HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1686-1955 - Levying Assessment For Cost Of Improving A Portion Of The Frontage Road Ave Q - 03/10/1955.... .Aif au>DAifCE CLOSilfG HURIIG .AlQ) LEVYDG .ASSISSMDTS FOR A PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVIIG .l PCm'IOI OF tHE ftOBTAGB lWADS VI!H OIJHI(JifJft CURB .AID GU'l'tiR .&LOBG TO USf JID VIS! IIDBS Gr .l'fiiUI Q JCm'H lltiO, SlJCH Jl'CMIONS BEIIG d.B PJRTICU- LABLY DISCRJBID D TBB PJ.VIIG ASSISSMiftS C1F THE Crrt OF I.lJBBOCK .lft.lCBID BIRBrO .IBD MADI A PJRf HEREOF, .AID PROVIDIJG P'OR TD COLLIO!'IOif OF SUCH JBSISSMiftS .dD JICI't THI ISSU.OCK C. J.SSIGDBLB CDTil'IC!DS D KVmDCB fHIBJD!I', .ILLOCJI'IIG rtJ:It6. . . VHERE&S, 'the Ctv ot :tubboct, a Bcae Rule Maaic!pallt7, hu heretofore ordered that the hceiabelov aeatioaed. portiou of the l'ronte.p roade or acoeee road• al.oBg .l-vaue Q Jlorth Dl'iTe 'be iaproftd b7 h.tallU, the ovteraost ooacrete eurb aad gutter a oa tJait •o•• 1666, 1667, 1668, ad 1669, the curb ad cut tv to 1»e )08 Port1ad C.•t ooaCII'ete curb ad p.ttv ad/or 30• Portlad C•eat. ooacr.t ptt•, topther with the ••c•••M'7 iac1datals ad appurteaaac .. , ill u poorlded 1a the apecU1cat1ou pnpered bT the Ciif7 J._.u ... , aov oa tile with aald CitTJ ud arr-•-" tor the aakiq ad coutnctton ot nob outerlloet curb ad gutter tapro"NNate ad coatraet vas •tend iato with ltwr ud Middletoa, eaid portions bei.Ag aa tollcnnr, to-vit: hoatap Road or Access Boad al..oq the Veet S14e of J.Teae Q •orth Drin l'rc. ita iatereectioa with the Pnhudle ad Seata Fe Bailvq ec.pa1J7 ript-ot-wq appi"'X!aat~ a!aety (90) teet aar\b of the Worth ProperiT Lhe ot let ~eet 1a a aorthlr~ direotioa '\o ita illteraect10B with aa !aaciurT liae approxblatel.T three lmadred eiptJ' tin (385) feet aorlh ot the lorth ~opert7 L1ae of Bqlor Street, bova 8114 deaipated .. u lJait Jhabv 1666. hoatqe Jload or Ace ... Boed alOD£ t.he :lest Side ot J.Tuue Q lorth DJ-1n traa ita iatereect1oa wita the tbr~ Jactto. ot the .. , Pro~ Liae of •ort~a A,.... l with the South Propezt;r' Liae of •orth Aftll\le 0 ad with the South Propen7 Liae ot Bqlor street 1a a aortheuter~ dirtctioa to 1 ta ia'tereectioa with the South Gattv Lhe ot •ortb ATeaue 1, bova ad deaipated u Uait lhaber 1667. Proatqe Boad. or .lee•• Boad oa the Ve.t aide ot J.vaue Q lorth Dr1Te trca 1te illteraectioa with the lo.rth All., Ltae of the allq ~ve• .. aktae Str..t. a4 !'ardha street 1a a aortlaetet•l7 directtn 'k it• ilrtereec\1oD with the South Gu.tter Liae ot ~ Street, bow aad cle•ipated u Uait ._btl" 1668. J'roatace Road or .lcceea Road oa the Eut Side of .bane Q Borth Dr1Te fl'ca it• lateraecttoa with the lorth Curb LiM ot .,etbae ftreet. 1a a lorih- eute-17 d.trectio• to ita tatereectin with t.he Sooth Gutter Ltae of 1 arne street bowa 8114 deeipated u 1J.ait ._ber 1669. WIDREAS1 the C!t7 Bleb•• prepared rolla or stat•eata tor the out.eraon curb aad gttttv iapron.eata ia each uait, llhovi:aa the aouata to 'be ueeaee4 apiut the T.r1oua percele of a~ttac pro,.-t.7, aad the oner• th•eot 1 ud ahov1Jig oth• aattere a4 tlaiqaJ aad the ••e wre --'•ed b,r the Cit7 C~a-..__ eioa ud. apprOTe41 ad a tS... aad place vae tbed tor hMriae to the ovaere ot Rch abutttag propwt7, ad to all othc-a 1a ..,-viae Dt.ereeted, ad due a.d propc-JaOtioe vu aifta, ad noh hHriJII vu had ad held a\ the t~e ad place t1xe4 tb.tlretor, to-vita oa the loth 4q of March, 1955, at 2100 o'clock PJf. 1a the ec-ta•loa Boal ia the Cit7 ot l.ub'bock, !uu, ad at ftCh hMI'iJig all deair to be heU'Cl were fullT ad ta1r}7 hear4, ud n14•ce wu receiTed uc1 cona!p«ted &1ld all ~testa ud obJeettou aade were eoaalderecl, 8lld aaid heari~~g wu ia all / • ___ II ~ I ,_::.-..._ ( 1 _.i ' -' ~~~-----=~----===-------------=-==---===~-----====----=-=--~ reapeata held 1a the u.. .. prorl4ed ad required bT the charter ud lav 1a force 1a thia Civ ad IV the proceecU.qa ot the Cit7 vi~ wetereace to aucla JU.ttera, ud the tollowbl proteata nre aade GOiloeabg the 1apro.,...eats h the llllita hdlc-e4 ...q: I ' --~,~ bel all ob~ectiou ud prote.te JUde were Mq oouidced dd eaid heari»g vu coatiaec! h'ca 4q to clq ud 1Joal tiae to ~!ae uatll ~· 4ak, ad the Cit,7 ec-teeioJL ban., tall7 u4 falrl7 heard all partlu we1r1ag ... prote..t ad Ill partiea 4ee1riag to be heud, a4 hmq tul.l7 coq14ered all .. ttere preented tor oouidcatioa, ad haTag tul.l7 oouhl•ed all of the mdaee, ud all pert!Deat ud proper Qtten ia of opiaioa that the tollowiJII diepoeitioa ahould be aade of ncb proteat. a4 objectiou, ad that ...... ate ahcn1ld be ade u h.-eia orcla1aecl1 T~ BB I! OBDJTJJ!!D BY !HI CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY or LUBBOCK; I. That ell protell'ta ad obJ ectioae, vheth• hereia epec1t1c.:U.,. ••tioaed or aot, ehall be ad the ••e are hereb;r nvruled ad the ea14 heariq, with reapect to •ch ad. all of said Uldta, 11 h~~reb7 ol.oaed. II. !he Ci:tT eo-ieeioa, .tram the ft'idnce tinde that the ueesiMilte h•eh lmed shall be ude ud 1.-ried qaiaet the respectiw parcel• of propert7 abutttq upoa the 1&1d portions of the .troAtage roads and agaiast the owere ot euch propert:r, ad that IUch asaesaenta are right ad proper aDd establish BUbatutial Justice ud equ&lit7 ad Ullifomit7 betve• the respective owners ud reepeotive properties, and betve• all parties conoeraed, oouid•bg beutits received aad burdu.s iaposed, 8lld .tarther tiads that iB each case the abuttilag propert7 assessed ia epec11'1oall7 baetitted 1a the ahuoed Yalue thereof, by meus of the outemoet curb aDd sutt.r ilaprOY ... nt h the tJait upoa vhich the particular propert7 abuts, and tor whioh aasesaent is levied, ud ill a .,. 1D excess ot the assesau.t lnied agilist same by this ordiaaace, ud turther tiAda that the apportio•••t of the coat of the 1Jiproy•ent.a ia ia accordance vith the prooeediage heretofore takea ud bad vith reference to such iaprO"f'anta ed ia ia all respects Yalid ad regal.ar. III. That there alwll be ud is hereby lmed aad assessed qaiut the parcala ot propert7 herei.Dbelow meatioaed ad ag&inst the real 8Jld true ovaera thereof, whether euoh ovaera be lieted correctl7 hereia or aot, the awaa ot llOaq belov- matioaed aad itemized ahOVJl oppoait• the descripttoa ot the respective parcels ot propertTJ the desoriptiou of auch propert7 and aneral amounts assessed agaimst see, ud the O...era thereof, beiag aa follows: (Rolls iaaerted ia Origillal CoPT ot Ordilwlce, ud ill 1eparate Ordi.Jwlce Book.) / r--.. ,._....,,..,_ ..... CURB AND GUTTER ASSESSMEH'l' .. Engiileer'e Sheet lo. 1 ot 1 City of lubbock frontago Road along west side Ayenue 0 Roll North Drive From Banbancile & Santa Fe. RR RQW to the 385 feet POrth If Bavlor St. Unit Ho. 1666 Owper City of Lubbock C. s. Shaffer Southwest Fertilizer & Chemical Company s. E. ~llan. & wife, L. B. McM:lllan -Assessed . Ourb & Gutter 0 I 2.10 Ft. Lee' Deegri¢1op of Pmpertx L1p. Ft. That part of Lots 20 through 30 of Norwood lub, or-Blk. 61 of Roberta & McWhorter Add. that lies adjacent to, northwest o! & outside ot the Ave. Q North Drive Right-of-Way 471.44 That part of the s. 175 t of Blk. 64 of Roberts & McWhorter Add, that lies adjacent to 1 northwest ot & ·Outside of the Ave, Q North Drive Bight-of-Way 211.45 That part of the N. 425 • of Blk. 64 of Roberts & McWhorter Add, & that part of Bl.k. 63 of Roberts & McWhorter Add, that lies northwest of & outside of Ave. Q North Drive Right-of-Way 464.74 That part of the s. 400' of ID.k. 82 of Roberts & McWhorter Add. that lies adjacent to 1 northwest of and outside of the Ave. Q North Drive Right-of-Way 537.13 r Total Assessed P.o. Cost City•s CUrb and Gutter Total E!Jt. Unit Cost ) 9;W. 990.02 444,.05 975.96 1127.97 $3538.00 178.50 $3716.50 } ~· r-CJl -...! N ;;g ~ CJ~ ~) c.n 'I c.o (~ tn 7 • . ~ I .'N r-> L':) -J ':::;) ~ CURB AND GUTTER ASSESSMENT City of IAlbbock Engineer's Front,ai'e Road aloni' the East sjde gf Avenue RoU Q North Drive p to the N, Ayopuo N li'l'OJII, Jwction ot N. Axe I 0 & N r Avo I --Assessed and Baylor street Ourb & Gutter 0 t. 2.10 9wper Natalie P. Munoz & wife., Christina Pablo Delgado ') Legal Dti'Alintiop of PropertY Ir1p1 Ft. !Dbat part of Lot S., Bl.k. 2, Rio Vista Add. that lies adjacent to, southeast of and outsiae ot Avenue Q North Drive Right-of-Way 1.42.04 That part of Lot 13., Blk~ 2., Rio Vista Add. that lies adjacent. to., southeast ot & outside of the Avenue Q North Drive Right-ot-Way 132.64 · Total:Assessed P.O. Cost City•a Curb and Gutter Est. Total. aut Cost :') Sheet lo. 1 nf 1 ~t Bo. 1662 Ft. 2211 298.28 278.~4 $576.82 79.19 1656.01 '\ ) , ( ' '=""' -~··"' l ...., ...... CURB AND GU'l'TER ASSESSMENT .( Frgptaie Rgad a1oni the Wast sid A Engineer's City of Lubbock From W N ..,.j.h . 0 yopne Q ~-.," IX Nprt.Jl ot !!ra!dn O•·• Dnve ..., .... e sta•t to .a.t.-. w. lpwr S~reat 'Owner E. P. McAdams Estate Mrs. Luoile Boberds Hardin Simmons Unfv. c. N. Land Hardin Simmons Univ. J. D. Slaughter Assessed Ourb & Gutter •I 2,40 Jtepl Deptript;iop of PropertcJ I4p. D· That part of Lots S & 91 Blk. 2l of the Countr;y Club Add. that lies northwest of & outside ot the Avenue Q North Drive Right-ot~ay 157.70 That part of Lots 17, 18 & 19, Blk. 20 or the Countr.v Club Add. that lies Northwest of &. outside of the Ave. Q ~orth Drive Right-ot-way 170.00 That part of Lots 5 & 6, Bl.k. 20: o£othe.l:'flountr;r Club Add. tb4t lies northwest of & outside ot the Avenue Q North Drive Right-ot-Way 171.70 ~ That part of Lots 1, 21 21, 22. & 2.3 ot Blk. l3 ot the Countr.y Club Add. that lies northwest of & outside of the Ave. Q North Drive Right-of-Way .341.70 That part ot Lots ll & l2 of Blk. ll ot the Country Club Add. that lies northwest of & outside of the Avenue Q North Drive Right-ot-Wa;y 199.62 That part ot Lots 15, 16, 7 & 8 -or Blk. 6 & that part of Lots 19, 20, 4 & 5 of Blk • .3 of the Country Club Add. that lie. northwest of & outside of the Avenue Q North Drl ve Right-of -wa;r 68.3.40 Total Assessed. P.o. Cost City's CUrb and Gutter Total Est. Unit Cost -"( Sheet Bo. ~ ~ J, Unit Bo, J.66B Ft. 2211 3.31.17 357.00 .360.57 717.57 ~~9.20 1435.14 3620.65 12.3.00 .3743.65 ~ r-c.J1 -..! l"\:• li ~ ~., C..,.) -~i ~ 00 t:") ~,., ,.~ ~ N I r-> V') ......J '<:::::;) > -... ~_... ~ ,..,._, CtJ.RB AND G'O'J.-rER ASSESSMEN'l' -. Ellgiiieer'e Sheet Bo. 1 ot 1 City of Lubbock Frontage Roa,d aJ.ong tbe Fast side Ayenue Q Roll North Drive From. Enld.ne street " , to the .Jarvia Street U~t Ho. 1629 • Assessed . Ourb & Gutter 0 I 2 •. 10 Ft. Ownt£ Jdpl DeazJ.!Gioll or Proptrtx I4p. F1(, Shamrock Oil & Ge.s. Co. That pa.rt of Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 21 of the Country Club Add .. that lies southeast of & outside of. the Sam H. Allred ' Mrs. Lucile Roberds • Hardin Simmons Univ. J. D. Slaughter ) Ave. Q North Drive Right-o.f..:Way 140.~ That part. of Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 21 o~. the CoWltr;y Club Add. that lies southeast of & outside of the Avenue Q North Driv.e~Right-ot-way 170 •. 00 I That p.rt. of Lots 22, 2.3 & 24 of Blk. 20 of the Co'tmtry Club Add. that lies southeast of & outside of the Avenue Q North Drive Right-of..:Way 171.70 That part of Lots 10, 11, l.3 & 14,· Blk. 14 .& Lots 6, 7, 16 & 17, Blk. ll & that part of Lot 1, Blk. 20 of the Country Cl'Q.b Add. that lie~ southeast of . & outside of the Ave. Q North Drive Right-of..:Wq 825.8.3 That part or Lots 2, 3, 20 & 21, Blk. 6 of the Country Club Add. that lies southeast of & outside of the Avenue Q Nort.h Drive Right-of-way 341.70 Total Assessed P .0. Cost City's CUrb and Gutter Total Est. Un:it Cost 0 9sU. 294.46 357.00 360.57 . 1734.24 717.57 $3463.84 44.54 . $3508 • .38 \ / ;c.. ~q IV. VOL 5·/~ PAG£:.,39 That tbe uaesa.nta so le"rled are for the improvemnts :la the particular Unit upoa vb.ich the propertT described abuts, ud the assesa .. ts tor the illprove- ••ts 1a o~ae Uait ce :la ao viae related to or couected with the imprOY•ats 1a urr other U.it, uacl 1a m•ld•g asses•nts ead 1a holdiJI& said hearing the aou.ts so assessed tor im:proYaellts ill one UJait haft be .. h •owise affected b7 a:r tact ill a;rvise co:anected with the imprOYaente, or the asaesaments therefor, or UJ7 other ua1 t • v. That the 11eYeral IRDS abOY•entioned assessed agai!lst said parcels ot property ad againat the real ud true ovaers thereof', ud i.Jaterest thereoJa at the rate ot six (6•) per Milt per .... , together with reUOilable attoney1 s tees aad cost ot collection, it iaourred, a:re herebJ' declared to be ad made a lin u~ the respect1Ye parcels of' propert;r aeaiut vhich the aae are assessed, ud a ptWrsoaal liabilit7 ad chc'ge agaillst the real ad true ovaers thereof, whether or •ot web onere be co:tTectl.7 uaed hereia ad woh lieu shall be ud coast! tute the t!rst atorceable claiJI aaai•at the propert7 assessed, ud shall be a tirst ead paraount 11•, superior to all otb_. 11•• ud claims, acept State, Couaty, ud Mwrlcipal. taus mad the was 10 us·essed 1hall be pqable u tollovs, to11t: Ia three equal iutallme:ats, the tiret pqable Oil or before ta (10) dqs attc-the caapl.etia. ad acceptuce by the Cit.T of the illproT .. Il'ts 1a the U.it upoa which the particular pl'OperV abuts; the aeooJid uetall.Jieat due o• or bet'ore oDe yec trca said date ot coapleticm ed acceptuce, ad the third :la- etal.llleat 4ue oa or before two years .t.t-011 said date ot e«apletioa and acceptance; uacl tnaoh asses•eata shall bear illte:rest trOll the date of such COIIlpletioB ud acceptance at the rate ot 6• per ..._, pqable •••1•ll7 with each iutallmut, so tba\ upoa COIIpletioa ud acceptance ot the ilaprO't'emeata 1:a a particular Dit aases-.ta qabst the propert;r abutt!D& upoa IIUcb 0011pleted ud accepted ait shall be and 'beOOIIle due ud pqable :la such 1utallaata ud with interest trc:a the date of .uoh O<Dpletion and acceptance, prO'Yided that urr OVIler shall haft the richt to pq oft the ntire uaessment, or U7 installmeDt thereof, betore maturit;r, by peJDleDt ot principal aDd accrued interest, 8lld provided turther that it de:tault shall be JUde ill the PQJieRt ot u.T installant promptq as the same aaturea, tha the eatire •cnurt ot the uaM•eat, upoa which such default is made shall, at the optic. ot Kerr ud Middletoa or ita assigaa, be ud HccDe immediately due ud pqable, ud eh.:U be collectible vi th reasouble attorne71 • tHa ud coeta ot oollectioll it 1•curred. VI. !be City ot lubbock ahill •ot h Uff 118Der be liable tor the ~eat ot ..., .-. hc-eby ueeseed apbat urr prope!t7 ad the owaers theHOt, but Kwr ud Middletoa, shall look eolel7 to said propertT, ud the ovaers thereof, tar the peJaat ot the 8188 uaessed qaiut the respective parcels ot propertTJ but aaid ~itT ehall uerciae all of its lavtul povere to aid 1B the af'orct1111eJlt ud colleotioa or said lieu aDd ...... ents, ud 1t default aball be made :la t.be pqaat of tta:T use•••ts colleotioa thereof shall be utoroecl either by sale of the pro~ b;r the !ax Collector ad Aeeel80r of the Cit;r ot W.bboct u Mar as pos•ible :la the llAJinR pro"rlded tor the sale ot propert7 tor the •oa-p81J~Ht ot ad Talor• taxes, or at the optioll of' Kerr ud Middleto•, or its ueips, pQ~~u.t of said lUllS ehall be -.f'orced bJ' suit .. is u:r court haviag J~ledictia.. ·I' ---===--~===---===========---=====-~==---=====--~==---====---~=~---==---=~~ VII. For the parpoee ot evidenohg the several aums assessed against the said parce1s of property, ad the owaere th.reot, aDd the time ud terms ot pe:r-t, ud to aid b. the ntorceent thereo.t, usipable certificate a shall be issued by the City ot Lubbock UpoJI the caaapletiOD ud acceptance ot the work ill each Unt of .tmproTemeat u the work ia .uoh lJJlit is completed ad accepted, which cC'tificatea llhall be executed b7 the Mqor ill the •eme of the ~ity, attested b7 tM City s.c:retary wi"th the corporate eeal, ud shall be pa;yabl.e to Kerr ad Middl.ta., or ita asaigaa, od ahall declare the said •cnmts ud the time ad term• ot PQ!IleJlt 8Dd rate ot iaterest ud date ot COIIpletioa ud acceptuce ot the faprOT_.nta tor vhich the certificate is isaued, ad shall coataiJl the aae of t o\IJler aa accurat~ aa posaible, ad the description of the property b7 lot ad ~oak .umber, or frost teet thereof, or such other descriptio• as aq otherwise idutit.T the same, ud it the said prop«l"ty shall be oaed bT aa estate, the• to so state the descriptiora thereof u eo ovaed shell be sutticiat or it the uae ot the oWJMr be 1JIIlalova, tha to ao state shall be mttici•t, ad ao error er lliatake 1• desoribi•g arq propert7, or h g1Tiq the ._. ot aq owacs, shall b. aJ11¥1•• irlTalidate or impair the asseaaat lmed hereb7 or the c.-tificate issued iJa eTideJtce thereof. 1 'the said c.rtiticatea ahal.l further provide subatut1al17 that it default eball be m8de h .the pqaat of u;r iutallmeat of prhcipal or ilatere•t due, vha, th .. , at the option ot Kerr ad Middleto•, or ita asaip•, the whole ot the said us-.•t md•ced thereb7 shall at o•c• becaae 4ue ad pqabl.e, ad aha1l be oollectible with reua.able attorae:r' s tees ad cost• ot collectlo•, it i.Bcurred. hd said certificates ehal.l set torth ud md•ce the persoaal liabU it:r ot the owaers ot ncb property ad the liea UpoJI web propert:r, ad shall proyide 1a ettect it default shall be ude 1.Jl the pepent th.-eof the s•• aq be otorced ei the b7 the sale of the prope:rt7 bJ' the Tax Collector ud A88N&or ot the City ot Lubbock, as above recited, or b7 wit iJa UfY court harlq jurisdictio • The 1aid o«rtifioates •hall farther recite h effect that all proceediag• with reter .. ce to •akiag said 1aproV8Rnta haTe beea regularl.7 had h 0011pliace vitb the lav ia tore• ad proceediag• of the Cit7 ot Lubbock, and that all pr•- requieitea to the flxilag ot the lin ud claia ot personal liabllit7 nideced bT web certiticate• baTe beea regularly' do•e ud perfomed, vhich recitals shall be eTidace ot the aatters ud tacts so recited, 8Jld ao fUrther proof thereof &hall be required h U7 court. 4Dd the said certificates m~ haTe coupo•s attached thereto 1B eYideace ot each or ~ ot the seTeral iutallmots thereof, or thq JUT han coupoaa tor each ot the first tvo iutallme.ts, leaT111g the lUi• oertiticate tor the third. bel the aaid certiticates ahall turther PE"O'rld• i• effect that the Cit7 or Lubbock ahall ftt~rci•• all or ita lavtul powers, vbn requested 110 to do by the hold£ ot said cctifica'tee, to aid 1Jl the eB.torcea.t ud collectio• thereof and eaid certificates aq co•tah other ad farther reci tala pert !nat aDd appropriate thereto. It ahal.l aot be aeceaaary that said certificates •hall be h the exaot tOl"'ll. u above ••t forth, but the .ubstoce ud etteot thereof aball suffice. VIII. !he assea•nta lnied b7 thl• Ordiuace tor the iapro•••t• h each u.i:t C'e altogether separate ud 41stinct traa aaaee•nts ia each ud ev.ry other .... •. I . . 'OJdt. The assesa•t• tor 1apr~yaaeats 1a oae uait are ill .owise af'tected b7 the improvea•ts ia or the asses .. nts levied f'or the improY•eBts ill urr othlll" wait, ud ill makiag ad levbg usesl!llleata the con of' the iapt"OY•eats ia each Uait, the be.aetits b;y aeaaa o-t the JaprOY••ta, ad all other matters aBd things with reference to the imprOYGeD.ts ill each Uait, b.a'Ye bea considered, ud determilled altogether without refer•ce to urr such matters 1a u;y other Dit, ad the caia- aioa of' the imprOY•eata 1a u:r uait shall 1a DOViae atf'ect or impair the Yalidit7 or assessments tor the 1mproYements 1Jl uq other uait. The c:mtissioa of 1mprOYe- meat• 1D uy particular uait ia .troat ot urr propert7 ex•pt f'rom the 11• ot euch ••••••eB.ts ahall 1a aovise aftect or impair the validity ot usesaaeats against other propert7 ia that wrlt. IX. No mistake, error, bTalidit,-, or i:rregularit7 1a the ume ot u:r proper t7 OWDer, or the descriptioa ot U'1' propert7, or the aOUDt of aa:r usesaaent, or ia u:r othv matter or thiag, shall ill u::r wise illvalidate or impair aJJ3' assess- mat lerled hereby or u:r certificate issued, a:od u;y such mistake, wror, hval.id it;y, or irregularity, vhether ia such assessment or 1B the certificate issued in evid~ce thereof, mq be corrected at 8.J'r:f time by the City. x. All assessments levied are a personal liability and charge against the real and true Olmers of' the premises described aotvithstandb.g such owners mq aot be Dllllled, or urr be inoorrectl;y named. , h..'j '.J t · 1 VOl tJ r.., PA6EJcl_ Passed and approved by ,un&.llimous vote of the Ci t7 Commissioll this the lOth dq of March ' ~ 1955. Passed ad approved by unanimous vote ot the City Coumd1sioa this the 29;~~ 4q ot f$rcg , 1955. · , -Pused od approved b7 unaaimous vote of' the Cit7 Commission this the * !Jtth dq ot April , 1955. c..