HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1464-1953 - Repealed By Ordinance 4656 - 09/29/1953:opy .0-2-53 ;o ~ity Atty. 'alice Dept •. 'raffle Engr. 1464 Repealed by Ordinance No. 4656 0.9-;;;l9 ~ !95 3 OBDllWD 10. 1464 B ORDDUICZ JMW>DG SEai'IOJ 2' OF ORDDWICB lfO. 564, .AS .A1CRIBD BY ORDIRAD Jl). 14141 TI£HIB! ClWfallli PJ.RXDQ M!'l'D 50. G-1~1 01 mE BAS! SIJB OF !'HE 1000 BLOOK or AVEIUE •a• l'PI 018-JJICDL, OlE-HOUR PpiiJG TO !WZLVB-MIR:JT&S lOR OliLPDIY, TWDTY-POUR MIJDT!S FOR 'l'WO-PDNDS OR OJB..IICI.IL PA.RliiGJ REPEALDG ALL COD'LICTIHG ORDIND<ZSJ PHJVIDilll A PEIIALTIJ AU'l'HORDIIG PUBLICA'fiOB; AID D!CLARIIG AI DBRGEEY • WBRIA81 the Cit7 ec.dasion hae, aa a result or ohanpd trattio oondi· tions, adopted the reOODDelldat10111 of the Cit7 'l'ratfio EngiDMr to chd&e oartain om-hour parld.D£ mten to 24-almlt.e partd.DC •tenJ JCV, TBEICPOIS, BB rr ORillllGm BY THE CITY CCHIISSIOI 0'1 THE OI'fY OF LOB!OOI1 SEal'IOI 1. 'fhat Seotion 23 ot Ordinanoe ~. S64, •• .u.nded b.r OrdiDanoe Ro. 1414, 1a bereb,y -lldK ao aa to ohdge ud ~ the leacth ot tiM parJd.Dg ia peraitted on the ••t side ot the 1000 Blook of._..,..._ G lD Partac Mater Spaae Bo. G-10..11 so u to pl"'hibit parklllg for a lODger oontiDuoua period thaJl 1iveDt.T-fOV (24) Jli.JIInea. SIO'l'IOB 2. That the Cit7 'l'rattio E»cineer 1.a hereby authorised ud directed to install ad place 1Jl operation twlw (12)-mimlte, oae-peDIJ71 twenty-tour (24)-III..DUte, two-peDD,y or cme-Dickel parkiDg •tera at the toUovbg looationa On tb1 But. aicJa of the 1000 Bloat ot A'ftDl8 G 1Ja ParkiDc Mater Spaoe lo. G-10..1. SSCTIOI 3. !bat part ot tb8 provision ot u_:r ordinanoe or order!.ln oontliot with this ordiranoe is herebr repealed. SICfBII 4. ADJ pareon, til"'l or oorpora\ion vbo llhall Yi.olate, aiel or abet the 'tiolaUon ot aa.r prGYiaiODe ot · thi• orctinanoa aball, upoa ooaviotioa, be t!Md b &JJ7 8'IDI aot. t.o exoeed t\lo ~ Dol.lara (t200). , SBCTIOI 5. Tbl Cit7 Seoretary is hereb7 direoted to cause publloation of the descriptive aapticm of tbia ordiD&Doe together with the penalty olauae, u an alterD&tiw •thod as prorlded by law. SIOI'IOI 6. That the enactlleDt at this ordiadoe, being •0888&1"7 to the publio aat•v and to proYide tor a greater •• or tbe P1bl1c streets aDd due to tbe oha.agiJW traffic condi tioDS, ia declared to be an emergen07 raeuure, thereby oreat1111 a public neoeeeity tbat the rule requiriDI proposed ordiDaDoee t.o be preeented at two (2) eeparate ••tlDge be dispensed vithJ_. thia o.rdiiWlOe shall be efteotiw from the date ot publioation ae herein prorided. AID IT IS S) ORDIRKD. On .otion or Commiseioner Carpenter , 8800Dded ~ eo..isaiODer Thomas , the foNgoiDg Ordift&D.Oe vu paaaed by the City Oommiaai on ~is _29t h dq ot September , 19S3, b,y1be follow~ wtea COwm'aslonare votiuc'atll•s Morr i s, C~aal<mers 'f'Otibl "lll!'ls