HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1160-1951 - Repealed By Ordinance 4656 - 11/26/1951t1 0 0 •a ~·· ('I) (/) c+ 0 0 ...... c+ <t<: t:::.l ::s O"Q . .... 0 1-'· , .. ~ ·~ [ ...... .... ~ ()\:! g:s 0\l . ... ljj G ...... 1-' 0 ~: ~ Q\:j !;' (.1) '?::I ('I) (") fj· 1-$ .... "U 0 1-' ... (') (I) t:) (I) '0 ci" I 0 ~-...... (I) 1-? • 1-' ·~ ~) 1-' I \.Jl 1-' (_ Repealed by Ordinance No. 4656 I l-2\.D -19 G i DlNANCE NO. U60 If I ~--\2 -... 13·\.961 , .A:N ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 23 OF ORDINANCE NO. 564 SO AS TO IN'CLl,JDE 11RA YNER PLACE" AND "WHEELOCK PLACE" AND PRO- VIDING A ONE-HOU.R PARKING METER ZONE ON RAYNER PLACE AND ON WHEELOCK PLACE; PROVIDING THAT THE STREETS ARE SHOWN AND INDICATED BY PLAT FILED WITH THE CITY.SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AND SHOWN BY THE RECORDS OF COMMISSIONERS«~ COURT OF LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS; REPEAUNG ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF WHICH RELATE TO PARKING ON THE STREETS HEREIN DESIQ .. NATED AND CONFUCTING WITH THE PROVlSIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 564; PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PARKING METERS AND MARKING OF THE STREETS; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT EXCEEDING TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200) FOR VIOLATION; AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO PUBLISH THE CAPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE TOGETHER WITH THE PENALTY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the Commissionerst> Court of Lubbock County, Texas, has dedicated two areas for street purposes and named the area immediately North of the old courthouse as "Rayner Place, 11 and the area immediately South of said courthouse ''Wheelock Place," and the use of the two streets requires regulation of same, NOW, THEREFORE • BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT Section 23 of Parking Meter Ordinance No. 564 is hereby amended to include and embrace, and the Parking Meter Zones desig- nated which shall limit the time and manner of parking as follows, towit: I. ONE-HOUR PARKING ZONE -60° Angle Parking: (a) Rayner Place, a street No rth of the old Lubbock County Court- house, described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point seven (7) feet more or less North and eighteen (18) feet more or less East of the Northeast corner of the old County Courthouse in the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County. Texas, said point being on the East face of the West curb of East Avenue H; THENCE West parallel to and two (2) feet South of an existing curb a distance of 134 feet more or less to a point of the West face of the East curb of West Avenue H; THENCE Northeasterly along the West face of the existing East cur~b of West Avenue H a distance of seventy-nine (79) feet more or less to a point; THENCE East parallel to and two {2) feet North of an existing curb a distance of fifty (50) feet more or less to a point, said point being the Easterly face of the We$t curb of East Avenue H; THENCE Sout~~sterly with the existing East face of the West curb of East Avenue H a distance of seventy-nine (79) feet more or less, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, this area having an over·all width from North to South of sixty-five (65) feet more or less. .. c 0 (b) Wheelock Place, a street South of the old Lubbock County Court- no'use, described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point seven (7) feet more or less South and eighteen (18) feet more ar 1ess East of the Southeast corner of the old Lubbock County Courthouse in the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas; SAid point being on the East face of the West curb of East Avenue H; THENCE West parallel to and two (2) feet North of an existing curb a distance of 134 feet more or less to a point of the West face of the East curb of West Avenue Hi THENCE Southeasterly along the West face of the existing East curb of West Avenue H a distance of seventy- eight (78) feet more or less to a pointJ THENCE East parallel to and two (Z) feet South of an existing curb a distance of fifty-three (53) feet more or less to a point, said point being the Easterly face of the West curb of East Avenue H; THENCE. Northeasterly with the existing East face of the West curb of East Avenue H a distance of seventy-eight {78) feet more or less, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, this area having an over-all width from North to South of sixty-five (65) feet more or less. SECTION z. THAT the street designated as Rayner Place and the street designated as Wheelock Place are shown and indicated by a plat d the two said streets filed with the City Secretary of the City of Lubbock and as shown by the records of the Commissionerst· Court of Lubbock County, Texas. SECTiON 3. It is not intended by this amendment to amend Ordinance No. 564 except as herein expressly provided as to establishing and creating an additional Parking Meter Zone under Section 23 of said ordinance, and all the provisions of Ordinance No. 564 shall apply to this amendment; and all ordinan- ces and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith affecting the designated street locations with respect to parking, ·are hereby expressly repealedt providing nothing herein shall ever be construed as repealing any part of Ordinance No. 564 or other ordinances except as herein expressly provided. SECTION 4. THAT the Chief of Police is directed to place parking meters indicating the time designated on those streets designated in Section 1 (One) of this ordinance, and to mark and paint said streets to indicate the park- ing angle consistent with provisions of this ordinance. SE~TION s. THAT any person, firm or corporation who shall violate or aid or abet the violation of any provision of this ordinance shall, upon con- viction, be fined in any sum not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($ZOO). SECTION 6. The City Secretary is hereby directed to publish the des- criptive caption of this ordinance, together with the penalty clau.se, as provided by law. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. G On motion of Commissioner Morris • seconded by Com- missioner Davis • the foregoing Ordinance was passed on first reading this 26th day of November , 1951, by the following vote of the City Commission: Commissioners voting "Yea•*: Morris, Hufstedler, Davis, Thomas and . ' Mayor Wniteside Commissioners voting "Nay .. : None On motion of Commissioner Morris , seconded by Com- missioner Thomas , the foregoing Ordinance was passed on second reading this 13th day ,of December , 1951, by the following vote of the City Commisston: Commissioners voting "Yea11: Morris, Davis, Thomas and Mayor \Vhiteside Commissioners voting "Nay": Kone ATTEST: , ---~Ma1f.~~~' -il4f£i: /)_ _ _. __ City sft!':t~ - JFM:sv t ' ' ' ·. .., ... --·z... - " . . .. ~ . . L.% ... ! .. .. ' .. MAIN STREET I • . .. . . . ·' . . ~·.;_;~ . . . ~............,;~~----~-~ ........ --..------~~ Rr.:.-J l>f f•.s•"''u;_~ . \ . . .' ·, I ' • . . . ,' t ' ' • .. '".-... -... --·1-... . ' . ' . .. i . . . .·· ~ . . .· . . . T:fli .. .... \ . . .. .. ... ...._ --.. . -· .;_ ', . .. . , ·: ·. . . . . fllo"' • ..... •• • ..... . . . . . • I . . ,. '-~ . . ' .. . · ·BROADWAY