HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1543-1954 - Amending Zoning Ordinance 661. - 03/25/1954.J 0~1NMIDENO. ____ l~5~4l~--- Copy 04-o~-1954- 4-13 -54 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING !>NING ORDINANCE 661 TO INCLUDE SECTION XIV C i ~ ~ Bldg (1) (b) TO PROVIDE FOR MINIMUM FRONT YARD REQUIREM2l.NTS :FOR LOl' S ABUTTING MARGINAL I spectr ACCESS STREETS; PllOVIDING FURl'HER FOR 4MENJ)MENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE 661, SECTIO!I. Fl~n & II TO INCLUDE A DEFINITION FOR "MABGINAL ACC~ Sl'~S•; CONT.qNING A SAVINGS zoning CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AUTHORIZI{i'G PUBLICATION OF THE ~RIPT:ryE CAPTION Office ~PENALTY CLAUSE HEREOF • . W H E R E A S, this proposed amendment to the Zoning OrdiDB.Doe hae been submitted to the Plannil:lg and Zoning Commisaion tor it~ recommendation and re- port and said Commission has recommended to the City Commission that Zoning Ordinance 661 be amended to include Section XIV (1) (b), providiXlg to~ minimum front yard requirements tor residential lots abutting marginal acce•s streets, and fUrther b.y amending Section II to define •marginal access streets", vhich recomme tion was received by the City Commission; ,and, attar due consideration, the City Co;1.mission finds that making the proposed amendments more fully hereinaf'ter set out vould be in the public interest and would promote the heal th1 safet)r, morals and general welfare of the general public and lessen the congestion in the streets and provide greater safet)r from fire, panic and other Q.angers and provide adequate light and air and prevent the overcrowding of land to avoid undue concentration of population and other public requirements; and, W H E R E A S, all conditions precedent required b.y law for a valid 8JIIendment to the Zoning .. Ordinance have been fully complied with, and notice 1(8S duly published on the 9th day of Mlrch , 195!.._ in the Lubbock rning Avalanche~ and the public hearing, according to said notice,_ was held at 2:00 p. ~· on March 25, 1954, in the City Collmlission Room on the First Floor of ~e ity Ball, Lubbock, Texas, at which time persons appeared in aupport of the pro- posal; and after said hearillg it waa by the Cit)r Commission determined that it ould be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinan a.msnded in subs.tantial compliance with the recommendations of the ~lanning nd Zoning Commission; T H E R E F 0 R E1 " IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: --SECTION 1. That OrdiMnee No. 661 commonly known as the Zonillg rdinance, be amended to include Section nv (1~ (b), which shall provide as followen SECTION nv. FRONT YARD REXiULA.TIONS . . (1) For Residential Uses (b) Where a marginal access street, as that term ia herein de- fined, has been dedicated to public use and the lot depth abutting aucb marginal access street is 130 feet or greater, the minimum front yard for residential use shall reJIBiD. thirty- ~Ct p5) feet in the "A" District; and where such abutting lot ha:s a;: depth of betwen 124 feet and 130 feet the min1:mum front "yard for residential use shall be thirty (30~ feet in the "A• District; and where the abutting lot has a lot depth of 124.feet or less, the minimum front yard for residential use in the ftA• District shall be not lese than twent.y-five (25) feet. v . ..,_, Page 2 I SIDTION 2. That Section II of Ordinance No. 661, cOBIIlollly knovn u the Zoning Ordinance, be a.meoded to include •marginal access l!ltreete•, which ebal.l be as followa: "Mlrginal Access Streets•: Streete 'Which are used primari:cy" to provide acoesa to ~butting properties and protection from through traffic, which lie parallel to and adjacent to streets and highways vhioh are used primrily for fast or heav:y traffic. sroTION.3 ...... That if auy section, paragraph, subdiviaion, cla~e, phraae or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged imraJ...id or held unconstitutional, the sama shall not affect the validity of this Ordiaance as a whole or a:oy part or provision thereof other than the part so deoided to be iuvalid or unconstitutio 1. 8mTION 4. That anyone violating the proviaiona of this OrdiD&llce shall be guil 't7 of a Dd.edeM&DOr aDd upon couviotion thereof be fined 8.1\Y sum not to exceed Tvo Hun.dred ($200.00) Dollare and each day such violation shall be per- mitted to exist shall constitute a sepazate offense. SECTION 5. The City Seoreta.ey-Treasurer is hereby d:l.rected to cause the descriptive caption of tM.s Ordinance together with the penalty clauae to be published as an altei"DI!Ltive method of publication as provided by law. A N D I T I S S 0 0 R D E R E D. On ~tion.of Commissioner Carpenter , seconded b.1 Commissioner Davis , the foregoing Ordiaance \las passed on first reading this 25th day of March , 195_L, b.1 the following vote: Commiseioners votillg -n:a.•: ll..orria ,Carp enter, Davis, Thomas & Mayor Trip~ Commissioners voting •NAi•: None On motion of Commissioner ThornaL , seconded by Commissioner _--.F.;;;or:;,.:r~e•s~t.._ __ -J, the foregoing Ordinance was pasaed on second reading this ~day of ATTEST& April , 195~, by the following vote: Collllldssioners votiDg "YEA1': ,,:._ Commissioners voting RNA!•: Baker, Carpenter, Forrest, Thomas and M::}yor Tripp N-one ----~~~~-------Lavenia fl:!: Ci ty si~tary-Treasu.rer CAM:gf 3-10-54 0~;"'~ .,