HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 1005-1950 - Establishing Charges For 3/4 Inch And 1 Inch Water Taps - 07/13/1950I I ~ . • '0":1-13 -1..950 ORDINANCE 10. 100 5 o~-27-l~o AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHilli CHAIDES FOR THREE·FOUia'H (3/411) INCH AHD'UtE (ltt) INCH WATER TAPS, RE1'E.A.I..Im ALL INCONSISl'ENr ORDINANCES AND ORDERS. WHEREAS, the charges now made respecting three-fourth (.3/41 ) inch and one (111 ) inch water taps is found by the Ci~ Commission not to be adequate, &Dd the Cit7 Commission deems it in the public interest to increase the rates tor water taps as hereinaf'tel" specified, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBOOCKs SECTION 1. THAT, the f'ollowi~ tees shall be charged on all water installa• tions requiring three-fourth (.3/4') inch or one (11 ) inch taps, as toll011'8& For .3/4' water taps••••••••·•••••$17.50 For 11 water tap••••••••••••••• ~~ All Ordinances and Orders heretofore issued are hereby repealed and revoked insofar as the7 relate to f'ees to be charged for three-fourth (.3/4•) inch aDd one (1•) inch water taps. AliD IT IS SO oRDEREtf~ On motion of' Comissioner Hufstedler , seconded by Commissioner _ _.D;;.;;a.v ... i,..s._ ___ , this Ordinance was passed by unanimous vote ot the Cit7 l Comm.1ss1on this 13 I I On motion of' Commissioner ---~~1o~r;,;;r-.:ii~~"'----' seconded by Commissioner ___ n ... a ... v_i_s.__ __ .,. •. ~his Ordinance was passed by' unanimous vote of' the CitJ' Commission this 2Zthday or July, 1950. ATTESTJ ~~(~~~~ City Secret&17