HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1639-1954 - Releasing And Authorizing Mayor To Join With Kerr And Middleton - 12/09/1954f'avlng Dept . uiven copy 12-22-54 I ~~-09-\95 Lj_ GVO 83S (JU)IUICE 110. 16J2 \~ -~1 -t.Oc;LJ., JJ CIUlnlANCE Rll.BASD'G AND AlJ'l'lllRlZDG THE MlJOR TO IOXJI"'WI!'H D:RR AID HIDDLBrOW D A R§iBASE 01 PA't'DG ASSESSMDTS O!f PROPml'I ABUTTDG PJltTS OP BAYLOR STREET, WH smEE'1', 4"B S'l'REEl', 38TH STREEr, 321D STRm, SALJM J.YIRUB, AVENUE P, U'l'ICA AVDOB, R...S .ALLEr BLOCK 10, OVDtTOJ.II ADDITION SUCH REl'.XASI BEIBG LIMl'l'ED TO THE PROPmTY .AB'O'lTDG THI PAVIIG UJITS SPICD'ICALLY DESCRIBED IN THIS CIU>INANCE AND TO THI jSSBSSMINTS MADE UBDIR PAVIRG ORDnaNCE RO. 1522 1JRDIR GWO 835, JS R!COBDED II VOLUMI 526, PAGE 529, DIID RICOBDS OF LUBBOCI eotnr.rY, TBXAS. lfB:mEAS, the City ot Lubbock on or about the 3rd dq ot March, 1954, puaecl ita Pa.iq Or41DBDce Bo. 1522, which ordinance lnied and assesaed varioua propertiea in the City of Lubbock certain apecitied .ounta tor street impr0't'81ent purpoa&BJ and, tmm1US, auob Ordhlance vas tUed in the Deed Recorda ot Lubbock County, Texas, on the ~ dq ot March, 1954 in Vol1ae 526, Page '29, coutitutine an appG'ent lien on properties contained therein; and, WBli;REAS, lc-r ud Middleton contracted, u aet out 1n auch Ordinence, to I pa't'e all that propc-ty coDtained in such Ordinance, but auoh parlng as planned vaa JIOt CatTied out 1D ita eutiret;y u oriamaJJ;r pl.amled tor the reuon that the aaid .lerr ud ·Mid4leton vu unable to obta.ill ntticiet lecal auaranty ot pqmeut. on oertai». propenlaa abutting the parlng unita or portions thereof' hereinafter desipated, and the aaid lterr and Middleton ie v1111ng a%ld qreeable to abandon ud not pave &fiT portion of the hereinafter described unite or portions thereof, uad, liBJiRUS1 the preeeDt ovnera of au.ch property are 4ee1rowt of obtaiDiDc a releue on all that propert;y abutti.Dg those parlllg 1mita or portions thereof hereinafter deacribed which hu DOt been pand, aDd thfll"e being no intent iD the !Jaediate fUture pl.au of the City for 11110h pa"f'inn, 8Dd the Cit7 eo-iasion 4eeu it viae aDd expedient to abendon such parlllg, which action hae resulted iD the abandomaeut ot the uae11saent li•• against the propert7 abvttilll such panna unite or portiona thereof here:l.natter 1pecitical.l7' d•ipatec!; TBEUram, BE l'r CRDADIED BY THE Cl'rt COMMISSION OF THB CrrY 01 LUBBOCK: !Ill! the pa'YiJac lieu created b,y Ordinance lo. 1522 recorded in Vol.ume 526, Page 529, Deed Recorda ot ~bbock Count71 Texas, against those lota, tracts or parcel• ot land aba.tting the hereinatter described partng unite or portions thereof are hC"eb7 in all things releued, and the Mqor is hereb,y autllori•ed aDd directed to ~olD vith Ierr aDd Middleton, the pa'YiDa coDtractor, in the execution of a releue to be tiled with the Count7 Clerk of Lubbock C'cnmt7, Tuu, said propert7 so releued bei~~C lilllited to the propart;y abutting the pan.Dc lDlits or porliona thereof hereinafter described, all of which are ~ and being situated iD Lubbock, Lubbock Count;y, Texas, and fUrther described u follows, to-vitz Pn'pg tJpU 1S01 lSO.S Part ot 1528 la;r1or Street !rca IPL College .tnaue to J:PL Waco Aftmle ( 24th Str..t b'al WPL Malphie .&Teuue to VPL luhYUle .tveau.e 45th street t.rca BPL A~ t to a line 1201 But ot VPL A'Yame T 81 ipg1»4ea ~ iAI tqllmdpg pmpstxa Lota 19 ad 20 Ben Dixon Subdirui'Dn Lota 1 &lld 2 V • t. Shepherd SubdirlaioD Pty1M Vpit J.ogatiop 15)6 1537 1S48 1549 1563 .l-302 38th street traa BPL 1'oleclo .lnuue to IPL Vicksburc .lveae tJtioa AftllUe traa SPL 36th street to IPL ot 38th Street 32Dd Street trODl BPI. Sal• Avenue to BPL 'toledo J.yenue Sal• .lftiDI18 trom SPL 32Dd Street to JPL 33rd Street . .lveDUe P _traa SPL 34th Street to SPL 38th Street. ll..a allq ·in Block 10, Onrton J.ddition (Bet vee Ave. Q & Ave. R trca SPL 13th Street to m. 14th street) .liD 11' IS SO ORD1ItED. 0Jlm.ot1on ot Cc.duio!MII' Carpenter , seconded by Cosaissioner ____ F_or...,.r.._e_s_t. ____ _, the toreao!Dc OrcU.DaDoe wu pused on first readiq thie 9th dq of' December , 19541 h7 the tolloviJll YOte• CCB~ieaionere wting "Dl•a Baker, Carpenter, Forrest and Mayor Tripp ea.isaioner11 'YOtiDc IDY•a None Ora aotion ot Ca.aiaa1oner ___ F_o_r_r_es_t _____ , seconded by ec.usaionc. __ c_a_r-.p_en_t_e_z-____ , the toreping Ordinance vu pueed on secoad rMdi~~g thie 21st dq ot December-, 1954, br the tollovinc wtea C~se1onere voting rr&&•a Carpenter, Forrest and Mayor Tripp CcaaiseionRa voting "l.lY•a None