HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1638-1954 - Amending Zoning Ordinance 661 And Official Zoning Map Of City Of Lubbock - 12/04/1954Copv to Gi~v :~.tty, Zoning Office -I I II \~-Ol4--J~54 ORDINANCE NO.. 1638 I :2 -0 lR -1.9 SL.J. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 661 AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF ·rHE CITY-OF LU:&BOCKSO.AS TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGE: ZONING CASif NO. 484 ... CHANGE THE SOUTH oN~·H.!\Lt (1/2) oF THAT Blbck LYINd BETWEEN 3.4TH AND 35TH STREETS AND BET'WEEN JNDIANA AND JOLIET AVENU.F.S IN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM THE "Au TO "Fu ZON• ING DISTRICT; RATIFYING .A.ND CONF1RMING ORDINANCE NO. 1609; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATiON OF THE DESCRill"' TIVE CAPTION AND PENALTY CLAUSE HEREOF. W HER E AS a the proposed change to the Zone District a.s hereinafter made has been duly presented to the Zoning and Pla.nn.ing Commission for its reco:m..-nendation, which recommendation was received by the City Com- mission and after due consideration, finds that such change in zone is in accordance with ~he City's .comprehensive plan for the purpos.e of promoting the health, safety, morals. and the general welfare of the general public and that making such change in zone willleasen conge•Uon in the streets and promote safe~y for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and further provides safety from fire~ panic: and other dangers., and will more fully provide ade• quate light and air in such vicinity. and will prevent the over-crowding of land, and such change in zone as. herein made will further provide and facil• iiate transportation and traffic in such vicinity and other public requirements; said Commission farther finds that ~e Zone Dis~ict change as. herein made is being created with a fair and rea.aonable consideraUon, among other things. of the cbara~ter of 'Uris particular district and its peculiar suitabill.ty for par- ticular uses and oons~rves the value of land and buildings in such district without being materially damaging or detrimental to the adjacent• adjoining and abutting property on any side and across the street from such property. The Com.rnisaion fur:Uler finds that making such zone change will insure the harmonious and appropriaw use of property in such zone and neighborhood, and wW promote the general-good and welfare of the public as there is a need for reta,il businesses of the kind and character in the area in which the zone change is made, as the City of Lttbbo.ok is. a rapidly growing municipal• ity, especially in the area and surrounding vicinity of the property on which the zone change is hereinafter ronde. That 34th Street in the City of Lubbock ~II is fast and continually growlng and becoming a wide mul.ti•lane stree~ suitable for pusinesaes, and there is a need in such vicinity for a shopping center which .eould provide adequate off-s.:treet parking to facilitate the moving of traffic and the storage of automobiles. Peraons both in favor and against such zone change appeared at the hearing. The Commission is of the opinion and finds f,hat due to the Gonstantly changing ~onditions in such vicinity. the influx of population and the rapid growth and development in the immediate area, that mald.ng such change will be an a.dded convenience and economy to persons residing and work- ing in the area and vicinity of the proposed change in zone, and i8 tui'tb,er . for the benefit of the general good and welfare of the general public and in keep- ing with the comprehensive plan of the development of the City of Lubbock. WHEREAS, all conditions precedent required by law .for a valid amend- ment to the .Zoning Ordinance and ~tp have "t>een fully complied with as well as giving all notices in compliance wi~ Section 25 of Ordinance No. 661, as amended, as well as notices provided by Article 1011£1 Revised Civil Statutes. as amended in 1953, and notice was duly published on August 15, 1954, in the Lubbock Morning Avalanche, and the public hearing according to said notice was held at 2:00 P. M. on September 9, 1954• in the City Cominission Room on the First Floor of the City .Hall, Lubbock, TeXa.s, at whic_h time persona 1. appeared in support of the proposal; fand, after said hearing, it was by the City Commisaion determined that it would be in. the public jnterest, due to changed conditions. that the Zoning Ordm..nce and the Zoning ~tp be amended in substantial compliance with the proposal;).NOWa THEREFORE,. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMM:iSSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK~ SECTION I. THAT Ordinance No. 661 and the O.~icial Zoning Map BE, a.t;td the Sam(t are hereby amended a:s follows• to-wit: ZONE pASE NO 48;4 • Change the South one-half (1/2) of th:at blot:k !Yilis b"etween 34lli aiid 35th Streets and between Indiana and Joliet Avenues in the City of Lubbock. Lubbock County, Texas• from the 11A" to ttFn Zoning District. SECTION z. That from and after passage and effeotive date of this ordin• ance said lot, iraCJt and pareel of land described in Section 1 hereof shall be changed to the Zoning District indicated, and the Official Zoning M.c'l.p is hereby amended in ac-cGrdan~e herewith. V:: SECTION 3. THAT Ordinance N?. 1609 entitled, "An ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance No. 661 and the Ofiicial Zoning Map of the City of Lubbock .so as to m."Lke the following change: Z9nin! ease N-a.· 484 ... Gbange the South one•haJf (1/Z) of that block lying between 3 t and 35th Stree:ta and between Indiana and Joliet Avenues in the City of Lubbock. Lubbock County. Texas. from the "A" to nFat Zening DistriGt; providing a penalty; authorizing publica- tion of the descriptive caption and penalty clause hereof", BE and the same is hereby in all things affirmed, ratified and confirmed. SECTION 4. Any one violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall UJ?On conviction thereof be.. ..... any sum not to exceed-Two Hundred ($ZOO. 00) Dollars, and each d&y auch viola.UQn shall be permitted to exist shall constitute a separate ofiense. SECTIONs. The City Secretary-Treasurer is. hereby authorized to cattle the descriptive .caption ·Of this erdinance together with ~e penalty olauae to be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper regularly p.u~ahed in the City of Lubbock aa an alternative method of publication as provided by law, and this ordinance is to become effective ten days after the date of ita last publication. AND IT IS .SO 0-RDERE.D On motion of Commissioner Thcmaa , seconded by ---------------.----------~-Forrest Commissioner ------~------------.-~----~ the foregoing Ordinance was passed on first reading the 4th day o~ Dec•~•!,. 1 a 1954,. by the following v()te: Commissioners voting 19YEA••: Baker, Carpenter, Forrest,and Thomas Commissioners voting 11NAYtr: Mayor Murrell R. Tripp II II II i I seconded by On motion of CommissiOner Forrest -----------------------J Thomas Commissioner ------------------------~ the foregoing O:rdinance was pasted on second reading the 6th day o!December following vote: Commissioners voting "YEA": Baker, Carpenter, Forrest and Thomas Comm.is.sioners voting "NA.Ytt : Mayor )brrell R. Tripp '"" ... - ATTE'.ST: ' CAM:kw ·. -