HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1507-1953 - Establishing Erection And Maintenance Of An Automatic Mechanical Traffic System - 12/10/1953\;;2-\0 -1953 ORDINANCE NO. 1507 All ORDINANCS ESTABLISHIR1 AND AUl'HORIZING THE ERECTION AND MlD'l'ENAN~ OF AN AUTOMATIC MECHANICAL TRAFFIC CONTOOL SIGNAL LIGHT A.T THE INTERSEGriON CP. TEN'l'H STREET AND AVENUE -r• Ill THE CITY OF LUBBOOK; AND DECLARING .AN EICB:rDCY. 'W'HERI1aS, JMbllc necessity, convenience and safety require the establisha!tnt of a m.echa.Dioal traffic control device at the hereina.fter named intersection to be used in conjumtion vith the eJDergenoy use ot the streets b7 vehicles of the City-Fire Department, and such traffic control dsviae till decreaee the traf'tic bar;ard at such intet-seotion caused b7 such emergency use of the a ~eta J BOW 1 THEREPURB, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COl+liSSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCXs SECTION 1. TKA1' the Traffic Engineer ot the City-ot Lubbock ia bereby authorised and directed to install and maintain an automtic mecbanioal tratfio control sigual light at the 1nterseotion ot Tenth Street and Avenue '1', vhioh a ball be controlled by the City or Lubbock Fire Depat-tment and shall ahibit a red colored light vhich shall be lighted and shown vben necessary to vam traffic of the poaaible approach of emrgeney Fire Depa.t-'tulent whiclee. SECTION 2. THU whenever said eErgency-traffic control light is in operation and is showing a red light, all vehiotnu alld pedestrian tratfio taoiDg the signal sba.ll come to a complete etop before entering into the oroaswalk ot-intersection and shall rea~n stopped lmtil said light ia no longer exhibi tillg a red light. SECTION .3. THAT the aDaotmnt of thie Ordinance, being De01PaJ:7 to the publ.J.o safety-, 8lld to provide for the safe use of the streets when elll9rgency fire 't'8biclea are reeponding to a call is declared to be an elll8rgency measure, thereby creating a public necessity tbat the rule requiring proposed ordinances to be presented at two separate meetings be dispensed withJ and this OrdiJJanoe sball be affective from the date of its paseage, ae provided b7 law. · AND IT IS SO ORDERED. On motion of Commissioner Caryentsr , seconded b7 CommissiODSr Davis City Commission on this lOth , the foregoi.llg Ordinance was pa.eaed b7 the chq ot December , 1952._, by the follow~ votac Commi88ionere voti.llg •YE.l•s Morris, Carpenter, Davis, am Mayor Tripp Commieaionera voting •NAY•s None ATmsTr