HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 939-1949 - Defining 30 Degree Angle Parking In City Limits - 09/22/1949' _.,__._.....-.. ~ ~-........... ()Q.-22-1.9 4 ..9 939 ORDINANCE NO. -----JO~J 3 -J .94.9 AN ORDINANCE DEFINING JO DEGREE ANGLE PARKING AND CITY LIMITS; DEFINING AND PROVIDING FOR PAR4LLEL PARKING AND FEQUIRING PARALLEL PARKING AS FOLLOWS WITH CERTAIN F..XCEPTIONS; BROADWAY -ON BCYrH SIDES BETWEEN COLI.mE AVENUE AND THE EAST CITY LIMITS PROVIDED THAT JO DEGREE ANJLE PARKING IS REQUIRED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BROADWAY BETWEEN AVENUE 11G" AND AVENUE "H", TO SERVE THE POST OFFICE; TEXAS AVENUE ,.. ON THE WEST SIDE BETWEEN lOTH STREET AND MAIN STREET; AVENUE "H" .... ON BorH SIDES BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOtiTH CITY LIMITS; COLLIDE AVENUE .. ON BOT;H SIDES BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH CITY LIMITS; 19TH STREET • ON BOTH SIDES BETWEEN TEXAS AVENUE AND THE WEST CITY LIMITS; AVENUE "A" EXTEND~D w ON BCY!H SIDES, TO INCLUDE ALL PARTS OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 87 (TRUCK ROUTE THROUGH LUBBOCK) BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH CITY LIMITSJ AVENUE "Q" EXTENDED • ON BOTH SIDES, TO INCLUDE ALL OF U.S. HIGHWAX NO. 84 BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH CITY LINITS; 4TH STRm' ... ON BOTH SIDES BETWEEN THE E4ST AND WEST CITY LIMITS; 13TH STREET ... ON BOTH SIDES BETWEEN AVENUE "G" AND AVENUE "Q" J REQUIRIR:i .30 DEGREE A~LE PARKING ON TEXAS AVENUE .., ON THE WEST SIDE BET~EEN 9TH STREET AND lOTH STREET AND AVENUE "G" -ON THE WEST SIDE FROM BROADWAY NORTH ONE•HALF BLOCK TO THE ALlEY; PROHIBITING A~LE PARKUKA WHEN SUCH PARKING CAUSES ANY PART OF THE PARKED VEHICLE TO EXTEND MORE THAN 7 ... 1/2 FEET INTO THE STREET MEASURED FROM THE FACE OF THE CURB LINE EXTENDED; DIRECTINl THE CHIEF OF POLICE t\ . MARK ALL PARKirlZ SPACES ON THE DESIG NATED STREETS WHERE PARALLEL PARKIOO OR .30 DIDREE AN:TLE PARKING IS REQUIRED OR PERMITTED; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS FOR PARKUI} IN VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE; RETAIN! EXIS'lliNG LOADING ZONES; DECLARII(l AN EMlmGENCY AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF THIS 1 DESCRIPTIVE CAPTION OF THE ORDINANCE TOGETHER WITH THE PENALTY CLAUSE, BEI:OO C SECTIONS 9 AND 10 HEREOF. ' .. ' ' 0 ...... .o) .·. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY cor~SSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS: (a) 30 DEGREE ANGLE PARKING is here defined to be the standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not when the righthand side of said vehicle (or the longitUdinal axis of said vehicle) is standing at an angle of 30 degrees with the face o£ the curb or the center line of the street. (b) CITY LIMITS -The term City Limits as herein used shall mean the City limits of the City of Lubbock as they now exist or as such City limits may exist by reason of any extension or annexation of additional areas to the City of Lubbock. SECTION 2. It shall hereafter be unlawful for aqy person to park any vehicle on that part of a~ street hereinafter designated unless such vehicle be parked parallel to the curb and the righthand front and rear wheels of such vehicle be within one £oot (lf) of the curb or curb line, or unless such vehicle be otherwise parked in compliance with the provisions of this ordinanc~. SECTION J. Parallel parking as provided in Section 2 of this ordinance is required on that part of the following highways, avenues and streets in the City of Lubbock, to-wit: (1) BROADWAY w On both sides between College Avenue and the East City limits PROVIDED that 30 degr$e angle parking is required on the North side of Broadway between Avenue "G" and Avenue "H", to serve the Post Office. (~) TEXAS AVENUE ~ On the West side between loth Street and Main Street. (.;,) AVENUE ltfl" ~ On both sides between the North and South City limits. {4) COLLEGE AVENUE w On both sides between the North and South City limits. (5) 19TH STREET w On both sides between Texas Avenue and the West City limits. (6) AVENUE "A" extended ~ On both sides to include all parts of U.s. Highway , No. 87 (truck route through Lubbock~ between the North and South City limits. AVENUE "Q" extended .., on both sides, to include all of u.s. Highway No. 84 between the North and South City limits. 4TH STREET a On both sides between the East and West City limits. 13TH STREET .. On both sides between Avenue "G" and Avenue "Qff. ~ SECTION 4. JO degree angle parking as iefined in Section 1 of this ord~nanee is required on that part of the following highware, avenues and streets in the City of Lubbock, to-wit& (1) TEXAS AVENUE " On the West side between 9th street and loth Street. (2) AVENUE nan w On the West side from Broadway North one~half block to the slley. SECTION 5• On a~ street in the City of Lubbock where parallel parking is required or permitted and where the curb is removed and the parkway used for angle parking, 30 degree angle parking, as that term is herein defined in Section 1, is permitted PF.OVIDED that no part of the parked vehicle extends more than 7•1/2 feet into the street .roea~red from the face of the curb line extended. 0 ,J SECTION 6. Where a parkw~ is used in common with a street and designed tor parking purposes, parallel parking is required EXCEPT where adequate parking space i provided in the parkway to permit 30 degree angle parking and no part or a parked vehicle extends more than 7~1/2 feet into the street measured from the face of the curb line extended. SECTION 7. The Chief of Police is authorized and directed to mark all parking spaces on the streets named herein to indicate parallel parking or 30 degree angle parking consistent with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION S. The Chief of Police is authorized and directed to place marks of uniform color and size at the location ot all parkway parking areas, 7•1/2 teet into the street and parallel to the curb line extended so as to indicate to the motorist the boundaries of vehicular parking limits as herein provided tor. SECTION 9. Any person who shall violate a~ provision of this ordinance shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS. SECTION 10. Any person who shall park or permit the parking of any vehicle in aQ1 manner except according to the marks placed on the streets pursuant to the provisions of this ordinanoe shall upon conviction, be fined not exceeding TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS. · SECTION 11. All ordinances regulating parking on that part of the streets herein designated, are hereby repealed, EXCEP.r that the provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed to eliminate or in any manner affect Kloading zones" heretofore or hereafter authorized bf the Governing BoQ7, and the provisions of this ~rdinance shall be construed consistent with Parking Meter Ordinanoe No. 564 and amendments thereto affecting the highways, streets and avenues herein designated. SECTION 12. The Governing Body of the City of Lubbock finds that increased vehicular traffic in the City of Lubbock has created a condition requiring the immediate readjustment or parking on that part or the streets designated b.r the provisions of this ordinance and that immediate changes in traffic control and parkw ing are needed in that such vehicular traffic creates an emergency requiring the immediate passage or this ordinance, the provisions of which shall become effective on each street when 30 degree angle parking lines and parallel parking lines or marks have been placed upon the streets designated in compliance with the pr~visions ot this ordinance. ( . •, SECTION 13. The City Secretary is hereby directed to cause publication·or the descriptive caption of this ordinance together with the penalty clause as an alternative provided by Chapter 10, Page 112, Actsl939 of the 46th Legislature, as amended by Chapter 2~, Page 463, Acts 1947 of the 5oth Legislature. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. I l Passed ,and approved b,r unanimous vote or the City Commission this 2~ day of ~ J ' Sept. , 1949. Passed ~nd approved b.Y unanimous vote of the City Commission this 13 ,_ day or L ~ 1/ I October-:-' 1949. / 1'1'.., /1 . /~/--. (_/(-<./ / w _____:C Mayor