HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0617 - PO 31078201, FSX Equipment, Inc, Complete Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning Sys - 12/12/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0617
Item No. 5.31
December 12, 2023
"I'I IAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hcrcby authorizcd and directed to exccute for
and on bchalf of the City of Lubbock, PO 31078201/Solc Sourcc for Dicscl Yarticulatc riltcr
Clcaning �quipmcnt, by and bctwcen thc City of Lubbock and 1� SX l�quipmcnt, Inc., of Granitc
l�alls, Washington, and relatcd documcnts. Said Purchasc Order is attachcd hereto and
incorporated in this resolution as if fully sct forih hcrcin and shall bc includcd in lhc minutcs of
thc City Council.
Yassed by the City Council on ____ ___ December..12 _2023 ___..__ _
'1'RAY Y�Y1�, MAYOIt
Courtncy Pa7, City � eta
Brooke Witcher, Assistant City Manager
�- —
I achacl l�ostc , Assistant City Attorncy
ccdocslllRl;S.Solc Sourcc Contract I'O 3l078201 I�SX I:quipment, Inc.
I 2.4.23
TO: PO BOX 1617
Page -
Date -
Order Number
l 1 /21 /2023
31078201 000 OP
P.O. BOX 7A00
Mazta A az�ez, Director of Purchasing 8c Contract Management
Ordered 11/21/2023 Freight
Requested 1 /23/2024 Taken By
If you have any questions, please contact Breana Rodriguez: BreanaRodriguez a�jnylubbock.us or 806-775-2374
Descri tion/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date
Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning Equipment 1.000 64,870.5700 EA 64,870.57 1/23/2024
Temis NET 30
Total Order
This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $64,870.57 awarded to FSX Equipment, Inc. of Granite
Falls, WA, on necemher 12 , 2023. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by
reference: Quote dated October 23, 2023, from FSX Equipment, Inc. of Granite Falls, WA, as a Sole Source.
Resolution# 2n2�_Rnfi�'7
Tray Payn , Ma or
Cou ney Paz, City Secreta
Seller and Buyer agree as
CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES. by suoolvine anv Goads or Servica �hat �he Controctor haz read, fullv
understands. and wJl be m full comohance wilh all iemu and condmons and the descriotrve matenal conlamed herein
�nd anv addil�onal associated documems and Amendmenls. The Ctiv disclaims anv terms and condi��ons orov�ded bv
the Comractor unless aereed upon m wnune bv the oah�es In the event of con0�ct be�ween the Cnv's terms and
condnions and anv terms and condiuona orovided bv �he Conlractor, the �erms and conditions orovided hermn shall
orevad. The �er� and condiuons orovided herem arc the final �erms a¢reed u� by the parha, and anv onor
conflicune �erms shall be of no force or eRect.
1 SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS Seller wdl package goods in accordance with good rnmmercial practice
Gach shipp�ng coNamer shall be clearly and permanemly marked az folbws (a) Seller's name and address, (b)
Consignee's name, addras and purchase order or purchase release number and the supply agreemen� number d
applicable, (c) Con�ainer number and iotal number of containers, e g box 1 0( 4 boxes, and (d) the number of ihe
conlamer beanng the packing slip Seller shall bear cost o! packagmg unlas otherwiu provided Goods shall be
sm�ably packed �o secure lowes� transponauon cos�s and lo rnnform wrth requiremenls of common camers and any
appl�cable specifications Buyer's cowt or we�gh� shall be final and conclusrve on shipmenis not accompamed by
packmg hsts
2 SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED Seller �s no� aWhor�eed to sh�p the goods under
rcservalwn and no �ender of a bdl of Iadmg wJl operate az a tender of goods
3 TITLG AND RISK OF LOSS The �i�le and r�sk of bss of the goods shall noi pass to Buyer unul Buyer aclually
recerves and takes possesswn of Ihe goods at �he poml or pomts of de6very
4 NO REPLACEMENT OF DGFECTIVE TGNDGR. Every tender of delrvery of goods mus� fullycomplywnh all
prov�swns of ih�s contracl u to ume of dehvery, quahry and �he Idce I(a tender a made wh�ch does not fully conform,
th�s shall constnute a breach and Selkr shall not have the right to substi�u�e a mnfovning �ender, provided, wherc ihe
time for performance has not yet ezpved, �he Seller may reasonably noufy Buyer of h�s mlenlion �o cure and may
then make a conformmg �ender withm the con�ract time but not allerward
5 MVOICES & PAYMENTS a. S e I I e r shall submh uparate mvoices, m duphcate, one each purchau order or
purchase release alter each delrvery Invo�ca shall mdicate �he purchase order or purchase releaze number and
the supply agreement number d apphcable Invo�ces shall be rtem�zed and transporlalion charga, d any, shall be
listed separately A copy of ihe bdl of ladmg, and the Geigh� waybJl when appl�cable, should be auached to the
invoice Mad To: Accounts Payable, Cily of Lubbock, P. O Box 2000, Lubbock, Texac 79457 Payment shall not
be due umil ihe above insuumenls are submilted afler delivery.
6. GRATUITIES. The Buyer may, by wrmm nouce to the Selkr, cancel ihis coniract wiihoul habdity to Seller i!
it is deterntined by Buyer �hat gra�m�ies, in �he form o(entenamment, gilts or olhenvise, werc offered or given by the
Seller, or any agent or repraenlative of Ihe Seller, to any omttr or employee o( the Chy of Lubbock with a view to
secunng a coniract or secunng favorable Irealmenl wi�h respec� to the awarding or amending, or the makmg of any
de�ertninations wi�h rcspect to the performmg of such a conlraci. In the event �his conlract is canceled by Buyer
pursuanl to this prov�sion, Buyer shall be entitled, in addmon �o any o�her righ�s and rcmedies, w recover or wtlhhold
the amount of the cost mcurred by Seller m prov�dmg such graWi�ies.
7. SPECIAL TOOLS & TEST EQUIPMGNT If the pnce stated on Ihe face herrn( includes �he cost of any special
toolmg or special test equipmem fabricated or requ"ved by Seller for the purpose of filling �h�s order, such specal
toolmg eqwpmem and any procas sheets rela�ed �hereto shall become Ihe propeny of Ihe Buyer and lo the extem
feasible sM1all be identified by the Seller u such
8 WARRAN7'Y-PRICE a The pnce io be pa�d by �he Buyer shall be ihat conlained m Seller's bid which
Seller waman�s to be no higher �han Seller's curren� pro�ess on orders by others for produc�s of the kind and
specdicalan covercd by �his agreement for simdar quant�ua under similar o! like condi�ionc and methods of purchase
In �he event Seller breaches ih�s warranty, the pnca of Ihe i�ems shall be reduced �o �he Seller's curten� pnca
on orders by others, or in Ihe altemadve Buyer may cancel this contraM wahoW liabihiy to Seller for breach
or Seller's acwal expenu b The Seller wartants tha� no person or selling agency has been employed or retamed to
sohctl or secure Ihis contract upon an agreement or understandmg for commission, percentage, brokerage, or comingent
fee excepung bona fide empbyea of bona !de es�abl�shed commercial or selling agencies mamtamed by �he Seller for
�he purpou o(xcunng business For breach of v�aalion of this wartanly the Buyer shall have �he nght m addmon �o
any other nght of rights to cancel this contract wi�Fwut habih�y and to deduct Gom the comract pnce, or otherwise
recover without liab�liiy and �o deduct Gom the contract pnce, or oiherwise recover the full amount of such cormmssion,
percentage, brokerage or conlmgem fee
9 WARRANTY-PRODUCT Seller shall not limil or exclude any implied wartamies and any auempt to do so shall
renda �his con�rac� vodable at �he op�ron of �he Buyer Seller wartants that the goods furnished will conform �o �he
specdcauon, drawings, and deuriphons lis�ed m the b�d mvnatwn, and to the sample(s) fumished by the Seller, if any.
In �he evem ofa con0ic� or between Ihe specifcauons, drawmgs, and descriplions, the specificaiions shall govem.
No�wi�hs�andmg any provis�ons contamed m the contrscwal agreement, �he Seller rcpresenLs and wartanLs fault-Gee
performanceand fauh-Gee resuh in the procasmg da�e and date rcla�ed data (including, but no� limiled lo calculaling,
companng and sequenemg) of all hardware, wliware and firmware products delivercd and services provided under
�his Contract, mdrvidually or m combmatioq u Ihe case may be Gom �he effeclive date o( this Conuact. The
obligalions contained hercin apply �o products and serv�ces provided by the Seller, its sub- Seller or any lhird pany
�nvolved in the creauon or developmenl of the products and services �o be delivered to the Ci�y of Lubbock under �his
CoNract FaJurc �o comply wilh any of Ihe obhgahons con�ained herein, may resul� in the City o( Lubbock
avadmg itself of any of its righ�s under �he law and under this Contract including, bw not limiled lo, ils right pertaining
lo tmnma�ion or default The warranua comained hercm are separate and discrcte from any other warranties
specdied m th�s Conlract, and are nol subject lo any d�sclaimer o( warranty, implied or exprcssed, or limnation of the
Seller's liabilrty which may be spec�fied in �h�s Contran, ns appendices, ils schedules, iis annexes or any document
incoryorated m th�s Contracl by rcfercnce
10 SAFETY WARRAN7Y Selkr warrants thal the pmduc� wld �o the Buyer shall con(orm io �he standards
promulgated by �he U S. Depanmem of Labor under �he Occupalional Safeiy and Healih Acl of 1970. In the evenl Ihe
product does not conform �o OSFIA standards, Buy+er may rcwm the product for mrtection or replacemeN at Ihe
Seller's expense In the evenl Seller fa�ls to make Ihe appropria�e co�rectan within a reasonable iime, correction
made by Buyer w�ll be at �he Seller's expenu
11. NO WARRANTY BY BUYER AGAMST MFRMGEMCNTS. As pan of this conlrncl for sale Seller agrees
to auerlam whe�her goods manufactured m accordance wrth �he specificalions attached lo Ihis agreement will give
rise to Ihe right(ul claim of any �hud perwn by way o( mfnngemenl of the like. Buyer makes no wananty Ihat Ihe
produMion of goods accordmg to Ihe specificauon will not give rise to such a claim, and in no event shall Buyer be
liable �o Seller for mdemmficatwn m the event Ihat Selkr is sued on the grounds of in(nngemen� of ihe IJce If Seller
�s of Ihe opmion �ha� an m(nngement or the like wdl rault, he wdl notdy ihe Buyer io �h�s e(kct m writing wrthm Iwo
weeksallerlhesignmgofih�sagreement 1( Buyer doa trot recerve nouce and a subsequen�ly held I�able for
lhe inGingement or the like, Selkr wdl save Buyer hamiless If Selkr m good fanh ascena�ns the produd�on of the
goods m accordance whh Ihe specificahons wdl rcsuh m mGingement or �he I�ke, �he contract shall be null and vo�d
12. NON MPROPRIATION All funds for payment by �he Chy under Ih�s contrac� are sub�a� to �he availab�lity ofan
annual appropnatwn for th�s purpou by the Cny In Ihe evenl o(nonappropna�ion of funds by �he O�y Counml of �he
Cny of Lubbock (or the goo& or xrvices provided under �he contrac�, �he Ci�y wdl terminate the conlract, wilhout
termmauon charge or olher habiLty, on the last day of ihe �hen-curcent fiscal year or when the appropnation made for
the �hen-current year (or Ihe goods or urvics covered by tha controM a sprnt, wh�chever evem occurs firsl If at any
ume funds arc not approprated for the continuance of �ha conuact, cancellauon shall be accepted by the Seller on
ihirly (30) days pnor wriaen notice, bW fadure to grve such notice shall be of no eRcet and Ihe C�y shall no� be
obhgated unda �h¢ contract beyond the dete olterminauon
13. RIGHT OF fNSPECTION Buysr shall have the nght to mspec� �he goods a� dehvery before accepung them.
14. CANCELLATION Buyer shall have the nght �o cancel Cor default all or any part of Ihe undelrvered pon�on of
�his order dSeller brcacha any of the trnns hereof mcluding wartant�es of Seller or if the Seller becomes mwlvenl or
comm�ls acts of bankruptcy Such right o(cancella�ion �s in addiUon lo and not in Leu of any other remedies wh�ch
Buyer may have in law or equity
I S TERMMATION The performance of work under �ha order may be termmated m whole, or m pan by Ihe Buyer
m ncmrdance wnh this prov�sion Termmatwn of work hereunder shall be eRected by the dehvery of �he Seller of
a'7Johce of Termmalion" spec�fymg the ex�em �o which perfom�ance of work under the order �s lermma�ed and the
date upon wh�ch such lermmal�on becomes effec�ive Such righ� or irnnmalion a m addilion to and not m heu of ihe
nghts of Buyer ul forth m Clause 14, herem
16 FORCE MAIGURE Nenher pany shall be held respons�ble for losses, resullmg dlhe fulfillment o(any
�ermc of prov�sions of �h�t contract is delayed or prevenud by any cause nui wrthin the comrol o( the party whose
perfolmance is interkred w��h, ar�d wh�ch by the exercise of reasonable dd�gence sa�d pany is unable to prcvrnt
17. ASSIGNMGNT-DGLGGATION No righ� or interat m this conlracl shall be assigned or delegation o( any
obligai�on made by Seller wilhoW the wrilten pertnission o( the Buyer Any auempted assignment or delega��on by
Seller shall be wholly void and �o�ally meffecuve for all purpose unless made m conformny wnh th�s paragraph
18 WNVER No claim or ngh� ensmg out of a breach of �h�s contraa can be d�scharged m whole or m pan by a
waiver or renu�iation of �he claim or right unless ihe warver or rcnunc�auon a supponed by contiderauon and �s m
wnlmg s�gned by the aggneved parly
19. INl'ERPRGTATION-PAROLE EVIDENCE Th�s wntmg, plus any specdicatbns for bids and performance
prov�ded by Buyer m ns advemsement for b�ds, and any other documenis prov�ded by Seller as pan of h�s bid,
�s mtended by the panms az a final express�on of thev agreement and m�ended alw as a comple�e and exclusrve
statemen� o( �he tems of �hev agreement Whenever a tertn defined by the Uniform Commercial Code �s used m iha
agreement, the definihon contamed m �he Code is to comrol
20. APPLICABLL LAW. Th�s agreement shall be govemed by the Umform Commercial Code Wherever lhe �erm
"Un�form Commercial Code" �s used, i� shall be construed as meaning ihe Uniform Commercial Code as adopled in
Ihe State of Texas as e(feclrve and m force on the date of �h�s agreement
21 RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Whenever one parly to Ihis contracl in good (ai�h has reason lo quesuon ihe other
party's mtent �o perform he may demand �hat the other pany give wnuen assurance o( ha mtent to perform In the
event �ha� a demand is made and no assurance �s given wnhin five (5) days. �he demanding party may treat th�s
fadure az an anticipatory repudiauonofthe contract
22 MDGMNIFICATION Seller shall indemm(y, keep and save harmlas �he Buysr, rts agents, otfic�als and
empbyees, agamst all mJunes, dealhs, loss, damages, cla�ms, pateni claims, sw�s, I�abilities, �udgmenis, costs and
expenses, which may m anywise acerue againci �he Buyer in conuquence of the gran4ng o( th�s Contraci or which
may anywise rcsult there(rom, whelher or no� it shall be alleged or de�ermined �ha� the acl was cauud through
neghgence or omisswn of the Seller or ils employees, or of the subSelkr or assignee or ils employees, d any, and the
Seller shall, at ha own expense, appear, defend and pay all charges of attomeys and all cos�s and other expenus
ar�tmg thereGom of mcurred in connecuon therewnh, and, dany �udgment shall be rendered agamst the Buyer in any
such ac�ion, �he Seller shall, at iis own expenxs, satis(y and diuharge the same Seller ezprcssly unders�ands and
agrees �hat any bond requved by this comract, or o�herwise prov�ded by Seller, shall in no way I�mrt �he
responsibilny lo indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend �he Buyer as herem provided.
23 TIME 11 �s hereby expressly agreed and understood that time is of the essence !or the performance of Ihis
contract, and failure by comract to mcet �he ume specficauonc of th�s ageemem wdl cauu Seller to be m defauh
of �h�s agreement
24 MBE The C��y of Lubbock hereby noufies all b�dders ihat m mgard to any contract entered mto pursuant to
ih�s request, minoriry and women business enterpnsa will be alTorded equal opporlunit�es to submrt bids m rcsponse
to �his invaa�ion and wdl no� be d�scnmmated agams� on the grounds o( racq color, sex or na�ural ongm in
considerauon for an award
25 NON-ARBITRATION The Q�y reserva the nght �o exercae any nght or remedy �o it by law, con�ract, eqwty, or
o�henvise, mcludmg wrthou� limitat�oq �he righ� �o seek any and all fomu o( rehef in a court o! compelent
jur�sd�cuon Furlher, ihe Cny shall nol be sub�ect to any arbilration process pnor lo exercising its unrcs�ncted
nght �o seek �ud�aal rcmedy The rcmedies sn fonh hercm are cumula�rve and not exclusrve, and may be exercised
concunently To the extenl of anycon0�c1 belween ihis provision and another pmv�sion m, or related to, lh�s documem,
Ih�s provision shall conlrol
26 RIGHT TO AUDIT At any iime during Ihe telm of ihe contrect, or �hercafler, the Ciry, or a duly authorized
audn represrn�auve of the Cny or the Stale of Texaz, at its ezpense and at reasonable limes, reserves the ngh� to
audtl Contractor's records and books relevant to all semces provided to �he Ciiy under th�s Contract. In the event such
an audit by the Ci�y reveals any erors or overpaymrnts by ihe City, Contmctor shall refund the City the (ull amoun�
of such overpaymenis withm �hiny (30) days of such audit findmgs, or �he Cdy, at its opiwq reserves ihe right to
deduct such amounts owing the City Bom any payments due Conuactor
27. The Con�raclor shall not assign or subk� �he contrac�, or any porlion of the contrac�, wtlhout wrillen conunt Gom
ihe Dvector of Purchasing a� Conlracl Managemen�.
28. Convac�s wi�h Compania Engaged in Business with Iran, Sudan, or Forcign Terror�s� Organ�auon Proh�bned.
Pursuant to Sec�ion 2252.152 of �he Texu Govemment Code, proh�bns ihe Q�y Gom enienng mto a contrnct wnh a
vendor �hat �s identified by The Cor�lmller as a company known to have conlrncts wnh or prov�de suppha or urvice
wi�h Iran, Sudan or a foreign �ermrist organi�ation
29. Texas Govemment Code. SeMion 2252.908 requ'ves a busmess ent��y entenng �nto certam conlracls wtlh a
govemmental en�ity or s�ate agrncy to file with the govemmemal entiiy or siate agency a diulosure o(mtercsted par��a
a� �he lime Ihe business enlity submits the signed contract lo the govemmenlal entily or slale agency Irtslruclions for
compleung Form 1295 are available aC iilin��www.ctlubbncklx.usldenaqate�iEai-
websrtes/deoahments/ourchasin¢/ve�or• mforma� ion
30. No Boycott of Israel. Pursuanl to Section 2271.002 of the Texas GovemmeN Code, Respondenl cendies ihat
either (i) it meels an exemption crileria under Seclion 2271 002, or (u) it does nol boycott Israel and will �rol boycotl
Israel during �he �erm of the comraM rcsuhing Bom �his sohcna�ion Rapondent shall state any facts �hat make �i
eaempt Gom the boycon cenification in as Responu.
31. No Boycotl of Energy Companies. Pursuant lo Section 2274 of �he Texaz Govemment Code, Rapondenl
cenifies �hal either (i) il meels an exemption crileria under Section 2274 002, or (ii) it dou not boycott Energy
Compames and will no� boycon Energy Companies during �he �erm of the comract rcsulting from �h�s sohenation
Respondem shall state any facts thal make il exempl (rom �he boyco�l certdicalion m tls Response
32. No Boycou of a Firearm Enlity or Firearm Trade Assocauon Pursuanl lo Section 2274 of �he Texas
Govemment Code, Rapondrnt certifies tha� either (i) i� mee�s an exemp��on crnera under Sec�wn 2274.002, or (ii) ��
does not boycott a F'vearm En�ity or F'vearm Trade Assoc�auon and will no� boycott a Fvearm Entity or F�rearm
Trade Association during Ihe lerm of the contran rcsuhing Gom ih�s solicrtation Respondeni shall slate any facls �hal
make n exemp� @om Ihe boycolt ceNificalion in its Raponse.
33 Contracts wilh Companies Engaged in Busineu wi�h Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Terrons� Organiza4on Proh�brted.
Pursuanl lo Section 2252.I52 ol�he Texas Govemment Code, pmhibi�s Ihe City Bom entenng mto a contraci whh a
vendor that is idenlified by The Comptmller as a company known lo have contracts w�th or pmv�de supp6es or
serwce wi�h Iran, Sudan or a foreign lenorisl organiaation
34 TEXAS PUBLIC MFORMATION ACT. The requ'vemems of Subchapter 1, Chapier 552, Govemmem Code,
may apply �o this convact and �he comrac�or or vendor agrea tha� �he convaa can be �erminated if the contractor or
vendor knowingly or intenlionally fails to rnmply with a requiremenl o(Ihat subchapler
35 Pursuanl lo Seclion 552.301(c) of Ihe Texas Govemment Code, the City of Lubbock has daignated Ihe followmg
emaJ addras for which public information requa�s may be made by an emailed requesl: vi[{r;_[RyJy¢$Zskui. Please
und th�s request lo ihis email addras for it �o be processed
Sales Order p
� � � North America qooroval:
Please Fill-in Blue SecHons That Apply TERMS Net 30 days Shio Date:
Ilem Product
i TrapBlaster 7 *
2 TrapBlaster JR
3 TrapBurner 8 for 1-2 DPF `
4 TrapBurner 8 for 1-2 DPF'
s TrapBurner 8 for 3 DPF
5 TrapBurner 8 for 3 DPF
� TrapBurner 10 for 4 DPF
a TrapBurner 10 for 4 DPF
e TrapBurner 10 for 4 DPF
io TrapTester 7'
ii TrapTester 7'
12 $00�SUCkBf 2 �
13 SootSucker 2 `
1a SootSucker 2 •
oNa e Part Number Price
115V 1 Ph ETL CSA TBL07075G-AlA S 35,705.00
115V 1 Ph ETL CSA TJR0718SA-A1A S 31,304.00
480V 3 Ph cUL TBR3608SD-C3B $ 5,699.00
20&240V 3 Ph cUL TBR3808S0.838 $ 5,699.00
480V 3 Ph cUL TBR4008SD-C38 $ 5,950.00
20&240V 3 Ph cUL TBR4008S0.038 $ 5,950.00
480V 3 Ph cUL TBR1010S&C3B $ 7,181.00
220.240V 3 Ph ETL CSA TBR1010S&K38 $ 7,181.00
208 V 3 Ph ETL CSA TBR1010S&J3B $ 7,181.00
480V 3 Ph ETL CSA TTS0707SD-C3A $ 6,465.00
20&240V 3 Ph ETL CSA TTS0707SD-B3A $ 6,465.00
480V 3 Ph ETL CSA SSK0208S&C3A $ 14,580.00
220.240V 3 Ph ETL CSA SSK0208S&K3A $ 14,580.00
208 V 3 Ph ETL CSA SSK0208S8-J3A $ 14,580.00
r.rtaci la lan �w+dewK w �o
16 D>i� oer Ery
rrnea ia �m.0 � aemn� w �o
� w�.p.- e.e
Fb 1 OPP a 2 OPF �
Fu i orF «z orF Hen
b PFw�/791 1 Bretlt
e.uw. v✓� �..a nioei ie ro�
F6 J DPF w1R910B1J8 �atic
naew. tVe.� �[9trte r t e Trn�—
laryeovYf�Ma<OPF Mutl
Tp10 141��
lerpeovdiolnkf4 Auf�
ahr 7910B191 iack Ealwi.
larys oval qn Nf 4 OPF Mutl
Efplf71i406141 e�ekEeleM
15 CatBlaster 2P 480V 3 Ph TC80718S6-K3C $ 35,895.00 Must (nclude SootSucker
16 CatBtaster 2P 240V 3 Ph TCB0718SB-C3C $ 35,895.00 Mus[ include SootSucker
17 CatBlaster 2H Powered by CatBlasler 2P TCH0718SA-A1C $ 9,435.00
18 Air Compressor - 30HP Rotary Screw w/ 120 gallon tank 8 air dryer 5 18,696.00
ie TrapTongs
zo TrapBurner 8 DPF rack for 2 or 3 DPF
zi TrapBurner 10 DPF rack for 4 DPF
zz SootSucker 2 Primary filter *
2a SootSucker 2 HEPA filter"
za TrapBlaster JR primary 81ter
zs TrapBlaster JR HEPA 81ter
z5 Kubota Oval DPF Adaptor Plate
2� Tilted DOC Adaptor Piate
28 DPF Cleaning Banner
z9 IIISpBCtiO� POS�@�S (2 per set- eomes w/ eomplele package)*
3o Curved Nozzle Set for cleaning flanged DPF's
3i Volvo Retrofit Kit for older model TrapTester
az Duct kit for adding CatBlaster to existing SootSucker
3s Complete DPF Cleaning System - Pneumatic 8 Thermal - high volume
Includes: TrepBlaster 7 115V 1 Ph
TrapBumer 8 Qt08V 3Ph �20V 3Ph �80V 3Ph
TrapTester 7 Ot08V 3Ph �20V 3Ph a80V 3Ph
SootSucker 2 Q208V 3Ph �20V 3PA �80V 3Ph BP-PTS00115
*one Ineluded in complele paakage
aa TrapBlaster JR System - Pneumatic 8 Thermal - low volume
Includes: TrapBlaster JR 115V 1 Ph
TrapBumer 8 Q208V 3Ph �20V 3Ph �BOV 3Ph
TrapTesler 7 �208V 3Ph �20V 3Ph 080V 3Ph BP•PT1R0115
$ 556.00
$ 604.00
$ 932.00
$ 323.00
$ 531.00
$ 249.00
$ asi.00
$ zis.ao
$ 556.00
$ 89.00
$ izs.00
$ 146.00
$ soo.00
$ 1,537.00
$ 62.449.00
$ 43.468.00
Qyt Exlended Pnce
_ $
- $
_ 5
_ $ -
_ $ -
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i 5 eoa.00
5 -
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5 -
1 $ 62,449.00
TOTAL (nol Including ahipping or tax I( appllu6k) s 63,053.00
Shipping Estimale 17,817.57
Grand Total S 64,870.57
email to sales�hxinc wm
FORnn 1295
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Complete Nos. l, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING
i Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number:
of business. 2023-1098490
FSX Equipment, Inc
Granite Falls, WA United States �ate Filed:
2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 11/28/2023
being filed.
City of Lubbock Date Acknowledged:
g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identity the contract, and provide a
description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract.
Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning Equipment
4 Nature of interest
Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable)
Controlling Intermediary
Waldo, Cole Granite Falls, WA United States X
Waldo, Diane Granite Falls, WA United States X
5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑
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I declare under penalty of pery'ury that the foregoing is true and correct.
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Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity
Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V3.5.1.Of381ab6
1 of 1
Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY
Complete rvos. l, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING
1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number:
of business. 2023-1098490
FSX Equipment, Inc
Granite Falls, WA United States Date Filed:
2 Name of governmental ent ty or state agency t iat s a pany to t e contract or w c t e form is 11/28/2023
being filed.
City of LubboCk Date Acknowledged:
g Provide the fdentiflcation number used by the governmental entiry or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a
description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract.
Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning Equipment
Nature of interest
Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable)
Controlling intermediary
Waldo, Cole Granite Falls, WA United States X
Waldo, Diane Granite Falls, WA United States X
5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. �
My name is _ �rf Q C�1 � � �Q ��C�J , and my date of birth is � ���
Myaddressis � OV � �d'Lf./�'�- /"L"•�vl G( L— , �I�L�I/��. w��, 'w� U`s:�,
(street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country)
I declare under penalry of pequry that the foregoing is true and correct.
Execu�ed in (7�� �U✓1� ('j � Counry, S te of (�/ • n th��_day of GV2 � 0�3 .
� (month) (year)
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C� � t1
gnature of aulliorized agent of contracting business entiry
Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.bc.us Version V3.5.1.Of381ab6