HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1637-1954 - Prohibiting Left Turns By Vehicles Between 3:30 And 4:00 Pm M-F On Ave U - 11/24/1954Cop y 1-29-54 To itv Atty raf fic DeNo ble) olice Der • l I-;;:2~-1..9SL} ORDINANCE NO. 1637 .AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING LEFT TURJIS BY VEHICLES B&TWID .3:.30 P.M. AND 4s00 P.M. t«>RDAY THROOOB FRIW FROM AVDJE U 01 TO 191'B STRE!'l' AID FROM l9'l'B STREE'r Olf TO AVDIJE U; AUTHORIZIJIG THE IRSTALLATIOJI OF POOPER SIGNS BY THE CITY 'l'JW'P'IC ENGIJEER AT THESE Ilrl'ERSJOOTIONS; REPEALING ALL PARTS OF ORDDWCES IN CONP'LICI' BEREWITBJ PROVIDUTG A PENALTY; Atn'HORIZIIG PUBLICATION AND DJOOLARING AN EMERGDCY. WHEREAS, the Cit7 Ccaaission finds that public Deoesait7, convenience and safet;r requires prohibition of vehicles to make left turns at the inter- section of locations DaDied in the boc'f1' or this ordinance; and, WHEREAS, it is Decessary to the l.JmDediate preservation or the publio health and aafet7 to prorlde for the bllediate enactaBnt of this •isure constitutes an emrgenc:r, lf 0 W, T H E R B I 0 R B, lE !'!' ORDAINED Bf THE CI'l'Y COMMISSION OF 'l'HE CITY OF LUBOOCK: SPX:TIOif 1. No person sball turn a Tehicle lett at tbe interseoUon ot A"Yeme U and 19th Street between the hours ot 3s30 P.M. and 4:00P.M. on Mondq through Priday. · SJOOTIOI 2. No person shall tum a vehicle left at the in~rsection ot 19th S~et and Annue U between the hours or 3~.30 P.M. and 4:00P.M. on Mondq through Frida7. SEU!ION .3. That the City Traf'tic Engineer is hereb)r authori ted and directed to place and install appropriate signa to carry out the terms and provisions ot this ordiM.nee at the intersection ot A'Y&Dl18 U vith 19th Street and the intersection ot 19th Stroet with Aveuue u. ' SIDTION 4. That a.u;y person, firm or corporation Tiola.tir:C aey pro- visions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction be fined in a sum not exceediJJg Two Hundred Dolls.ra (1200.00). sreTIOR 5. That all parts ot ordinances conflicting vith the ~ro'lisiou hereof ar& hereb)" repealed in so far as such contllct exists. Sl!X:'l'ION 6. That the Cit7 Secretary is hereb)" authorized aDd directed to cause ~blication ot tbd descriptive caption of this ordiD&nce, together with the penalty provision, aa provided by 1av. SP.X:TIOI 7. Tbat tbe increased traffic conditions at the interaectiom described in SectioM one (1) and tvo (2) hereof require that this ordinance be passed and made ettectiYe after ita umniaoU!I passage at first readiqJ before the City Commission for the i.Dmlediate preser"Yation ot the public peace and satetr, and all rules requiring the se'Yeral readings of this ordiMnce are hereby suspended, and this ordimnce is declared to be an emergener ~~easure and shall take effect as here ina bon pl"O'Vided. A ll D I T I S S 0 0 R D E· R E D. .. · On motion ot Commissioner Carpenter , seconded b;y Coa:lssioner _F_o_r_re_s_t ______ , the toregoillg Ordi.Dance was passed on the _2_4_t_h_ da7 ot _N_o_v_em_b_e_r _____ "'~.l9 ~4"·, b;y the tol1owi~ vote: OoDIIissioners voting "YEA": Carpenter, Forrest, 'Ihomas and Mayor Tripp Collllldssioners voting "N'at~: None ATTESTs £(f¥; FOS/EFE 11-19-54 :ey-Treasurer