HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1508-1953 - Authorizing The Removal Of Parking Meter 11-11-13 - 12/10/1953bl -IO -l9CS3 ORD:IliANcE NO. _1508 AN ORDINANCE At1I'HORIZING THE REMJVAL OF PARKING METER NO. 11-ll-13; ALING AU. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 8t{J'kf WHEREAS, due to changed traffic conditions it is neeesl!!lary to establish /:;;... i.r-'4~ a f'reight loading and unloading zone on the south side ot the 1100 Block of lkin r· rStreet, and a certain parking Deter needs to be relDDWd in order that this Traffic Eng City Atty & Polic e De u loading zona can be established; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUB:OOCKs SECTION 1. That the City Traffic EDgineer Be, and he is hereby authorized to cause due removal of' Parlcing 1-Bter No. 11-ll-lJ. · SECTION 2. That the parking meter authorized to be removed by the provision of' Seotion 1 (One) of this Ordinance, after all moneys contained in the meter have been duly checked and accounted f'or 1 shall be reconditioned and re-numbered for use at other locations. SEOTION ) • '!'hat that part of' the provision of any ordinance or order in conflict with this Ordinance is hereby repealed. SECTION 4. Du.e to the chatlging traffio conditions orettting a hazard injurious to the public and the public's use of' the street, the enactment of' this ordinance ia declared to be an emrgenoy measure, thereby creating a public necessity that the rule requiring 'Proposed ordiJJallces to be presented at two separate meetings be dispanaed with; 1and thie ordimnoe sball be effective from the date of its passage, u provided by l.av. AND rf IS SO ORDERED. On motion of Commissioner ___ ca._r....,r:_n_t_er, _____ , seQ')nded by COliiDiseioner ____ Da_VJ.S_· ------' this Ordinanee vas passed on this the 1'oth day of' ___ De_c_.em_be_r ___ , 195..1..., by the following vote: O<mmiasionera voting "YEA": Morri s, Carpenter, Davis, am Maya-Tripp Commissioners votillg "NAY•• None