HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1522-1954 - Levying Assessment For Part Of The Cost Of Improving A Portion Of Memphis Ave. - 01/28/1954\ GVO 835 Ol _:~tO -19SL..f-. C>.;;;l - ' \ - \ .9 s '-+- O;;;J-~:S -I 354- ORDIIABOE 10. 1522 Air CIWIMAMOE OIDSING HEARIBG AID LEVYIIG ASSESSMIITS FC!l & PART OF !HI C<m' OF IHfROVIIkl A PORTIOB at NIMPIIIS AVEIIUE, B&noa STREET 1 22IID PL.CI, 24ft 3TR1ET, EIIJlY S'I'RiZ'1', JURODAL &00188 ROAD ICB'l'B SIJB at 5arH STRE&T, lvaul a, W.lCO &VIIUI, 37TH STRJi:l!:l, Sl.ST Sftm, 331D S'1'U&'1', SALIM &VBIU&, AUIUB l, 4'ftl 8TllUT, 38'tB STill&'t 1 U'l'ICl AUIUI1 36ft SftBEr, 5lllD STaDT AID AYIIIUB O, 32ID SftEI'r, ~ SftiiT, AVIIU& U, ftiCl l'VIIUI, GAlt &UIUI, LOUISVILLE AVIIUI, 39ftl Sftlft, AYIIU& P, CIU.AIDO AYBIUE, l8!B STBm, 35!8 Sftlft, rLD1' .t.VIIUI, 54ft STRII!, lVEIIUB L AID 42ID STall! AJID 'lRE Ell!B-SOUTII ALLft Ill BLOOI 101 OVIRtCJI AD.DttiOI, SUCB PCI\TIOI8 BIIJO IIU PAit.UCULlllL! JaSOlliiiiD D TU P&Vlm &SSISSIIITS Of Till am f1l I.UBBOCI ATT ACHBD HBUTO .liD MAs. A PART BIRI01' AID POil'IOIS OF 01'Dil SUltRY S!BDI'S, HIOBVA'l'S, AVBIUIS PD/r:& ALLErS D THE em C'l LtJBBOCI, ftljS, OD/fiA ALOIO !HI ·IOUIIDARIIS CW SAID em AID PROVIDIIO fCil Til COLLECTIOI or SOCB ASSISSHDIS AID JOJl fill ISStWCI C'l WIQI&BLE CIRTIFIOAHS Ill IVIJliNC& ~, &LLLOATIJQ J'UDS. WIIIRIAB, tM CltJ ot Wbboo:t, a ao. Rule *-1oipelltJ, baa heretatan cmt.red that tbe b_..labllov ..at1oae4 partio. ot av.eu, ~. aftlmea •D4/• all•JW be lllprOftCl bJ' tbe ra!alDc, 11'e41Dc ad tWlac aDd peri!ag ac! b.r 1utall1Da ooDONte our' aDI1 pt. ten ud ctralu --. ••••U'J' on tJDit loa. 1496, 14fll, 1498, U991 1500, 1501, 1502, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1512, 151), 1516, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1527, 1528, 1536, 1511, 1541, 1S45, 1546, 1S4S, 1549, 1550, lSSl, lSSS, 15", 1559, 1S6l, 1562, 1563, 1564, 1565, 1566, 1561, 1568, 1569, 15701 1571-A, 1571-B, l571-C, 15?1-D, 1572 ad A-.)02, the paYiDc ca the atreeta aD4 awaN la to be ot qua4nple Upb.alt IUI"taoe treatMnt (lmwted peMtratlca tn-) oa a alx (6) 1DDh OCIIIIplotec! o.U.obe bue, topther vith the Dloe8•U7 lDOlalltW aD4 ·~•, the .u.,. pn1ll£ ta to be s• Wok oaaorete alab, all aa pi'Ori"-4 ia the apeoU'ioa~iou pNpllftCl b7 the Cit, JDc1,JIMI', DOV aa tile vith eald C:ltTJ all4 ~tor the MlrSDC ad otJUtnot1on ot auch blprow- •nta aDd contract vaa •tend into vlt.h lwr ad JUcldletcm, 1atd portions IMI1Da u follCJ'M, to-vl~a Mapbi1 Aw .. trca lta 111tet-MOtloD vlth the South Gutter Line ot 22Dd Street to ttl ~otlon iJHII t!Mt lorth Oatter~ ot 22Dd Plaoe, bow ad deaipated •• Uait ...... 1496. M J~Mta ,.,. .. trca ita !Dtawotioa vitb the South Gutter IJ.M ot 22D4 Place to ita 1Dtereeot1oa with the oellter u.-ot 23N etnet (wet 1 .. ) Jmovn aDd deatpated u tfdt ..__. 14'11. Jfelrph1a Awau.e troa lta iatenecrtlon with the oeater 11M ot 2lrd atreet (wat 1•1) to ita iftteraeotlon vith the lartb Gutter L1De ot 24th Street, kDoVD ad clu1patM aa tit .__, 1494. Nnpb1a ,.,. .. traa ita 1Ateraeot10D witb South Gutter Ltrae ot 24th Street to ita 1nteneotloa vith ~ lcrt.h Glitter L1Da ~ 2Sth Street, bCMl ml cSeelpated u Uait hlber 1499. ••t• Awa. trca lte intereeo~toa vitb the South Clutter Ll• ot 25th Street to lta 1ftteraeot101l vi\h the lcn-th Oatttr L1De ot 26th Street, JmCND u4 Malpatecl •• 1JDJ.t ll&abu 1500. Bqlor Stree\ tr• lt. iDt.aeotiOD vital tbe But Prapertr u. ot Col.lep J.-.... to it1 tntereeot1o1l VS.tll tbe Sut PlopeftT tine ot Vaoo twaa., lmcMa ad -.Jpate4 u md.t ..._,. 1501. 22114 Plaoe troa ita !nt4neotloD vlth the W.-t Pl'opertJ' LlDa ot laalnUle lw_. to lt1 illt.Neotlon vlth the V..t Property Llue ot Od'orct lw_, lmowa aD4 4e•1paW u Oalt haber 1502. 24th StrMt r.. tt1 lDtuMottoa vltb the Ve.t PNpertr LiM ot M s•t• ,....._ to ita btei"MMUon vith the v.n PropertT L1De ot luh'f111e &....-, Jmowa ...S deatpaW u 1111t ..._, 1~. B110J7 Street tr. ita la~lon v1th the laat Pl'opef't7 Line f4 larth Indt•• ,.,. .. to ttl lllt.-otloa vt.\b the W.•t ~LIM ot lcrrth Dcta lwae, bow ad ct.a~W •• VDlt ...-.r 1506. Nari1Dal Aooeae RcMa4 • lortll Stele ot 50th St.reet troa ita inte.neotlOD vltb tU Ceater LlDa ot ldhri.lle 1--. to lta ~tlOD vlth the Cater Ll• ot Peoria ,.,..., Qova. DIS cS.tpatecl u 11ait ....,. 1,07 • AftBIII I tr• ltll 11ltw8ectloe vtth the Soutll Property L1DI ot 34th Street to lta lllteneottOD With tt. lorth Pl'oper\7 L1M ot 38th Stnet, kDowa aa4 cte•lpat.- ecS u Ullit IDber 1512. Waco • .,. .... trca 1tJ tnt.neotloa With the Sollt!NI•t PaYtit-u..aot OlOY.la Road to tta tat.ree~lon 'ftth the South PropertT Lllllt ot Oolaate Street, mow aa4 4ealpated u 1111t ._. lSll. 37th Street rn. lta iD_...otlon VS.tb tbe &a•t Propel't7 U. ot I'DoDUle ,.,... to 1 ta 1ateraeotloD v1 th tbe .. at Property L1M ot LouinUle .&waD~ lmouB aDd cldtpatecl •• UBJ.t Jlaabmt 1516. Slat Street trc. ita 1Dtei'Mot101l vith tbe V.8t ~7 Llae ot A-.. D to lt1 iat.neotloa v1 til the But fl'opert7 Llne ot ,.,. .. &, bCMl u4 811pate4 u Ualt laaber 1'19. ' '3ft\ Str.et tr. it1 1atePMOt1on 'Vlth tbe Beat Propertr L1• ot Sala ,.,. .. to ita 111ter~eot1GD vtt.h "the laat Propen7 L1Da ot Toledo ... ,...., JmcAm aad 4e•tpaW M 11D1t ...._ 1,20 .. Sa.I.a .l11111Ue tnil lu llltuHotlGD wltla the. 80Qtla ho]JG't7 LiM ot l3Jtd Street to ita 1at.Neotloa vltb the lorth Paftlll 1.1.-ot 34~ Stnet, JmowD ad clel~ uW u UJd.t ._.... 1S21 • .lwaue J tr. tt• ~tion vlth the lonh Properi.y LiM ot 17tb Street to 1te ~tlOD vlth tb4t lortb Property L1De 38th Sti'Mt, b<Ml aDd 4eatpaW •• t1Jiit lfaaber 1527. 45th Strwt traa lt• lDtera.otlon with~ But Pl'opertJ Ll• ot A.,... f to ita 1Dtel'leot1ao vith tile Kaat rrop.rt,. LS.M ot A..-v, kDcMa aDd clu!paW aa t1D1 t ._.r U28. 38th SV..t hoa 1ta laterMCtiae vlth the V..t Prapert7 LtD. ot !olecto •~ to tte nt.NeotloD v1• the V.at Propel"ty LlM ot V1obllarc ,....,., lmCMl a4 cle11pate4 •• UJd.t 1aaber 1Sl6 .• ut1oa ,..,... tfta it. iDt.rMot1oa vlth tbl South rropert,. U. ot 36th SV..t to lta lfttera•otlon vlth the •rth Propert,. JJ.• ot .38th Siz'Ht, JmOWD aD4 ciMf.cMted •• thdt ...... 1,37. 36th Sti'Mt tr. 1w illteraeoUcm vitb the &ut Pl'opertJ' L1De ot Mlllphia ,__. to lte 1Bt.I'HOtlOD v!th tM laet Pa'riq Ll• ot JluhYille A'ftlll»it kDowll u4 4elipate4 •• 1JIIlt ..... 15~. J7th SU..t troa 1t• int.rMCJtioa vltb tb8 la1t PaTiDI U. t:4 lftll\le A to lU 1!ltei'Mot101l vith tbe 1aet PropertJ' LiM ot Awm~~ &, kMVD aDd clea!pated u Uid.t ....,_r 1545. 53rd Stnet aDd Awm. G troa ita iilterHotlon vi th the lorth Pl'opertJ' Ll• ot 54\h Stnet to ita internotlor:a v!th tbe Weat Propert,. LiM of A,__ »t 1aJovD aDd da•lpated aa U!dt hUer 1546. ' )2114 StJ'Ht trc. lte lDtnwetiOD vitb tM ••t ProperV Line ot Sa1a AftllU. to ita 1Dtel'll•otlon with the laat Proper\J' Llae ot fol.e4o Awm., JmoVIl ad 4e•tpate4 •• Vait lwaber 1548. Sa1a J.w._ trca l ta iJltel'HotioD vi th tM South Pl'opertJ L1De ot )2D4 Stnet to 1'-inten•oticm v1th tbe lort.h Propert, L1De ot .3Jrd sv..t, JmavD IIDd de•ipa~ u tllllt Iaber 1549. 45th Stnet trc. ita tntuMotloa vlth tt. v.at Pannc L1De ot •~ B to ita lnteneotica vit.h the But P.roper\T IJ.De ot lw .. L, lmow aD! cleldpa'-4 •• Utdt -..r 15SO. 37th Stnet tna ita illten•otioo vitb tbe But ~r\J Lf.De ot Lculad.lle lwlml to ita 1nteneot1oa vith the Jut PropertJ Llae ot Mapbte Awlm8, bon aD4 deaipatecl •• tfDit -..r 1S51 • • ..,._.. U troa ita intei"HotlaD vith the Sauth Gutter LiM of 39th St:rMt to tt• iDteneotloa with the lortb Gutter L1De ot 40\h Street, know and ctealpatecl u Uatt lwlber 1SSS.~ .-•1 , VUoa Aw~m~ hoa itl i~reeotioD vtth tblt South Propert;r 14M ot lSth Stnet to ltl illtet'll•otloD vltla the IOI'tb PropertJ Llae ot 19th Street, know end de•lpaW •• Ualt habw 15,6. A Ga17 Aw1111e froa ita lnteneotlon with tbe Sou~ Pl'opert,. L1De ot 47th Street 'to lte lDterHotion wlth the IOl"tb P:ropel"tJ' .L1De ot 50th Street, blow ad clealpatecl u Ualt t.ber 15~. Louin:lll• Awa. trca lte llltel'Motiao vi~ tba South J'ropertJ' L1De ot l3rcl Strut to ita lDterentioD v.lth tha lorth .PaYiDc L1• ot 34~ stnet, knCMl u4 clelipated •• Utdt .... 1561. - mh SV..t trc. lte 1Jlteneot10D vitb the W.at PropertJ LlDt ot Aftlla V k S.te ia\eneotlOD vitb the V.lt Pl'opert;r LiM ot AWD11e Y, tao• ad cleelpaW U lJDlt 1\mber 1562 • .t.w .. f tNa ita latenectlon vith the South PropeJ"\7 Lf.De of 34th Btnet \o itl,.f.ateraeot1oa v1th the Soutta Propert7 I.S.M ot )8th Street, lmovD aDd cluipat.s •• VDlt a.ber 156'• · . "' Orludo AwBI» hca ita inteneotlOD vtth the Soutb Proper\J' LS.• ot 17th ltnet (But .te1) to 1u lllteneoUoa vttll t.~~e JrarUa Pr..-rt.r Ll• ot lath sv.n, JmOVIl eD4 4ealpate4 •• VJd.t ..-r 1564. ... ·' OrlaDdo ,.,... tJoa lte illterMo\lOD vlth ta Saut~a PropertJ' L1De ot 18tl& Stnet to lte illMreeotloll vlth the 1.-th Proptny LiM til 19th ftred, bow ..S dulpate4 u UD1 t. Iaber 1'65. lath Stnet troa ita iDteneotlOD vlth the W.at Propel"tJ' U. ot QrlaDdo ,...,. to 1te la\eneotioa v1tb the Ve.t Pl'oper\T LIM or lortork lwm~e, blova ..t 4ealpate4 u VDlt w.ber 1566. 3Stb Street tr. iu lateneotlOJI v1 th the C.ater LiDia ot IntU.aaa lwa. w ita lnteneot1oe vtth tbe Jan Propert7 L1De fill BuVCII"d ,.,._, boVII aD4 4Nlpded .. Ualt ..... 1"'· 36th su..t trc. lt• lllteneGU.Ga vltll tu But Pros»u"7 u.. ot lnottllle .lft ... to ita iJlteneotloD vitb the ... , Prclpert,r LlDe of LGoiaYille AWIID81 Jasova at deelpaW u Uait ladlu 1568. Pllat ..lw... tr. ita illteneotlcm with the South Property L1De ot 34th Street to ita iJlteneotloa with the hrth Propert;,r L1• ot 3'tb Street, bow u4 4ea1pate4 u VDit -....r 1"'· 54th Street trc. lte iDterMotlcm vith the But Pa'f'iDI LiM ot ,.,..._ H to 1ta lDteraeotiOD with the W.at Pnpe"" Lt• ot .lftiiDII D, kDoVD u4 daa~ •• Unit Buaber lS?O. AWINI L tr. ita 11lteneotloa with tbe South Gutter U. ot 30th Stnet to lt.. lDtereeoUcm vith U. South Propert7 L1ae ot 3lat StrHt, Jmovn aa4 ct.aipate4 aa UDit lwlber 1S71-A. Awaa. L traa 1 ta illteneotlOD vith the South Propert.r LlDe ot )let Street to 1 ta luteneotiOB vith tbl lou\h Pl'opert,r LiM ot )2Dd SV..t, lmcMa aDd deei&Datecl •• tJDlt ~faber 1S71-B, &Will» L trca ita illteneotloa vtth tbe 8outJI Propert,r L1De ot 32Jid Stnet to ita _ 1ate!'Hot1on with the lorth hopeJ'tT LiM of J)l'd StrM'i, lmowa Ull 4ee1paW u UDlt ._..r 1'71..0. Awmae L h0111tl lllteneotlon vtt.h the lorth Property L1De ot 331'4 Street to lta lnteneot.lOD vi th the lorth Property L1• ot )4th Street, lmova aa4 4ee1pte4 •• Unit. .._.. un-o. 42D4 S~t trc. ita l.Dterhottoa v1th the Jut PI"OpartJ' IJ.De of .Akroa ,.,..._to lte illteJRotloa v1t.h tbe •at Gutter IJ.De ot Boetoa lwae, kDOVD ad deatpaW •• Vldt w.ber 15'12. · 10!'\b.Soaih Alley, Bloot 10, O'fertoD .&4d1t.lOD,troa lta 1DteneatlOD vlth tbe South hoperty Ltae ot 13th Stnet to lte 1Dteneot1on vlth the forth ProptJ'tT L1De ot 14th Stnet, Jmova u4 ct.elpatect u Uait .._ .. A-302. , b- WPEAS, the Olty BDatlDHr pnpue4 rolla or atate.nt1 tor the imprO'HMDta in eaoh Ullit, 8hoviDa the --=t• to be a•••H4 aaaiut the 'ftrioua paroel• ot abtattiq property, ad the owen tbereot, ad ~~~~other •ttel'll aDd thiDcaJ a!l4 the •-wre exaatne4 by the City C~aalon aDCl appron4, aDd a tw ad plaoe vae tS..4 tor baeriDg to the owaan ot auoh abutt1q property, m! to all others in anJViee inteftate4,. end clue aDd prop.r DOtioe vu pftn, aD4 nab Mu- iq vae had aD1 bel4 at the tt.e u4 plaoe tlxe4 therefor, to-vita ca the 28th 4q ot Juuaz'J' 1~4, at 2a00 o'olook P .11. 1a the 0.-ilalon looa in the Otty ot Lubbook, Texaa, and at auoh heariag all deairiDg to be heard vere tully u4 fairly heard, an4 endenoe va• reoeived aD4 oonal4are4 ud all pr.oteata and objeot.tou _. wre ooutdend, aid aa14 hear1DC vaa 1D all reapeou bel4 1D the ~~a~~Der pro'fl4ecl aD1 required by the oharter and lav in toroe in this CitT an4 bf the prooH4b.•«• ot the 01t7 with nterenoe to auoh •tten, and the tollwiag proteeta wre •de ocm- cei"DlDa the iaprove•nte ln the UD1 te in4lcate4 u.Ira Mr. W. A. IMlin, Mr. R. I. MaloDIIf and Mr. w. D. DJt protested the peftDi of 37th from AveDWt "'" to Awnue "l" by reuoa ot the taot. that their houaee front ~ 38th Street ldl4 their propartJ' exteDda through to )7th Street aDCl tbq voul4 prefer to 8pelld their IIODI7 tor paviJI& the atnet 1a hollt ot tbl1r reai- denoea instead of the ftoent lot a to the north ot their propert7. Mrs • .u.a ADd:reva, nee Alma J'Awllen, appeared lD proteet at the paY1Jic ot 45th Street troa .lwa. "L" to AftllUB "JJit. Mr•• Jobll E. BaiD appeared 1a proteat ot the pevi.DC of Utica Awaae troll 15th Street to 19th Street 1 and protest ot this pavlfll vas aleo reoeiw4 in letter f'Gl"'l trca o. Ji. .a.tlitf. Mrs. Sue1e Poaroh O,le proteeted the pa"'iDD of Sal& Aftm. -troa 33rd to 34th Street. A latter troa Nn. lllllie lolte, 4ate4 l&'G~Jr7 lS, 1954' vas reoe1ft4 pro- testing the P''riDc ot 4Sth Street h'oa .Awn. "11" to lwmaa "L • Nr. B. r. Sictwll ap~are4 prateatiDg the paYiDI ot 17th Street trca Louisnll• AftDue to IDo:nille An.-. Mr. a. '· SeNder, NprelaDtiDC Mr .... o. O.I'UI, •PP:MN4 protesting the pedng ot Awa• L troa 30th Street to 34th Street. I lon. ot the aboft•ntioaec! propert7 ow.re proteatiD&' the paYS.aa ot tM streeu oontat..d in thia proJect atatecl that the propoHd aa•••••nte wre 1D aoeee ot the apeolal beDttite to tbelr propert,. vh1oh voulc! be 4arive4 bca tbe pariDc~·· Mr. J-• a. B.obluon &ppMNd before the City O~esion and proteete4 tu paYiDc ot the alley abutt~ the Baat GDI halt (t) ot Lots 8, 9, 10, Bloat 10, OV.rton ld4S.t1on to the CitJ ot Lubbook, etatiDg that it would be ot DO special beDIIf1t to. hie propert7, It vu fOUDd by the Ctt,. C~es1on that the paYiJIC ot the alley abutt1Dg thie propert7 was 1DBtituted by o_..rotal propert7 OVDIIJ"I OQ 1'9'111118 •Q• to baDdle MOJ' o-roial tnttio iD the all•T, IID4 lflt. llobineont • propert7 vee toum to be rea14er:rt1al. ADct all obJeotlODII aDd proteata •de wre Mly considered and aa14 hear1Dc vae oaatlDued troll 487' to c!q aDd tr. U. to t~ uat11 thia date, and the City C~slaa haYbg tull7 aDd fairly heard all partie• aaJd.ng 8IfT proteet u4 all partiae dealrilll to be !ward, ud hanfll fullT oou14encl all •tters preeentecl tor oou1derat1on, aD4 havlal tully oonelclend all ot the mde_.. aDd all. perti- Dellt and proper matten ia ot opinion that the tollowiDc 41apo•it10D lhoul.d be aa4e ot auah prot.at.• ~~bjeotloDa 1 aD4 that ••••• .. txt• ahou14 be •ct. u heft- in or4a1De4, 'l'BIBIP(Jll SE ~ .OBDAIBID Bf !HI OM OCIIaSSIOI C6 THE arrt Of LUBBOOI1 .. I. 'l'hat all proteate an4 obJeot10D8, whether benlD speo1ttoall7 •Dticmed or aot, aha1l. be 8D4 the .... are hereb;y onrruled aD4 tbe aa14 buriDI, with reepeot to ••oh and all ot said 1JD1t., 1• lwreby oloee~, aoept that it. vu tCUhd by the Olty Coa1e.J1tm that eueh ....... nt oont..plated bT th1• OrdlDaDOe ••iut the l .. t one balt (t) ot Late s, 9 aDd 10, &look 10, Onrton Addition to the Ctt7 ot tub~k, 'faaa, voul4 not ~~peoially beMflt aa1d property as abuttl~ pNpertJ'J tberefGN, DO .afHIIIMDt ahall be ll8de &~aiDJt laid &aet ODe htlf (t) ot Lotti 8, 9., 10, Bloot 10, Oftrton AdditlODJ arad tbe City .i1zw1Mer 11 hereby direoted ito oorNot hie uHeemnt roll cou1atent with this ltn411J1• II • . 'I'M Ctt7 ~eaton, trca the eYlc!eDoe tirade that the aeae.-nta benlD len.4 llhill 'be MCte aD4 leTied acaiDIIt the Nlpecrt.iw ~le ot FOPVt7 alNttJ.• UpOn the aald po.rtiou of atreeta, ~, awDUea uil/'!1' alleJI and aca~ut tM CNMra ot auah propert7, aD4 that eu.Oh a••••-nta are richt rmd proper 8D4 estab- liahed .W.tantlal 3Witloe u4 equal1t7 aDd unitond.ty betwen the raapeot1w CMaen aDd napeotlw propertiea, aDd betwen all part!u ocmoe~d, oona14e!Dc beDetita reoeim and b1ZrdeM s...po.ed, aDd r.ther tinds that in eaoh oaH the ab11tt1Dc ~7 usea"d 1• apeottio.U., beDet1tte4 1a the ftb.aDMd ftl• the~ ot, by ... ot the 1aprow•Dt in the Unit upon vhioh the putloule prope.tr abate, ad t"or wb!oh uMe-nt ta l.nied, 1D a •• 1D uoeaa of the asaea....t. lme4, •1&1nat ... bT this ardilliiDOe, aDd hrther tinds that the appart1-Dt ot the ooat ot the illproft•nta 11 in aooardaDIM vith the prooeediJIII bltretcaton takea and had vi th reference to au.oh imprOftmenta and 1a in all raapeota ..U4 aa4 repl.ar. The CltJ 0.-tastOD., trta evideaoe oonslclerbg the bezuttlta raoei'l'ed u4 burdeu illpoeecl, tiDda that the CMI8ra of railroads oooupyiDg and/ or o:roaa11tc por- t lou ot atneta, ~, ....... 8llll/ar all.qa hereia ~ shall pq ud an here.bT aaHsnd tbe llhol1l oo.ta ot ;1JiprOY!Dc, illol.udiDC t0Uiallat1oa, at.n ooaorete, ties, eto., bet.VMD an4 UlldeJ' raS.la and t.raob ot I1ICih railroa4 azd two teet ca oatliide thereat~ the IMUI pqable by and ohargeable 81ainat ra1lroacla aDd t.IMt owera thenot shall be ..... sect aaainat thea and shall be a •upert• U•u on ita roacilaecl, t1ea,.Ua, tlxturea, richts and tranohlaea, vhioh tax llball OOD8tltute a U.n aupno1ar ~ aDJ' other lien or ola1a aoept State, CCUDt7 and JfaDlolpal. fax•• III. !hat there shall • and is hanby leri.e4 and aaaesead agaiut the ~le ot propar\J' aDd rail.Neda oroas1ng or oooupJiDg atre•ta, h1ghw4111, ...... dd/• allaJ'8, hereinbelow •atJ.caed aD4 &gaiut the Nal u4 --GYMI'8 tbeftof' 1w.thel" auoh OVDU'8 be 11eted oorTeotlT hel"eia or raot, the a\118 ot IIOMJ belov.ut1oaa4 aD4 ltad.sec! ahoVI'l oppesite the desoriptl.on ot the rupeottw paroela ot pl'Oplrt;r and. raih"oedl-oroeaiDc or oao\lplbg streets, highvqa, aft1'&1181 aDd/or all•TI; the deaori.ptiODa ot"" nah pNptrt7 aaf l'tlil.rM48, sad Beftral .. Uiltl UHIM agd.u\ •-, aDd the OwDea thereot, bet.Dg aa follows• (RAlls inserted 111 Orlgtul Cew ot Ol'diDUOe ADd 1D nperate Or41rlaDOe Boot.) ... ~-- IV. '!'hat the •••••••nta ao l-'t'1e4 are tor· the ~•nt. 1D tbe particular . 11n1 t upon whleh the property deaoribad abute, 8D4 the aeee•••nta tor the 1mpr~nta 1a -.. Unit are in JlO vtaa related to or oomaeot.d with the illprow- •nta ln arrr 6ther t1Dtt, and in .. ldng .... ~-nta and in holdiDg aald haariDt the 11110unta ao uMss~ tar illpl'crn•nta iD ODe tJni t haw been in raoviae atteote4 b7 &DT taot 1D aDJViae ooameated vith the laprow•uta, or the aseeanntl there- for, or eDT ot~ Uldt. '· That the aewl'al auu abow.nt10Ded aeHeBect aa~inat eal4 parcel• ot property 1 aDd acainet the red aM true OWDIJ'8 thereof 1 aDd lnteNit tbeNOil at the rate ot au (6•) per cent per aanua, topther v1th reuonable attorMy'a teea and ooet ot oolleot1on, it iDo'Ul"Nd, an herebJ' 4eo~d to be aDd Jla4e a lien upon the reapeot1 ft plll"Oela ot property against which the ..-an ...... ed 1 u4 a peraODal 1iabillt.r an4 charge aca1118t the real ad tl'UII OVDira theNot, Whether or aot euoh OWDIII'I be o01'%'8C'Uy u.d bereiJl aDd euob llau lhall 'be an4 oonat1tute the tint eutoroeabl.• olat• qalnst the propert7 UMaaa4, aDd eball be a til'lt alld paraount lien, 1Uper1or to all other lieJ'l8 ana ol.a1JIII 1 exoepi; $tate, Oountr, u4 llmiolpal tcne aDd the IDS eo aseeeaed ehall be payable ae tollc:MI, to-vita Ia t)lree equaltutallments, the tiJ:tst pa)'abla on or before ten (10) 4ql after the oc:.pletls aad aooeptaDOa by the City ot tM 1apron•nta 1a tha 11b1t u:pon vh1oh the partioular property alJt..lta; the Hooa4 iaataUMDt du. 011 or baton oa yoaar trc. 1ald date ot ~letioD 8n4 aooaptaDOe, aDd tbe third iD- •tall.Mnt &. on or before tvo J'&IU'I troa aa1d data ot a.plation aDii aooeptuoeJ and auoh •••••••nta lhall bear iDtereet trca the date ot auoh ocaplat1on aDd aooaptanoe at t.h. rate o! ~ per cmua, pqable amnaal.lT w1 th eaoh iut.U.nt, ao that upon cc.platlon and aocaptaaca ot the iJiprOM•nta in a partioular U1l1 t •••••••nta •alut the property abl,Jtting upon suob oomplatec! and aocapte4 Ull1 t ahall be aDd baoome 4tll and pqabla in auoh inatall.Mnts aDd with 1Dtereet trc. the date ot suoh o~letton and aoo1ptaDOa, provided that •117 ovraer ahall haw the right to pq -ott the antlre ••••••nt, or aDJ' 1Datal1Mnt thereot, bltore Mturltr, b.r ~nt ot prlDOipal 1114 aooraed interest, w pro'ridad turthar that U cleta1Jlt •ball lMt uda 1D the p&JIIInt ot aDT iDatal.l.Mnt p1"'0Iptl.J' .. the .,_ •turee, tbeD the entire aount of the as••••bt, upon vhioh auoh Wault 11 ade shall, at the optiOD ot &1'1' arad Kt.ddlAitoa or its aa•lpa, 'ba an4 baoc. t.Niateq ctu. and payable, aDd ehall be oolleotlbl• vith reaaoaable attonaeT'• tees a~ ooat• ot oolleotion 1t iDCNl'l"K. VI. The Clty ot l.ubbook ehall not iD aJl1' aarm.:.r ba liable tor the pQMnt ot aq SUM bareb,r UHeaad against eDT properly aD! the owner• thereof, but IRr and IU.d4l.etoa, aball look eolel.y to laid propel't7, aDC! the OVD8l"l thereat 1 tor the ~nt ot tba sa. assaseed a,awt _, nepaot1w paroela ot prapertJ'J bat Hid cs.t,. •hall aerolM all ot lw lavtul I'Q'W•• to aid 1D the atorG•••at and oolleotioa ot Ja14 lleM· ud asee•-nt.•, d4 tt 4Uault 1hall be ...S. b tbe ~nt ot 8IfT UMI-DtJ ooU.otlon tMNot ahall be antoroed eitber b.r sale ot the propeny 117 tba fa Collector ad •••••or ot the Ctty ot Lubbook u near u ~ pol&1hle in the .aDD~r pro'rided for the eale at propert:r tor the DOD-pqMnt ot ad ., ~orea tuee, or at the optiOD ot Kerr and M1d4leton, or its •••lfiUt p8J'MDt at said auu lhall be antoroecl br auit in arr:y oou.rt ha.tng jurlsd1ct10D. • . l'II. 1or tM purpoae of e'fidellOiDg the aewral ._. aeaeaaed 81aiDit the la14 paroel1 ot proputy, aDd the owara tbereot, aD4 tbe tiM ad tenl ot ~nt, aDd to aid· iD t.be~ .. ntoronent thereof, aaaipa'ble oert1t.toate1 ahall be iaeu.d by the 01 ty ot Lubbock upoD \be oomplet1on and aooeptanoe ot the work in e.aoh Unit ot 111prev-•nt •• the work in auoh Unit 1a 0011pleted and aocepted., vhioh oertJ.ticatea ahall be euoute4 bT the JCqor in tM n.-ot the Otty, attested bT the City Seoretarr with the corporate seal, aDd shall be pqalJle to X.rr ad M1d4letou, or ita aaaip~, ud shall declare the aat<l aounta and the tiM ..S terms f:4 paJMDt and rate ot 1.ntenat ud date ot c~et1on aD4 aooeptece fJI the ~Dta tor 'Which the oert1tioate ie iNu.d, aDC! shall oGDtai.D the u. ot tM qw:Mr aa aoount.ly •• ~aible, aDCS the deaoription ot the pnpel'tJ bT lot and ble.ok JIUIIber, or tront teet theNot, ar such ether deaortpt1on..aa ..., othemae l<lentUT the -au., aad it tbe aa14 property aball be ovraed by an eatate, then to eo state tbe deaoription thereof as so OWD84 ahal.l be auttioiezlt. or it \be DUe ot the OWDU" be tmkDCNil, then to 10 state shall be aut.t'ioient, aD4 DO error or Ide tate in 4eecrib1nc urr propert7, or in g1 viDB the DUe ot aDT ow-n, -ehall iD aDJViae 1nnl1date mo iapair the a•aeasMnt leT.le.d hereby or the oertUioate t.esu.cl in nideDOtt tbereof'. The add oertit!oatea shall further pro'fide aubetantiall:r that it 4etault shall be. made in tthe ~nt ot aJ17 inatallment ot pr1no1pal or interest clua, when, then, at the option t4 X.rr ad Jliddleton, or ita auipa, the vbole ot tM said •••••••at ni-denoed 't!Mreby ehall at once beoa. d• and pqable, aDd aball be oolleatlble vtth reao•ble attorni!T's ~eea arad C)oeta ot oollection, it incurred. ADd edd oertltioatea shall eet forth and evidence ~be perecmal 11ab111 ty ot the ow.ra ot auoh property and'" the lien 11pOh •uoh p:rcJpel't7, aDd aball provide in etteot it detaul t ahall be -.de iD th6 p.,..nt thereat the •- aq be entoroe4 either b7 the aale ot the propei'ty by the -Tax ..Oolleotor aDd Aaeeaaor of the Citr of Lubbock, as aboft recited, or by 1uit 1D 8111' oOUI"t ha'fiDI jurta41otion. - the add cert1t1cate• ahall further reo1 te in etteot ·that all prooeediqa with reference to aald.ng said S...,ro-n•nta haw been regularly had ill oa.pltuo• -vith the lav in toroe aDd -prooMcl1D«• ot the City ot Lubbook, aDd that all prerequ18ttea to the f1x1Dc ot tbe lle aDcl claim ot per801'lal liability e'f'idennd b7 auoh oe.rt.itloatea haw been regularl.7 done aDd pert01"2aCI, wbioh recsitala Shall be evidece of the •ttera am taota 80 :recited, aDd DO further proof there- Of ahall be required 111 aa.T court. And the-aaid oert1t1oatea aq haw coupons attached thereto in evidezace ot eaoh or •IV' ot the aewral. iuatalt.nts thereot, or they mq haw caupoD8 tor eaoh ot the~·firat tvo 1natall..,ta, leaYiDg the maiD oertitioate tor tbit third. ADd the. said oert1t1oatea shall further prorlde in etteot that the Citr ot -Lubbock shell «JCel"'lae all ot tta lav.tul powera, vbeD requeatec! eo to do bJ' the bolder ot n.td. eertltloates, to aid in the eat~nt aDC1 aol.leotfa thereof, aDd aaid oertitloatea •Y oontaiD other aDc1 tunber noitala pertiDIDt aDd appro- priate thereto. It ahaU aot be Deoelll8817 that said oe"itioatea aball be in the exaot tora as aboft set torth, but the aubstanoe and e.t'teat thereot ellall auttioe. VIII. !U •••••-nt. lem4 b.r thta cxrd1Da110e for the illpro'tuenta ill each tlalt an altopther eepente aJd 4la~1DOt tr• •••••-at• ira each and •Yflr'T othe UDit. 'I'M auua•Dte tor fllprow.•ats ta em. UDi~ aN la DOWiM atteotecl by the blproft- •nts 1D or the •••••-ntll le"t'lecl tor the lllpro'ft•Dte 1D ..., other tmit, and 1D MklDC .-1 l•¢DB uaesnnte the cost ot the blprow•nta tn eaoh 1Jrdt, the ••tits b,y •ana t4 the laprovementa, pd all other Mtten 8Dd thlnp vith . reterezace to the Ulpl:'oft•nta· tn each O'Dtt, haw 'beeD eOJUaldenCi, and tt.teftll*l altogether without ref'erenoe to &DT suoh matter• 1D u.r other tmit, and th1 Old.aaion ot the illprow•ate in 8lJ'T wd.t shall 1D DOvi• atteot or t..palr the ftlldity ot asee•s•nte tor the i.aproftm~~Dts ta a»:T oth• UDit. The omission ot s..prcm.•Dte 1D any particular tmi t lu troDt ot aliT property eiellpt fr<a the 11• ot auoh aaaeaneDte 8ball 1D nowlee attect or tapa!r the ftl.idlt7 of asaea-Dt8 qaiDat othe1' property 1D that UD!t. .., IX • So ld.stake, errGr, illvalidlty, or irri,W.arity lD the DOlt-ot tJDT property ower, or the c!escrlpt.1on ot aJV' property, c:a--·tbe aaouDt ot e.r •••••••at, or 1D artt otMr matter or tbiDg1 shall in 81'17 viae 1Dnlldate or impair _, ae•••..at levied he"br or aD7 oel'U.tloate issued., am arq auch 1l111tate, error, 1nftli41tT, or trrepl.ar! ty • vl)ether lD euoh aaseas•nt or· in tb.e oertltloate issued 1D e~dence tlleNOt, 1187 be corrected at aDT tU. by the CitT. x. -All 88HS8mllt8 levied 8:N a perBODal l1abll1ty 8D4 charp aca1Dit the real aDd trua ovnere ot the prealsea described notwtthetandln&' such owen ..., not he na.d, or 8117 be tDo~ctl7 u.d. Paaaecl and approwd lwy tmant.Dus ~te of the City CoaaissiOD this tbe 2Sth clay ot. Jantarr , 19S4. Passed-8lld apprcmtd by unan'-.us vote ot the City CODIIDias1on this the ll tb ~ of FftRz:llArl , 19S4. Passed and approved by unani110W!1 vote or the CitT COIIIId.ssion this the 25tb _d.q ot Febp;=::zr t 19S4. Attests City .Attorney