HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 934-1949 - Setting The Tax Rate And Levying A Tax - 08/25/1949CCC> -25-\.9 (JU)IJUICI 10. 934 o t? -zc.o -\..949 AI ClmWNCE SET'l'IIIl TBB TAX RAT& AID IBVIIm A TAX UPON iU. PROPIR!I SOBJECT TO TWTIOR 1fl'l'HU 1'81 CITY OF LUBBOCI, TBUS, lOR TP DAR 1949, APPCitTIOIIDil SAID LIVY All)al THE VARIOUS FlJRDS .um ITUS FOB liBICH RIVUOB MUST BE BAISED, IDIDG U OOOlJP.&TIOI TU uPOI ALL OOCUP4TIOIS TWBa 4ID Fttrm TBB TIIIB II WHICH S!ID TaBS BE P.liD, .uD ASSISSDil PBJWn AID Ill'fiR.BST FOR THE .... pAYIBft 01 S11CR !ADS WITHIJI THE TID SE'l'e BE IT ORD4IDD BY THE CITY OOIIIISSION 01 THI CITI OJ' LUBBOCKt SBCTIOll 1. then ahall be lmed aDd uaeaaed up011 all pr<~~pert)r aubJ ect to tuatioa within the Cit.7 ot L1lbbock, Tuaa, tor the 7ear 1949, the aua r4 11.75 per 1100 nluation thereof, &M the aame shall be applied to the Yarioas tuDda in the following aunera .56 per 1100.00 valuation .. to the ~reat • S1U:1Dg 1u.Dd 1.14 per 1100.00 TaluatioD -to the Gnaral ltmd -&22. pu-tloo.ao valution -to the Board ot etv DeYelo~Dt hDd 1.'1' SBC1'IOI 2. AU e4 ftlor .. tulia .-u be paid betore the tirat dq ot hbnarf, 1950, aDd tax .. _ not paid 'b7 that date shall b&Ye to aaid taxes added the •• ~ lOJ peD&lt;r and bear interest trca aid elate at 6~ aDd thereafter such tee• ud o01ts shall be added •• prO'I'ided bJ law tor state &lid CoUDV toea. U SBCTIOI 3• There ia levied UJOil all ooeupaticma taable on.-hal.t (l/2) the aua -- cbaqet b7 the ~te ~ Texas tor pursuiug such oooupation. Paaaed aDd apprcwed bJ 1m1A1aou vote ot tbe Ci t7 eo-1.811011 on tirat read1Dg this 25th dq ot A'QCUat p 1949. Pa1aed aDd approYed by UD&Jliaou Yote ot the City Corud.saion on second reading thia 24 dq ot Ape-ust :> 1949.