HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 961-1949 - Repealing Ordinance 17 - 12/22/1949J I '1 ~- l2.~ 22 -1..94~.2~-~.· '· . . . . ORDilWICE NO. 2§1 REPEALIIIi . GU>IlWICE NO. _.11.&..7 -- . 0 1-I '2 -\.9 SO AN ORDIIA.NCE EXPRESSLY REPElLUli ORDIHAN~E II). 17 IHIGH BELATES TO OCOUPJ.TIOR TAX OB KNIFE RJ.CKS, DOLL OR CANE .RACKS, OR AHY Ol'BER DEVICE Oll WHICH RIII}S ARE PITCBIDJ AUTH~IZII«i THE CITY SECRE1'ARI TO lNDICA.TE II THE ORDIIWICE RBC<»ms OF THE CITY OF L~BOCK THAT ORDIHAMCE .NO. 17 BAS BED REPEA.LBD AID THE. EFJEC'l'IVE DATI THEREOF. ')-"V IBEREAS, OrdiD8Jlce lo. 17 provi.di:ag tor an occupation tax on a person, tira, co11pany or asaoc1at1on ot persoua keepillg lalite racks, doll or cane raeka, or aliT other dwice on which riDge are pitfhed, or at which ball• are thrown, was passed in the rear 1909 8lJi1 ia not authorized by existi~~g statutes ot the State /!) ?t Tuas, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINID BY THE CI'l'I COMMISSION OF THE CI'l'I OF LUBBOCK& SECTIOI 1. That OrdiDUCe lo. 17 oreati:ag an annul occupation tax ot tl2.50 which aball be levied aDd collected fro• eve%'7 person, tira, c~, or aas.ocia- tion ot persons, keepi»a a knite, cane or doll rack or &JV' other device on which riDge are pitched, or at which balls are thrown is herebf expressly repealed. SIC1'IOH 2. The City Secretai'7 1a authorized &Del directed, upon the final pass88e ot thi1 ordinance, to indicate in the Ordinance Recorda ot the City ot Lubbock, on the margin ot OrdiD&DCe No. 17, that the laame ha's been •REPEALED BI ORDIHA.ICE NO. ~61 " and the ettective date thereof. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed and approved first readi.Dg this the _ZZ,_ d~ ot • Dec•W ., 1949. Passed aJJd approved seco!!d readirJg this the ~ dq ot January 1 19§6~