HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0548 - PO 32501091, With Dana Safety Supply, Inc, Emergency Lighting & Safety Equipment - 11/07/2023Resolution No. 2023-R0548
Item No. 5.15
November 7, 2023
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute
for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order No. 32501091 by and between the
City of Lubbock and Dana Safety Supply of Atlanta, Georgia for equipment installation
services per BuyBoard 698-23, and related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto
and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the
minutes of the City Council.
Passed by the City Council on November 7, 2023
.�_ � �� .�� --
Brooke Witcher, Assistant City Manager
: " : �7
rst flssistant City Attorney
ccdocs IIIRES.Dana Safety Supply-PurchaseOrd
October 23, 2023
��►r ��Tyof
PO BOX 117297
ATLANTA GA 30368-7297
Page - 1
Date - 10/12/2023
Order Number 32501091 000 OP
Branch/Plant 2242
530 36TH STREET, SUITE 200
P.O. BOX 2000
Marta Alvar , Director of Purchasing & C'ontract Management
Ordered 10/ 12/2023 Freight .
Requested 11/24/2023 Taken By D HEATH
Delivery Per J Zhine / Req # 60886 Quote#493043-HBuyBoard 698-23
I/'vou have any questions please contact Jay Zhine at JZl�ine(a�tnail.ci.lubbock.txus or by phone at 806-775-2366
Description/Supplier Item Ordered _ Unit Cost _UM Extension Request Date
Install - FTWO 37.000 2,960.0000 EA 109,520.00 1124/2023
DSS Installation of Eqiuipment
DSS Installation of Eqiuip K9
Expense for On-Site installs
1.000 4,180.0000 EA
38.000 350.0000 EA
Total Order
4,180.00 11/24/2023
13,300.00 11/24/2023
This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $127,000.00 awarded to Dana Safety Supply of Atlanta, GA, on
November 7 , 2023. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Quote dated
October 13, 2023, from Dana Safety Supply of Atlanta, GA, and BuyBoard Contract 698-23.
Resolution # 2023-R0548
Tra yn , yor
Co rtney Paz, City Secre
�►� c��y of
PO BOX 117297
ATLANTA GA 30368-7297
Page - 2
Date - 10/12/2023
Order Number 32501091 000 OP
Branch/Plant 2242
530 36TH STREET, SUITE 200
P.O. BOX 2000
Marta Aivar Director of Purchasing & Contract Management
Ordered 10/12/2023 Freight .
Requested i l/24/2023 Taken By D HEATH
Delivery Per J Zhine / Req # 60886 Quote#493043-HIBuyBoard 698-23
If vou have anv questions please con/act Jay Zhine at JZhine(a),mai�ci.lubbock.lxus or by phone at 806-775-2366
Commercial General Liabilitv: Workers Comaensation and Emplover Liabilitv:
$2M occurrence 1$4M aggregate (can be combined with an Statutory. If the vendor is an independent contractor with no
Excess Liability to meet requirement). CGL is required in ALL employees and are exempt from providing Workers'
contracts. It is perhaps the most important of all Compensation coverage, they must sign a waiver (obtained
insurance policies in a contractual relationship. It insures the from COL Purchasing) and include a copy of their driver's
Contractor has broad liability coverage for contractual activities license. Employer Liability ($11� is required with
and for completed operations. Workers Compensation.
Commercial General Liability to include Products — Additional Policies: N/A
Completion/OP, Personal and Advertising Injury, Contractual
Liability, Fire Damage (any one fire), and Medical Expenses
(any one person).
Automorive Liabilitv:
$1 M occurrence is needed.
*The City of Lubbock (including its officials, employees and volunteers) shall be afforded additional insured status on a primary
and non-contributory basis on all liability policies except professional liabilities and workers' comp. *Waivers of Subrogation are
required for CGL, AL, and WC. *To Include Products of Completed Operations endorsement. *Carrier will provide a 30-day
written notice of cancellation, 10-day written notice for non-payment. *Carriers must meet an A.M. Best rating of A- or better.
*Subcontractors must c same limits as listed above.
Setler and Buyer agree as
CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES. bv suoolvine anv Goods or Srn�ca that the Contracwr has read. fullv
understands. and w�ll be in full wmnliance with all tema a�d condi�ions and �he darnouve ma�erial contained herein
and anv additional usociated documents and Amendments. The Crtv diulaims am tefms and conditionc prov�ded bv
the Comraaor unless aerced uoon m wnlme bv the oart�es. In the event of conll�ct be�ween the Citv"s lema and
condiliont and anv trnns and conditions orovided bv �he Contractor. the lemic and condilans orovided herein shall
prcvail The tems and wnditions orovidcd haein are the final lemss aereed upon bv the oartia. and anv orior
con0ictine tmns shall be of no force or effat.
I. SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS. Seller will package goods in accordance with good commercial przctice.
Each shipping container shall be clearly and pemanently marked ac follows (a) Seller's name and addras, (b)
Consignee's name, address and purchax order or purchase release number and Ihe supply agreemenl number if
applicable, (c) Container number and total number of conlainers, e.g. boz I of 4 boxa, and (d) �he number of the
container bearing Ihe packing slip. Seller shall bear cost o( packaging unlas o�hmvise provided. Goods sha�l be
sui�ably packed to secure lowal trantportatan cos�s and to conform with requiremenis of comrtqn carriers and any
applicable specifications. Buyer's count or weight shall be final and conclusive on shipments not accompanied by
packing lis�s.
2. SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED. Sella is not authorized to ship the goods under
rarnation and no tender of a bill of lading will operate az a lenda of goods.
3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. The �i�le and risk of loss of the goods shall not pass �o Buyer until Buyer ac�ually
receiva and laka possession o( Ihe goods at �he poim ar points of delivery.
4. NO REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTNE TENDER Every �ender of delivery of goods must fullycomplywith all
provisions of this contract as to lime ofdelivery, qualityand Ihe 18ce. Ifa trnder is made which doa not fully con(orm,
this shall constitu�e a breach and Sella shall no� have �he right to substitute a confo�ming tender, provided, where the
time for performance has not yst expired, Ihe Seller may reasonably no�ify Buyer of his imrntion lo cure and may
then make a conPo'ming m�er within the contract time bul not aftenvard.
5. INVOICES & PAYMENTS. a S e I I e r shall wbmit separa�e invoica, in duplicate, one each purchase order or
purchase release after wch delivery. Invoica shall indicate the purchaze order or purchase rcleau number and
�he supply agreement number if applicable. Invoices shall be itemiud and transponation charges, if any, shall be
listed upara�ely. A copy of the bill of lading, and the freight waybill when applicable, strould be attached lo Ihe
invoice. Mail To: Accounts Payable, City of Lubbock, P. O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texaz 79457. Paymenl shall not
be due until the above inslruments are submitled afterdelrvery
6. GRATUITIES. The Buytr may, by writtrn notice lo the Seller, cancel this contraa without liabiliry �o Seller if
it is delermined by Buytr that gratuities, in �he fom� of rnlMainment, gifls or othe�wise, were offered or given by �he
Seller, or any agem or repraentalive of the Seller, to any o�cer or employce of �he City of Lubbock with a viav lo
securing a contraa or securing favorable trwtmem with respec� w the awarding or amending, or Ihe making of any
detmninations with r�spea to the pafomiing of such a contaa. In the evem this contrza is canceled by Buyer
pursuanl to this provision, Buya shall be entitled, in addmon to any other rights and remedia, to recover or withhold
the amount of the cost incurred by Sella in providing such gami�ies.
7. SPECIAL TOOLS 8' TEST EQUIPMENT. If the price stated on the face haeof includes the cost of any special
tooling or special tesl equipmem Fabricaud or requ'ved by Sella for the purpose of filling �his order, such speciai
tooling equipment and any procas sheets rclated thereto shall become Ihe property of �he Buysr and to the exten�
feasible shall be identified by Ihe Seller as such.
8. WARRANTY-PRICE. a The prim to be paid by the Buyer shall be tha� contained in Selkr's bid which
Sella wartanis to be no higher than Seller's curtrnt pmcess on orders by others for producls of the kind and
specifiwlion covered by Ihis agreement for similar quantnia unda similar of like conditions and methods of purchace.
In �he evem Seller brcacha this wa�ranty, the prica of the nems shall be «duced to the Seller's cwrent prices
on orders by others, or in �he altemative. Buyer may cancel this wmraa without liability to Seller for breach
or Seller's actual expense. b. The Sella wartants Ihat no person or ulling agenty has been employed or retained �o
solicit or secure �his wntraa upon an agreement or understanding for commission, percrnlage, brokerage, or contingent
(ee excepting bona fide employees of bona fide established commercial or selling agencia maintained by the Seller for
the purpox of securing business. For brcach of viciation of this wartanty �he Bu�cr shall have the right in addi�ion to
any other right of rights to cancel this contract without liabdny and �o dcducl from the contracl price, or othrnvise
recova withoul liabilityand lo deduct (rom �he comraa pnce, orothmvise rccover Ihe full artaunt ofsuch commission,
percrntage, brokerage or contingem fee.
9. WARRANTY-PRODUCT. Seller shall not limit or exclude any implied warrantia and any attempt to do so shall
renda �his contract voidable at �he option of �he Buya. Seller wartants that Ihe goods fumished will confofm �o the
specification, drawings, and descriplions listed in the bid invita�ion, and to �he sample(s) fumished by the Seller, if any.
In the evenl of a conFlict or between the specificalions, drawings, and dacriptions, the specifica�ions shall govem.
Nohvilhstanding any provisions comained in the contraclual agrament, Ihe Seller rcpraents and wartants faul�-Gee
perfortnanceand fault-frce rcsult in the procasing date and date rclated data (including, but nol limited to wlculating,
comparing and sequencing) of all hardware, software and fifmware produc�s delivaed and servica provided unda
this Contrac�, individually or in combination, u the case may be from Ihe effective dam of this Cantrac�. The
obligations wntained herein apply to products and servicu provided by �he Seller, ils sub- Seller or any third party
involved in the crcation or development of �he products and services lo be delivered to �he City of Lubbock unda this
Contratl. Failure to to�ly with any of the obligaliont contained haein, may rault in the City of Lubbock
availing i�self of any of ils rights under the law and under this Contract including, bul nol limited lo, its right pMaining
to tamina�ion or deFaull. The wartantia wntained herein are separate and discrcle from any other wartantia
specified in this Contrac�, and are not wbject to any disclaimer of wartanty, implied or expressed, or limitation of �he
Seller's liabilily which may be specified in this Comraa, its apprndices, its schedula, its anneza or any document
incoryorated in �his Contract by reference.
10. SAFEfY WARRANTY. Seller wartana that Ihe producl wld to Ihe Buyer shall conform a the s�andards
promulga�ed by �he U. S. Department of Labor unda the Occupational Sa&ty and Heallh Acl of 1970. In the evem the
product doa no� conform to OSHA slandards, Buyer may retum �he p'oduc� for coaeclion or replacemenl al the
Seller's ezpense. In the event Seller fails to make the appropriale comction within a reawnabk time, cortection
made by Buyer will be a� the Seller's expense.
I 1. NO WARRANI'Y BY BUYER AGAINST INFRINGEMEM'S. As pan of this contacl for ule Seller agras
�o ascMain whetha gaods manufacturcd in accordance with �he specifications attached to this agreement will give
rise to the rightful claim of any lhird person by way of inGingement of the like. Buyer makes no wartanty that the
production of goods actording �o the specification will nol give rise to such a claim, and in no evm� shall Buyer be
liable lo Sella for i�demnifica�ion in the event �hal Sella is sued on the grounds of infringement of the like. If Seller
is of the opinian tha� an inGingement or the like will raull, he will notify the Buyer to this effect in writing within two
weeks after the signing of this agreement. If Buyer doa not receive no�ice and is subsequently held liable for
the in6ingement or the like, Seller will save Buyer harmless. If Seller in good faith azcenains the produc�ion of the
goods in accordance with the specifications will result in infringement or Ihe like, the contraa shall be null and void.
12. NON APPROPRIATION. All (unds for paymem by �he Cny under �his wnlracl are subjat lo the availabilily of an
annual approprialion Cor this pulpou by the City. In the evrnl of nonappropria�ion of funds by the City Council of �he
City of Lubbock for Ihe goods or services provided unda the contracl, Ihe Ciry will �mninate the contract, wi�hout
tertnination charge or other liability, on �he lazt day of the thrn-curtent fival year or when the appmpria�ion made for
Ihe thrn-curtent year for the goods or smica covered by lhis contraq is spenl, whichever event occurs firs�. If at any
�ime funds are not appropriated for the continuance of �his contracl, cancellation shall be accep�ed by �he Seller on
Ihiny (30) days prior writtrn notice, bul failuro [o give such notice shall be of n5 effect and the City shall nol be
obligaled under this wntract be}rond Ihe dale of tmninalion.
13. RIGHT OF MSPECTION. Buyer shall have �he righl to mspect the gaods at delivery beforc accepting �hem
14. CANCELLATION. Buyer shall have the right lo cancel for default all or any pan of the undelivered ponion of
�his order if Seller brcacha any of the tmns hereof including warrantia of Sella or if Ihe Seller becoma insolvent or
commits acts of bankruptcy. Such right ofcancellation is in addition to and not in lieu of any o�her remedies which
Buyer may have in law or equity.
I5. TERMMATION. The performance of wodc unda this order may be �erminaled in whok, or in part by the Buyer
m accordance with Ihis provisioa Termination of work hereunder shall be effecled by the delrvery of the Seller of
a"Nouce of Tmnmauon" specifying �he extent to which performance o(work under �he order is lelminated and �he
dale upon which such tefmination becoma eflectiva Such right or Irnnination is in addition to and not m lieu of �he
rights of Buyer sel forth in Clause 14, haein.
16. FORCE MAJEURE. Neither pany shall be held raponsible (or lossa, raulting if ihe fulfillment of any
�ems of pmvisions of this wntracl is delayed or prevented by any cause not wnhm the contml of �he party whose
performarce is intakred with, and which by the ezercise of rcasonable dilige�e sa�d party is unable to prcvent.
17. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION. No righ� or interat in this contract shall be assigned or delega�ion of any
obligation made by Selltt without the written pmniuion of Ihe Buyer. Any altempted auignment or delega�ion by
Seller shall be wlrolly void and �otally ineffective for all purpose unlas made im m�formitywith this paragraph.
18. WAIV ER. No claim or right arising out of a breach of �his contraa can be dvsclwged in whole or in part by a
waiver or renuncialion of the claim or right unlas the waiver or renuncia�ion is supponed by concideration and is in
wriling signed by Ihe aggrieved party.
19. INTERPRETATION-PAROLE EV[DENCE. This writing, plus any spaifiw�iont for bids and perfom�ance
provided by Buyer in its advertixment (or bids, and any o�her documents prov�ded by Seller az pan of his b�d,
is intended by the panies as a fina� expression of �he'v agreement and imended also az a complete and exclusrve
slatement of Ihe temts of the'v agrcement. Whenever a tertn defined by lhe Unifortn Commercial Code is used in Ih�s
agreement, the defini�ion comained in the Code is to comml.
20. APPLICABLE LAW. This agreement shall be govemed by lhe Uniform Commercial Code. Whererer the tertn
"Uni(ortn Commercial Code' is used, it shall be construed az meaning Ihe Uniform Commercial Code az adopted m
the State of Texas as e(kctive and in (orce on ihe date of �his agreement.
21. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE. Whenever one party �o this contrsa in good faith has reason to quation the other
party's inlrnt ro pttPortn he may demand tha� the otha party give writtrn assurance of his intenl lo per(orm. In Ihe
evenl Ihat a demand is made and no assurance is given wilhin five (5) da}s, �he demanding party may treat th�s
failure as an anticipatory rcpudiation of �he coniracl.
22. INDEMNIFICATION. Seller shall indemnify, k«p and save harmlas the Buya, its agents, officials and
employses, against all injuria, dwtlts, loss, damages, claims, pa�rnt claims, smts, liabilitia, judgments, costs and
expensa, which may in anywise accrue against the Buyer in consequence of the grenling of ihis Contraa or which
may anywise rault therefrom, whelher or nol il shall be allcged or detmnined �hat the aa was caused through
negligence or amiuion of the Sella or i�s employees, or of �he subSeller or assignee or its employea, if any, and the
Seller shall, at his own ezpense, appear, defend and pay all charga of allomeys and all costs and other ezpensa
arising Iherefrom of incurted in connection �hemvith, and, if any judgment shall be rendercd against the Buy+er in any
such actioq the Seller shall, at its own expenses, satisfy and discharge Ihe same Seller ezpressly underslands and
agras Ihat any bond rcqu'ved by this wntract, or othmvise provided by Seller, shall in no way limit �he
raponsibility �o indemnify, keep and save harmlas and defend the Buyer as herein provided.
23. TQNE. It is haeby exprasly agreed and understood �hat �ime is of the asentt for the performance of this
coniraa, and Failure by comrsa to mee� �he time specifications of Ihis agreemem will wuse Seller to be in de(aul�
of this agrmmem.
24. MBE. The City o( Lubbock hereby no�ifia all bidders that in regard to any contracl wtaed into pursuant to
this rcqua�, minority and women business entefprisa will be afforded equal opponuni�ia to submit bids in raponce
to this invilation and will no� be diccriminated against on Ihe grounds of race, color, sex or natual origin in
concideralion for an award.
25. NON-ARBITRATION. The City resma the right to exercise any right or remedy �o i� by law, contract, equiry, or
othmvise, including withoul limitation, Ihe right to seek any and all formc of rcl�ef in a wun of competrnt
jurisdiction. Further, the Ciry shall not be subject to any arbitration process prior ro e:ercising its unrestricted
righ� to seek judicial rcmedy. The remedies set fonh hercin are cumula�ive and nol exclusive, and may be exacised
concurtently To �he extent ofany conflicl betwan Ihis provision and another provision m, or rclated �o, this document,
�his provision shall contml.
26. RIGHT TO AUDIT. At any �ime during the term of the contmM, or IhereaRer, the Citg or a duly authoriud
audit repraenW�ive of �he City or the State of Texaz, a� its expense and at rcazonable lima, resrna the righl to
audit Cantraaors records and books rclevant to all services provided �o the Ciry under �his Contraa. In �he evem such
an audit by the City meak any arors or ovefpayments by �he Ciry, Contraaor shall rcPo�d �he City the PoII amount
of such overpaymenls within thirty (30) days of such audit findings, or the City, at its optioq resmes �he right to
deduc� such amounts owing the City fi'om any paymems due Contraaar.
27. The Comaaar shall no� assign or sublel the rnnlrad, or any portion of �he contract, without writtrn consent from
Ihe D'veaor of Purchasmg and Contrac� Managemenl.
28. ContraMs with Compania Engaged in Business with Iran, Sudan, or Foreign Trnorist Olganvalion Proh�bited.
Pursuant lo SMion 2252.152 of the Texas Govemment Code, pmhibils Ihe Cily from enlering into a contracl with a
vendor Ihat is identified by The Comphnlla u a company known to have contmcLs wilh or provide supplies or serv�ce
with Iran, Sudan or a foreign tmnrist organnation
29. Texas Govemment Code. Section 2252.908 requ'ves a busmess entity entering into cenain contrscts wi�h a
govemmemal rnury or stale agrncy to file with the govemmental entiry or s�ate agrncy a disclosurc of intercs�ed pama
at the time Ihe businas emiry submits the s�gned contracl to Ihe govemmental entity or state agrncy. Inclruchons (or
compleling Form 1295 are available at: tu�y:'•'www.ti. �b+� !x ��'�ma�eme �a3•
webs aev deoarf inenls'yL,iorcl�asme.`�endor-infornfe! [on
30. No Boycott of IsraeL Pursuant m Section 2271.002 of �he Texas Govemmem Code, Rapondrnt eMifies Ihal
eilher (i) it meets an exemption criteria under Seclion 2271.002, or (ii) �t does not boycott Israel and will nol boycon
Isael during the tmn of �he contrad resullmg Gom this wlicitauon. Respondem shall s�ate any fac�s tha� make it
exempt Gom the boycott cenificalion m ils Responu
31. No Boycolt of Energy Companies. P�vsuant to Section 2274 of the Texas Govemment Code, Respondent
certifies thal either (�) R meets an exempuon cri�eria under Seclion 2?74.002: or (ii) rt doa not boycott Energy
Compania and wdl not boycotl Energy Compama during the tmn of the wntraa raulting finm this solicitanon
Rapondem shall state any facLs that make n exempt Gom �he boycott cenification in ns Raponse.
32. No Boycotl of a Fuearm Entity or Fireafm Trade Assoc�ation. Pursuant lo SMron 2274 o(the Texas
Govemment Code, Rapo�ent certifia that etlha (i) it ma�s an exempdon mtena under Section 2274.002; or (i�) rt
doa not boycott a Fveartn Emity or Fvearm Trade Assoaation and w�ll not boycou a F'vearm Enlity or Fircarm
Trade Associalion during the lerm of the contraa `esulting from Ihis solici�a�wn. Respondent shall state any facts thal
make it exempt Gom Ihe boycotl ce�ifiwtion in i�s Raponse.
33. Contraas with Companies Engaged in Business with Iraq Sudan, or Forcign Te�rorist Organ'vation Prohib�ted.
Pursuant lo Soction 2252.152 of the Texas Govemment Code, prohibits Ihe Cily fiom entering into a contract wnh a
vendor Ihal �s idemified by The Comptmller as a company known to have conlacts with or pmvide supplia or
service with Iran, Sudan or a foreign rcrtorist organiza�ion
34. TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT. The rcquircmrnts of Subchapter 1, Chap�er 552, Govemmem Code,
may appty to this comraa and the wnlractor or vendor agrea tha� Ihe contract can be trnninated if the comrzc�or or
vendor knowingly or intrntionally fails to camply wi�h a rcquirement of �ha� subchapter.
35. P�usuant to Settion 552.301(c) of the Texas Govemment Code, �he Ciry of Lubbock hat daignated �he followmg
email address for which public information requats may be made by an emailed requal: ��trnmvku6l�ocl�.us. Please
und �his rcqual lo this email addras for it �o be procased
REV. 32022
Telephone: 800-845-0405
Bill To
1015 9TH ST.
Contact: FELDMAN
Telephone: 806-775-2817
Sales Quote
Sales Quote No. 493043-J
Customer No. LUBBOCK
Shi To
City of Lubbock Radio Shop
530 36th St Ste 200
Lubbock, TX 79404
Contact: FELDMAN
Telephone: 806-775-2817
Quote Date Ship Via F.O.B. Customer PO Number Paymeut Method
Entered By Salesperson Ordered By Resale Number
Jeremy Ross Jeremy Ross Fort Worth MALISA LONG
Order Approve Unit Eatended
Tag Item Number / Description
Quantity Quantity Price Price
38 38 N INFO 0.0000 0.00
Warehouse: DROP
1 1 N INFO 0.0000 0.00
BUYBOARD # 698-43
Warehouse: DROP
37 37 N INSTALL 2,960.0000 109,520.00
Warehouse: DROP
1 1 N INSTALL 4,180.0000 4,180.00
Warehouse: DROP
38 38 N TRAVEL 350.0000 13,300.00
Wazehouse: DROP
NUMBER OF DAYS - up tp 30
Approved By:
❑ Approve All Items & Quantities
Quote Good for 30 Days
Print Date 10/13/23
Print Time 09:28:33 AM
Page No. 1
Printed By: Jeremy Ross
Order Total � 127,000.00