HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0538 - Compromise Settlement Agreement, Release Of All Claims, Julian Molina - 11/07/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0538
Item No. 5.5
November 7, 2023
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to
execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, a Compromise Settlement Agreement
and Release of All Claims with Julian Molina, and related documents. Said Agreement is
attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be
included in the minutes of the City Council.
Passed by the City Council on November 7, 2023
Courtney Paz, ity Se
Blu Kostelic , Chief Financ fficer
e a el , Depu!y City Attorney
vw:ccdocs111RES.Agrmt-Molina, Julian
October 25, 2023
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Resolution No. 2023-R0538
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'i'his Compromise Sctticmcnt Agrccment and Rcleasc oi' All Claims ("Sctticmen�
Agreement") is entered into by and between the CITY OF LUBBOCk, 'I'EXAS ("thc
City"), and JULIAN MOLINA. ("thc Claimant")
WH�REAS, on or about October lU, 2022, Julian Molina was A passcn�;cr in a
vehicle travelling north in the 8300 131ock of l�rankford �lvenue; and
WHLRI�AS, a City of Lubbock Solid Wastc truck was makinb a left turn on to
I�rankford Avcnuc; and
WHI:REAS, lhere was a collision bet�veen the City of Lubbock's vehicle and the
vehicle in �uhich Cluimant was a passenger; and
WHCREAS, Claimant alle�es that the driver of the City vehicle ��as negligent in
operating his vehicle; and
WHLREAS, Claimant alle�es he suffcrcd physical injuries as a result c�i' this
accident, some of which rcquired surgic�l intervention; find
VdI I�RL'•AS, the City denies any liability to Claimant for any claim or cause of action,
but is willing to settic all clt�ims to avoid the inconvenience, distractions, uncerlaintics
and expenses attendant to litigation and trial, in exchange for the consideration and
rcleascs sct forth bclow.
JM'S fVl l'IALS� ��,
1. IN CONSIDERA I�ION of the payment by the Cit�� ot' thc swn of O�I1:
HLTNDRED �IINE1'Y FIVE THOUSANU and No/100 Dollars (5195.000.00),
Claimant does hcrcto cnter into this Sctticmcnt Agreemenl and does herchy
release, acquit, and forever discharge the City of (,ubbock, Tcxas, its respective
predecessors, succcssors, assigns, ow�tcrs, City Council. partners, mcmbcrs,
managcrs, cmployees, directors, legal representativcs, insurcrs, independent
contractors, agents and attorneys (the '`Releasees''), ol� and from any and all
liability, claims, demands, damages, auorney's fecs, costs, liens, whcre statutorily
provided or othcr��ise, expenscs, scrvices, actions, causes of action, or suit in
cquity, of whatsoevcr kind or naturc, whcthen c�rctofore or hereafter accruing,
which Ctaimant now has or may hcreaftcr havc, whcthcr known or unknown,
arising from the motor vehicle accident on Oc�obcr 10, 2022, involving the City
of Lubbock.
2. Payment shal! be made by check payable to Julian Molina a�id Glasheen, Valles &
[ndcrman, LL}' after this Settlement /\greement is signed by all partics.
3. Claimant agrees that he is respvnsiblc for any outstandinb liens, claims, or rights
of subcogation that may now on c�rcaflcr cxist arising out of or rclating to this
occurrence inctudinb, but not lintited to. liens from any hcalth care insurer or
health care provider, including Medicare liens.
4. "Chis Scttlement A�;rcement may be pled as a lull and complctc defense to any
action, suit, or other proceeding, which may be instituted, pr�secuted or attempted
for, upon, or in respect of any of the claims released hereb}•.
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5. 'I'his Scrilcmcnt Abreement includcs any transaction, occurrence, matter or thinb
whatsoever, whether known or unkno�m, arising or occurring duc to this iticidcnt
including, but not limitcd to, all claims, dcmands, causcs of actions of an} naturc,
whcthcr in contract or in tort, or arising out ol; undcr or by virtue of any statutc or
rcgulation, that arc r�cogniicd by I�aw or that may bc crcatcd or rccogni-r.cJ in thc
future by any manner, including, �vithout timitation, by statutc, regulation, or
judicial decision, for past, prescnt and I'uture dama�e or loss, or remedies of any
kind that are now reco�nizcd by luw or lhat may be crcatcd or recognizcd in thc
Cuiure by any manner, and including but not limited to the following: al! actual
damages. all exemplary And ptmitive d�magcs, all pena(ties of an�� kind or
statutory damages. Claimant hereby dcclares that he lully undcrstands thc tcrms
of this Settlement n�;rccu�ent and vol�u�tarily accepts the above statcd sum for thc
purposes of making full and final serilcmcnt of any and all the injurics, damages.
expenses, and inconveniences above mcntioncd.
6. Claimant hereby rcpresents and wanants that he, and he alone, owns thc claimcd
rights, interests, demands, actions, or causes ot� action, oblibations, or an�• other
matter covcred by this Settlement Agrcement (the `'Claimed Rights"), and that he
has not transfcrrcd, conveyed, plcdgcd, assigncd or madc any othcr disposition ol
thc Claimcd Kights. Claimant agrccs to indemnity and hold harn�lcss thc
Relcasees irom and against any and all claims, demands, or causes of action and
the reasonable and necessary costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred in the
defense of any such claim that any person who claims an ownership, including
any liens whether statutory or otherwise, in the claimed rights, interests, dcmands.
PAGI: 3 OF 6 JM'S INITIAI.S: �1� i
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actions, or causes oi' action, obiibations. or any olher matter covered by this
Setilement Agreement.
7. Thc tenns of this Scttlement /1�rccmcnt shall inurc to the bcnefit of, and bc
binding upon, the Clflimant, Releusecti, tiuccessorti or assigns.
8. All signatories to this Settlement Agrcement hercby warrant that thcy have thc
authority to execute this Settlement Agreement and bind the respective parties.
9. This Settlement Agreemcnt states tizc cntire agrccment of the partics H�ith respcct
to thc matters discussed herein, and superscdcs all prior or contcmporancous oral
or written understandings, agrecmcnts. statemcnts or promises.
10. This Sctllcmcnt n�rccmcnt may not bc amcndcd or modilicd in any respcct
except by a WT1lIC11 instrumcnt duly cxccutcd by all oC thc partics to this
Sctticment ngreement.
11. If this Scttlement Agrcemcnt does not bccome effcctive for a�1y rcason, it shall hc
deemed negotiatia�s lor settlement purposes only and will not be admissiblc in
evidence or usablc for any pur{�oscs whatsocvcr.
12. If any porlion or term of this Scttlrmcnt ngrcement is held w�cnforceable by a
cow�t of competcnt jurisdiction, thc rcmaindcr of this Settlement Agreement shal!
not bc affccted and shall remain lully in Corce and enf'orceablc.
l3. �ach party has consultcd with whatever consultants. attorncys or othcr advisors
each deems appropriate concerninb the effect of this Settlemcnt Agreemcnt and
Claimant assumes thc risk arising from not seeking furthcr or additional
consultation with such advisors.
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�nn'S INITIAI.S� _ ��
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14. Each party assumes thc risk oC an�� mistakc of ('act or law with regard to any
aspcct of this Settlement Agreement, the disputc describcd hcrein, or any asscrted
rights released by this Settlement Agreement.
15. Claimant, by cutcring into this Sctticmcn� Agrecmcnt, acknowicdgcs that this
sctilcmci�t is a compro►nisc of a disputcd claim as to thc liability of thc Rcicasccs
I'or the Claimant's injuries and damases, if any, and the payment made herein is
not to be construed as an admission of liability on the parl of the Releasces. ]t is
understood that the existcnce ot� a��y liahility or wri�ngdoing has bcen, and
continucs to bc, expressly denied by the Releasccs.
16. All pa��ties to this Setticmcnt Agreement acknowledge and agree that they have
obtained le�al rcpresentation and advice, as they have deemcd appropriatc in
entering into this Settlement Agrccmcnt.
17. All parties Further statc that this Scttlement A�reemcnt, including the li�regoing
relense, has bcen carcfully read and each party understands the contents thcrcof
and have sibned the samc as their own res�ectivc free act and havc not bccn
influcnccd in making this setticment by any representative ot� a party ar parties
1$. It is f'urthcr undcrstood that thc provisions of this Sctticmcnt Agrcctncnt arc
contractual and not merc rccilals and that the laws c�f thc S�ate of Teras shall
govcrn this Sctticmcnt Agrccmcnt.
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PAGE 5 OP 6 JM'S INI'I�IALS: �1 "■
S�fATI� O}� �r�xns §
f3cforc mc. thc undcrsigncd authority, on this �ay of �.��?`s.�
ncrsonally appearcd JULInN MO1.INn, kno��n to mc lo bc thc person �vhosc namc is
subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acki�oH�lcdgcd to mc that Ilc exccuted tlie
same lor the purposes and considcration therein eYpressed.
,��a� °os MARY GONZALEZ Notar� 1'ub t•
:° � Notary I� #128563580
�„ � My Commisston Expires
��toi�.' AAay 31, 2027
FOIt 7'lil�: Cl'I'Y OF LUBBOCK:
liy: ----- - - - - -
Signed this 7th day of Novcmbcr, 2U23
PAGf: 6 OF 6 JM'S INI"I IAI.S: ��