HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2023-R0513 - Façade, Downtown Grant Program, Housing Trust Group LBK LLC, 1202 Main St - 10/24/2023Resolution 2023-R0513 Item No. 5.3 October 24, 2023 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Market Lubbock Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), the City Council of the City of Lubbock (the "City Council"), as the Corporation's authorizing unit, has the authority to approve all programs and expenditures of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the public to approve the program or expenditure, as proposed to the City Council by the Corporation, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Downtown Permittable Grant program or expenditure of the Corporation, in the amount set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to be provided to the HTG Lubbock, LLC is hereby approved pursuant to Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Corporation. Passed by the City Council on October 24, 2023 TRA ATTEST: Courtney Paz, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: � Bill Ho on, Deputy City ager /:�7ZII+/-�J:I.��1],'�17.7►� a K lli Leisure, Senior Assistant City Attorney ccdocslRES. Market Lubbock DT Pennittable Grant - HTG Lubbock 73.23 Resolution 2023-ROS 13 RE 23-34 RESOLUTION APPROVING HOUSING TRUST GROUP (HTG) LUBBOCK AT 1202 MA,IN STREET DOWNTOWN FACADE AND PERMITABLE GRANT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of MARKET LUBBOCK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC., a Texas nonprofit corporation (MLI), on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, held in conformity with the bytaws, after due notice as therein provided, a quorum being present and acting, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEftEAS, MLI presented to members of the Board the proposal of a possible Economic Development Grant and Contract to Housing Trust Group (HTG) Lubbock is making improvements to both the interior and exterior of the property at 1202 Main, located in the Downtown TIF. HTG Lubbock is honored to present the Inn Town Lofts, a proposed 56-unit mixed- income multifamily housing development. HTG will use housing tax credits, as well as state and historic tax credits to rehab and repurpose the Jim Kimmel Center (formerly the In Town [nn) as forty (40) residential units with resort style amenities. In addition to the adaptive re-use of the hotel, HTG is proposing a newly constructed building comprised of sixteen (16) residential units with added community space. The scope of fa�ade work will include exterior painting, windows, doors totaling $50,000 in fa�ade expenses. Permittable expenses will include electrical, demolition, plumbing and structural totaling $12,618,897 for a total expense of $12,668,897. The terms and conditions of such Economic Development Grant and Contract, other than the normal terms and conditions applicable to all such Economic Development Grant and Contracts by the Corporation, are described generally as follows, to wit: Grant a Downtown Facade Grant for HTG Lubbock, LLC, totaling $25,000 and a Permittable Grant totaling $100,000 at 1202 Main Street, which is in the Downtown TIF, once proof of payment has been submitted. WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of MLI finds that an Economic Development Grant and Contract offering the incentive for providing assistance for renovations to their property, meet and comply with the qualifications and purposes of the Corporation for the granting of such Economic Development Grants and Contracts. Upon Motion by Director, Mr. James Conwright, and Seconded by Director, Ms. Sarah Bevers. IT WAS RESOLVED that MLI offer and, if accepted by Recipient, enter into an Economic Grant and Contract with HTG Lubbock, LLC, for improvements to the property at 1202 Main Street, Lubbock, Texas. This Economic Development Grant and Contract will be on the normal terms and conditions of such Downtown Grant Program and Contract offered by MLI to existing businesses and business prospects and authorize the CEO to enter into and execute all documents related to the Economic Grant and Contract. C.�^"e-- John Osborne, President & CEO Linda Davis, Secretary IIAARKET LIJBBOCK, I�IC, - DOWI�TOWN GRANT PRaf;�►IVI f � _ � . W. _. _ �, � v_. .�..:...:.����.�.'ti : -.;�� 1202 Mai r� Str�et �HTG Lubbock, LLC) TOTAL SCOPE OF 1MQRK = $12�668,897 TOTAL GRANTS = $125�000 TOTAL FA�ADE SCOPE OF WO�i1C =$5�O�OOa FA�l4DE GRA�IT = �25,000 � � ��_• � ^F��� � �i����';`�`'� . i�� F�* �� :�� � � �.:�� �.. ... �.::. .. ... . . . �. ��:��� ��-'. . -� -� r- _ . _ w :r,4���_ ■..y r r. � .�s� . r.. �"y� TOTAL PERMITT14BLE SCOPE OF WORK =$1Z�646,897 PERNiITTA►�LE GRAI�IT = �900,000 M A R MC E T 1 1 1 ��� 1 1 �� bowntown Grant �rogram Fr�sented tia M W �u�rd June 28, 2023 �roject 12U2 I�+l+lain (Fa�de & �ern�itt�blej Hausing'6rust Group (HTG) is making impmv�ements to bath tE�e interiar and exterior of the property at 1202 Main, located in the Downta�vn TtE. H�'G is honored to present the [nn Town �.ofts, a proposed 56-unit mixed-incame multifamily housing develflpment HTG will use housing tax cr�edits, as wetl as state and historec tax credits to rehab and re- purpase the Jim ECimmel Center (formerty the ln Tawn [nn) as farty (40) res�dential units v►►ith �esart sty�e amenities. in addition m the adaptive re-use of the hatel, HTG is prapasing a newly constructed buildang eomprised of sixteen (16) �sidential units with added rnmmunity space. T�e scope of fa�ade wark will include e�rterior painting, wrindflws, doars tot�ling $50,000 ir� fa�ade eacpenses. Permittable expenses will include electrical, demolition, plurrtbing and structural totaling $12,618,897 for a tfltat expense of �12,668,897. The MLl Board is heing asked ta consider a Downtown �a�ade Grant for H'fG Lubbock„ 4LC totaling $25,004 and a Dowmtown Permittable Grant ba[aling $104,OQ4 at 1Z02 M9ain, M A R I�C E T Qawntown Grant - Applic�t�an Fhe 6tJ�o,Fina!►'on ris�q�uaste� on t1r�s r,o�im w!N Ds us�d by ��t tub�ock, lnc_ far arraiys�s al yaur puti�acl. M� COI�TAiCT IIdFORMATION Jo�gs Qulrir�o - DG�ctat af Dawnto�wn & Sps�clal Proj�et� Phone: 806_749_4500 ENark,et Lubbacic, In�. 95d0 Broadv�ray, SbcctY� Flaor, �LuDbac�c, TX 7�i01 Emaik i�,�matk,etCubb�e_vrg Oate [n3tlal Appllcatlo�n S�bmitted (Dwe prbor to start o( cor►struct[on ot perttt�ts a�ss6gnedy 11��i2d21 JQ Pro�e�cted Proyect Slafit Date Pro�ect PYo�rty �Ad'ress Pro�eriy LCAD Ft# Company Name Slrset A�ddness Clty, State, �ip Narne Titl� Phons Num�r Ema{I 188 axLi INEORAIATION A�BOUT THE PROJECT tlfoor RANY CONTACT Pro�,erty Owr�ersh3p: Own (1) Ir� p�rc�csss of pwc�h�stng fi�n GedaJa, lr�c. Grant Type (May �oose bolh if a�plica�bt�s): P�srmlttabGe � Deta�fed ProE�ct Summary (fnct�Aino aro�ectsd sta�t date� and Laase ❑ �WN18P Ap�iOVBd ❑ Fa�ad� � o( Work: The Irrn Tr�vn Lol�s � an a�dapd� r�u�e af t!� Jim�n Klmmel Cenier, form�rr0y k,naw�n as the In Tawn Inn. Orglrtia�y ooa�Istruct�d f� i964� �� bul�idrx� � befng c�nsd�eded f�r h�tanc dlesisnatlon, and the impda�r�nents w�l tndude ta��, aa�d cro s�te tjmprou�emen�Cs to bring tha be�l6dng mo cc�de, and to ume tor mul�1`am[#y hro�in� ue�lls_ MLI 1 Q.14.20 1/1�2a23 .0� HTG Lubback, LLC 3�225 Au�adoa� Av+en Llst any persan or enliiiry ihat has at least 5�6 ownersh�p in tF�e App�icant Company_ i�am� Percent Nam,�r Perae�t - - - - Is I�e flrm reglst�ereA wlt� the Secret�ry dt State's dt�e to �a b�osin�ss In Texas? Y� � Are you in good stand�reg wJt� Ihe Slate ot Texas? Yes � If wmu answ�re9 `�Vr 1�a e3tlti�r o(1h� above tw�o Is t�a flrnn an�dlar prrnalpa� �etJnqu�r�t an any fedeea�, state or {ocal ta�c oblfyatlorrs? No � hEas t�e corr�pany ar p�rfnd,pal$ ot the company had pr,io� baa�kru:ptcias ar lawseilts? No ► I( �u answered "Yes" to eltt+at of t�rie abo�e two APPL�GAIdT'S RESPONSIBIL.ITIE,8 (PROPERT1f dYYNER OR LEASEEj CFty af Lubbock reaulrarr�ands: Ctt�r af Lubbock - PCsnning Qe�aetrnent 846-ii5-2105 Contact tfie C[1y of Lubback to determine t�e fodlo�+Mg: (� Qa�s ths scope o( w+ac�c m�et �awntawn atandar� a�d gu6delCn�s? �J ,4ae permits r�quUed for any a�pect oi tl�s soope of w�ork? � Are pWbllc tm,�rrnrement� deq,uved�? � Is t�ere a c�uront Cectif��ate o� Oocu,parecy on flte (or ihis property? MaHcet L..ubba�k, lnc. {MLI) r�quir�marrta: Managsr a1 D�o�wn�wr� 8 Specba� Pro�eeis (.�c�t�e Q�itino) 8Q8-7�49-4500 Appl��atian Pach.r.e� �,� I�i�a� app�icadon Ipage ane of t,his document) must be recelved �y AALI prio� to 1�re staft of cansta�cct�on andlor b�fore peemlts are ass6gne�d A�I remalning doc.�mar�ls rr�usl be re�ceived an� an a�plicatiam pac9cet p�resented to Iftie MLI 8aard no rnore 1haa� dvee mcnth�s atter Ihe Initlal ap�lication l� received �y MLl_ D�at�e Flnal D�ca�ments Receive8: ❑ Cc�tes o� C8ry �erml�Cs or Clly a,p�i^ovat ❑ Capy a�f C�rr�nt Cs�t�icate af docu�ar�cy � Detaf3sd Ccnstructlo�n BIAs or Sch��ut�e af Values ❑ Before P�ctare (p�iod to oonstr�ct�om begJ�tn(ng} � Artl�tettur�d Pqatts {It ap�plJcabdej ❑ Arcl�itecCura7 R�endsring� (U ap�dcabdaj A�t�r campl�tlon ot con�eticn: ❑ Certificate af Ocarpancy or Sim�7ar Ciry Dxirmer�t A�praWng Corrrpletlan (ap�6car�t �sp�ans�e !�rl�n�1 sto�pe o� r�o�rik m�ttcANng �p�pr�Ued scbp�) Proot of Paymer�t: [1 PAIO �nwobcce�s {m�t refefieroce the appraved project) � Processed Checks, Ban�c or Ctet�+t Gard Stal�em�nnls matching PAIb Irriro�c�s (leyl�te copies} 2 MLI 10_14.2b Overw�ew • An Appli�cant m�st be a valld Ov�m�r a� ienant (Lesse�r� o( Ih� pro�rty nee�ing imp�oweJnents + Propeil6es m�st fa11 w�thtn the Lub�bock �crwntorwn TiF baun8arle� (Cen�ral B��ne�ss DE�tri�t T�F) • Sfngle-Famf�y resbd�r�css and dupl�ax�s are excCuded. • An Appfu:ant � ellg�h�e lo rece(v� a peffnittabl� �arrt and�or f��a9� gcant p�r pdaperty (LCAD R� or D�veb�mertit ILot), per eniterpa�se, per y+�ar. M�st wa3t ans year (ram app�oya� t� ap��y aga�n for the same property. (Exp�nses �sed in one a�plf�cail6an cannat be used in anatltier app�lca�an. ) • App�fcant is not elfglbfe for grant program (und�rtg Cf d�linq�ent in pra�rty 1�xes acconding ta LCAD records - innclud�s al] LCAD properti�s It�ted In the ap�llcant;s nam�� • �fLi dfs�urse�ments a:re character6zeA as °raim�ursa�f�e gr�nts" - A�pticant pays expenses flrst • Ex�er�ses edglb9e for reimb�tr�err��nt mu�t r�lat�a t�o reasarrabt� cosls or �xpertises. + Re�c�pt of an app�ication �s nol a guarantse of granl ap�r�vaf. Gra�rt Types Parmittabl� Pro,�ects * irr�prc�vv�mer�ts req�ire a Clty af Lubbae9c psrm3t • Imp�avemer�ts rrda�y De ma9e to the e�ater�or andlod Ir�t�rio� a(1he property •[mpravements rn�t t�ot�l a rx�lntmum ef $1�,d00 • The p�rmilta�t�e grant refmburses iD�6 of �ppa�o�ed expens�s up to a$100,000 grant •�rmittabl� gcope o( +Mork thal rnay be oansd�e�ed= • !tV'AC • Plc�mbdrug • ElecWral • Strud�rat • Ar�y oth�r wocic rmq�tring a City of l�h�oc�C p�fmtt Fa�ad� RroJacts • lmp�av�mer�ts rrtiay ar may nat reqttire a Cfiy flf Lubb�odc perm3t • Improvements m�est be rr�ade ta the exteNar oi 1'he p�aperty� fadng Ihe magt p�raminent stre�t * Cmpranr�ments m�t total a minimum of 51�0�00 • The fa�a,de grant relmburs�s 5�0�6 0( appdo�e�d �xper�sss vp ta a 5�5,00�0 gra�t * Fa�ade soope od wrork tMrat may �e corrsl��red: • Palnt�ng • IlView win�aws and A�ocs • Signage • LanAscapfng • Pa�rdg bols • A�mings • Any other wnrlc t�at Improyes the appeamae of the fa�ade Signat�re (rbol req�dr�d f� �7ectronic suDm�tta�): P�zr email �ate: 117a1'2021 3 MLI 1 Q_14.20 A er�dix V: Si�� Ph�to r2r hs �� � � ECS So�uthwest., L�P r•�.: �W . E +� I�. �. 1~��. .p� I .�' fr �'..4'J� i . ^� - c. ],y..�4 :i . y�. ,.'_'�.�.;.�� i''. EC� Rra�ct #51: 209�4 �.- .� :�:= - _ �. t . �, _ y�•� ��* �A �T ' pA � • --• i.� � � . .� _ �i, � . �" r # � � �T .v.rt� 7 r �, F�.� a# �.� � � kA 1 ���� ..��'L' �' L" r'.. . S 1 - I�orth �und�ry loak�ng east i, {" r> f 4� ' �R �9 . —� . y , �, ,� . . s� r � "� ��. ' �. •i��'.��. � � � �- North h�oundary I�ki ng west eCS Southwes�., LLP �. Y �. �: �;� �- � k � . , `� �; - _ - � . . � � � �' - . _ �• w' . � t�4 l `F r �� ..- s" ; �:� � I•" .�� • .�. � 3- East bourrdary loaking s�o�ath r � � 1� � - �ast houndary looking narth Et5 Prayec� #51: 209�4 �•ti -��r �a�� � --. � .;� �� �--�..._ _ � -_ �S Southwe�t, LL.P ECS RroyQat #51: 209�4 ;'�` �''���,' ��� :��_ � � 5- South baundary Icrcrking west 6- SQuth baundary look�ng east EC� Southvuest, I.LP � .,� ;w,�.—�"'�w �� -�:L ,..a� � . �CS Rra�ct #51: 209�4 � � 7- West 6dundary looking nor�h 8- west bov�r���r lookin� south ECg Sauthw�est, LL.P r �,--- •• �/.��;�y��� �., . i . .4 J. �����-i���. " M � � � • � � .'+ ' :� . . - � . � • � . � � ��a ., ,]N •. L -'": . ...�:�.�f��+�.{ � ". ati:. y. � �r}�: �- :�.� � =J�, �,;?'•' .A* �y'`y .. .. . . • ���.�:.� ,.,,.�gF�' i �y'�:-i .`� � :� �r�� �` a Y �.M1������` "�-�r � �. 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Kf�l i � � r j .; � �' -t-� �< < _ �: T , �.:• ��� a.� , �;;� �'�.''� . ��- . �� � 32 - iransformer ECS Rroyedt #51: 209�4 *r � � � 31 - Interiar at 1���1 Ma�n 5�treet a � ■ ■� e • � ■ i ■� r ■ _ ■ ■� � ■ M� ■ ■ ■� -: � ■ ■� �� . ■ � ■ � �� ■ ■ ■ � �� ■ � �� _ .� : :,a �- � �- _ � ■ A� — • ■ ■ ■� � �l;i[}+,��. ■ ! ■ �1 � ■ ■ ■� � N ■ ■� �'• ■ ■ ■ � — ■ ■ ■� � = ' '' ■ ■ ■ � — � ■ .ir: • ! ■� � �RLF�f*�*,m�a-r1l * � �:�,i&k:] ■ r � !'� � r�r ...,+r. ■[�� ■� � ■ �:'7i ■� � ■ ■ ■� � .A , z ■ . . -��'�-r =� ■; — ■ r_ .: �, � ■� ��i�1• ■. �..����r:n ■w r � E �, �� � # w �I � �,e.�::.�:.. ,:,t;:�+� ■ ■ ■� � ■ r�-r,�ar�r ■ ■ � � ■ � �•1- !1!'J■ ■� � ; ■1' � •�. ■ ■� — � .. � r � � ■ f�� ■ ■ r — 1 _ � ■� � ■ [��"ri�■� � ■ i ■� � � �� —• � � .�.� � �� i ■ � ■r — 1 ■ . ■� � ■ ■ ■� r � �� — � � E�T'�.._T'] i �� � � .. , ■ i[� �� . . ■ r�ir��r7 a ■ �rr — ■ ■ li � ■ ■ ■� � � ■ ■r .. � - ■ ■ !� �^ � � r.. �.� ■ �� �I�w�t�.'-�: � � r ��°�a��:a �� � � ... aa.� � �Ya:•�n'o1+�s�saRSSs;wf�rqlr�n!�,. +�-� • �l�—.L�7■ ■1. � � ■K�.�`"T"'7■ ■I. � ■ f l� w�� ■ is _ w� ■�w� ■ ■ ■ � ■ ■ ■� � � ■ �� ��� ■ - • ■ ■� � 1 ■ ■� � ■ ,� � �. ■ ■1]�I — � .. �.� ■ ■� �� ■ ■ a� — ■ ■ - ■� � ■ ■ �� _.►.�� �4..z..�•�,r ■ � ■� �iS�Ill•~ ■ � �t'.',I'�q� — �� � . �r•T��,?r��= - M. �_a_, i .J� ■� — ■ ■ ■� � ■ ■ �■� � ! ■� '_k �' _•� : ` � � �. -�' � �� �� �. •'. +:��2' * � �� - � �- � _ ■:, :_. if �- i ■ ■� � IZc71i. � -- ■ k ■� � � ■ ■ r �■■■ w � � ■� �...� ■ .� ■ � '•�� _ ��i� _ _ + - - ■i � ■ - � ■� � •' ■ - ! ■� — � ■ ■F"T' � '�1;�. � ■ � ■� �• . ■��F"''� ■� ���lP�il�r.'iS'I!'�'.%��'�ii� ■: �1 �.r�.:� ■� �.� r �. i ■f�R � M M �� � ■ S - ^ ■� — i ■ 1� i�:i'�='IIE'+� �:�� ■ ■ ■� — ■' �■ ■f � . ■ ,,� ■� � � ■ ■� — r ■ ,�� �� � ■ ■ ■� � ■ �� ■ ■ ■ - ..._ .� � ■ i� � � ,. ■� i ■ ■� - � ■ ■ �� ■d�r■ s � ! ■ ■ � ■ ■ rr �MI1 ■ ■ � �..,., ■ ■ ! � � ■ ■ 11 ■ ■ i .t_ :,■ ■ �■� ■ ■ ■ � ■ ■ �i �� ■ ■ ■ � � r��� � �r ■ �:�o�- �� ■ � � ■ ■ ■ — � ■' -__-� '. 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