HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1070-1951 - Amending Ordinance 661 - 04/12/1951·0 04--l '2--196 l ORDINANCE NO. 1070 04· 2(D-1.951 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 861, PASSED THE 26TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1948, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COM- MISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, PRESCRIBING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR SERVICE FURNISHED BY THE ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM, OWNED AND OPERATED BY SAID CITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, ORDERS, OR RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY~ SO AS TO DELETE FROM SCHEDULE RL-l AND SCHEDULE RL-2, BEING CLASSIFIED AS DOMESTIC ELECTRIC SERVICE, AND SCHEDULE LCP-2, CLASSIFIED AS COMMERCIAL LIGHTING AND POWER SERVICE, THE PROVI- SION PROVIDING FOR TEN (10) PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR PAYMENT WITHIN TEN (10} DAYS OF DATE BILL IS RENDERED, AND FURTHER DELETING THAT PART OF THE COMMERCIAL LIGHTING AND POWER SERVICE SCHED- ULE LCP-2, WHICH INCREASES THE TW.O DOLLAR ($2. 00) PER MONTH MINIMUM WHERE MOTORS OF 5HP OR OVER ARE CONNECTED; COMBINING EXISTING RATES UNDER SCHEDULES RL-1 ANO RL-2, AND CLASSIFYING I SUCH RATES AS ''RESIDENTIAL11 ; PROVIDING THE SAME RATES EXISTING UNDER THE ORDINANCE BEING AMENDED, AND PROVIDING~ MINIMUM CHARGE OF SEVENTY -FIVE (75~) CENTS PER MONTH FOR (iUSTOMERS USING TWENTY-SIX (26) KWH OR LESS PER MONTH, AND A MINIMUM OF ONE DOLLAR SIXTY CENTS ($1. 60) FOR CUSTOMERS USING MORE THAN TWENTY -SIX (26) KWH PER MONTHl AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR MONTHL MINIMUMS OF SEVENTY -FIVE CENTS (75f) FOR COMMERCIAL CLASSIFICA- TIONS USING THIRTY -FOUR (34) KWH OR LESS PER MONTH, AND TWO DOL- LARS ($2. 00) PER MONTH MINIMUM CHARGE FOR CUSTOMERS USING MORE THAN THIRTY-FOUR (34) KWH PER MONTH; RESTATING ALL OF SAID RATESi AND SETTING A DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING. WHEREAS, the City Commissi on deems it in the public i nterest and economy to eliminate the ten {10) per cent prompt payment discount from the rate schedules heretofore ad~Dp:te4 by the City Commission as set_gut in Ordinance No. 861, and which p rovisions relate to domestic electric service schedule RL-lr AND domestic electric service schedule RL-2, and commercial lighting and power service schedule LCP-2., and to establish a uniform $2. 00 per month minimum ~ under its com mercial classification and retain existing minimums for residential services, a n d 1he Commission is of the opinion that a public hearing should be held in connection with such c onsideration, THEREFORE, E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE GTY OF LUBBOCK: SECTIO~ 1. THAT from and after the final passage of this Ordinance, nless modified by the City Comm ission, the following rates shall be charged the applicant for all electric service. according to classifications hereinafter et out: RESIDENTIAL APPLICABLE: To residential customers for lighting and incidental purposes, including the operation of electric refrigera- tors or range• where used in private residences, individual family apartments and in private garages. .· .. ( RATE: For consumptions of 26 kwlt or less per m on th, the following rate shall apply: First Additional 25 kwh used per month@ 6~ per kwh kwh used per montb @ 5~ per kwh When the con sumption is more than 2.6 kwh per month, the rate stated above shall not apply and all energy used shall be billed in accordance with the following rate: First Next Additional 100 kwh used per month@ 4~ per kwh 100 kwh used per month@ 3~ per kwh kwh used per month @2¢ per kwh *The minimum shall be 75~ per month for customers usi::g 26 kwh or less per month. The minimum shall be $1.60 per month for custom- ers using .more than 26 kwh per m onth. COMMERCIAL . APPLICABLE: To all commercial places of business, includin g stores, shops, factories, warehouses, hotels, lodges, churches, apartment houses on one meter, garages and filling stations. RATE: For consumptions of 34 kwh or less per month, the following rate shall apply: -First Additional 25 kwh used per month@ 6~ per kwh 9 kwh used per month @ 5~ per kwh When the consumption is more than 34 kwh per month, the rate stated above shall not apply, and all energy used shall be billed in accordance with the following rate: First 100 kwh used per month @ 4~ per kwh Next 900 kwh used per month@ 2., Sf per kwh Next 4000 kwh used per month@ 2f per kwh Next 15000 kwh used per month @ 1. 5¢ per kwh Additional kwh used per month@ 1~ per kwh CHARACTER OF SERVICE: If metered on secondary side of distribu- tion transformers lighting service may be either 120/2.40 volt, 3 wire single phase, or 120 volt, 2 wire single phase. If polyphase service is required, it shall be 3 phase, 2.40 volts, unless otherwise specified, Where primary metering is used, service supplied will be 2.4 00 volt, single or polyphase as the case m ay require. ) l , DISCOUNT: Where primary metering is used, l01o will be deducted on all bills except minimum monthly bills. *The minimum shall be 75¢ per month for customers using 34 kwh, or less, per month. The minimum shall be $2.00 per month for custom- ers using more than 34 kwh per month. SECTION 2. A public hearing on this proposed Ordinance is lfereby set for April_26, , 1951, at 2:00 o 1clock _L M., to be held in the regular meeting plac e of the City Commission on the first floor of the City Hall in Lubbock. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed and approved on first reading this 12 day of April, 1951. Passed and approved on second reading this 26th day of April 1951, to become effective on all billing dates beginning and following June 1, 1951. • I , 'J"