HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1129-1951 - Providing For The Disposition Of Applications 45 Minute Parking - 08/28/1951ce-2A-l.9.SI ORDINA'NCE NO. 09-lJ..+-~51 i 1129 AN ORDINANCE_PROVI,DING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF APPLICATIONS FOR FORTY-FIVE (45) MlNUTE PARKING OR OTHER TIME-LIMIT PARKING OUTSIDE PARKING-METER ZONES; AND RELATING THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE TO ORDINANCE NO. 1033. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY. COMMISSION OF THE CITY OJi; LUBBOCK: ~ SECTION l: That upon any written request filed with the Traffic Engineer for limit ed-time parking from the owners and tenants of c ommercial buildings on one s ide of any block outside of the parking-meter area, and such request represents 80 per cent or more of the commercial frontage in suc h block, the Traffic Engineer shall mark or cause the curb area in suc h block to be marked and signs painted or otherwise placed, indicating forty-five {45)-minute parking limit; or if it. is determined that forty-five (45)-minute parking limit is not satisfactory t o the aff ected property owners or tenants, the application shall be referred t u the City C ommission for disposition. SECTION 2: When any curbs have been painted or any signs placed, a s provided for herein, the same shall be deemed to have been placed un der the provisions of Ordinance N o. 1033. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. On motion of Commissio ner • Thory.a , seconded by C o m- m issioner Davis the foregoing o rdinance was passed by an affirmative v ote by the City C ommission ~his 28th day of August , 1951 on first reading. On m otion of Commissioner Thomas , seconded by Com- missioner Davis , the foregoing ordinance was passed on second reading by an affirmative vote by the C ity Commission this 14th day of September , 1951. ATTEST: t ~ ... U ._.J "(': ~ • ::e. L Mayor \ ' ~ .. fiA , I ,, .~'Jtjfj if City Se crfi:r VEW:s v r PUR lase the Followin9 ~ ""b• Co. DESCRIPTION: (I of •WI' nance 1 cmt.aide of ! /145268 - ot Or41ne•• p. stall•• • • THE STATE OF TEXAf -} COUNTY OF LUBBOCK ~ ·Erle Marie Brown -<t I • Before me Notary Public in and for l . Parker F. Prouty th•s day personally appeared , P1 Avalanche-Journal Publishing Company, publishers of The Lubba Lubbock Evening Journal-Sunday Avalanche-Journal, who afte1 did depose and say that said newspaper has been published co Legal Noti• fifty-two weeks prior to the first insertion of thi,.__ _____ _ Lubbock County, Texas, and that the attached printed copy of th is a t rue copy of the original and was printed in the said paper~ on the following dates : __ __,$...,.e~pt"-t""'.e........,mwhr.s::e'"'r_lL.:9~aanu.ud~,........&2...,6~,.--lL-9~S· Avalanche-Journal l President AM 01tDDfAN~1°1f'JlO;c'JSrlfX· iOa I :Dri.POI!IITION OP APPLJCA• Nil P R POBTY-PIVB (ol5l KUI• E PA KING OR O'l'llQ. nH: ~*~~~~~~J!..o46: UIG. TKJ: PROVJ810Na O"P~ OR• LDfAMCII TO ORDUfANCII NO. 1033. BS rr OR:DAltrm BY THJ! crr0T ~J,oN OF TBJ: crt'!' ,. w:~~, 1 t~b·;~~~~-:nl; blflleer fot limited-time parkiDir kom the ownera &Dd ten&Dtl or ~om· 111er~lal bulldiDI• on one aldt of &DJ block outside or the p&rktna-meter area, a11d 1ueh request repruent.s 1•1 11er ee11t or more of the eommere a rrontac• In •ueh block. \he Trt.f{!! EnllnHr sh&ll 111•rt or cau .. t ... c:urb area tn auoh bloek to be marked and s11ns pa.\?te4 or -other•tn ~~ lndiCt.tlnl ortF·IIYI (Q l·• miD,.!I..': parkiDI llml : or If It lo d,..el'lll ....... that fortF·flve (46)-m.IJI.ute =~ umtt 11 not l&tlaflotorr to tuanb: ~~ Jlfm~ .t~·~ 0..'rlened . to tbe cft7 cmnmialloi\ for 4~\1011. BBCTIOR ~: Wbtrn an:r curbs ha..,. beeft pUnted or an7 ai..U placed. aa11 proricle<l lor berefrl. the ••me aha be deemed to l>a.,. l>Hn placed under \he ~m>ri&lona of Ordinance No. 1033. AND rr l8 80 Ol'tDI:RUI. On motion of Commlostoner Thomas. seconded b:r comm nloner Davis the forefolnlt on\lnaoce was p&ued b:r an at lrm&tlve vote b:r thote Cltr commluton this 28th da:r A.urust. 1851. on flrat readlne. On motion or Commlaatontr Tllome.s, seconded 111 Commtutoner oa.vls. the fore1ol11r ordtnanee .. r tJ&Ssed on ucond rM.dln' b7~ ~-­(lrma.ttve vote b:F tile CIU ""'mr..,.. •lon this 14th 41.7 ot 8eptemblr, 111. Cl&felle& X. Whltea!Ate. A'I"l'EST: Wa:rot. 9th Oc x.avtn.ta Lo•e. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi,::o..... ______ day of. cu., seeretar:r. (~~;=~l.------------~~----Ji:6 ~ ~~<<b'V =