HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1441-1953 - Establishing No-Parking Zone On S Side Of 19Th St Between Louisville And Knoxvil - 08/13/1953v ) , . ' 00-13-1953).441 ORDIHAI<B 110. --· --- AI ORDINAII:E KSTABLISBDiliO-P.ARKING zeus ON THE SOlJTH SIJB OF 19'l'H S!Hi&i BETWEDl LOUISVILLC A'9EIOE AND DOXVILLI AVENUE; ARD, OJ THE WEST SIJE 01 AYERUE lfP BE'l'WEII:I 191'1 STMET AND ~ STRIETJ AtmiORIZING PmTDG Of CURBS AID THE &RECTIOH OF SIGNS; PllOVIDING A PENAL'l'IJ ~DG CONFLICTING ORDilWCESJ AU'l'HORDING PUBLICATIOIJ AND ~LlRDfG .U EI£RGEHCY. JB IT ORDliHED BY TBE CI'l'I COiaSSIOI OF THE CITY OP LUBBO<K: Slil:'l'IOJ 1. !bat Jlo-ParkiJ:Ia Zcmu •, aDd are herelJT established on the roll.owiDg described portioaa of strMte, and it shall hereafter be UDlavtul tor 8ZI1 person operating, driving or 1n control ot a wblole to allov, permit or auf't.r •uch 'f8bicle to be puked 1D tbe portiou of streeta hereinafter cleaoribed ae conatttutiDc tbe Jo-Parid.DC zoaea. SEC'l'ICII 2. Tbat tho" portiou ot streets rehrred to 111 Section 1 (One) of thia Ordiunce u lo-Parld.Dg Zones are u tolloww1 A. On the South side ot 19th Street between Louin-llle J.wmae and KDCDUle Awrme. B. On the Weat side of .l.wnue U between 19th Street aDd 2oth Street. sg;rrox ). That· the Cbiet ot Police u authori•ed and directed to paint the curbe and erect signs illdioating No-Parking Zones ccmeiatent with the provisio of this Ord1Dall08. SEC'fiON 4. '!'bat u;y person vho aha1l ntrer or psl'Jid.t &117 wbicle operated, driwn or controlled b;r bill to be parked ill t.ba areas described in Sec- tion 2 (!vo) ot this Ordinanet shall, upon coDYiction, be f'iDed in arrr ·-not exceedire 1200.00. SBOTIOJ '· !bat all portiona ot other ordinances 1n conflict with the proviaiona of Ulie Ordi~oe are herebT repeal.e~. SIC!IOI 6. !hat the Ci1i7 Secreta17 is hereb,r authorised to oauee publication ot the clesoriptiw captioza ot thi• Ordinance together with the penalt7 claue aa an alterDatiw method prorldecl b;r lav. SICTIOB 7 • Tba t due to the challging traf't1o condi tiona orea t1DC a hau.rd. 1Djur1oua to the public and t.he public's uae ot the streets, the eJJ&ct.ent of tbi• 0rd1DUoe i• declared to be an emergency measure there'bT ~at1ng a public neceeeity that the rule requiriDC proposed ord.inanoea to be presented at two (2) separate co111Dlias1on aeetincs be diapenaed with and thiJJ Ordinance shall be etteoU rrc. the date ot 1 ta passage as provided by lav. AID I'r IS 80 OSRED. On motion ot Co•aissioner Thanas , seconded b.7 Co.U.aione C arnent er , this OnU ll8.JlC8 vas paaaed on this the 13th , dq of August , 1953, b,r the following votea ColiiiD18aioners TOting •IEA•a Carpenter, Thanas and Mayor Tripp ......... -. C~e10D8n vot!Dg ltJli"s None v /