HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 953-1949 - Levy Assessment For Cost Of Improving Portion Of Alley In Block 1 - 11/10/19491'
t \ -l 0-f..94.9
WHEREAS, the Cit7 ot Lubbock, Texas has heretofore ordered t.hat the below
mentioned all.,., in said city be improved by raising, gradins and tilling same,
and by installi.Dg concrete curbs and gutters, where necessa.r:y, and by construct-
ing 5" concrete pavement together with incidentals and appurtenances as shown b,y
plans and specifications now on tile v.lth the city 1 and contract tor construction ot
such improTeJ~ent s was a-waNed to and entered into with the Panhandle Construction
Company, said alleys being as follows to wit:
lorth and South Alle7 in Block 1821 Original Town Addition
designated as Unit. Ro. A-161.
WHEREAS, estimates o.t the cost ot the improvements in said Unit were prepared am tiled, and time and place vas fixed tor hearing to the owners ot abutting pro-
pert,., and to all others in any wise interested, and due and proper notice of the
time, place, and purpose ot said hearing was given, and said hearing was had and .
held at t.he time and place .fixed therefor 1 to-wlt c on the 13 8t 14 d&7 ot October
1949, at 2:00 o'clock P.~in the Citz Hall 1 ot the Cit7 of Lubbock, Texas, and
at such b.ear!Dg the .toll protests were made, towit z
Jlrs. Annie Lawson,
Hr. H.S. Brown, Mrs. Lou Alexander .protested that.
Thq did not waht alley in Block llO, Original Town Addition, paved at this
WHEREUPOI, the Cit;r Commission tinda from evid.ence submitted b;r Mrs. Laweon,
Hr. Brown and Jlra • .Uexamer, owners ot the propert7 in mock llO, Original
Town, are not COJIDileJlsur&te with costs ot proposed paving, and it is, there-
for, ordered that proposed pa'ri.na in Unite A II 107 and A-108, being Borth and
South and East-West alleys, respectivel;r, in Block llO, Original Town '.J.ddition,
be omitted &d abandoned, and deleted heretrom.
and said hearing was continued to the present time in order to more tul.ly' accomplish
the purposes thereof 1 and all desirins t.o be heard were given tull and tair opportunit:y
to b4t heard, and the saicl C1t7 Commission having full¥ considered all proper matters,
is ot the opinion that the said hearing should be closed. and aases .. nt a should be
made as herein ordered~
~•i4 hearing be, and the same is herebJ' closed, and t.he said protests .a.•·1.d
and objections, and 8117 and all other protests and objections, whether herein
enumerated or not, be tnd the same are hereby overruled.
The Cit;y C.Uaicn, tree erl.clence coneidering thl benefits l"eceivecl and
bu.rdene impaeed, tincla tbat the cwnere ot raS.lroade ocCUJQ'iDs arJd/or croeamg
port1oae ot .Ue;ye herein DUid ehall pay and are hereby useaaed the whole coste
of; illpro"'iDsf' including found&tion 1 extra concrete, ties, etc., between aDit UDder
raila. and t~ke ot euch railroad and two teet on outeide thereof• the auu pq-
able b7 and cbargeable a.pinat railroads and the ownere thereof lhall be ueeaeed
qainet them artd shall be a tNPerior lim on its roadbed, ties, rails, tixt.urea,
'righte arld tranchieee 1 which tax ehall oclu!Jtitute a 111m thereon superior to 8D7
other lien ~ ola1m emept State 1 9ount;y and Jilunioipal· Taxes.
There eball be and. ie hereb;y levied and aseeeeec1 &&ainet. the JBI'Cela of
property herein~QW •DtiCIDed1 01G81'8 Of r&nro.da ,and acainet. the real and true
owners thereot ( vhetber such owners be cornctlT ~ her"eill or not) 1 the e\1118 of
aouey below mentioned md itaized shown opposite the description ot the reepective
parcel.a ot propel"t.J'J the descriptions of thl respective parcele ot property 1 and
the Hve!'al. 81110UDte aeeeaaed againet the same 1 and the Ol818rtt thereof, aa tar u
euch ownen are know, bema u followet
The several .... above •ntionecS IDd aaseeeed a,p.1net. the aa.id parcels ot
property and the owners thereof 1 and 1Dtereet thereon at the rate ot six ( 6•) par
od per ADQ.1811 toaether vitb reaaoaable att.omey' a feea and coste ot collection,
it 1noul'!'ed 1 are hereby ,declared to be ur.l are made a lien upon the respective
~ele ot propert7 aaatnet which the eaae are aeseseecl, &Dd a peraonalli&billt;y
and charp againet the' real· aDd true owners ot eu.ch property, •ether such Otaere be
DUecl herein or not. 1 &Del the ea1.d lias eball be .ad constitute the tiret enforce-
able lien and claia a,p1nat the property GD which nch aese-nt,s are lft1ecl, and
. shall be a first aad. paramo\1ftt li•n therecm, superior -to all at.her lieu and claims
except ltate 1 COlllltT 1 ~d Cit)-&clvalorea taxes. 1 .
1 !he lNII8 so as1eaeed aga1nst. the abutting propert7 aud the owners thereof 1 shall
be llld become due aDd pqable u follows, towitt In five equal inet.&JJ..at.s, <Sue
rupectU•l7 on or before tm (10) dqel one (1), two;, (2), tbt•, ·(3), ard tow {4),
,..,.. tram the CCIIIJ>letion and acceptance of the impl"''V..ate, aD1 shall bear interest
from the date of such campl.et.ion and acceptance at the rate ot six ( 6S) per cent. per
~~ papble &'Qilualq with each iutallJB~t 1 eo tiBt upon the completion aDd
aooeptace of such iaprov.-s the aeaea ... te ehall..becaud boco. due &ad p.,.ble
in such 1netal.ll8nte, ad vit.h interest from the date of auch coaplet,ion and accept.an.ce.
ProY1de4, hOWYer, that &IV" owner shall have the J'iibt to pa;y tbe ntire aseee•lllt1
or 8117 inetalll!!nlt. t.bereot 1 befcre materity, by p&ym«mt ot principal and ael"!!.ed
interest, ad pruvid.ed hi-ther tbat it default shall be iaade ill the ~nt of m:y
ineWl._, ot principal or interest prompt~ u the same Mturea• tbeD • t.he •t.S.Z.e
..ount ot the aaee•••• WMJG 11111ob ew:h default 1s ade llball, at the option of the
, Hid Contractor, Panbuadle Ccmetructicn CompaDJ', or ita aaei&De,. be and become
1llliled1Ateq du and pqable, aDd shall be collectible, together ld.t.b reaeoaabl8
at~ome,:'• tee• 8DCl coet.e ot collection, 1t 1nCUl'"NCI.
It default eball be •de 1n the payiiiSlt of 8D7 aeeeeameat, col.lectiOI'l thereof
ahaU be erlfarcecl e1t.hv by the sale ot propert;y b7 the Tax Collector and Aaeeeeor
ot the C1 t7 ot Lubbock, u near aa poeeible 1n the ~r provided tor the sale ot
~~;r ~or the ncm~Dt ot acl val.o~WL taus • or, at tbt o~iCil ot the Ri_d Pan-
. VII.
The t.ot.al UJOUDt uaeasecl aca!nat the respectiw parcels ot abuttins property,
aDd the ~ra thereof, 1e in accordance with tbe proceed.inp of the C1t7 rel&t.Jn&
to &aid. iJIJ)J'OYeeate tlld &8Se&a.zrt.S therefor, and ia leas than tbe proportion of
thl coat allcwed and pel'llittecl b.r the law in terce 1n the cit7.
For the JN.l'POS• o.t evidcciftg the several fn1JI8 aeeeased against the respective
parcels ot abu.tt1ng propert.7, md the owners thereof, ancl the tiae and. terlliB ot pav-
. ment., anc! to aid in tbe entcrc.-t thereof, aee1pbla certif'icatee shall be issued.
qy tJle Clty ot Lubbock upon completion and acceptance by the Cit7 ot the improvaaente,
which cert1t1cates shall be executed. b.Y the lfqo.r in the DUJ.e ot the city and attested
by tbe Cit7 Secreta17 with the corporation aeal., md shall be pqable to Panbandle
~ODJJt,nctic Collp&J', 01" it e aesigne, and shall deola.re tbe eaid amount a, time, ad
tel'IU ot pqaent, rate of int.ereet, an:l the elate of completion and acceptance ot the
impro~ta abllttirag upon such property md. for which the oertU'icate ia i•euecl, aad
eh&ll contain the oae ot the OWDtr or CJ,Ifftera, it known, the description of the
propert7 by l4;t and block ftl.Dber, or trent teet. thereof, or nch other deso~iptiaa u
.,. oth.-viae identitJ' the aames and it the said propert7 ehall be owned by an estate,
then tbe deacript.icm of same u so owned shall be ctticimt., or it tbe n.aM of the
OWDar M ~ow. the to eo state will be sutticimt, 8114 ao error or llietake in
4•eol'ibina arv property, or 1n giving the naa. of the owaer, shall invalidate or in
8.!\Y viae impair such ce~iticates, or the aeaea~a levitt~!, ·
The certitioatee ehall provlcle aubatantiall.T that it.._ aball not be paid
prompt.13' Uporl •turity, then they aball be oolleotible, with reaaonable attomey'a
tees 8l1d coats of collection, it 1ncurred1 and ahall provide atbet.antiall:;r th&t the
amo\lllte evidenced thereb,r Ja7 be paid to the ,Gollector ot Taxea ot the Citq ot Lubbock,
· Texas, wo ahall iuue his receipt therefor, which eball be evidence of euch papeat
on &1\T cl..ucl tor· the 8D8, &DC1 the Collector ot Taxee ahaU deposit the 811118 so
received. b.r hill tort.l'nd.th with the City Treaeurv to be bpt and held. b7 him in a
apparate tva.d hereby clea1gnate4 ae PANHANIU: CORSTRUCTIOB CCIIPRtt S'lRIE',r IMPBOVE11E11'
PUID, mel when aro-J)II'MIIt. eball be ade to the Tax Collector vpon auch Cfrt.iticate
be ahall, upon presentation to him ot the certU:icate by 'the Conllrator, or .Other
bolc1er thereof, endorae aa1c1 p~ thereon, and tbe Contractor, or other holder
of.. such certificate, lhall be entitled to receive trom the City Tre&eUI'er the amount.
paid 'QPCI'l p:reHDtation to him ot suoh certiticatea eo endcreed and creditedJ and aucb
endor..-nt and credit shall be the Treaauioer• e warrant tor making such pa,ment.
SUch p811lenta b,y tbe !reaeurer ehall be receipted tor b;y the holder ot euch certificate
in ltriting anct by 8U!Tift<ler tbereot when the principal, together w1 th accrued interest
and all coste of coll_eotion and reuanable attom81''• tees, it incurred, have been
paict in tull..
Said oertiticatea aball turther recite nbetant:lallT that the proceeclinge with
reference to aking the !mproveacts to 'tlbich the particular cert.11'1cates relate have
been regul.a.rl.Jr bad in compliance v!. tb law, and that aU prerequisites to the fl:Jd.n&
ot the u•••-Dt lieD against the property clescr1 beet in such certificate and the
personal Uabllity of the owner or OWDel'S thereof have been pertonHd, and ~ch
recitals shall be pri:aa facie evidence ot all the at.tez.s recited 1n such certiticatea,
ancl no further proof thereof ehall be required in &IV' court.
The Aiel oertits.cates •7 have coupcms attached thereto 1n evidence ot each or
cr of the aeveral. Snat.alliBnt.a thereof' or llloll' have coupons tor each ot the first
tour f.Datal.lmerlta, l.eav!Dg the main certitioate to lfJM'ector the titth coupon,. which
coupaaa ~be paJal>le either to Pab.bandle Cc:aatru.ctlon 0111p1n71 or its aaaisDa, or to
the bearer, and., be aiped with the tacsimiUe aign&turee of ~he Ma7or and City
run .,_.. to ake &ad leV reuae.-nts and to correct lliatakes, errors,
invalidities, or irregularities, either 1n the uaesSIBDt ar 1n the certiticatea
ieeuecl 1n evidence t.bereot • ie, 1D accor4Mce with the law 1n force 1n this c1ty,
vested. in the city.
An uHeamt• lavSed. are a peracaal llab111t7 and eb&rpda«amet. the real
and true o.mera of the prmeee described, not,w1tbet8Dd1n& euch G~~~D.ers aq DOt be
-.-d, o.r ...,. . be inoorrectl.J" aa.d.
The aaee...t • herein levied are a de and lJJviscl taler 1114 bT vil'tue ot the
t_..., powre, and provieicma ot an .t.ct passed at the Piret C&l.1H Seeeion of the
40th Legial&ture ot the State of Texaa, being kDcnll aa Chapter lo6 ot the lApq of
eaicl liesa1on.
The preset cODdition of ea1d All.qe erulanpn health aDI aatet7, and. it 1a
neoeuary that 11&1~ ~a be proceeded with while the weather will permit.,
and the cCID8trqct1on or aal4 Sitprov-.at.s is beiD& clel.,.ct pending the tald.n&
effect of this ordinance, mel ncb facts oCDet.itute md create an emergenc7 and an
urgent. public necessity NQuir1ng that the rules providllag tor ordinances to be
read more than oa.e time, or at more than Cllle meetina, be suspended, and that this
orcliD&Dce be p&SIHKl u and take ettect u an aaer&lll07 aeuure, mel ncb rules are
acoo1"<11nsl7 supeded and. thie ord1Danc e 1e paeaecl u aa4 ahlll take effect and be m tr.rce .. an aerpnq llleU'Ir'e, and ehall be 1n force and ettect ilmediatel¥
trcm and after ita paseace.
Paesecl aa4 approvect1 tbie --"~lPt~·~~.~b...__ d.q ot __ ,PYIIUinbuuer ...... _.,.._-:A•D, 1949.
Lft! w. H. Boclg!r!
Hqor, C1t7 of L\lbbock, 'l'exaa
kvcia Low