HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1497-1953 - Abandoning And Closing Portion Of North-South Alleyway In Block 14 - 11/24/1953, I 11 -~l!--19S3 ORDINANCZ NO. 1497 1.;2 -10 -\956 AN ORDIIUJGE .lBAIOOllilll AND CLC8IIG A PORriOH o.r Tim lf0Rl'B-80U111 ALLBY II BLOOK 14, ORIGIJW. '.l'OWlf OP LUBBOat, LUBBOCK COUJTY, TElAB~ LYIJI} SOtr.rB OP THB JEW FOURl'R STREI'l' RIGB!-OF-Wn' AID NOJml OF FD"l'H STRE!:l' AM> 1GB PARl'ICULARLI IBSORIIBD BX JCTES ARD BOlJRI8 IR THE BOD'f OF THIS ORDDWfCI. WHEREAS, the Ci \7 CoDDDiesion .finds tbat tbat portion ot the North-- South allq in Bloak 14, Origbal Town of Lubbock, Lubbock Coun:ty1 Tuaa• 1Ji111 south ot the Jlav Fourth Street Rlght-ot...way aDd DOrtb. ot l1ftb Street, ie no lODger DMdad tor all8T oz-&117 othez-public pl1"pp8e, S&'n aDd exoept tor the exietMloe aDd aiJlteD&DOe ot a perpet1Bl ea..-nt through said ~ ?or a 8aDi tarT ..,.r line exiati'DI thereiD~ aDd, WHUR.&a, 1ihe Cit,. OoDIIIdeeiOID finde that the oont!nu.a11oe of said alle7 for public traftl cODiititutea a misanoe aDd it would be in the public interest to ol.oee aDd abuldon ..... ~"~public travel, reeerring an ....... tor ea1d eaiait&ry eewr liDeJ TBBRIPORB, J£ IT ORDAIIEJ) BY THE Clft cmi«SSIOH OF TH8 CITY OF LUBOO<I:a SECTIOI 1. That that part aDd portion at the lo~outh alle7 in Blook Fourteen (14), Oriciw Town ot Lubbock, Lubbock County, Tezaa, ly.i.ll& South or a line tift ree• (S •) South of al!d parallel te the 1Mb boundar7 line ot the Four\h Street R:llht-of-v&7 ae ... i• c:laeoribed in the Deciei011 ot the CJam1.- a1onera iJl the proceed11J18 b7 the Ci't7 of Lubbock in COD4emmtion1 F. w. Doole7, et al, Defendant., No. 571.! as recorded 1n the Office of Clerk of the Count,. Court At Lav of Lubbook Cotmt7, Teas, conta1111Dc 2fi'J7 .30 square teet, more or leS8, BK, and the eame ie hereby abandoned &lid oloeed to Public trawl. Ree•l"'''ins ad ExoepUJII troa euob ab&Ddomneat and cloeing a Pel'BBnnt aDd Perpetual Eaae•nt for t.be purpose of •1ntaird.llg, nccmetraoti.JJg aDd repairins a eani ta.l7 etNer l.iDe running north and 11outh tbroulh and ur.der the abcrn ducribed t:raot. AIID IT IS SO OBDBmm. """ On motiOD ot Oommiseionar Davis , eeooDiled b7 Oomieaioner Careenter , the toregoiDg Ordinanoe vu paaae4 on t1rat read1aa tble 2Vb dq ot November 1 1953, b.r tbe folloviDg vote ot ~lt7 Ocmmi881 Oommisaionere votiDC wrEA•s Morris,Carpenter,Davia,Thamaa & Mayor Trip Co.daaionere vot.i.D& •JAI'ta None On lDOUOJl ot Coaniealcmer Jllorris , "aoDdecl br Cc.d.eeicmer Carpente.r , the foregoiJlg Ordinance vas p&888d on SeooDS reac11..q th1e 19th dq ot December , 1953, b7 tbe folloving vote ~ Oit,. COJIID18a1 Cammiasionera voting ·~•s Morris, Carpenter, Davis~ and Mayor Tripp