HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1534-1954 - Amending Section 1 Of Ordinance 1500, Establishing School Zones - 02/25/1954jo-py 5-2-54 ~0 ::ity Atty. rraffic f,Olice. u co:> -:;;;:;25-1954- ~ ORDINANCE NO. 1534 Ali o k!DINANCE AMENDlNG SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1500 ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING AND ESTABLISHING 'SCHOOL ZONES'; ALTERING AND ESTABLISHrnG PRIMA•FACIE SPEED LIMDr AT 15 MILES PER HOUR DURlNG 'SCHOOL HOURS'; PROHIBITING PASSING IN SCHOOL ZONES DURING SCHOOL. HOURS; DEFlNlNG SCHOOL HOURS TO BE 7:30A.M. TO 4:30P.M. OF DAYS FALLING WITHIN THE 'SCHOOL SEASONt; DEFINING 'SCHOOL SEASON'; PROV!DlNG FOR PLACEMENT OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS; PROVIDING PENALTIES; AUTHORIZING PUBLI• CATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, 11 SO AS TO ADD AND INCLUDE THE INTERSECTION OF AVENUE "H" AND 520 STREET AS A SCHOOL ZONE; DIRECTING ·PUBLICATION• AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Commission finds it necessary to provide for an additional school zone, as defined in Ordinance No. 1500, for the protection of school children going to and from school; and, ,... WHEREAS, it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the pub ... lie health and safety to enact such measures, constituting an emergency; NOW, THEREFORE, BE.: IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THA.T Section 1 {One_) of Ordinance No. 1500 is hereby amended so as to add and include that part of Avenue H lying between maximum. distant terminal points 500 feet north and south of the intersection of 52d Street with Avenue H, and that part of 52d Street lying between maximum distant ter• · minal points 500 feet east and west of the point of intersection of 52d Street and · Avenue H. : SECTION 2. That any part of any ordinance or order in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance is hereby superseded and modified so a-s to con- form and be consistent with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 3. That the City Secretary is authorized to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this ordinance as an alternative method provided by law. SECTION 4. Due to the traffic conditions creating a hazard injurious to the public and the public's use of the streets, the enactment of this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure, thereby creating a public necessity that the rule requiring proposed ordinances to be presented at two (2) separate meetings be dispensed with; and this ordinance shall be effective from the date of its publication, as herein provided. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. On motion of Commissioner _D_a_n_·_s ______ , seconded by Commis- sioner. Carpenter ;,""' this the25tn day of Februm't , , this Ordinance was passed on first reading .. - , 19 54, by the following vote: Commissioners voting 11YEA.n: Morris,Carpenter,Davis & Thomas & Mayor Trip Commissioners voting uNAY": None AT~T: 1}, .. 1)'/te, ' --· -~.tiL _:_ ~-------La nia Lowe, ty !'ecretary-Treasurer SG:sv 2•22.-54