HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0585 - Purchase Order 33001802, With CDW Government, Inc - 12/05/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0585
Item No. 5.21
December 5, 2023
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute
for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order No. 33001802 by and between the
City of Lubbock and CDW Government, Inc., for annual renewal for Mimecast Email, and
related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution
as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council.
Passed by the City Council on December 5, 2023
� (J�;�L.�c.� _
Brooke Witcher, Assistant City Manager
Mitche115a����rst�lissistant City Attorney
ccdocs IIIRES.CDW Government, Inc.-PurchaseOrd
November 9, 2023
��,� City of
Lubb o ck
SUITE 1515
CHICAGO IL 60675-1515
Page - 1
Date - 11 /812023
Order Number 33001802 000 OP
Branch/Plant 3410
P.O. BOX 2000
Marta Alvar , Director of Purchasing & Contract Management
Ordered 11/8/2023
Requested 11/8/2023
Delivery Per J Zhine / Req # 59018
Taken By
Quote#062022/OMNIA ESC R210401
If you have any questions contact Jay Zhine: JZhine@mylubbock.us Phone 806-775-2366
DescriptionlSupplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date
MimecastAdv SupplTech Supp lY 1.000 5,239.1000 EA 5,239.10 12/8/2023
Mimecast Cyber Resilience Pro
Plan #M CYBER-RES-PRO 1000 A
Terms NET 30
Total Order
This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $130,164.10 awarded to CDW Government, Inc. of Chicago,
IL, on necemher 5 , 2023. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference:
Quote dated October 24, 2023, from CDW Government, Inc. of Chicago, IL, and Omnia ESC R210401.
Resolution # 2023-R0585
Courtney Paz, City Secretary
2,500.000 49.9700 EA 124,925.00 12/8/2023
���� ���of
Lubb o ck
SUITE 1515
CHICAGO IL 60675-1515
Page - 1
Date - 11/8/2023
Order Number 33001802 000 OP
Branch/Plant 3410
P.O. BOX 2000
Marta Alvar ., Director of Purchasing & Contract Management
Ordered 11/8/2023 Freight
Requested 11/8/2023 Taken By
Delivery Per J Zhine / Req # 59018 Quote#06202210MNIA ESC R210401
Commercial General Liabilitv: Technologv Errors and Omissions Reauirements:
$1 M occurrence /$2M aggregate (can be combined with an $1 M of coverage is needed.
Excess Liability to meet requirement). CGL is required in ALL
contracts. It is perhaps the most important of all
insurance policies in a contractual relationship. It insures the
Contractor has broad liability coverage for contractual activities Cyber Liability Requirements: $1M of coverage is needed
and for completed operations. for Cyber Liability.
Commercial General Liability to include Products —
Completion/OP, Personal and Advertising Injury, Contractual
Liability, Fire Damage (any one fire), and Medical Expenses
(any one person).
*The City of Lubbock (including its officials, employees and volunteers) shall be afforded additional insured status on a primary
and non-contributory basis on all liability policies except professional liabilities and workers' comp. *Waivers of Subrogation are
required for CGL, AL, and WC. *To Include Products of Completed Operations endorsement. *Carrier will provide a 30-day
written notice of cancellation, 10-day written notice for non-payment. *Carriers must meet an A.M. Best rating of A- or better.
*Subcontractors must c same limits as listed above.
Rev. 312022
Seller and Buyer agree as
CONTRAC'fOR ACKNOWLEDGES. by sugpJyine anv Goods or Srnices that the Contractor has read. fullv
understands. and will be in full complianm �wth all tttms and conditions and the dacriptive malerial comained haein
and anv additional associated documents and Amendmrnts. The Citv disclaims am �rnns and conditions orovided by
the Contractor unless aereed uoon m wntme bv the oart�es. In the evrnt of con0ict between the Citv's terms and
condiuons and am tertns and condnions prowded bv the Contractor, the temu and conditions provided haein shall
prevail. The trnns and condi�ions provided herein are the final trnns aereed upon bv the panies, and anv prior
conFl�ctine trnns shall be of no forte or ef&ct.
1 SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS Seller will package goods in accordance with good commercial practice.
Each shippmg contamer shall be clearly and pem�anemly marked as (ollows (a) Seller's name and address, (b)
Convgnee's name, addras and purchue order or purchaze release numlxr and Ihe supply agreement number if
applicable, (c) Container number and total number o( containers, e.g. box I o( 4 boxes, and (d) the number of the
containa bearing the packing slip. Seller shall bear cos� of packaging unlcss othmvise provided. Goodc shall be
suitably packed to secure lowat transponation cos�s and to conform with requirements of common carriers and any
applicable spec�fications. Buyer's count or weight shall be final and conclusive on shipments not accompanied by
packing lis�s.
2. SHIPIv1ENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED. Sella is not authorized to ship Ihe goods under
raervanon and no trnder of a bill of lading will operate as a tenda of goods.
3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS The trtle and risk of loss of the goods shall not pass �o Buyer umil Buyer ac�ually
receives and takes possession uf Ihe gouds at the poim or poinls o(delivery.
4. NO REPLACEIvtENT OF DEFECTIV E TENDER. Every �rnder of delivery of goods must fully comply with all
provisions of �h�s contract as ro time of delivery, qualiryand �he like. If a trnda is made which does no� fully con(orm.
�his shall constrtuce a brwch and Sella shall not have the right to substimte a conforming �rnda, provided, where the
�ime for performance has not yst expired, the Sella may reasonably notify Buyer of his intrntion to cure and may
�hrn make a confo�ming trnder wnhm the contraa time but not aRmvard.
5. INVOICES & PAYMENTS a S e I 1 e r shall submit separate invoices, in duplica�e, one each purchaze order or
purchaze releaze afla each delrvery Invoices shall indicate the purchase order or purchase release number and
the supply agreemrnt number �f applicable. Invoices shall be itemized and transportation charges, if any, shall be
listed separately. A copy of the bill of lading, and the Geight waybill when applicable, should be attached to the
invoice Ma�l To� Accounts Payable, Qty of Lubbock, P. O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79J57. Paymrnt shall not
be due until the above ms�nunents are submitted aRer delivery.
6. GRATUITIES. The Buyer may, by writtrn no�ice to �he Sella, cancel this contract without liabiliry to Sella if
it is detrnnined by Buyer Ihat gratuilies, in Ihe form of mtertaimnenl, gifls or othmvise, wae olTaed or given by the
Sella, or any agent or repraentative of the Seller, to any o(ficer or employse of the Ciry of Lubbock with a view to
securing a contract or securing favorable treatment wi�h rapect ro the awarding or amending, or the making of any
delmninations with respect ro the paforming of such a contract. In the event Ihis contraA is canceled by BuyEr
pursuant ro this provision, Buyzr shall be entitled, in addition lo any other rights and remedia, to recover or withhold
the amoum of the cost incurted by Seller in providing such gratuitia.
7. SPECIAL TOOLS & TEST EQUIPMENT. If the price stated on the face hereof includa the cost of any special
rooling or special lest cquipmen� (abricated or roqu'ved by Seller (or the purpose of filling �his order, such special
tooling equipment and any procas sheets relaled therelo shall become the property of the Buyer and to the extrnt
feasible shall be idrntified by �he Seller as such.
8. WARRANTY-PRICE. a. The price to be paid by the Buytr shall be that tontained in Seller's bid which
Seller wartants to be no higher �han Seller's curtem process on orders by others for produas of �he kind and
spacification covered by this agrttmenl for similar quantities unda similar af like conditions and melhods of purchaze.
In the evrnt Seller breacha this warranty, the prica of the items shall lx reduced to the Seller's curtrnt prices
on orders by others, or in the altemative. Buyer may cancel �his contraa without liabiliry to Seller for brwch
or Seller's aclual expense. b. 7'he Seller warrants tha� no person or ulling agency haz Ixen employed or retained to
solicit or securc this contract upon an agreemrnt or unders�anding for commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent
fee excepiing bona fide employees of bona fide es�ablished commercial or selling agencies maintained by the Seller for
the purpose of securing business. For brpch o( viciation of this warranty Ihe Buyer shall have the right in addition �o
any o�her right of righls to cancel this con�ract ��fihoW Iiabilily and lo deducl from the comract price, or othmvise
recover wi�hout liabilityand �o dedua Gom the con�raa price, or o�hmvise recover the full amount o(such commission,
percrntage, brokerage or contingent fee.
9. WARRANTY-PRODUC7'. Seller shall not limit or exclude any implied wartan�ies and any atlempt to do so shall
rrnder this contract voidable at the option of the Buyer. Selltt warrants that the goods (umished will conform to the
specification, drawings, and descriptions lis�ed in the bid invitation, and to �he sample(s) fumished by �he Sella, if any.
In the evrnt of a conFlict or bnween the specifications, drawmgs, and deuriptions, the specifications shall govem.
Nohvithstanding any provisions contained in the contracwal agrcement, the Seller represen�s and wartants faulbGee
performanceand(ault-Geeresult intheprocasingdateanddaterclateddata (including, bw no� limited �o calculating,
comparing and sequencing) of all hardware, soflware and firmware products delivered and services provided unda
this Contract, individually or in combination, az the case may be Gom �he effective da�e of this Contract. The
obligatiorts contained herein apply �o produas and services provided by the Seller, its sub- Seller or any th'vd party
involved in �he crw�ion or development of the products and srnica �o be delivered �o the Ci�y of Lubbock unda this
Contract. Failure to comply with any o( the obligaliont contained herein, may raull in Ihe Ciry of Lubbotk
availing itself of any of its rights under the law and under this Contraa including, but not limited to, i�s right penaining
ro tamina�ion or default. The warranties contained herein are separare and discre�e Gom any other walrantia
specified in this Contract, and are not subject to any disdaima of warranty, implied or expressed, or limitation of the
Seller's liability which may be specified in this Contrad, its apprndica, its sthedula, its annexes or any documenl
incorporated in this Contract by refttence.
10. SAFETY WARRANTY. Seller warrants that the produa sold �o the Buyer shall conform �o the standards
promulga�ed by the U. S. Departmrnt of Labor undtt the Occupational Safe�y and Heahh Act of 1970. In the event the
produa doa not conform �o OSF1A standards, Buyer may retum the produa for wnection or replacement at �he
Seller's expense. In the evrnt Sella fails to make �he appropriate cortection wi�hin a reasonable time, cortection
made by Buyxr will be at Ihe $eller's expense.
I 1. NO WARRANTY BY BUYER AGAINST MFRINGEMENTS. As pan of this contrac� for sale Seller agrees
to ucertain whether goods manufacmred in acwrdance with the specifications anached to this agreement will give
rise to the rightful claim of any th'vd person by way o( inGingement of the like. Buya maka no warranry that the
produaion otgoods according to �he specification will not give rise to such a claim, and in no evrnt shall Buyer be
liable to Seller for indemnification in the event that Seller is sued on the grounds of infringement of �he like. If Sella
is otthe opinion that an infringement or �he like will result, he will notify the Buyer to �his effect in writing within hvo
weeks afler the signing of this agreemrnt. If Buyer doa not rceeive notice and is subsequently held liable for
the infringement or �he like, Sella will save Buyer harmless. If Seller in good faith ucenairta the produnion of the
goods in accordance with �he specifica�ions will result in inGingement or the like, the contract shall be null and void
12. NON APPROPRIATION. AII funds !or payment by �he City under this comract are subject w the availabiliry of an
annual appropriation for this purpose by the Ci�y. In the evrnt of nonappropriation o(funds by �he Ciry Council of the
City of Lubbock for the goods or services provided unda the contracl, the City will trnninate Ihe tontract, withow
Irnnination charge or other liability, on the lazt day of the thrn-curtrnt fiscal year or whrn the appropriation made for
�he thrn•curtem year for the goods or services covered by this comrad is spent, whicheva event occurs first. If at any
�ime funds are not appropriated for the continuance of this comract, cancellation shall Ix accepted by the Seller on
thiny (30) days prior writtrn notice, bw failure to give such notim shall be of no efTec� and �he City shall not be
obligated under this con�rnct beyond �he date of trnnina�ion.
13. RIGHT OF MSPECTION. Buyer shall have U�e righ� to inspect the goods at delivery before accepting them.
14. CANCELLATION. Buyer shall have �he righ� �o cancel for default all or any part of the undelivered portion of
this order if Seller breacha any of the tmns hereof including wartanties of Sella or if the Seller becoma insolvent or
commits acts of bankruptcy. Such right ofcancellation is in addilion to and not in lieu of any other remedies which
Buyer may have in law or equity.
I5. TERMINATION. The performance of work under �his order may be terminated in whole, or in pan by the Buy+er
in accordance wnh this prorismn Termina�inn of ��ork haeunder shall be effec�ed by the delivery of the Sell
a"Notice of Trnnination'" specifymg Ihe exirnt �o which per(um�ance af �vork under the orda is tertnina�ed an
date upon which such [rnmnauon becomes eReclive. Such righ� or trnnination �s m addition ro and noI in lieu c
rights of Buyxr sM forth m Clause 14, hae�n.
16. FORCE MAJEURE Nenher party shall be held responsible (or losses, resulting if Ihe (ulfillment o
terms of provisions of th�s contract is delayed or prevented by any cause not ��thin the control of the party ��
perfom�ance �s interfered �vnh, and wh�ch by �he exercise vf reasonable diligence said pany is unable to prevent.
17. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION No nght or intaest in this contraa shall be assigned or delet;ation ol
obligation made by Seller withow �he anttrn permission of the Buyer. Any attempted assignmrnt or delega�a
Seller shall be wholly void and totally ineffective for all pulpose unlas made m conformitywith this paregraph
18. WAIVER. No claim or right arising out of a breach of �his contraa can be discharged in whole or m part
waiver or rrnunciation of the claim or right unlas the waiver or rrnunc�ation a supponed by cons�deralion and
writing signed by the aggrieved pany.
19. INTERPRETATION-PAROLE EVIDENCE. This writing, plus any specifications for bids and perforrt
provided by Buyer in its advenisement for bids, and any other documents provided by Seller az part of h�s
is inrended by the partia as a final expression of their agreement and mtrnded also az a complete and excL
statement of the lern�t of Ihe'v agreement. Whenever a tam defined by the Uni(orm Commttcial Code is used u
agreement, the definition con�ained in the Code is to control.
20. APPLICABLE LAW. This agreemrnt shall be govemed by the Umform Commercial Code Wherever �he
"Umfortn Commercial Code' is used, it shall be conswed az meaning �he Umform Commercial Code as adopt•
the SIaIe of Texac ac effective and in force on Ihedateo(thisagreement
2L RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whenever one party to this contrad m good farth has reason �o question �he i
party's mtrnt to perfo�m he may demand Ihat the other party give writtrn assurance of his inlent to perform. h
event that a demand is made and no assurance is given within five (5) days, the demanding party may treai
failure as an anticipatory repudiation of �he contrac�.
22. INDEMNIFlCATION. Seller shall indemnify, keep and save harmlas �he Buyer, its agents, officials
employees, against all injuries, dwths, loss, damagcs, claims, patem cla�ms, smts, liabilitia, judgmems, ms�s
expenses, which may in any�vise accrue against the Buyer in consequence o( the granting of this Contract or ��
may anywise rault thaeGom, whMher or not it shall be alleged or d0rnnined tha� Ihe ac� was caused thn
neghgence or omission of the Seller or its employea, or of the subSeller or assignee or its employees, if any, an�
Sella shall, at his o�m expense, appear, defend and pay all charges of attomeys and all cosls and otha exp�
arising thaefrom of incu�red in connection Iherewith, and, if anyjudgment shall be rrndtted against the Buyer ¢
such action, the Seller shall, at its own expenses, satisfy and discharge �he same Sella expressly understands
agrees that any bond requ'ved by this contract, or othmvise provided by Seller, shall in no way limit
raponsibilny to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the Buyer ac herem provided.
23. TIME It is hereby expressly agreed and underslood �hat time is of the essenm for the perfortnance of
contraa, and failure by wntract to meet the time specifications of this agreement will cause Seller to be in de
of �his agreement.
24. MBE. The City of Lubbock haeby notifies all bidders that in regard ro any contrect rntaed imo pursua
this reques�, minority and women business enlerprises will be afforded equal opportunitia to submit bidt m resp
to �his invrtation and will not be discriminated against on �he grounds of rece, color, sex or nawral orig
consideration for an award.
25. NON-ARBITRATION. The City resmes the right to exercise any right or remedy to it by law, wntract, eqmt
othmvise, mcluding without limilalion, the righ[ [o seek any and all forms of relief in a court of comp
jurisdic�ion Funher, the Ciry shall not be subjec� ro any arbitration process prior ro exercising its unres�r
right �o scek judicial remcdy. The romedies sn (onh herein are cumulahve and not exclusive, and may be exa�
concurtrn�ly To �he extem of anycon0ict between this provision and another prov�s�on in, or related to, this dowr
this provision shall control.
26. RIGHT TO Al1DIT. At any time during �he tertn of the comran, or therwfler, the City, or a duly amho
audit representative of the City or the Stace of Texas, at its expense and at reasonable �ima, rarnes the rig
audit ContraMors recordt and books relevant to all smices provided to the Cny undtt this Contract. In the event
an audit bythe City reveals any errors or overpayments by the Ciry, Contractor shall refund �he Ciry the (ull am
of such overpaymen�s within thiny (30) days of such audit findings, or the City, at its option, rarn�a the rig
deduct such amounts owing the Ciry 6om any paymrnts due Contraclor
27. The Contractor shall not assign or sublet the contraa, o� any porton of the tontracl, withoul a�riltrn consent
the D'vector of Purchasing and Contraa Management.
28 Contracts with Companies Engaged in Business with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Tertorisl Organization Prohib
Puauant to Section 2252.152 of the Texaz Govemment Code, prohibits �he Ciry (rom emering into a contraa w
vendor that is identified by The Comptroller ac a company kno�w ro have contrac�s with or provide supplies or se
with Iran, Sudan or a foreign terrorist organization
29 Texas Govemment Code. Sation 2252.908 requira a business emity emering imo certain contracts w
govemmental entity or state agrncy lo file with the govemmental rntity or slate agrncy a disclosure of intaated pi
at the �ime the business rn�ity submits the signed contract to �he govemmemal entity or state agrncy. Inswaion
complamg Form 1295 are available at: hll�wwwsi.iub�ck.is,lis�`d�p3��.e
+�rsisss:dmeriuxnlsgursA�.sin� �'cnd�r•irtCur[naiiao
30 No Boycon of Israel. Pursuant �o Section 2271.002 of the Texaz Goremment Code, Respondrn� cmifia that
eitha (i) n meets an exemption criteria under Section 2271.002; or (ii) it doa not boycott Israel and µ�ll not boyc
Israel dunng the trnn of �he contract raulting Gom �his solicitation. Rapondrnt shall state any (acts that make n
exempt Gom the boycott cenification in i�s Response.
31. No Boycon of Energy Compania. Pursuant �o Section 2274 of the Texaz Govemmrnt Code. Rapondrnt
certifia �hat ei�her (i) it meets an exempiion critaia under Sa�ion 2274.002; or (ii) it doa not boycott Enagy
Compania and will not boycon Enagy Companies during the trnn of the contract resulting from this solicitation
R�spondent shall state any facts that make it exempt &om the 6oycott cenification in its Response.
32 No Boycott of a F'vearm Entity or F'vearm Trade Association. Pursuant �o Sec�ion 2274 of the Texas
Govemment Code, Rapondrnt cMifiw �hat either (i) it meets an uemption critaia under Seclion 2274.002, or (
doa nol boycott a Fvearm Entity or F'vearm Trade Associalion and will not boycon a F'vearm Entity or Fvearm
Trade Associalion during Ihe lrnn o(the conlracl raulting Gom �his solicita�ion. Respondent shall state any facls
make tl exempt Gom the boycott cenifica�ion in its Response.
33. Contracls with Companies Engaged in Business with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Tertorist Organization Proh�bilt
Pursuam to Section 2252.152 of the Texas Govemment Code, prohibits the City Gom entering into a comract wrt
vendor that �s identified by The Comptrolla ac a company kno�m ro have contracts with or provide supplia or
smice with Iran, Sudan or a foreign tertorist organization
34. TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION AC7' The requvements of Subchapter 1, Chapter 552, Govrnvnrnt Code
may apply to �his contraa and the contractor or vendor agrees that the contract can be trnnina�ed if the contrac�or
vendor knowingly or intrntionally fails to comply wi�h a requircment of tha� subchapta.
35. Pursuant to Section 552301(c) of the Texas Govemmrn� Code, the City o(Lubbock hac designated the follov
ema�l address for which public information requests may be made by an emaded requese y� fn mv1u61wck.us. Ple
send th�s reques� to this email address for it ro be processed
REV. 3 2022
Thank you for choosing CDW. We have received your quote.
Hardware Software Services IT Solutions Brands Research Hub
Thank you for considering CDW•G for your technology needs. The details of your quote are below. If
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For all other customers, click below to convert your quote to an order.
NPVG948 10/24/2023 NPVG948 1293402 $130,164.30
Mlmecast Advanced Su000rt - technlcal su000rt - i vear
Mfg. Part#: M_ADV-SP_A
Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA
Contrect: Regian 16 ESC/TexBuy (022-G)
Mfg.Part#: M_CYBER-RES-PRO_1000_A
Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA
ContfaCt: Region 16 GSC/7'exBuy (022 G)
Sales Contact Info
BIIIIng Address:
PO BOX 2000
LUBBOCK, TX 79457-0001
Payment Terms: Net 30 Days-Govt State/Local
1 6531299
2500 6156042
Shlpping Address:
LUBBOCK, TX 79401-2606
Please remtt payments to:
CDW Government
75 Remittance Drive
Suite 1515
Chicago, IL 60675-1515
Peter McGee I(877) 708-8009 � petmcge�cdwg.com
Monthly payment based on 36 month lease. Other terms and options are available. Contact your Account Manager for details. Payment quoted
is subject to change.
Why flnance7
• Lower Upfront Costs. Get the products you need w(thout impacting cash flow. Preserve your working capital and existing credit line.
• Flexible Payment Terms. 300% financing with no money down, payment deferrals and payment schedules that match your company's
business cycles.
• Predictable, Low Monthly Payments. Pay over time. Lease payments are fixed and can be tailored to your budget levels or revenue streams.
• Technology Refresh. Keep current technology with minimal financial impact or risk. Add-on or upgrede during the lease term and choose to
return or purchase the equipment at end of lease.
• Bundle Casts. You can combine hardware, software, and services into a single transadion and pay for your software licenses over time! We
know your challenges and understand the need for flexibility.
General Terms and Conditions:
This quote is not legally binding and is for discussion purposes only. The retes are estimate only and are based on a callection of industry data
from numerous sources. All rates and financial quotes are subject to final review, approval, and documentation by our leasing partners.
Payments above exclude all applicable taxes. Financing is subjed to credit approval and review of final equipment and services configuretion.
Fair Market Value leases are structured with the assumption that the equipment has a residual value at the end of the lease term.
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This order is subjed to CDW's Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at
http:llwww.cdwg.comlconkentl�sQp irigps�praslu�t-s.alg�,���x
For more information, contact a CDW account manager
c0 z023 CDWG LLC, 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Vernon Hilis, IL 60061 � 800.808.4239
■ Ca11800.800.4239
Page 2 of 2
To Whom It May Concern,
CDW Government LLC is a publicly traded entity under its parent company (Stock Ticker:
Due to the new rules executed by the State of Texas on 01/01/2018, the Form 1295 is no longer
applicable to CDW Government LLC.
Please visit the following website for more information.
C'hange� to Form ] �9S
Changes tq thc lnw requinnb certni� businc.�ses to filc a Form 1295 nre in effcct for
contracts rntcrtd into or amcnd��cf on �r aflcr lanunry I, 2018. Thc chang� cxcmpt
businesses frnm filing � Form 1295 for ceriain rypes af con�racts nnd replace the
ncecf for A cnmpleted ��rm 1295 to bc; �otunzctl. lntitcad, the pertion filing a 1295
nci.�ds tn cam�letc an '`unsworn dcclaratinn "
WhAt n�pc of contrnctx arc cxcmpt from thc �orm 1295 fitin� rcquircment
uncicr the amcndrd IaN•"
The amendecl Inw adcls to the list of typcs of c�ntraet exempt from the Form 1295
filinb requircmcnt.
• u s�ansarcd resrnrch cont�ct of an institutinn of highcr educution;
• un interageney contract of a stnte ngency or c►n institution of higher educntion:
• a contrnct rclated to health and human serviccs if:
o the ��alue of thc cnntract cunnot be detcrminc�d at 1hC time the contrort
is executed; and
any qunlifird � endor �s cligible fur the contrart,
• a cantr:ict ►4it3t a pu6Iitiy u�dufi �u�in�^�; er��ity. �nciuding � w�nilp owr�eci
,wbsidiarr Eti1'�hc.bu�in�; �,-ntily;•
• u contrnct w�th an electnc ut�hry, as thut tenn �s definecl by Sect�on 31.002,
Utilitics Codc;' or
• u contrnct a�ith n gas utility, As thAt term is defined by Section 121.OU1.
U�ilities Code.*