HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 924-1949 - Re-Adopting The Method And Naming Streets By Number Provided In Ordinance 197 - 06/23/1949t ~· ~ J 1\ bi.'""':X ,\\ ~} l ~T-'~- -&-\1 \..~ ."~ c..•.l.t J ).; .t ,.c, ) , ,.,: -J \. ~~ "V ,l?~ ~, t:..ll ri .. , ' •If f; ,.1\ '1 • ( u -L -> I ~ •I ' ' ,. i J <1-~---_L__ ORDDf.ANCE NO • .,..26& I ( f--It I -l_rl q..-, -" I AN ORDINANCE RE-AOOPTmG THE METHOD AND NAHING STREETS BY NlJl.IBER AS ~ PROVIDED nl ORDINAllOE NO. lo/7, ESTABUSHDlG 1ST STREET AS THAT ST.REET LYIUG Oli THE NORTH OF SANDERS ADDITION AND CONTINUING 'ID NamER EACH STREET SOUTH ~ THEREOF CONSECUTIVELY AliD DESIGliATING Um STR.EEr AS 1-f.AIN STREET AND 12TH STREET AS BROADWAY; CHANGING THE NAME OF EDNA, SANDERS, WOLFFARTH, HERRITT, ELIMOOD, Aru.TETT AND HILL STREETS TO CONFOR-1 TO THE SYSmi; DESIGNATING THE EASTERNHOST STREET SHOHN BY THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE TO\ffl OF LUBBOGK AS AVENUE A AS ~PROVIDED Dr ORDINAUCE tlO. l(j?, NAMING THE NEXT STREET WEST AVENUE B ~TD COI~TDTUING I THE DESIGNATION OF STREET NAMES BY LETT.EllS OF THE ALPHABET IN SEQUENCE UNTIL COLLIDE AVENUE IS REACHED, SAID AVENUE BEING THE STREET LYING DR>IEDIATELY E.n.sT OF TEXAS TECHNOIOOICAL COLI.EXJE PJm RETAilUNG THE NAME COLLIDE AVENUE FOR SAID STREET; ESTABLISHING A HETHOD OF UAHUlG STREETS NORTH OF 1ST STREET ALPHABETICALLY FOR COLLIDES Al\fD UNIVERSITIES AND CHANGING TrlE NAME OF RUBY, NORTH 2ND, 111APLE, NOR'm 3RD, WALNUT, NORTH 4TH, ALL:nN, NORTH 5TH, MERTHEL AND NORTH 6TH STREETS 'ID CONFORM 'ID THE HE'lliOD; PROVIDING A HETUOD FOR NAMJNG STREETS WEST OF GOI.ImE AVENUE FOR CI- TIES LYING EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AliD CHANGTitG THE NAHES OF WASHINGTON, ADAMS, JEF"FER:.SON, HADISOIT, 1-IONROE, JACKSON, VAN BUREN, PRIGE, HABRISON, TYLER, AN tnm.AMED, ll POLK, TAYLOR, FILlMORE AND PIERCE AVENUES 'ID CONFORt-i TO THE METHOD; ESTABLISHING A HETHOD OF N ~liNG STREETS EAST OF AVENUE A AND NAl-iUlG THE}1 FOR TREES liND GHANGING THE NAMES OF EAST AVEUUE A, EAST AVENUE B, EAST AVENUE G, EAST AVENUE D, EAST AVENUE E, EAS'l' AVENUE F, EASr AVENUE G, EAST AVENUE H, EAST AVENUE I, EAST AVENUE J AND EAST A\FnroE K TO CONFORM TO THE METHOD; BE-NAl>ID~G AVENUE Q NORTHWEST CLOVIS ROAD; RE-NAMnm AVENUE Q NORTHEAST Al4ARILLO ROAD; AOOPTING AN OFFICIAL STREET NAMING HAP; ADOPTING METHOD OF NAMING STREETS AS NEW AREAS GCJ.1E lllTO 'l'BE CITY Ln.UTS SITUATED WEST OF COLI..mE AVENUE, EAST OF AVENUE A AND NORTH OF 1ST STREET; PROVIDING FOR APPLICATION OF THE l1ETHOD BY THE GITY ENGINEER WITH EXCEPTIONS TO BE I SUBHITTED TO T"dE CITY CCMMISSION: ESTABLISHING Atrrol>1ATIC EXTENSIONS OF EXISTING I STREET NAHES AND NU11BERS OF THE lm-ILY ANNEXED AREAS AND PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THIS ORDI NAI~CE COJlSISTENT WITH THE PROVISIONS CF ORDINANCE NO. l(j? RELATING TO STREET lUHES. . i \YHE.REAS, confuaion has arisen duo to the absence of ~ adequate method ll established for the naming of streets within the corporate limits and within areas annexed to the C1 ty of Lubbock within the past few years and the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended the adoption of a method and policy to be v opY. i v follovad in the naming of streets eo as to prevent further confusion and to en I.Ir . I establish uniformity in the naming of streets and avenueo and the City Commiosion t. ·: ', · 1 n "• finds the adoption or such methods so recommended and the re-neming of many streets now within the City limits consistent with the recommended method to be in the public interest, THEREFORE, (I I ~L/-i ' 1 ry~.t f ~I ( ) 1 ,, t {/ . , I -t I I I ;> ~~d~===~·~~~~====·===~======~~,========================~ I :_) ; '\,..,/ ~ ..... • BW IT ORDAINED BY 1'BE OITI OMIISSIOB OF THE OITI OF LUBBOOKt SIOTION 1. That the names ot the streets in the City ot Lubbock shall be &8 tollOVBI lst street shall be that street :cy1Dg on the North ot Sanders Addition to the City ot Lubbock, the tirst street South thereof shall 'l:.la lmoWD as 2nd street aDd contimdng in Jll1JII.e1"ical order Southward, and the streets shall be knCJWD b7 the next street taking the DBIIt8 ot 3rd Street, until all streets have been given a name by Jltllllber. BXCIPf that llst street is named Main street aml 12th street is Jl81118d Broadwq. SBlTXOI I (a). And the tollowiDg street D81118s are hereby chaDged and liven a new imDtbar consistent w1 th the method established in. ,~ctian 1, to-vi tt 1!£!1!J1t IS! Bev •ee i«<na Street Firat Place Sanders (Viveho:rn) Street Second Place Wol.ttarth (Olcwerlu.d) Street Third Place Merritt Street · Fitth Place . lll.wod street 22nd Place AX-nEltt Street 24th Pla08l Bill Street 29th Place SIC'l'.IOJJ' 2. The Easternmost street shovn by the original plat ot the Town .ot Lubbock shell be called Avenue A aDd the street West ot same shall be knoz ·aa Avenue a, and the alphabetical sequence shall be cont1nuad With tbe letters ot the alphabet. As each street is reached it shall oar.ry its .letter to be known as A.Vem:le, the bl&lik supplied v:Lth the proper letter in said order and sequence until College Avenue is reached, it being the Avanua :hmnefl,.. iat~ East ot Texa8 Teclmolcgical College, tifd.C.k 8hall continue to be called College Avenue. Bxcept that Avenue (I) shall retain the D8ID8 ot Texas Avenue. -810~ 3~·~jhe· sti'eets North. ot 1st Stnet shall be DBIIt8d alphabeticaJ.ll' tor colleges and UDi't'ers:tties and streets. now vlthin the corporate limits ot th' OitJ' of Lltl,lbock shall.be changed as tollovs, to-v.l.t: I lase# I!!! lev Ill!@ RabJr Street AJaherst Street Barth 2nd (Locust) street Auburn Street Maple Street Bates street Borth 3rd (11m) Street Bqlor Street tfa.lnu.t street Colgate Stree-tt =====!1=====~~=-===-·=-··=···· .. ==·==,=='-~'=·· ·============="""""""===~~'='- ' \ i ~- / ==;'"====~o._~~==---···=---· -~=~_ =. =_=='-=--=---=-===~============n==' '>./ '. ~ ' ..._, ._; North 4th (Dallas) Street .All~ street Borth Sth (Frances) Street Merthel. Street North 6th Street Cornell Street Dartmouth Street Duke Street !morT Street Erald.De ~reet SBJ!ION 4. The aveDUes Heat ot College Avenue . shaU be named alphabeticaJ.J.y for cities ]JiDg East of the Mississippi RiV$r, and avenues w1 thin the present 01 ty 11111 ts shall be changed as follows, t~vi t:: Present Nama Waahington Avemte Adams Avenue Jefferson Avenue Madison AV8D118 MoDrOe Avenue Jackson Avenue Van Buren Avanue Price Avenue Harr1aon Avenue TTler Avenue Not Named Polk Avenue Ta.Yior Avenue Pierce Avenue Nevlfw Akron Avenue Boston AV81lua Canton Avenue Detroit Avemte Blg1n Avenue Fl1Dt Avenue Gar.r Avenue Geneva Avenue Hartford Avem1e Indiana Avenue Ithaoa AV8D118 Joliet Avenua Knoxville Avenue LoU1sv1l.l.e Avenue Memphis Avenue SICTIOB S. ~e avenues East ot Avenue A shall be named alphallri!ca.l17 tor the nallies of trees and avenues vi thin the present corporate l1m1 ts shall be ohanged as follow, to-vlt: Present Rame last Avenue A. East Avenue B liev Name Ash Avenue Birch Avenue ==~!=====~===~===~--=-=----=-~~~--=··=· ==----==--- I ..;. ~· ....._... ·~ _-r~ . -. .. . .I . .. ~-~-.;--....... East Avenue C Cedar Avenue East Avenue D Date Avenue East Avenue E Elm Avenue East Avenue F Fir Avenue East Avenue G Globe Avenue East Avenue H Hickory Avenue East Avenue I Ivory Avenue East Avenue J Juniper Avenue East Avenue K King Avenue SECTION 6. CLOVIS ROAD, The new highway f'rom the intersection of Avenue Q and 3rd Street Northwesterly toward Clovis, Ne\r Mexico and nov Jmown as Avenue Q Northwest shall be and the same is hereby changed to Clovis Road. SECTION 7. .AMARILLO ROAD, The proposed ne\1 highway from the intersection of Avenue Q and 3rd Street now lcnown as Avenue Q Northeast shall be and the same is hereby changed to be Amarillo Road. i SECTION s. STREET NAMING liD, The attached map of the City of Lubbock with street names indicated thereon, in compliance with the foregoing names and changes in naming of streets is hereby adopted as the official street naming map of the City of Lubbock and made a part of this Ordinance 0 SECTION 9. METHOD TO BE FOLLOWED IN NAMING FUTURE STREETS, The method used in renaming the streets and avenues liithin the present City limits is hereb,y adopted as the method to be used naming streets in areas not now, but to coma within the corporate limits in the future as follows: SECTION 9 (a), AVENUES v1EST OF COLLIDE AVEi~UE. Avenues West of College Avenue shall be given nai!les of cities in alphabetical order, tmtil the alphabet has bean completed. Thereafter, the process shall be repeated in the same sequence without giving ~ street a name previously-rr.tven to a street. SECTION 9 (b), AVENUES EAST CF AVENUE A, Avenues East of Avenue A shall be given the names of trees in alphabetical order until the alphabet has been completed, Thereafter, ihe process shall be repeated as many times as is I ~ necessary EXCEPT that if tree naJ!les be exhausted other plant names may be assigned , so that no street shall ever be given a name which has been previously given to a at liett SECTION 9 (c) • STREETS nORTH OF 1ST STREET, Streets l~orth of 1st Street : i shall be given the names of colle!jes and 'W'liversities in albhabetical order until ji ! the alphnbet has been completed, Thereafter, the process shall be repeated except jl 1 that no street shal-l ever be given a ·name previously given to a street or avenue, i I I I ._ ... =-=m=--- SEJI'IOI. 10. CIT! EFGTI;EER TO .l..PPLY ·illT!-iOD, It shall be the dut1 of the City Eneineer to st."!J>ply upon request cl.l in!'crmo.tion neces~~!"'J to platters of property so tho.t stroots ma be properly named consistent with the method adopted b•r this Ordinance PRO'TIDED Hm·lE"VE..~ that when the method is impracticable or im- possible of: ap!Jlication, the matter shall be submitt~d to the City CoiErl.ssion for determination. SEGTIO!J 11. \·r.'len any are he.s been brought 11ithin the corporn.te lirdts of tho City of' Lubbock and public ways are sho\m on the plats of the area , the n&-nes and/or munbers of the streets and o.veu<es within the cor~ore.te limits shall t~1eroby be e:ctendod into the ne•.rly annexed n:ren. Upon said public uays becoming streoto or n:onuos of the City of Lubbock tl•ey she..ll bo and/or hereby designated by ne>.me and ntunbcr according to their loc tlon abutting the ofticie..l street namine plat adopted by this Ordinance • .'3i~CTIOi ! 12. COi.~S'i'RtJC'riQ!:k. This Ordinance shall be construod consistent t<rith tho provisions of Ordlnance l.o. 197 passed on the 8th day of FebrUBry 1921 e:::.:copt uhere said Orclinance is inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. A::D IT IS SO OI~ER.:!:D. Passed and a!)proved by u:1ani:uous vote of the Gity Commission of the City of Lubboci;: this 2 3 de~r of June , 1949. Pa.!lsed and a-ooroved by unarnious vote of the City Commission of the CiJ..:.y of Lubbock ~his • -14 day of Julv , 191..,9.