HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1536-1954 - Amending Zoning Ordinance 661 And The Official Zoning Map - 02/25/1954;t . 0:2-d5-lq5_lf ORDll'JANCE NO. 15 3 6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING zoNING oRnn92N-cb\ NJ~ ~6~ AND THE ORIGINAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK SO AS TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGE: ZONING CASE NO. 464 • CHANGE LOTS TEN (10) THROUGH THIRTEEN (13), BLOCK :rouR (4), PARK TERRACE SUBDIVISION, FROM THE "B" TO THE "F-111 ZONING DISTRICT {34TH STREET BETWEEN OXFORD AND PEORIA). WHEREAS, the proposed change in Zoning Districts as hereinafter made has been duly presented to the Zoning and P .anning Commission for its recommendation, which recommendation was received by the City Commis- sion, and, after due consideration, the City Commission finds that making the proposed change as hereinafter set out will be in the public interest; and, W HER E AS , a 11 co n d it ion s p r e c e de n t r e q u i r e d by 1 a w for a valid amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map have been fully complied with, as well as giving all notices in compliance with Section Z5 of Ordinance No. 661, as amended, as well as notices provided by Article 1011£, Revised Civil Statutes, as amended in 1953, and notice was duly published on February 9, 1954 in the Lubbock Morning Avalanche, and the public hearing, according to said notice, was held at Z:OO P.M. on February ZS, 1954 in the City Com- mission Room on the first floor of the City Hall, Lubbock, Texas, at whic'h time persons appeared in support of the proposal; and, after said hearing, it was by the City Commission determined that it would be in the public interest, due to changed conditions, that the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map be amended in substantial compliance with the proposfll; T HERE F 0 R E, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF,· THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: I SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 661 and the Official Zoning Ma, BE, and the same are hereby amended as follows, to-wit: 1 . ' ZONE CASE. NO. 464 • Change Lots Ten {1 0) through Thirteen {13), Block Four (4), Park Terrace Subdivision, from the "B" to the "F'"'l" Zoning District (34th Street. between Oxford and Peoria). From and after passage and effective date of this Ordinance, said tract above referred to shall be changed to the Zoning District indicated, and the Official Zoning Map is hereby amended in accordance herewith. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. On motion .Pi Commissioner ----'Mo~r-r.is-.. ____ , seconded by Commis- sioner ---~·~--Th~m~a~.~~~s...._ __ , the foregoing Ordinance was passed on first reading this 25th day of February, 1954, by the following vote: Commissioners voting 11YEA": Morris ,Carpenter,Davis, Thoms & ~r Tripp Commissioners voting "NAY11 : None On motion of Commissioner Thomas , seconded by Commis-------~~------ sioner --~Da;.;;.;vi...;;;;.E:~ ..... -....._ __ , the foregoing Ord.inance was passed on second - reading this 11th day of March , 1954, by the following vote: --~--._--~---- Commissioners voting "YEA": Carpenter, Davis, Thomas and Mayor Tripp Com.missiqners voting "NAY": None ~T ::r: ~ . -~L ----~ -----venia Low~eeretary·-'~reas urer CAM:sv 2-27-54