator will arrangc for use of an altcrnatc location with thc approval of thc l;ntity and at thc l;ntity's cxpcnsc. '1'his Contract shall be decmed an agreement for a joint clection with other governmental units in Lubbock County holding an cicction on thc samc day in all or part of thc samc tcrritory and whosc govcrning bodics havc authorircd said joint cicction by ordcr, resolution, or othcr official action. IV. I�LL'C'1'ION JtJDGI;S, CI,LRKS �1ND O"1'II1;R LLL'C"1'ION PI�RSONNI?L Lubbock County shall bc responsiblc, on bchalf of thc I?ntity, for thc initial scicction of thc presiding election judges and alternate clection judges for the I?ntity's clection. "1'he I�Iections 2 Administrator shall providc to thc 1?ntity a list of presiding judgcs and altcrnatc judgcs for its cicction who shall be appointcd by thc 1?ntity as rcquired by law. '1'hc I?Icctions Administrator shall notify all elcction judgcs of thc cligibility rcquircmcnts of Subchaptcr C of Chaptcr 32 of thc "1'cxas I?lcction Codc, and will takc thc ncccssary stcps to cnsurc that all cicction judgcs appointed for the 1?ntity's cicction arc cligible to serve. "1'hc 1?lcctions Administrator shall arrangc for thc training and compcnsation of all cicction judges and cicrks. '1'hc 131cctions Administrator shall arrangc for thc datc, timc, and placc for thc presiding clection judgcs to pick up thcir cicction supplics. 1?ach presiding cicction judgc will bc scnt a lettcr (not latcr than the 15th day bcforc election day, as requircd by Scction 4.007 of thc "1'cxas 131cction Codc) by thc l�lcctions Administrator notifying him/ hcr of his/hcr appointmcnt, thc timc and location of distribution of cicction supplics, and the numbcr of cicction cicrks that thc presiding judge may appoint, including the required numbcr of bilingual clerks. "1'he 1?ntity will bc chargcd $15.00 an hour for each hour worked by the Yresiding l:lection Judgc and $13.00 an hour for cach hour workcd by cach �1ltcrnatc Judgc and I;lection Clcrk, or at thc ratc sct by thc Lubbock County Commissioncrs Courl which is currcnt at thc timc of thc cicction, whichcvcr is highcr. "1'hc I?ntity will bc chargcd an additional $25.00 flat ratc compcnsation to cach 1?lcction Judgc for rcturning thc supplics, thc Judgc's Vcrity Duo Scanncr, and votcd thcrmal paper ballots to thc Ccntral Counting Station after thc polls closc on rlcction Day. 1'hc I;ntity will bc chargcd $15.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by thc Yhonc Bank "I'cchnical Assistant, $14.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by thc Yhonc I3ank 1'_lcctions Assistant, and $14.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by thc Yhonc I3ank Yublic �lssistant. ."l,hc 1?ntity will bc chargcd $15.00 per hour for cach hour worked by cach "1'roublcshootcr, plus milcagc at thc ratc adoptcd by thc I,ubbock County Commissioncr's Court, currcntly $.655 for cach milc travcicd by cach L'arly Voting "l�roublcshootcr as per thc IRS Noticc 2023-03. '1'hc Entity will bc chargcd $15.00 per hour for cach hour worked by each Dcputy l;arly Voting Clcrk (Lcad Clcrk). "1'hc l;ntity will bc chargcd $13.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by cach Dcputy l?arly Voting Altcrnatc Lcad Clcrk and Clcrks. If the Lubbock County Commissioncrs Court authorires an incrcasc in pay for cithcr cicrk, thc l?ntity will pay the ratc sct by thc Lubbock County Commissioncrs Court at the time of the Llection.l'hc I�ntity will bc charged $15.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by thc Yhonc I3ank "1'cchnical Assistant, $14.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by thc Phonc 13ank rlcctions Assistant, and $15.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by thc Yhonc I3ank Yublic Assistant. "1'hc I;ntity will bc chargcd $15.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by each "1'roubleshooter, plus milcagc at thc rate adopted by the I,ubbock County Commissioncr's Court, currcntly $.655 for cach milc travcicd by cach 1?arly Voting "1'roublcshootcr as per thc IRS Noticc 2023-03. "1'hc 131cctions Administrator may cmploy othcr personncl ncccssary for thc proper administration of thc cicction, including such part-timc hclp as is ncccssary to prcparc for thc cicction, to cnsurc thc timcly dclivcry of supplics during carly voting and on I;lcction Day, and for thc cfficicnt tabulation of ballots at thc ccntral counting station. '1'hc I?ntity will bc chargcd $15.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by the l?arly Voting I3allot I3oard Judgc and $13.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by thc I?arly Voting I3allot I3oard Altcrnatc Judgc and Clerks. "fhc Lntity will bc chargcd $15.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by thc Ccntral Count Judgc and $13.00 per hour for cach hour worked by thc Ccntral Count Altcrnatc Judgc. If thc I.ubbock County Commissioncrs Court authorizcs an incrcasc in pay for cithcr thc cicrks or judgcs, thc 1?ntity will pay thc ratc sct by thc Lubbock County Commissioners Court at thc timc of thc I�lcction. "1'hc l3ntity will bc billcd $14.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by part-timc personncl working in support of thc Ccntral Counting Station on cicction night. Yart-timc personncl working in supporl of thc Ccntral Counting Station on clection night will rcccivc pay for at lcast four hours, minimum call for scrvicc, rcgardlcss of thc actual hours workcd. "1'hc Lntity will bc chargcd $9.00 for cach hour of training for all cicction workcrs (including Judgcs, �1ltcrnatc Judgcs, Clcrks, Phonc I3ank Operators and "1'roublcshootcrs.) "1'hc l�ntity will bc charged for tcmporary personncl cmploycd to conduct training classcs at an hourly ratc of $15.00 per hour for cach hour worked by thc Lcad 'fraincr and thc Assistant "1'raincrs. "1'hc I?ntity will bc chargcd a timc-and-half ratc bascd on thc hourly ratc of all cicction workcrs/tcmporary workcrs cmploycd in thc positions spcciGcd abovc for any ovcrtimc workcd in conncction with any cicction covcrcd undcr this Contract. "1'hc 1?ntity will bc chargcd a timc-and-half ratc bascd on thc hourly ratc of I.ubbock County employces for any overtime worked to deliver, sct up and pickup voting equipment, as well as thc Logic and �lccuracy "1'esting. 'I'he 1?ntity will also be chargcd mileage at a rate, as sct by Lubbock County Commissioncrs, for Lubbock County cmployccs who must usc their personal vchicics to dclivcr, sct up and pick-up voting equipmcnt and supplics. It is always agrccd by the Lntity that and for all purposes hercunder, all election judges, clerks, and all other employees involved in this election arc indcpendcnt Contractors and are not cmployecs or agcnts of Lubbock County or thc I;ntity. No statcmcnt containcd in this Contract shall bc construcd so as to find any judgc, cicrk, or any othcr cicction personnel to bc an cmploycc or agent of thc County or thc Lntity, and all cicction personncl shall bc cntiticd to nonc of thc rights, privilcgcs, or bcncfits of County cmployccs or 1?ntity cmployccs exccpt as othcrwisc may bc statcd hcrcin, nor shall any cicction personncl hold himsclf out as an cmploycc or agcnt of thc County or thc l;ntity, unlcss considcrcd a County or I?ntity cmploycc as dctcrmincd by thc policics of Lubbock County or thc I:ntity. "1'he hourly rates for the above listed categorics of contractors and election workcrs will bc dctcrmincd following thc conclusion of thc current solicitation for tcmporary cicction workcrs, a proccss currently bcing complctcd by Lubbock County consistcnt with thc provisions of thc "1'cxas Govcrnment Codc. "1'hc pricc list for thc provision of thcsc scrviccs and all othcr contract fccs consistcnt with "1'cxas I;lcction Codc Scctions 271 and 31.100 is attachcd as Exhibit 13 and incorporated hcrein by rcfcrence. "1'he pricc list is subjcct to change bascd on action by thc I,ubbock 4 County Commissioncrs Couri. V. SUYYLII�S AND YRIN'1'INU "1'hc 131ections Administrator shall arrangc for thc usc of thc dircct rccording clectronic voting machincs and supporting supplics and cquipment and all othcr cicction supplics and relatcd printing including, but not limitcd to, official ballots, samplc ballots, ballot boxcs, votcr rcgistration lists, and all forms, signs, maps, and othcr matcrials uscd by thc cicction workcrs at thc 1?arly Voting and 1?lcction Day voting locations. "1'hc fcc list associatcd with thcsc matcrials consistcnt with "1'cxas Llcction Codc Scction 123 and Scction 31 is attachcd as I?xhibit I3 and incorporatcd hcrcin by refcrcncc. "1'hc 1?ntity shall furnish to thc l;lcctions Administrator a list of candidatcs and/or propositions showing thc ordcr and thc cxact manncr in which thc namcs or proposition(s) arc to appcar on thc official ballot (including bilingual titics and tcxt). "1'his list shall bc dclivcrcd lo thc l:lcctions Administrator as soon as possible aflcr thc Lntity has dctcrmincd ballot positions. "1'hc 1?ntity shall bc responsiblc for proofreading and approving thc official ballot bcforc printing as wcll as approving thc ballot scrccn prompts and audio rccordings for the Dircct IZccording I:lcctronic voting dcviccs in both L'nglish and Spanish. VI. L'AIu,Y VO'1'ING '1'he I;ntity agrees that the 131cction Administrator shall scrve as the Larly Voting Clerk in accordancc with Scction 31.097 of thc "1'cxas l�lcction Codc and agrccs to dcsignatc thc Officc of thc I?Icctions lldministrator, 1308 Crickcts, I.ubbock '1'cxas, as thc main I;arly Voting polling location. "1'hc I?ntity also agrccs that thc I?lcctions Administrator's permancnt county cmployccs, during rcgular officc hours, shall scrvc as deputy carly voting cicrks who shall scrvc without additional compcnsation; and that thc }?lcctions Administrator may appoint othcr dcputy carly voting cicrks to assist in thc conduct of carly voting as ncccssary. It is agrccd that I?arly Voting by personal appcarancc will bc hcld at the locations, timcs and days shown in thc 1?lection Ordcr and Noticc duly adoptcd by thc 1?ntity. In thc cvcnt that any of thcsc voting locations arc not availablc, thc 1?lcctions Administrator will arrangc for usc of an altcrnatc location with thc approval of thc I?ntity and at thc 1?ntity's cxpcnsc. As L'arly Voting Clcrk, thc l�lcctions Administrator shall rcccivc applications for carly voting ballots to bc votcd by mail in accordancc with Chaptcrs 31 and 86 of thc "1'cxas I?lcction Codc. Any rcqucsts for carly voting ballots to bc votcd by mail rcccived by thc I�ntity shall bc forwardcd immcdiatcly to thc l:lections Administrator for proccssing. 5 '1'hc 1?lcctions Administrator shall providc thc l�ntity with a copy of thc carly voting rcpori of how many votcrs checkcd-in at thc polls on a daily basis and a cumulativc final carly voting rcporl following thc cicction. '1'hc I?ntity will bc responsible for rcicasing any carly voting rcport numbcrs to Officials of the l;ntity. "1'hc I;ntity will also bc responsiblc for rcicasing carly voting rcport numbcrs to the gencral public and candidates of thc Lntity, if requcsted. `fhe 131cctions Administrator will bc responsiblc to rcicasc thc numbcr of pcoplc who chcck-in at thc polls cach day of carly voting to thc mcdia. "1'hc Llcctions Administrator will bc responsiblc for posting thc daily carly voting rostcrs in person and by mail pursuant to Scction 87.121 of thc "1'cxas 1?lection Codc "1'hc Llcctions Administrator and thc 13ntity will comply with all lawful rcqucsts for thc rcicasc of public information. VII. 1�ARLY V01'ING I3ALL07' 130ARI) An I?arly Voting 13allot 13oard and, if nccded, a Signaturc Vcrification Committcc shall bc crcatcd to process early voting results from thc I?ntity's election. l�or thc November clection, thc county chair of thc political party whose candidate for governor received the highest number of votcs in the county in the 2022 gubernatorial election shall appoint the Yresiding Judge of the Larly Voting I3allot I3oard. "1'hc county chair of thc political parly whosc candidatc for govcrnor rcccivcd thc sccond highcst numbcr of votcs in thc county in thc 2022 gubcrnatorial elcction shall appoint thc nitcrnatc Yresiding Judgc of thc l:arly Voting I3allot I3oard. "1'hc Yresiding Judgc, with thc assistancc of thc l;lcctions Administrator, shall appoint two or morc additional mcmbcrs to constitutc thc I:arly Voting I3allot I3oard mcmbcrs and, if nccdcd, thc Signaturc Vcrification Committcc mcmbcrs rcquircd to efficicntly proccss thc carly voting ballots. "1'hc I?ntity will bc chargcd $15.00 per hour for cach hour workcd by thc Larly Voting }3allot I3oard Judgc and if nccdcd, $15.00 per hour plus markup for thc Signaturc Vcrification Committcc Judge as rcfcrcnccd in Lxhibit I3 attachcd hcrcto. '1'hc Lntity will bc chargcd $13.00 per hour for cach of thc othcr mcmbcrs of thc rarly Voting I3allot 13oard and Signature Verification Committec, as refercnced in I;xhibit I3 attached hcreto. If thc I.ubbock County Commissioncrs Couri authori�cs an incrcasc in pay for any judgc or mcmbcr of thc 1?arly Voting I3allot Board and Signaturc Committcc, thc Lntity will pay thc ratc sct by thc I.ubbock County Commissioncrs Court at thc timc of thc I;lcction. VIII. CLNTRAL COiJN1'INU S"1'n"1'ION AND 1:L1:C"1'ION IZI:'1'URNS "1'hc I?Icctions Administrator shall bc responsiblc for establishing and operating thc ccntral counting station to rcccivc and tabulatc thc voted ballots in accordancc with thc provisions of thc "1'cxas l�lcction Codc and of this Contract. "Thc 1?ntity hereby appoints the following central counting station officials (or thcir duly appointed designcc) in accordance with Scctions 127.002 and 127.005 of the "fexas I?lection Codc: � Counting Station Managcr: "l�abulation Supervisor: �lssistant "1'abulation Supervisor: Roxrinc Stinson, I?lcctions Administrator Kristcn Yhclps, Chief Dcputy, Tlcctions Karyn Crui 1'ursuant to Scc. 32.002 and 127.005, for thc Novcmbcr cicction, thc County Chairs of thc political pariics whosc candidatc for govcrnor rcccivcd thc highcst and sccond highcst numbcr of votcs in thc county in thc 2022 gubcrnatorial cicction will submit thc names of persons who arc cligiblc to scrvc as thc Central Count Station Yresiding Judgc and thc Altcrnatc Judgc to thc Commissioncrs Court. "1'hc Commissioncrs Court must appoint thc person who's namc appcars at thc top of thc list submittcd by thc political party who's gubcrnatorial candidatc rcccivcd thc most votcs in thc 2022 cicction in thc county to bc Yresiding Judgc and thc person whosc namc appcars at thc top of thc list submittcd by thc political party whosc gubcrnatorial candidatc rcccivcd thc sccond most votcs in thc 2022 cicction in thc county to bc thc �1ltcrnatc Judgc. "1'hc Counting Station Managcr on c�r rcprescntativc shall dclivcr timcly cumulativc rcports of thc clection results as votc ccntcrs rcport to thc Ccntral Counting Station as thcy arc tabulatcd. '1'hc Counting Station Managcr shall bc responsiblc for rcicasing cumulativc totals and votc ccntcr rcturns from thc cicction to thc I;ntity, prior to posting to thc I?lcctions Officc wcbsitc. l?Icction results will be posted to the l:lections Office web page located at www.votelubbock.or� "1 hc Llections Administrator will prcpare thc unofficial canvass rcports aficr all ballots havc bccn countcd and will delivcr a copy of thc unofficial canvass to thc Lntity as soon as possiblc aftcr all rcturns have becn tabulatcd. In any cvcnt, thc I:lcctions �ldministrator will delivcr a copy of thc unofficial canvass to thc 1?ntity no latcr than 5:00 p.m. of thc scvcnth day following thc cicction datc. "l�he 1?ntity shall bc responsiblc for thc ofGcial canvass of its cicction. 1'hc I�lcctions Administrator shall bc responsiblc for conducting thc post-cicction Yarlial Manual Rccount rcquircd by Scction 127.201 of thc'1'cxas I;lcction Codc, unlcss a waivcr is grantcd by thc Sccrctary of Statc. Notification and copics of thc rccount, if waivcr is dcnicd, will bc providcd to thc I?ntity and thc Sccrctary of Statc's Office. With thc assistancc of thc I?lcctions Administrator, thc Presiding Judgc of thc Ccntral Counting Station shall providc and attcst to a writtcn rcconciliation of votcs and votcrs at thc closc of tabulation for cicction day and again aftcr thc central counting station mccts for thc last timc to proccss latc-arriving ballots by mail and provisional ballot. "1'L;C Scc. 127.131(�. "l,hc form shall bc posted on thc Lubbock County website, www.votelubbock.or�, along with election returns and results as prescribcd by "1'1?C Scc. 127.131(�. IX. 1;LI�C"1'ION l:XY1�NSL �1ND �1LLOCA"1'ION Ol� COS"1'S Any cicctions hcld by thc I?ntity will bc at thc cxpcnsc of thc l;ntity. In thc casc of joint cicctions, common cxpcnscs will bc divided bctwccn thc partics on a pro rata basis, calculatcd using 7 thc numbcr of rcgistcrcd votcrs in cach cntity's jurisdiction. '1'hc Lntity agrccs to rcimbursc I,ubbock County for thc actual costs of administcring its cicction including, but not limited to, thc actual costs of supplics, printing, programming, personncl, and polling placc rcntal fccs. "l�hc 13ntity agrccs to rcimbursc Lubbock County for ovcrtime wagcs and bcncfits paid to thc permancnt cmployccs of thc l�lcctions tldministrator for contractual dutics performcd outsidc thc normal busincss hours of Lubbock County in accordancc with Scction 31.100(c) of thc "1'cxas I?lcction Codc. "l�hc I;ntity furthcr agrccs to pay Lubbock County an administrativc fcc cqual to tcn perccnt (10%) of its total billablc costs in accordancc with Scction 31.100(d) of the "1'cxas 131cction Codc. X. WI"1'IIDRAWAL I�ROM CON"1'RAC'1� DUL "1'O C�1NCI;LL�1'1'ION Ol� I;I.EC"1'ION "1'hc 13ntity may withdraw from this Contract should it canccl its cicction in accordancc with Scctions 2.051 - 2.053 of thc "1'cxas I?lcction Codc. "1'hc 1?ntity is fully liable for any cxpcnscs incurrcd by Lubbock County on bchalf of thc Lntity plus an administrativc fcc of ten perccnt (10%) of such expenses should the I?ntity cancel its election for this or any rcason. Any monies dcposited with I.ubbock County by thc Lntity shall bc rcfundcd, minus thc aforcmcntioncd expcnscs and administrative fec, if applicable, pursuant to Section 31.100(d) of the "1'exas I:lection Codc. XT. RI;CORDS Ol� TIIL LLI;C'1'ION "1'hc l�lcctions Administrator is hcrcby appointcd gcncral custodian of thc votcd ballots and all rccords of thc cicction as authori•r.cd by Scction 31.096 of thc '1'cxas I;lcction Codc. Acccss to thc clection rccords shall bc availablc to thc l;ntity as wcll as to thc public in accordancc with applicablc provisions of thc "1'cxas l;lcction Codc and thc 1'cxas Yublic Information Act. "1'hc cicction rccords shall bc storcd at thc I,ubbock County Rccords Ccntcr, who shall cnsurc that thc rccords are maintained in an orderly manner so that the records arc clearly identifiable and rctricvablc. IZccords of thc cicction shall bc rctaincd and disposcd of in accordancc with thc provisions of Section 66.058 of the 1'exas I:Icction Codc. If rccords of thc cicction are involvcd in any pcnding cicction contcst, invcstigation, litigation, or opcn rccords rcqucst, thc 1?lcctions Administrator shall maintain thc rccords until final resolution or until final judgmcnt, whichcvcr is applicablc. It is thc responsibility of thc Entity to bring to thc attention of thc Elections Administrator any notice of pcnding election contcst, investigation, litigation or opcn records rcqucst which may be �Icd with thc F,ntity. 'fhc I:lcctions Administrator shall notify the I?ntity of thc planncd dcstruction of any rccords of thc cicction prior to thc rccords' dcstruction. 0 XII. RI�COUN"1'S A rccount may bc obtaincd as providcd by '1'itic 13 of thc "1'cxas l:lection Codc. '1'hc I;ntity agrccs that any rccount shall takc placc at thc officcs of thc 1?Icctions Administrator, and that thc Chicf Dcputy shall scrvc as Rccount Supervisor and thc official of thc I?ntity performing thc dutics of a sccrctary undcr thc "1'cxas I?lcction Codc, or its lawful dcsigncc, shall scrvc as Rccount Coordinator unlcss othcrwisc rcquircd by statc law. "1'hc Elections Administrator agrees to providc advisory serviccs to the Lntity as necessary to conduct a proper rccount. XIII. COMYLI�INCE WI'1'II AMLRICANS WI"1'II DISAI3ILI"fILS �1C"1' 1'hc Llcctions Administrator will securc adcquatc polling placcs, rcnt frcc if availablc; and will ensurc that thc polling placcs comply with currcnt acccssibility standards as sct forth in thc Amcricans With Disabilitics Act as wcll as any statc or local laws or ordinanccs. XIV. MISCLLL�INI;OUS YROVISIONS It is undcrstood that, to thc cxtcnt spacc is availablc, othcr political subdivisions may wish to pariicipatc in thc usc of thc County's clection cquipmcnt, and it is agrccd that thc 1?lcctions Administrator may contract with such othcr political subdivisions for such purposcs and that in such evcnt thcrc may be an adjustment of the pro-rata sharc to bc paid to the County by thc parlicipating authoritics. "1'hc I?lcctions Administrator shall filc copics of this documcnt with thc Lubbock County "I'rcasurcr and thc Lubbock County Auditor in accordancc with Scction 31.099 of thc "1'cxas l;lcctions Codc. In thc evcnt that lcgal action is filcd challcnging thc l?ntity's cicction, cach party hcrcto shall dcfcnd its own actions, officials and cmployccs. If it is dctcrmincd that thc actions of thc I;ntity resultcd in lcgal action against Lubbock County or thc I,ubbock County I?Icctions Administrator or any additional cicction personncl, thcn thc I:ntity shall providc, at its own cxpcnsc, lcgal rcprescntation Cor thc County, thc l:lcctions �ldministrator, and additional cicction personncl as ncccssary savc and cxccpt in any instancc whcrcby an unlawful or othcrwisc improper act or omission of thc County, thc I:lcction ndministrator or anothcr l;ntity parlicipating in thc cicction has precipitatcd such lcgal action. I,ikcwisc, if it is dctcrmincd that thc actions of Lubbock County or thc Lubbock County 131ections Administrator or any additional cicction personncl engagcd by the County resultcd in lcgal action against thc I;ntity, then I,ubbock County shall providc, at its own expcnsc, lcgal rcprescntation for thc Lntity as ncccssary savc and cxcept in any instancc whcrcby an unlawful or othcrwisc improper act or omission of thc 1?ntity or anothcr I?ntity paMicipating in thc cicction has prccipitatcd such lcgal action. 9 '1'hc County and thc l?ntity agrcc that undcr thc Constitution and laws of thc Statc of "1'cxas, ncithcr thc County nor thc Lntity can cntcr into an agrccmcnt whcrcby cithcr party agrccs to indcmnify or hold harmlcss anothcr party; thcrcforc, all rcfcrcnccs of any kind, if any, to indcmnifying or holding or saving harmlcss for any reason are hereby deleted. "1'his Contract shall bc construcd undcr and in accord with thc laws of thc Statc of'1'cxas, and all obligations of thc partics crcatcd hcrcundcr arc performablc in Lubbock County, '1'cxas. In thc cvcnt onc or morc of thc provisions containcd in this Contract shall for any rcason bc hcld to bc invalid, illcgal, or uncnforceablc in any respcct, such invalidity, illcgality, or uncnforccability shall not affcct any othcr provision hercof, and this Contract shall bc construed as if such invalid, illcgal, or uncnforccablc provision had ncvcr bccn containcd hcrcin. All partics shall comply with all applicablc laws, ordinanccs, and codcs of thc Statc of'1'cxas, all local govcrnmcnts, and any othcr cntitics with local jurisdiction. `l�hc waivcr by any party of a brcach of any provision of this Contract shall not operatc as or bc construcd as a waivcr of any subscqucnt brcach. flny amcndment of this Contract shall bc of no cffect unless in writing and signcd by all partics hcreto. XV. I�INANCInL OI3LIGA'1'ION AND I't1YMLN"1' "1'hc l?ntity agrccs it is obligatcd to pay to Lubbock County all of thc Lntity's joint cicction chargcs, fccs, cxpcnscs, and costs as sct forih undcr thc tcrms of this Contract, with thc cxact amount of thc I?ntity's financial obligation undcr the tcrms of this Contract to bc timcly calculatcd aftcr thc joint cicction. "1'he Lubbock County l?lcctions Administrator agrecs to timcly provide an invoicc of said financial obligation to thc l?ntity following thc joint cicction, and thc �ntity furthcr agrccs it shall pay to Lubbock County thc balancc duc as soon as possiblc but not later than thirty (30) days aficr rcccipt of thc invoicc. In thc cvcnt that thc Lntity disputcs any porlion of thc chargcs, fccs, cxpcnscs, and costs payablc undcr this Contract, thc I?ntity agrccs to promptly pay thc undisputcd amounts whcn duc. '1'IIE REMAINllER OF 'I'IIIS PAGE IS IN'1'EN'TIONALLY I3LAt�IK. 1� IN TESTIMONY HEREOF, this Contract, its multiple originals all of equal force, has been executed on behalf of the parties hereto as follows, to-wit: (1) It has on the �� day of , 2024, been executed on behalf of Lubbock County by the Elections Ad inistrator pursuant to the Texas Election Code, so authorizing; (2) It has on the 9th day of January , 2024, been executed on behalf of the Entity by its Mayor, pursuant to the authority of the City Council , so authorizing; FOR City of Lubbock ("THE ENTITY"): Tray P � ayor ATTEST: � C rtney Paz City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Depu,t��a�[y Attorney FOR LUBBOCK COUNTY: CONTRACTING OFFICER � ,J� Roxzine Stinson Elections Administrator APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jenni District Attorney, Civil ll Lubbock County Election Scrviccs Contract F,XIIII3I'1' A Rcsponsibilitics of thc 1'artics I. L'•arly Voting 11. Lubbock County I;Icctions Administrator's Rcsponsibilitics: 1. Thc Llcctions Administrator shall providc a list for presentation to thc govcrning body of cach �ntity, containing a list of placcs, timcs and datcs ofcarly voting suitablc for adoption by the governing body in accordancc with `I'exas l�lcction Codc Chapter 85. 2. "I'hc Rcgular t:arly Voting Clcrk for Lubbock County, Roxrinc Stinson, in hcr capacity as I.ubbock County l;lcctions ndministrator, shall also scrvc as thc Joint Larly Voting Clcrk for all joint cicctions. "I'hc Joint I'arly Voting Clcrk will be responsiblc for thc conduct of carly voting by mail and by personal appcarancc for all I,ubbock County voters voting in thc Joint I;Icctions. "1'hc Joint L'arly Voting Clcrk shall rcccivc from cach cntity any applications ror early voting ballots to bc voted by mail in accordance with 7'itic 7 ofthe "1'exas I�Icction Codc. "I'hc Joint I;arly Voting Clcrk shall scnd carly voting ballots by mail and reccivc carly voting ballots for carly voting by mail. "t'hc Joint l�arly Voting Clcrk shall have authority to appoint such dcputy carly voting cicrks as may bc nccessary to assist thc Joint f?arly Voting Clcrk with voting to takc placc at tl�c joint carly voting locations. 3. "I'he I;lections Administrator, Rox-r.ine Stinson, shall scrvc as thc Joint l�lcctions Officer in hcr capacity as 1?Icctions Administrator. "I'hc Joint l;lcctions Officcr will dctcrminc thc numbcr of cicction workcrs to hirc to conduct carly voting in thc Joint Elcction. "I'hc Joint Llection Officer will arrange or contract for training for all election workers and will assign all cicction workcrs employcd for carly voting in tllc Joint I?Icctions. "fhc training of said election workers is mandatory; thcse individuals will bc compcnsated for their timc in training. "I'hc 1?lections ndministrator will providc a training facility whcrc cicction schools will bc conductcd to train clection workcrs in employed in thc conduct of carly voting, including the mobilc early voting programs, carly voting by personal appearancc at the main and all tcmporary branch carly voting polling places, carly voting by mail and othcr aspccts of thc carly voting program for thc Joint l�lcctions. '1'hc Llcctions /�dministrator will namc carly voting dcputics and cicrks cmployed in thc conduct of carly voting. 4. '['hc I;lcctions Administrator will providc and dclivcr all supplics and cquipmcnt ncccssary to conduct carly voting for thc Joint Llcction, including but not limitcd to ballots, cicction fortns, and ncccssary ramps, utility hook-ups, signs, rcgistration lists and ballot boxes, to carly voting polling placcs. "I'hc l;lcctions Administrator will designatc and confirm all carly voting polling placc locations. 5. "I'he Llections �ldministrator will be responsible for the preparation and transporlation of thc cicctronic voting cquipmcnt ncccssary to conduct carly voting. "1'he l;lcctions /�dministrator shall perform all tcsts of voting cquiptncnt as rcquircd but not limitcd to posting noticc of cquipmcnt tcsting. 12 6. f'ursuant to Sections 66.058 and 271.010 of thc I:lection Codc, thc rntitics appoint Roxzine Stinson, in her capacity as Lubbock County I;Iections Administrator, as Joint Custodian of IZccords ("Joint Custodian") for thc solc purposc of prescrving all votcd ballots securcly in a lockcd room in thc lockcd ballot boxcs for thc period for prescrvation rcquircd by thc Llection Codc. 7.1'hc Llcctions Administrator will rcccivc ballot languagc in both Lnglish and Spanish from cach participating I�ntity and format thc ballots as nccdcd to includc said languagc. "1'hc County will providc cach parlicipating l�ntity with a Gnal proof or ballot languagc for approval prior to the Logic and Accuracy 'I'csting and thc printing of ballots. l]pon (inal approval, ballots sliall bc printcd in an cxpcditcd timeframc so as to allow titnc for mailing of ballots for thc l;arly Voting by Mail I'rogram as rcquircd by thc fcdcral guidclincs. S. Sign languagc intcrprcicrs will bc provided at onc location on cacl�'I'ucsday ofcarly voting. "1'hc sign languagc intcrpretcrs will bc at thc [Jnitcd Supermarkct locatcd at 2703 82"d Strcct, Lubbock, "I'exas, 79423 (morc commonly known as thc 82"d and I3oston location) from 8:00 a.m. until 2 p.m. on thc first "I'ucsday of carly voting and from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m. on thc sccond '1'ucsday of carly voting. 9. A singlc joint votcr sign-in proccss consisting of a common list of registcrcd votcrs and cotnmon signaturc rostcrs shall bc uscd for carly voting.11 singlc, combincd ballot and singlc provisional ballot box will bc used. "I'hc l;lcctions Administrator shall usc I,ubbock County's cicctronic voting systcm, as dc(incd and dcscribcd in "1'itic 8 ofthc "Ccxas I;Icction Codc, and agrccs to usc ballots that arc compatiblc with such equipmcnt. 10. 'I'hc I;Icctions Administrator will bc responsiblc for ihc conduct ofthc l:arly Voting I3allot I3oard. 'I'hc l:lcctions Administrator shall dcsignatc a person to scrvc in thc caNacity of thc }'residing Judgc for thc l�arly Voting 13allot I3oard and shall providc that information to thc govcrning body of cach participating I'ntity for cntry of an ordcr or resolution by that authority appointing this official. "I'hc Yresiding Judgc and cicrks shall constitutc thc I;arly Voting I3allot I3oard and shall count and return carly voting ballots, and perform othcr dutics sct for such board in accordancc with the '1'cxas l;lection Codc. 11. 'I'hc L'lections Administration will bc responsiblc to scnd out the Writ of Llcctions to the Judge and Altcrnatc Judgc for cach polling location. I3. Rcsponsibilitics of Yarticipating l;ntitics: l. '1'hc participating Lntitics hcrcby appoint Roxzinc Stinson, in hcr capacity as Lubbock County I'slcctions Administrator, as thc Joint l;lcctions 011iccr to perform or supervisc thc performancc of the dutics and responsibilitics of Lubbock County involved in conducting ihe Joint Llcctions covcred by this Contract. 2. f�ach of thc I;ntitics agrces to conduct its carly voting jointly. Lach of thc l;ntitics hcrcby appoints Roxzinc Stinson, in hcr capacity as L'• lcctions ndministrator and l�arly Voting Clcrk for Lubbock County, as ihc Joint l:arly Voting Clcrk for thc Joint cicctions. l;arly voting for 13 thc l;ntitics shall bc conducted at thc datcs, timcs and locations to bc mutually agrced upon by thc Joint Llcction Of(iccr and authori-r_cd and ordcrcd by thc govcrning body of cach participating 1?ntity. 3. Lach participating I;ntity will providc ballot languagc for thcir respcctivc portion of thc or(icial ballot to thc I;Icctions Administrator in both l;nglish and Spanish. 'I'hc I�Icctions ndministrator can assist with translations of orders, noticcs and ballot languagc with thc actual cost bcing billcd to thc I�ntity. Any additions, modiPcations, dcictions, or othcr changcs to such ballot contents of languagc must bc madc by thc 1?ntity prior to thc (inal proof approval by thc t?ntity. "l'hc I?Icctions Administrator will providc thc participating Lntity with a final proof of ballot languagc, as it is to appear on the ballot for final proof approval. ilpon f inal prooCapproval, the ballot shall be programmed for the voting cquipment in an expcdited timcframc so as to allow ballot allocations. 4. 'I'he City Sccretary for thc City of Lubbock works directly with thc City of I,ubbock candidatcs, and will work witli thc candidatcs to appcar at tl�c l;lcctions Officc to proof thc ballot. 5. I?ach participating I?ntity will providc thc 1?Icctions /�dministrator with thc namc and contact information of a rcpresentative or represcntatives for thc l�ntity who will appcar at the rlcctions Offcc to proof the ballot on behalf of the l,ntity. 6. l�ach participating l:ntity will providc thc I;Icctions Administrator with thc namc and contact information of a rcpresentativc or rcpresentatives for tlie 1'ntity who will be responsiblc for aticnding and parlicipating in thc Public Logic and Accuracy "1'csting of thc ballot (as rcquircd by thc l:lcction Codc). "1'hc I'Icctions /\dtninistrator will contact tl�c dcsignated represcntative(s) with the datc and timc of such tcsting. 7. Cach rntity is responsiblc to post the Lntity's own Election Notices and f:lcction Orders pursuant to Scctions 1.006 and 4.003(b) of thc 'l'exas I?lcction Codc. 8. '1'hc I?ntity is responsiblc to providc thc Clcctions Administrator all contact information of thc decision making person/persons for the l;ntity. 11. I:Icction Day A. Lubbock County L'lections Administrator's Responsibilities: l. '1'hc L'Icctions /�dministrator shall dcsignatc and confirm all I:lcction Day Votc Ccntcr locations for thc joint cicctions, and shall forward such information to thc parlicipating I;ntitics in a timcly fashion to allow thc govcrning body ofthc respcctivc parlicipating I?ntitics to cntcr ordcrs dcsignating such Vote Ccntcrs. 2. Por Novanbcr clections, county party chairs shall dcsignatc thc Presiding Llcction Judgc and thc Altcrnatc I'residing I:lcction Judgc to administcr thc cicction in cach Votc Ccntcr. "I'hc I�Icctions ndministrator shall forward such infortnation to thc participating I?ntitics to allow thc govcrning bodics ofthc respcctivc participating t;ntitics to cntcr appropriatc ordcrs 14 dcsignating such officials prior to thc cicction. 'I'hc Presiding I;Icction Judgc and /�ltcrnatc Presiding L;Icction Judgc shall bc qualificd votcrs of thc Lubbock County Votc Ccntcrs in which thc joint cicction is I�cld. nll I:Icction Workers sl�all bc compcnsatcd at thc ratc established hcrcafter by Lubbock County. Compensablc hours shall bc dctcrmincd in accordance with provisions of thc 'I'cxas I;Iection Code and othcr applicablc laws. 3. Onc set of elcctions officials shall preside ovcr thc elcction in each of thc Votc Centers uscd. /� singlc joint votcr sign-in proccss consisting of a comtnon list of registcrcd votcrs, and common signaturc rosters shall bc used in each Vote Centcr. A single, combincd ballot and singlc provisional ballot box will bc uscd. "I'hc officcr designatcd by law to bc thc custodian of the votcd ballots for Lubbock County shall bc custodian of all matcrials uscd in common in thc Vote Ccntcr whcrc a common polling placc is uscd. 'I'hc Llcctions Adtninistrator shall usc an electronic voting system, as detincd and dcscribed in "Citle 8 of the "fcxas Llcction Code and agrccs to usc ballots that arc compatiblc with such equipmcnt. 4. "1'hc l:lcctions Administrator will arrangc for training and will providc thc instructors, manuals and othcr training matcrials dccmcd ncccssary for training all cicction workcrs. 'I'raining for all clection workcrs is mandatory, and thesc individuals will bc compcnsatcd for thcir timc in training. 5. 'I'hc rlections Administrator will arrangc for L;lection Uay votcr rcgistration lists for the Joint Clcctions. '['hc County will detcrmine thc quantities of elections supplics necdcd for l;lcction Uay voting. 6. `['hc I?Icctions Administrator, by and tllrough the Shcriff's, Maintcnancc, Road & I3ridgc, and Elections Office Departmcnts of Lubbock County, will be responsible for the prcparation and transportation of voting cquipmcnt and I;Icction Day supplics for usc on 131ection Day. 7. "1'hc Gnal rcturns for cach parlicipating I;ntity shall bc canvasscd separatcly by cach respective I?ntity. "I'he Custodian of Llcction Rccords for Lubbock County, Roxiinc Stinson, in hcr capacity as I;lcctions Administrator, shall maintain a Ccntral Count Station on l;lcction I�ay for thc purposc of rccciving rcturns for thc participating L;ntitics. 'I�hc Llcctions ndministrator or appointcd staff will providc unof(icial cicction results to thc qualificd individual appointcd by cach participating l;ntity. 8. On l�lcction Day, thc Joint I�Icction Officcr and/or thc l;lcctions Officc Staffwill ficld all qucstions from cicction workcrs through thc phone bank personncl and troublcshootcrs. 9. "I'hc Llcctions Administrator shall makc availablc, to votcrs who desirc translation assistancc, an individual capablc of acting as a translator and spcaking both l:nglish and Spanish languagcs who will assist Spanish spcaking votcrs in undcrstanding and participating in thc cicction proccss. [3. E'arlicipating l;ntitics IZcsponsibilitics: 1. Prior to Llcction Day, cach participating l;ntity will answcr qucstions from thc public with respcct to thc l:ntity's l�lcction during thc Statc's dcfincd mandatory off icc hours. 15 [II. Elcction Night A. rlections Administrator I2esponsibilitics: l. "I'hc Llcctions Administrator holds responsibility for all activitics on cicction night including, but not limitcd, to sctting up a ccntral counting station, coordinating and supervising thc tabulation of results, coordination and supervision ofthc physical layout ofthc support stations that arc rccciving substations for thc Joint l;lcctions, and coordination and managcmcnt of mcdia covcragc of thc clection. 2. "1'hc I�Icctions ndministrator will arrangc for thc transportation of thc cicctronic voting equipmcnt to thc ccntral counting station. 3. Yursuant to Scc. 32.002 and Scc. 127.005 of thc l;lcction Codc, thc County Chairs of thc political parlies whose candidate for governor rcccived the highcst and second highest numbcr of votes in thc county in the 2018 gubernatorial clection will submit the namcs of persons eligible to servc as }'residing Judge and Alternate Yresiding Judge oC thc Central County Station to thc Commissioncrs Court. "I'hc Commissioncrs Courl will appoint thc thc Presiding Judgc and niternatc Yresiding Judge of the Central Counting Station to maintain ordcr at the Central Counting Station, to administcr oaths as ncccssary to rcceive sealed Judge's Verity l3allot Scanners and other elcction equipmcnt, scaled provisional ballot boxes, and to perform othcr dutics rcquircd by thc 'I'cxas Llcction Codc, and shall forward such information to cach pariicipating I?ntity in a timcly fashion to allow thc govcrning body of cach I;ntity to entcr appropriatc ordcrs dcsignating such cicction ofticials prior to tlic cicction. .[n addition, thc l�lcctions ndministrator shall appoint a"1'abulation Supervisor and /�ssistant '1'abulation Supervisor to bc in chargc of thc operation of thc automatic tabulating cquipmcnt at thc Ccntral Counting Station, an individual to scrvc as Ccntral Counting Station Managcr to bc in chargc of thc ovcrall administration of thc Central Counting Station and thc gcncral supervision of thc personncl working at thc Ccntral Counting Station, and shall forward such information to cach participating L;ntity to entcr appropriatc ordcrs dcsignating such cicction of'ficials prior to thc cicction. 4. "l�he l�lcctions /�dministrator shall providc thc participating l;ntitics with rcasonablc spacc in a public arca adjaccnt to thc Ccntral Counting Station at which cach participating I:ntity may have rcprescntativcs or othcr intcrestcd persons present during the counting process. E3. Lntity Rcsponsibility: 1. Othcr than rccciving rcturns frotn thc l;lections Administrator, thc pa��ticipating l;ntitics havc no rolc or responsibility on thc night of thc cicction. I[� Lubbock County FY24 PoIlWorker Pay Rates ITS uest Description Pay Rate %Markup Actual Cost Election Day Pick-up and Delivery Fee $25.00 29.00% $30.64 Central Count Alternate-Judge $13.00 29.00% $16.77 Central Count Clerk $14.00 29.00% $18.06 Central Count ludge $15.00 29.00% $19.35 Early Voting Ballot Board Alternate-Judge $13.00 29.00% $16.77 Early Voting Ballot Board Clerk $13.00 29.00% $16.77 Early Voting Ballot Board Judge $15.00 29.00% $19.35 Early Voting Clerk $13.00 29.00% $16.77 Early Voting Lead Clerk $15.00 29.00% $19.35 Election Day Clerk $13.00 29.00% $16.77 Election Day Judge $15.00 29.00% $19.35 Limited Ballot Clerk $13.00 29.00% $16.77 Limited Ballot Judge $15.00 29.00% $19.35 Office $12.00 29.00% $15.48 Parallel Voting Clerk $13.00 29.00% $16.77 Parallel Voting Lead Clerk $15.00 29.00% $19.35 Phone Bank Technician Clerk $14.00 29.00% $18.06 Phone Bank Technician Lead Clerk $15.00 29.00% $19.35 Signature Verification Committee Vice-Chair $15.00 29.00% $19.35 Signature Verification Committee Clerk $13.00 29.00°� $16.77 Signature Verification Committee Chair $15.00 29.00% $19.35 Training (all pol) workers) did not change $9.00 29.00% $11.61 Troubleshooter $15.00 29.00°� $19.35 Warehouse $14.00 29.00°� $18.06 Approved Monday, September 11, 2023 Judge Curtis Parrish, CommissionerTerence Kovar, Commissioner Gilbert Flores Page 1 of 3 Lubbock County FY24 PoIlWorker Pay Rates KT Black Description Pay Rate %Markup Actual Cost Election Day Pick-up and Delivery Fee $25.00 29.50% $30.64 Cent�al Count Alternate-Judge $13.00 29.50% $16.84 Central Count Clerk $14.00 29.50% $18.13 Central Count Judge $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Early Voting Ballot Board Alternate-Judge $13.00 29.50% $16.84 Early Voting Ballot Board Clerk $13.00 29.50% $16.84 Early Voting Ballot Board Judge $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Early Voting Cierk $13.00 29.50% $16.84 Early Voting Lead Clerk $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Election Day Clerk $13.00 29.50% $16.84 Election �ay Judge $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Limited Ballot Clerk $13.00 29.50% $16.84 Limited Ballot Judge $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Office $12.00 29.50% $15.54 Parallel Voting Clerk $13.00 29.50°� $16.84 Parallel Voting Lead Clerk $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Phone Bank Technician Clerk $14.00 29.50% $18.13 Phone Bank Technician Lead Clerk $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Signature Verification Committee Vice-Chair $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Signature Verification Committee Clerk $13.00 29.50% $16.84 Signature Verification Committee Chair $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Training (all poll workers) did not change $9.00 29.50% $11.66 Troubleshooter $15.00 29.50% $19.43 Wa�ehouse $14.00 29.50% $18.13 Approved Monday, September 11, 2023 Judge Curtis Parrish, Commissioner Terence Kovar, Commissioner Gilbert Flores Page 2 of 3 Lubbock County FY24 PoIlWorker Pay Rates The Onin Group Description Pay Rate %Markup Actual Cost Election Day Pick-up and Delivery Fee $25.00 29.90% $30.64 Central Count Alternate-Judge $13.00 29.90% $16.89 Central Count Clerk $14.00 29.90% $18.19 Central Count Judge $15.00 29.90% $19.49 Early Voting Ballot Board Alternate-ludge $13.00 29.90% $16.89 Early Voting Ballot Board Clerk $13.00 29.90% $16.89 Early Voting Ballot Board Judge $15.00 29.90% $19.49 Early Voting Cierk $13.00 29.90% $16.89 Early Voting Lead Clerk $15.00 29.90% $19.49 Election Day Clerk $13.00 29.90% $16.89 Election Day Judge $15.00 29.90�0 $19.49 Limited Ballot Clerk $13.00 29.90% $16.89 Limited Ballot Judge $15.00 29.90% $19.49 Office $12.00 29.90% $15.59 Parallel Voting Clerk $13.00 29.90% $16.89 Parallel Voting Lead Clerk $15.00 29.90% $19.49 Phone Bank Technician Clerk $14.00 29.90% $18.19 Phone Bank Technician Lead Clerk $15.00 29.90% $19.49 Signature Verification Committee Vice-Chair $15.00 29.90% $19.49 Signature Verification Committee Clerk $13.00 29.90% $16.89 Signature Verification Committee Chair $15.00 29.90% $19.49 Training (all poll workers) did not change $9.00 29.90% $11.69 Troubleshooter $15.00 29.90% $19.49 Warehouse $14.00 29.90% $18.19 Approved Monday, September 11, 2023 ludge Curtis Parrish, CommissionerTerence Kovar, Commissioner Gilbert Flores Page 3 of 3