HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1666-1955 - Repealed By Ordinance 4656 - 01/27/1955- 2-1-55 conies 0 city ttor.v. O"'Y to ; raffic Dept & olice ept. II 1666 -Repealed by Ordinance No. 4656 -0\-.;J':f-l9S5 ORDINANCE NO. _166.2....__ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 23, SECTION 8, SECTION 15, AND SECTION 22 OF ORDINANCE NO. 564, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1414, THEREBY CREATING A ONE-HOUR P.ABKING ·METER ZONE, AND AUTHORIZING THE INSTAlLATION OF THE FOLLOWING NUMBERED PARKING METERS ON THE SOOTH SIIE OF 9TH STREET BETWEEN AVENUE J AND THE AIJ,EY WEST OF AVENUE J; l£'l'ER ms. 9-11-1, 9-11-3, 9-11-5 AND 9-11-9; REPEALING AIL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, tbe City Commission bas adopted the recommendation of the City Traffic Engineer in making certain changes in parking on certain streets in the City of Lubbock; N 0 W, T HE R E F 0 R E, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COWISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK; SECTION 1. That Section 2.3 of Ordinance No. 564, ae amended by Ordinance No. 1414, be amended to include the followings • That a Parking Meter Zone is hereb.y designated and established in the City of Lubbock and said Parking M:!ter Zone shall embrace the following section or the street; ' (!~The South side or 9th Street between Avenue J and the alley west of Avenue J. SECTION 2. That the City Traf'fic Engimer BE and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the following numbered meters to be placed in the Parking Meter Zone as set forth in Section 1 (One) of this Ordinances .• M9ter Nos. 9-11-1, 9-ll-.3, 9-11-5 and 9-~9. SECTION 3. That Section 8 of Ordinance No. 564 be a.mnded as follows: '!'bat in the Parking Meter Zone set out in Section 1 {one) of this ordinance all vehicles shall be parked with both right wheels parallel to and within eighteen (18) inches of the curb. SECTION 4. That Section 15 of Ordinance No. 564, as amended by Ordinance No. 1414, be amended so as to include the following' The Parking-~ters set out ill Section 2 (Two) of this ordinance shall be one-hour, one-nickel meters. SECTION 5. That any provision of any ordinance or order conflicting with this ordinance is hereby repealed. SECTION 6. That Section 22 of Ordinance No. 564 be amended as followss That any person, firm or corporatiOD, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in a:ny sum not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200). r I I I ~ SECTION 7. That the City Secretary is hereby directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this ordinance, together with the penalty herein provided, as an alternative method provided b,y law. SECTION 8. That due to the changing traffic conditions creating a hazard injurious to the pub~ic and the public's use of the streets, the enactment of this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure thereb,y creating a public necessity :that the rule requiring ordinances to be presented at two seiSrate meetings be dispensed with; and this ordinance shall be effective from the date of its passage, as provided by law. A N D I T I S S 0 r-o R D E R E D. On motion of Commissioner Forre~-----' seconded by Commissioner Carpenter this Ordinance was passed on first reading on this _&tL_ __ day of __ ___.::;J~Z-----'1955, by the following vote1 Commissioners voting "YEA•: Carpenter, Forrest, Mayor Pro-tem Baker Commissioners voting •NAY•sNone ATTEST: /)/~U·n -- a.:venia Lowe, ~;rete.ry-Treasurer -2-