HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1692-1955 - Adopting A Master Thoroughfare Plan, Defining Certain Terms - 03/24/1955i r ! 03-.:24 -\C,CSS 0" ORDINANCE NO. 1692 \ , 04-ou-tqss sr~ AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN; DE- ~· FINING CERTAIN TERMS1 ADOPTING A M.A.STER THOROUGHFARE PLAN MAP AND MAKING IT A PART OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND M..JI\.KING ALL FIGURES, LETTERS, MARKINGS AND COLORS ON SAID MAP A PART OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT OF THlS ORDINANCE AND MAP; AND CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Com:m.ission haa made an overall study of the exi•ting conditions in the planning of future developm·ent in re- gard to the wiJ'th and additiona of streets, alle~ and highways. and has recommended to the City CouunletJion that a Master Thoroughfare Plan be adopted by ordinance, setting up rule, and regulations, and defining certain terms, providing for amendment of auch Master Thoroughfare Plan, and the City Commission is in general accord with the objectives described in such recom..mendation; NOW,, THEREFORE, .BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK1r SECTION 1. Purpose. -The purpose of this ordinance is to establish a general plan for the City of Lubbock and its e.treeta, alleys and public util- ity facilltiea, including those which have be-en or may be laid out, and to establish a general plan for the extension of the City and of its roads, streets and public highways within said City and within five (5) miles of the corpor .. ate limits thereof, due regard being bad for access to and extension of sewer and water mains and the instrumentalities of public utilities, and such Master Thoroughfare Plan is in accordance with the comprehen.aive plan for ~he pur- pose of promoting the health, safety, m~orals and the general welfare of the . general public, and has been designed to lessen congestion in the streets and provide •afety from fire, panic and other dangers, and provide adequate light and air and prevent the overcrowding of land and to avoid undue concentra• tion of population, and to facilitate adequate provirJiou for transportion, water, sewage and other public requirements and thereby prom.ote the gen· eral good and welfare of the public. SECTION z. Definitions. 2.1 Expressway Street. • A divided arterial highway for through traffic with full control of access and with grade separations at tnter&ections, and such ixpresswa.y ahall have a minimum width of 300 feet. 2.. 2 Freeway Street. - A divided arterial highway for through traffic with full control of access. and generally with grade separations at intersections, and such freeway shall have a minimum width of Z,OO feet • , 2.. 3 Semi-freeway Street. -A divided arterial highway for through trafiic with partial control of access, and such semi-freeway aball have a minimwn width of 120 feet. 2. 4 Major Street. -An arterial highway with inter•ectionc..at grades and direct access to abutting properties, and such major street shall have a minimum width of 90 feet. _-----·~1~=-==================================jFj Page 2. II 2. 5 Collector Street'-A street or road primarily for the carry• ing of traffic from resid·ential streets to the major streets, semi-freeways, freeways and expressways, and such collec .. tor street shall have a minimum width of 60 feet. 2. 6 Residential Street. -A street primarily for access to the abutting properties, and such residential street shall have a m.inim.um. -width of 50 feet. SECTION 3. Ma.st.er Thoroughfare Plan Map. 3.1 The Master Thoroughfare Plan Map of the City of Lubbock is hereby established and adopted and made a part of this ordin• ance as fully as if the same were set forth herein in detail, and suah map as is hereby adopted shall bear the signature of the mayor and attestatien of the City Secretary-Treasurer for identification and authentication, and the original map shall be maintained in the office;,£ the secretary of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission, anC.i all figures, letters. mark• ings and colors on said map are made a part of this ordip• ance. 3. 2 A true and correct copy of Sl_lcth Master Thoroughfare Plan .Ma.p fr" hereby adopted is attached to this ordinance. and such copy shall remain on file with the City Secretary- Treasurer and shall never be changed in any manner, and shall bear the signature of the Ma.yor and the attesta- tion of the City Secretary-Treasurer for identification and authentication. 3. 3 It shall be the duty of the secretary of the Planning and Zon- ing Commission t.o keep up to date the Original M."lster Thorough-~ fare Plan Map. showing all the changes, amendments or addi• tlons thereto and noting on such mup the ordinance number and ! date of passage of each c~ge, amendment, or addition. ' 3. 4 When definite distances and feet are not shown on the Master Thoroughfare Plan Map, such streets •re intend~d to be along all street, alley or platted lot line or extension of same. SECTION 4. Building Lines. 4. 1 Where the City Commis.sion of the City of Lubbock has adopted building lines of gr-ter or lesser width than those established by the Master Thoroughfare Plan, the building lines as estab• lished by the City Corrunission shall apply. 4. Z Those markings shown on the Master Thoroughfare Plan Map which designate on particular streets that the right•o.f-way requirement is not in conformance with legend shown on the M.!lster Thoroughfare Plan Map# a-.r.e plaoed on such map to designate that building lines of greater or lesser width than those established by the Mt'-Ster Thoroughfare Plan have been established in auch location or that the existing established right-of-way line is sufficient for right-of-way purposes in the foreseeable future, and in tho'5e instances in which there II Page 3 1 is shown such markings and a building line has not been established thereon by the City Commission, then the establiahed existing width will prevail over the minimwn Width as established by this ordinance and map, notwith- standing any other provisilltls to the contrary, and all set- backs will be measured from the existing established right .. of•way in such cases. SECTION 5. Changes and Amendm.ents. 5.1 The City Commission may from time to tim~ by ordinance, amend, supplement, change, modify or repeal any of the proviaicms of this ordinance or of the Master Thorough- fare Plan Map, however, before taking any such action. the City Commisaion shall submit the a.a.me to the Plan• ning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation and report. 5. Z Ea4Jh such recommendation made by the Planning and Zon- ing Commission shall be by the Secretary of said Commis- sion reported to the City Commission in writing. 5;..3 After the receipt of such recommendation, a public hearing shall be held by the City Commission before adopting any proposed amendment, supplement or change to the Master Thoroughfare Plan Map or this ordinance, at which time parties in interest and citizens. shall have an opportunity to be heard. At least fiUeen (15) daya notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published once in a news- paper of general circulation in the City of Lubbock, and upon receipt of any such recommendation from the Plan- ning and Zoning Com..mission. the "City Secretary-Treas- urer is hereby authorized and directed to publish such notices on forms prepared by the City Attorneyts office and set the date for hearing before the City Commission at the earliest practicable tim·~ consistent with the tim·e necessary for giving such notices as provided herein. SECTION 6. Savings Clause. -If any section. subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance or of the Master Thoroughfare Plan Map herein adopted, is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provi•ion a.nP. such holding shall not affect the :r;e.maining portion hereof. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. On motion of Commission_!r __ _...~a~a .. kwe:wr...._ _______ --.J, seconded by Commisaioner ______________ ~T~h~gms~~~--------------' this orttinance was passed on first reading this 24th day of March , 1955 by the following vote: _I Page 4 Commis.aionera voting "YEAtt: Baker, Carpenter, Forrest and M~or Tripp Commi.saioners voting ttNA yn: None On motion of Commiasioner._....,.;C~&ilolrn~Q"'n~.~~tu;;;c:""':r:------' seconded by Commissioner ___ .....;T;;.;h;;.;oma;;::;;::.;;s;...... _____ -J~> this ordinance was passed on second reading 1ihis 6th day of Aptil , 1955, by the following vote: Commissioners voting nYEA": Carpenter, Forrest , Thom1.s and Mayor Tripp ATTEST : • I ---E.r..'£1:.~-----------------~ow~. City Secretary-Treasurer CAM:w u No Text