HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1648-1954 - Establishing A No-Parkinf Zone At Intersection Of Ave Q - 12/21/1954CoT'y .2-2~-54 to ?raffic, •1 t vAtty 'olice Ch I 01-;l.l -l9S~ ORDINANCE NO. -164~8 __ _ B ORDWICE lftABI·ISBIIG J. JI)..PJ.BEDQ ZOB OB THE WIST SIIB 07 .ltB!fR Q BmiDIJD J.! TBI Ilft'EBSfm'IOR or AVDUI Q AID MUI SfBI!.1' J.JD miiiMIG IOlml OD Jl'OII)RBJ) liB (109) llllrJ .Ati!IOIIUIIl !Ill PAIITIJG OF OtJ'RafJ AND THE BRECTIOR 011' SIGIISJ PROVIDI.l(; J. PEIALTY; R!PEALilfG CONFLICTIJG ORDDWCESJ .lU'I'HORIZIJrG PUBLICATION; AID IIOOLARIJII 0 !MERGEr«:! • WHimEAS, in the i11tereet of public eatev, chuged traffic oonditioDS creatiD« a public hasard require a lo-Parld.Dg Zos. to be established on tM West. aide ot AnnU. Q begirmilll at tbe intersection of Annue Q ed Maim Str.et ud extendiDg South a distuce ot one hundred DiM (109) teet; TBEREFORE, BE IT ORDU!m> BI THE CITY C01+1ISSION or THE Cl'l'Y OF LUBBOCXa SECTIOI 1. That a No-Parking Zone B, eel it ia hereby estahll•hed oil the tollewing described portion ot•atreet, aJid it shall hereafter be unl~wtul tor·uq person operatillg, driviDg or in c<:*ltrol of a Yehicl• to allow, ~rmt or eldter such nhiole to be parked iD ~t portion of the street bereinaf't.er described as cone\itutiag a Bo-farking Zone. -' I SPX:TIOB 2. Tbat that portion of street referred to in Section 1 (One) ot this Ordi•nce u a lfo-Parki~~g ~De is ae tollovsc OD the Vest side of Avenue Q begirmbJg at the intersection of Avenue Q and MaiD Street and exteDdi:ag South a dis tanoe of oae hundred aiM (109) teet. SJOO!IOI 3. 'l'hat the Trattic E'qineer is here'bf authorized ud directed \ct paint or caua• to be paillted the aurbe and to erect eigne iadicatilll a No- Parkiag Zoae o~liatent. vith the prorteiou ot tbJ.e Ordiaanoe. SJOOTIOR 4. That &rrf pere&n who •ball fJU!ter or permit U7 ,..hiole operated, driven or controlled by hill to be parked in the area described in S.c~ion 2 (Tvo) ot this O:rd.iMDce shall upoa cOJNictio:n, be fined 1a any sua not exeeedillg Tvo Hlmdred Dollars ($200.). SEOTIOI 5. That all portiou ot all ot!wr ordiuncee 1a conflict vith tM prOTieiou ot this Ordianoe are berel:f" repealed. SECTIOI 6. Tbat the City Secretary' is authorized to cause publioatioJl of the descriptive caption of 'this Ordinanoe, topther with the penalty clause, as an alternative •t.hod provided bT lav. SECTIOlf 7 • !hat tbe eMc'tillellt of th18 Ordi•noe beillg MC888&17 to the public satet7 and tc prOTide a ,r.ater uae ot the public streets and, due to oha~~ged traffic oODditione, is declared to be an e•rgenq meaeure, therebf oreati!lg a pllblic uaeesity that. the rule requiriJtg proposed ordiDI.DCI!te to be presented at two separate •etiDge be diepen~ed withJ and this ordi.anoe sball be effective from the date of publication, ae herein prOY!ded. A I D I '!' I S S 0 0 R D E R E D. l ~- II On 11110tion of C~asioDer __ F_or_r_e_s_t ___ , 1eo0Dded bT Coa.issioner C arpente~----' this Ordinance vae pused on thie the ___ 2_l __ st ___ dq of Decelllb_e_r _____ , 195_4"---' by the tollcndng vote a COllllliseiomre voting •IE.l•s Carpenter, Forrest and Mayor Tripp Coi'I1Diss1onere votiDg •RAY•s None r:.&i:&t Se_c_re_tary.--'l'reuurer