HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1477-1953 - Repealed By Ordinance 4656 - 10/22/19531477 = / I 0 ~ ;;2.d-\953 ORDINANCZ NO. 1477 Repealed by Ordinance No. 4656 AN ORDINANCE »ENDING SID!'ION 23 AliD SECTION 8 OF ORDINANCE NO. S64, AS AloENDED BI ORDINANCE NO. 1414, THEREBY CHANGIKI PAli{OO ME'l'ER9 NOS. I-13-6, I-]J-8, ~2, 11.-8-.4, 11-8-6, 11-8-8, 11-8-10, ll-&.12, ll-~14, 11-8-16 and 11-8-18 FROM OJlE-NICKEL~ OIIE-HOUR PARKDIG ro TWO-PENRY, 24-MDUTE OR OMK-HICKEL, ~ ,PARKIW AND ESTABLISHING PARAlLEL PAHIIII6 ON '1'HE !I>Rrll SIDE OF THE 800 Bt.OCX or : MliN S'l'REE'l'j REPEALillG ALL COIFLICTOO ORMiWfCES; AU'l'HORIZIRI PUBLICATIOMJ AID IELARING AN qE~JI}!'. WHEREAS, the City COI!IIliaaion baa adopted the recommendations of the City Traffic Engineer in DBking oertain change• in parking on certain e tNeta in the Cit7 of Lubbock in order to inoreue the public's uee and aatet,.-ot the etreetaJ HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCKs SECTION 1. That Seotion 23 of Ordinance Ho. 564, as amended b.r Ord1nanoo No. 1414, ia hereb)r a.metnded eo aa to change and m.od1ty the length ot tim parking ia permitted in parking meter spaces Nos. I-13-6, I-13-8, 11-8-2, 11-8-4, l.L-8-6, 11-8-8, 11-8-10, 11-S...12, 11-8-14, 11-8-16 ud 11-8-18. BO'l'ION 2. That the City Traff'io Engineer ia hereby authorized and directed to mke the nacenaey mechanical changes in the meters aet out in Section 1 (One) of this Ordinance eo as e&id mtera will operate on a 24-Jd.nute, two-penJ\Y or one-nickel buis. SECTIOB 3. That Section 8 or Ordinance No. S64 be aJDended aa follovss That on the North aide of the 800 Block of Main Street all nhiclea shall be pa.rked with both right wheela of the vehicle within eighteen (18) inches of the curb on the right-band aide of the street. SRC'l'IOJl 4. '!'hat part of the proviaion of a:q Ordinanc:J or Order in conflict vitb thia Ordinance is hereby' repealed. SECTION S. Any person, firm or corporation vho shall violate, aid or abet the violation of &JJ7 prot'ision of this Ordinance aball1 upon conviction, be .fibed in ~ aum not to exceed 'two Hundred Dollars (1200). SECTION 6. '!'hat the Cit7 Secretary ia hereby directed to cause publication of tbe descriptive caption of tbis Ordinance together with the penalty clause as an al terna ti ve method provided b7 lav. SEOI'IOH 7. Tba t the enactment of this Ordinance being neci8asary to the public safety and to provide for a greater use of tbe publio streets and due to the cbat@ing traffic conditions ia declared to be an eBBrgenoy Jl8asure thereb;r creating a public neoeasity that the rule requiring proposed ordinances to be presented at two aepare.te meetings be dispensed with and this Ordinance shall be effective froa the date ot publication aa herein provided. AND IT IS SO ORDERED On motion of COJilmisaioner -----=T~h~o=m•as"------' seconded by COJIIDissioner ______ M_o_rr._i_s ___ ~--' the foregoing Ordinance was pasaed by the City CO!IIIdaaion on this 22nd the following votes day of _...;;o..;;.c..;;.to;;.;;b;.;;er;;;.... ____ , 1953, b7 Commieeionera voting. ~"a l-iorris, Carpm ter, Davis 1 Thomae and Mayor Tripp None