HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1425-1953 - Authorizing The Placing Of Stop Signs On Both Sides Of Ave U - 07/09/1953C0ry '-13-53 ~0 •vnn And- rews, 'olice )e-t. , ,!tv Att'l. o:r -o9 -1.953 ORD~E JO. 1.425 AN ORDINAR3 AUTHORIZING THE PLACD«l OF SfOP SIGNS OJ B>'1'H SIJBS OF AVIRUE "U'I J.T 4arH STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF J.VDlB •utt AT .39'l'H STREE!; (If BOTH SIIBS OF 46TH ST&1' AT COLLEGE AVEIUIJ ON BatH SIIBS OF 4lSl' STREET AT CCI.LEGB AVEJ'IJBJ OR BOTH SIDE OF 42NO STREET AT COLLEGE .A.VDUEJ ON BO'l'H SIDES OF 43RD .~u>£u;.u;t·JI!RII!I, J.'r COLLEGE AVDJZJ ON BOTH SitES or 44TH STREET AT COLIIXZ J.VERUlC; ON BOTH SIIZS OF 45TH STREET A"l COLLEGE AVEIIUBJ OJ BOTH SIIBS OF 41ST S'l'RD'l' A.'r AVENUE IIU1'J ON Jm'H SllBS OF 42Jm STREM' AT AVENUE lltfWJ OR B0'1'H SIDBS OF 43RD STREET AT AVE!IJE "U"J <lf BOTH SIDIS OF 44TH S'l'R£E't J:r AVDUE tttJW; OW BOrH SIDE OF 45TH STIR'!' AT AVD'tl& tttJI'J Oll BOTH SIJBS OF .46TH S'rftEET AT AYDUE -u•, B1QUIRD1G AIL VEHICU:S TO ST<!' A'l SOOH SIGNS; RIPBILIMG ALL OOHP'LICTI!fG ORDDWlCRSJ JHD JECLARING AI EM!:Jdl~ .• IB I! ORDAINED BI THE CrrY COMMISSION OP THE CITY OF LUBBOOKt SBC'l'IOI l. !'hat the City 'fratfio hgineer lB, aDd he 1a herebf directed to oaue atop aipa to be plaoed a\ locations aet out in Section -2 (TWo) of this OrdiMaoe. Tbe atop a1pa eball be plaoed OD the right aide ot the atJ"Wet v1 thin three (.3) f'Ht of tbe aide ourb aDd fifteen (15) feet. froa the ourb ot t.a. int.ereeoti!lg lltreet, or it DOt. practicable that the sip be plaoed. at. W.. looat.1on, then it eball be plaoed at the Dlarest practicable location to attract the attent101 of the approach1 ng operators of vehicles. SECTION 2. That the l.ocatioDS referred to 1D Section 1 (Om) ot this Ordinance are u tollovaa On both aides ot A'ftlllle U at 40th Street On both sides ot Avenue U at 39th Street On both aides of 46th Street at Collage AYem. On both aides of 4lat Street at CoUep Aw~~~e On both aides ot 42Dd StrMt at College Ana. On both aides of 4)rd Street at College Aveme On both sides of 44th Street at College .t..,euwt On both aides ot 45~ Street at College Awnua On bOth aides ot 4lat Street. at Annue U On both sides ot 42nd Street at Annue U On both aides ot 43rd Street at Avenue U On both sides of 44th Street at J.,e1N8 U 011 bbth aides ot 45th Street at AWDDI U On both aides ot 46th Street at AYellll8 U smTIOI 3. That the dr!nr, operator or aJ:\1 person in control of aq · whicle approach1Dg such atop eigne u de signa ted in Section 2 (Two) ot this OrdixaDCe aball oompl.ete.q stop such vehicle and shall ;rield the right ot way to other whiclea vhioh haw entered the intersection or vhioh are approa.chiDg eo cloaeq as to constitute a hau.rd. sm!IOJ 4• That 8J17 Ordinance in contlict berevith is hereby repealed. SEOTIOR S. That attention ia directed to the obedienoe to traffic oontrol dn1oee l'Wquired in Article 3, Section 1, and to the penaly prori.ded in Article 12, Seot:ion 2 of Ordinanoe lfo. 890. Sl!X:TIOR 6. That the enaot.nt ot tid• Ordinanoa, being illperatiw to the preaern.tton ot public peaoe, health and aatev ot the Cit;y ot Labbock aJJd tb8 lnbabita.nts thereof and to proricle a greater use of the public streets, tbat the prori.aiou ot this Ordinance ba put in tull force aDd eftect, tberebr ereat1111 a pu.'blio D8oesait7 that the rule requirittg proposed ordinanoes to be presented at two (2) separate meeUDge be dispeDa•d with, aDd tlWJ OrdiDI.l'loe shall be effective J trom the date ot pabl.ication, aa herein provided. AND rr IS SO 0.8DE11ED. On 110t.ion of Comad.asioD&r __ Th......._oma.......,s...._ ____ , seconded bf Comia- sioner -· --· ~Q ... iit;,irp~e;:;t.ln~te;:;;.:r~-· ____ , tbe foregoing Ordinance vas passed bT the CODDissiODBrs voting •na. •s Morris, Carpenter, Davis, Thomas &. ATTESTs Mayor Tripp Conm1seionera voting ~AI•t None -!led ~j~ .. \.