HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 890-1948 - Amend Ordinance 840. Traffic Control - 10/28/1948I
' ·'
WHEU'.AS, the Governing Body of the City of Lubbock has found that a re·
vision of all general traffic ordinances into one ordinance is needed and 1uch
revi1ion will eliminate confusion and promote economy in the administration
of such provisions of carrying forward all desirable traffic control provisions
in one ordinance with necessary excep tiona, THEREFORE,
The following words and phraaee, when used in this ordinance, shall, for
the purpose of this ordinance, have the meaning respectively ascribed to them:
ALLEY: Any street as herein defined having no regular or official name
other than "alley11 of 20 feet or leu in width.
AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLES: Vehicles of the Fire Department, police
vehicles and such ambulances and emergency vehicles of municipal departments
of public service corporations as are designated or authorized by the City of
BUSINESS DISTRICT: The territory contiguous to and including a street,
roadway or highway when fifty per cent or more of the frontage thereon for a
distance of .300 feet or more is occupied by buildings in use for business.
CROSS-WALKS: That portion of a stree~, roadway or highway ordinarily in-
cluded within the elongation or connection of the lateral lines of sidewalks
at interaections. Any portion of a street, roadway or highway distinctly in-
dicated for pedestrians crossing by lines or other markings on the surface.
CURB: The edge of a street, roadway or highway.
r , Tl .1. • 1. {
DOUBLE PARX: The standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not, upon
a street, roadway or highway in rear of a vehicle parked with the front end
to the curb of said street, roadway or highway, or along side of a vehicle
parked parallel with the curb of said street, roadway or highway.
DRIVERJ Every person who drives or is in actual physical control ot a
vehicle or assumes control of a vehicle.
I.NTER.SiCTIONt The ares embraced within the elongation or connection ot
the lateral curb lines, or it none, then the lateral boundary lines of two or
aore streets, roadways or highwaJs which join one another at, or approximately
at right angles, or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different
streets, roadways or highwa;ys joining at a:ay other angle mq come in conflict
where one such street, roadw8iY or highw~ crosses the other.
LIMIT LINESa Boundaries ot parking areas, loading zones, safety or dan·
ger zones, cross-nl.ks and lines marked for the purpose of excluding traffic
and parking.
MOTOR VEHICLE& Every vehicle which is self'-propelled.
NIDLIGENCEa Negligence is the want of such care and caution as a person
of ordinar.y prudence would use under like circumstances.
OFFICIAL TIMEt Whenever certain hours are named herein, they shall mean
Central Standard Time.
OFFICIAL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICESt All signs, signals, markings and de•
vices not inconsistent with this ordinance, placed or erected ~ authority of
the City of Lubbock for the purpose of regulating, directing, warning or guid•
ing traffic.
TRAFFIC SIGNAL& ~ device, whether manually, electrical~ or mechanical.ly
operated, b,y which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed.
OPERATOR& .Ar1y person in control of or who assumes control of 8DJ'" kind
of vehicle.
OINERa Azq person, firm, co-partnership, association or corporation, wtho
holds the legal title of a vehicle, or who has the legal right of possession
thereof, or the legal right of control of said vehicle.
PARKa The standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than
temporarily' for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or un-
PEDESTRIAN& AzrT person afoot.
PERSONa Every natural perrron, firm, co-partnership, association or
POLICE OFFICERI Ever.r officer of the municipal police department or 8DJ'"
officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic, or to make arrests for viola•
tions of ordinances of the City of Lubbock and the Laws of the state of Texas.
PRIVATE ROAD OR DRIVEWAY: Evecy wrq or place in private ownership and
used for vehicular travel b7 the owner and those having expressed or implied
permission from the owner, but not a~ other persona, and not open to the use
of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic.
PUBLIC PLACEa A place where people are assembled or to which people com•
monly resort for purposes of business, amusement, recreation or other lawful
purposes, and for the purpose or this Ordinance, the term "Public Place• shall
include all streets and alleys within the corporate limits or the City of
RESIDENT DISTRICT& The territory contiguous to and including a street,
road~ or highway not comprising a business district, when the property on
such street, roadway or high~ for a distance of 300 feet or more is more
than fifty per cent improved with dwellings used for resident purposes.
RIGHT-DF•WAYa The privilege of the immediate use of a street, road~
or highwq.
SAFETY ZONE& Area or space officially set apart within a street, road~
or high~ for the exclusive use of pedestrians, and which is protected or is
so marked or indicated by adequate signs as to be clear~ visible at all times
while set apart as a saf'ety zone.
SIDEWALKS& That portion of a street between the curb lines and the
lateral lines of a street, roadway or highway, and maintained for the use of
SLOW SIGNSJ The term as herein used shall be held to mean signs bearing
upon their face the word •Slow"•
TRAFFICI By this term is meant pedestrians, ridden or herded animals,
vehicles or other conveyances, either singly or togethe~, while using ~
street, road~ or highw~ for purposes of traffic.
VEHICLE& Eveey device in, upon or by which aey-person or property is or
m~ be transported or drawn upon a street, roadway or high~.
Section 1.. Required obedience to traffic ordinancel It shall be unlaw-
ful and an offense for any person to do any act forbidden, or fail to perform
8nf act required b.Y this ordinance.
Section 2. Obedience to Policel It shall be unlawful for ~person to
wilful~ fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction, whether
given in person or by means of fixed or audible signals of a police officer,
or in the event of a fire or other emergency, of any member of the fire or
police department.
Section 3. Exemptions to authorize emergency vehicles& The provisions
of this ordinance regulating the operation, parking and standing of vehicles,
shall apply to authorized emergency vehicles as defined in this ordinance
_) except as followst A driver when operating aD1 such vehicle in an emergency,
except when otherwise directed b.y a police officer, ~~
(1) Park or stand, notwithstanding the provisions of this ordin-
(2) Ezceed the speed limit, provided however, no ambulance shall
at any time exceed 40 miles per hour; and
{3) Disregard regulations governing direction of movement or
t1.rrning in specified directions so long as this is done in a careful manner
so as not to endanger lite or property.
Section 4t Regulations& Every person propelling any push cart or riding
a bicycle or an animal upon a street, roadway or highw~, and every person
driving a~ animal•drawn vehicle, shall be subject to the provisions of this
Ordinance applicable to the driver of any veh i cle, except those provisions of
this ordinance, which by their ver.y nature, can have no application.
Section 1. Obedience to official traffic control devices: The driver
of ~ vehicle shall obey the instructions of aqy police officer of the City
of Lubbock, control devices placed in accordance with the traffic ordinances
or by authority of the City of Lubbock, unless otherwise directed by a police
officer, subject to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emer•
gency vehicle in this ordinance.
Section 2. Obedience to no-turn signs and Turning Markerst Whenever
authorized signs are erected indicating that no right or left or w~ turn is
permitted, no driver of a veh icle shall disobey the directions of aqy such
sign, and when authorized marks or other indications are placed within an
intersection indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning there"
at, no driver of a vehicle shall disobey the directions of such signs, marks or
other indications.
Section 3. Quiet Zonet {a) Whenever authorized signs are erected in a
quiet zone or sick zone, no person operating a motor vehicle within aqy such
zone shall sound ~e horn or other warning device of said vehicle except in an
emergency. {b) All the streets, avenues and alleys adjacent to the premises
of ~ hospital in the Cit7 of Lubbock is hereby created and established as a
quiet zone.
Section 4• Traffic Control Signal Legend& Whenever traffic is control•
led by traffic control signals exhibiting the words "Go", "Caution", or "Stop" 1
or exhibiting different colored lights successively, the following colors
shall only be used, and said terms and lights shall indicate as followsl
A. Green alone or "Go".
(1) ·vehicular traffic facing the signal ~ proceed straight through
or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn.
But vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of~ to other vehicles and to
pedestrians lawfully within the intersection at the time such signal is exhibit•
(2) Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadw~ within
any marked or unmarked crosswalk.
B. Yellow alone or •caution" when shown following the green or "Go"
(1) Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the
nearest crosswalk at the intersection, but if vehicle is too near the inter~
section, and such stop cannot be made in safety, a vehicle ~ be driven
cautiously through the intersection.
(2) Pedestrians facing such signal are hereby advised that there is in-
sufficient time to cross a roadway, and no pedestrian shall then start to
C.Red alone Or WstopU&
(I) Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the
nearest crosswalk at an intersection or at such other point as may be indicat•
ed by a clearly visible line, and shall remain standing until green or "Go•
is shown alone.
(2} No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway, but shall
rell8in upon the curb until the green light again shows alone.
(3) At those locations where signal lights are erected and where there
are no signs prohibiting a right turn on red signal, vehicles in the right lane
only may turn to the right, provided that they shall first stop and then pro-
ceed to the right only if such movement can be made in safety and without in•
terfering with other traffic.
D. Red with green arrow:
(1) Vehicular traffic 'racing such signal may cautiously enter the inter~
section onq to make the movement indicated by such arrow, but shall not inter-
fere with other traffic.
(2) No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadw~ unless he
can do so safe]¥ and without interfering with a:rry vehicular traffic.
E. Flashing red (stop signal). When a red lens is illWiinated by rapid
intermitent flashes, drivers of vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest
crosswalk at an intersection or at a limit line when marked, and the right to
proceed shall be subject to the rules applicable after making a stop at a
stop sign.
F. Flashing yellow (caution signal). When a yellow lens is illUilinated
with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles ~ proceed through the
intersection or past such signal only with caution.
~/ The movement of 8DY bus, and the driver of any bus·, shall obey all sig ..
nals and signs applicable to vehicles.
Section 5. Display ot unauthorized signs, signals or markings& It shall
\..J be. Unlawful for &IV person to place, maintain or display upon or in view of an;y
street, roadway or high~ ~ unauthorized sign, signal, marking or device,
which purports to be or is an imitation or or resembles an official traffic
control device, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic, or which
hides from view or interferes with the effectiveness or a~ official traffic
control device or signal, and no person shall place or maintain, nor shall
8D1 public authority permit upon aqy street, road~ or high~ within the
Cit7 Limits of the City of Lubbock, aey traffic sign or signal bearing there•
on anJ commercial advertising. This shall not be deemed to prohibit the erec•
tion upon private property adjacent to a street, road~ or highwaJ of signs
giving useful directional information, and of a type that cannot be mistaken
for official signs. Evecy such prohibited sign, signal or marking is hereby
declared to be a public nuisance, aDd the City of lubbock is hereby empowered
to remove the same or cause it to be removed without notice.
Section 6. Interference with official traffic control devioesr No per-
son shall, without lawful authorit)", attempt to or in fact, alter, deface, in ..
Jure, knock down or remove aD1 official traffic control device, sign or signal,
or aqy inscription, seal or insignia thereon or any other part thereof.
Section 1. Prohibiting parking in certain places: When signs prohibit-
ing parking are erected on ~ street, roadway or highway, no person shall
park a vehicle in any such designated place.
Section 2. No stopping or parking near hazardous or congested places&
When signs are erected or curbs painted upon approach to hazardous or congest•
ed places, indicating no parking, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle
in any such designated place.
Section 2A. It shall be unlawful for anr person to park or permit the
parking of aqy vehicle under his control, at the entrance to ~ picture show,
theatre, hotel or other public buildings where official signs are erected or
curbs painted or letter~ indicating that no parking is permitted, EXCEPT,
that this provision shall not applY to momentar.y stopping of passenger vehicles,
picking up and discharging passengers.
Section 3. Prohibiting parking adjacent to schools when official signs or
markings forbid& When signs are erected or curbs are painted, indicating no
parking upon either side of the streets adjacent to ~ school property, no
person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place.
Section 4• All night parking prohibited& No person except physicians on
an emergency call shall leave parked a vehicle on ~ paved street for a period
of time longer than 60 minutes between the bQurs of 2 A.M. and 6 A.M..
Section 5. Unlawful parkinga No person shall stand or park a vehicle, and
no owner shall permit or suffer a~ vehicle belonging to such owner to stand or
be parked upon ~ street, roadwa,y or h!ghHT for the purpose of (1) displ~i.Dg
it f'or sale, and (2) washing, greasing or repairing such vehicle, except re-
pairs necessitated by an emergency.
Section 6. Using vehicles tor primar.y purpose of advertising prohibiteda
No person shall operate or park on any street, roadw~ or high~, &qf vehicle,
and no owner shall suffer or permit any vehicle belonging to such owner to be
operated or parked for the primar.y purpose of advertising.
Section 7. Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places&
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, except when necessar,r to
avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with the direction ot
police officer or traffic control device, in anr of the following placesl
On a sidewe.l..k;
In front of a public or private drive..,;
Within an intersection;
Within 10 teet ot a fire hydrantJ
On a cross-walk;
Within 4 feet ot a cross-walk at an intersection;
Within 10 feet of a driveWB7 entrance to any fire station and on
the side of a street opposite the entrance to a~ fire station
within 25 feet of said entrance;
Along side of or opposite aqy street, roadw~ or highway excavation
or obstruction, when such stopping, standing or parking would obstruct
and impede the movement of traffic;
On the roadw81 side of aDf vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or
curb of a street, roadway or high~;
At aqy place where official signs prohibit stopping;
Upon aqr street, roadway or high~ or at ~ place thereon at aqy
time when signs are painted on the curb or erected, showing a load•
ing zone, except it be for the purpose of loading or unloading as
herein provided;
No person shall move a vehicle not owned ~ such oerson into aDf
such prohibited area or awq from a place where it is lawf'ul:Qr
Section 8. Driving through processions: No driver ot a vehicle shall
drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession while it is in
motion. ,
L. Section 9. IJ.mi tation on turning arounda It shall be unlawful far 8..01'
person to turn a vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction, except
where said street, road~ is crossed or makes intersection with another street,
roadw~ or highwa,.
Section 10. Limitation on backing& The driver of a vehicle shall not
back the same into an intersection or over a crosswalk and shall not in aDy"
event or at a~ place back a vehicle for e distance more than 25 feet, and
then only when such movement can be made in safety, and for the primary purpose
of parallel parking.
Section 11. Emerging from and entering into alley or private drivewql
The driver or a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or building shall
stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into the
sidewalk area extending across aqy alle.y._~, and upon entering the street,
roadw~ or highway, shall yield the rightMOf-w&:1 to all vehicles approaching
on said road~, highway or street.
_; Section 12. Emerging from an alley and entering into an all~ or private
drive~; Aqf vehicle emerging from an alley, private drivew~ or building
within any business district shall meke a right hand turn, except garbage and
other public utility vehicles, which ~ proceed straight ahead. It shall
be unlawful and an o.ffense to DIB.ke a left hand turn upon emerging from or
entering into an alley, drivew~ or building within a business district.
Section 13. Vehicles shall not be driven on the sidewalk& It shall be
unlawful for a driver of a vehicle to drive across or upon a~ sidewalk area,
except at a permanent or temporary drive•~·
Section 14• Attaching to moving vehicles prohibitedl It shall be unlaw•
ful for any person riding upon ~ bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, sled, roller
skates or 8qf vehicle of ~ kind, to attach the same or himself to ~ moving
vehicle upon aQy street, roadw~ or highw~.
Section 1;. Riding on Handlebars prohibited& The operator of a lllOtor-
cycle or bicycle, when used on a street, roadw~ or highway, shall not carr,r
a~ other pe1·son upon the handlebars, frame or tank of any such vehicle, nor
shall a~ person so ride upon aqy such vehicle.
Section 16. Use of Coasters, Roller Skates and Similar Devices Res•
trictedl No person upon roller skates or riding on or by means of any coaster,
to,y vehicle, or similar device shall go upon aqy street, road~, or highway,
except while crossing a street, roadway or highway at a crosswalk.
Section 17. Prohibiting Intoxicated Person from Driving Motor Vehicle&
It shall be unlawful and an offense for ~ person to drive or operate a
motor vehicle upon any street, roadw~ or bighw~ or alley within the limitw
of the City of Lubbock while such person is intoxicated from the immoderate
use of spiritous, vinous and malt liquors.
Section 18. Reckless Driving Prohibited& It shall be unlawful and an
offense for any person to drive any vehicle on any street, roadw~, highway
or alley within the City Limits of the City of Lubbock in such a manner as
to indicate either a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of other perw
sons or property.
Section 19. Speed limited to 30 miles per hour: It shall be unlawful
for any person to drive or operate a motor vehicle upon a~ street, roadway
or highway in the City Limits of the Cit, of Lubbock at a greater rate of
speed than 30 miles per hour. Except where speed zone ;signs are erected in-
dicating a higher or lower rate of speed, in which case the speed indicated
by the speed zone signs shall be the maximum speed }'ermi tted. And 1 t shall
be unlawful for any person to operate a motor veh~ole in excess of the speed
limit indicated on aqy official speed zone sign.
Section 20. Requizing vehicles to be driven on right side of streeta
The drivet or operator of any vehicle shall drive the same upon the right
half' of the street, roadway or highway except 1
(a) When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same
direction, as made and provided by the Laws of the State of Texas governing
such movement.
_) (b) 'When the right halt of a street, roadway or highway is closed to
traffic while under construction or repair~
Section 21. Regulating the passing of vehicle traveling in opposite
directiona The drivers of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass
each other on the right. Each driver shall give to the other at least one-halt
of the main traveled portion ot such street, roadway or highway they are driv-
ing on.
Section 22. Regulating the passing of an overtaken vehicle& The .follow•,
ing rules shall govern the overtaking and passing ot vehicles proceeding in
the same direction, subject to the limitations, exceptions and rules herein-
after stated:
(a) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the
same direction, shall pass to the left, and at a sate distance, and shall not
again drive to the right side of the street, roadway or high~ until he has
cleared the overtaken vehicle a distance of not less than 12 feet.
{b) When overtaking and passing on the right ia p~rmitted, the driver
of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the over•
taking vehicle, and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until complete-
ly passed by the overtaking vehicle.
Section 23. Regulating the passing of an overtaken vehicle& No vehicle
shall be driven to the left side of the center of the street, road~ or
highway in overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direc~
tion unless such left side is clearly visible, and is free of on-coming traf-
fic for a sUfficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking and passing to
be completely made without interfering with the safe operation of aqy vehicle
approaching from the opposite direction. In ever.r such case, the overtaking
vehicle must return to the right hand side of the roadW8Y before coming with-
in 75 feet of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction.
Section 24• Driving on Roadways laned for traffic& lhenever a.ny road•
W&l has been divided into marked lanes for traffic, the following rules in
addition to all other consistent shall app~t
A. A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practicable entirely within
a single lane and shall not be removed from such lane until the driver has
first ascertained that such movement can be made with safety.
B. Official signs may be erected directing slow moving traffic to use
a designated lane or allocating specified lanes to traffic moving in the
same direction, and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of ever.y
such sign.
c. Slow vehicles to travel right-hand lane& The person in control of
aQ7 vehicle traveling at a rate ot speed slower by co.parison than the rate
traveled by other vehicles then and there upon the street and moving in the same
direction shall keep such vehicle well within the extreme right•hand lane or
traffic, whether me.rked or unmarked, on said street, allowing more swiftly
moving vehicles reasonably free passage to the left of said vehicles, and if
possible, allowing passage between said slower vehicle and the center or the
street. The driver of BDf vehicles shall not operate a vehicle at such a
slow rate of speed as to impede or obstruct traffic. Police otfioers are
~ hereby authorized to enforce this provision by directions to drivers of
. · vehicles to proceed, and in the event of willful disobedience to this pro~
vision by the driver of a vehicle, or refusal to comp.l.7 with the direction of
an officer in accordance herewith, tbe continued slow operation by the driver
shall be a misdemeanor.
D. When overtaking on the right is permitted. (a) The driver of a
vehicle m~ overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle onlY under
the following conditions:
1. When the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a left turn.
2. Upon a street or highway with unobstructed pavement not occupied
~ parked vehicles of sufficient width for two (2} or more lines
of moving vehicles in each direction.
3. Upon a one-way street, or upon any roadway on which trai'fic is
restricted to one direction of movement, whether the roadway is
free from obstructions and of sufficient width for two (2) or
more lines of moving vehicles.
(b) The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon
the right only under conditions permitting such movement in safety.
In no event shall such movement be made by driving off the pave-
ment or main traveled portion of the roadway.
Section 25. Turning at Intersections: The driver of a vehicle intend-
ing to turn at an intersection shall do so as follows:
(a) Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be
made as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the street,
roadw~ or highw~. Intention of executing a right turn shall be announced
by hand signals prior to executing such turn by extending the left arm out-
ward and upward.
(b) The approach for a left turn shall be made in that portion of
the right half of the roadwar nearest the center line thereof and after
entering the intersection, the left turn shall be made so as to leave the
intersection to the right of the center line of the street, roadwar or highw
'fi8J' being entered. Intention of executing a left turn shall be announced ~
hand si~nal prior to executing such turn by extending the left arm outward.
(o) Operators signalsa No operator of a vehicle shall suddenly start
or stop or attempt to turn without first giving a suitable signal as herein
provided and in such a manner as to appraise other who might be a.f'fected by
his actions.. The signal for stopping shall be given by extending the left
arm outward and downward.
Section 26. It shall be unlawful for the driver of aey vehicle to man
a U-turn at aqy intersection controlled by a traffic signal light during the
hours when traffic lights are in operation or where signs are so erected inM
dicating a no right, no left or no U-turn.
Section 26•A. Miscellaneous Rules and Regulations. Moving Vehicles in
Lane have Right•of-w&J. The person in charge of ~ vehicle upon any street
who is starting or stopping such vehicle shall yield the right•of~ to other
vehicles moving in the regular lanes of traffic, whether marked or unmarked,
. '
upon said street, and shall give plainly visible or audible signals to the
operator of other vehicles moving in the regular lanes of traffic that he ie
about to start, stop or back such vehicle; provided that after signal hae
been given and no vehicle is immediately approaching so closely as to const1•
tute a hazard, the driver of a vehicle may then proceed, and the drivers of
approaching vehicles in the right lane of traffic shall yield the right-of•
w~ to the vehicle which is starting or stopping.
Section 27. Prohibiting motor vehicles traveling in the same direction
from passing at intersectional It shall be unlawful for the driver of any
motor vehicle to pass a~ motor vehicle traveling in the same direction at
an, street intersection within the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock.
Section 1. Vehicles approaching or entering Intersections:
(a) The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection shall yield the
right-of-w~ to a vehicle which has entered the intersection from a different
street, roadway or highway.
(b) When two vehicles enter an intersection from different streets,
roadwqs or highways at the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the lett
shall yield the right-of-w&f to the other.
Section 2. Vehicles Turning Left at Intersection: The driver of a
vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the
right•of-way to ~ vehicle approaching from the opposite direction, which is
within the intersection, or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate
hazard, but said driver having so yielded and having given a signal when and
as required by this ordinance, may make such left turn, and the drivers of
all other vehicles approaching the intersection from said opposite direction
shall yield the right-of·w~ to the vehicle making the left tur~
Section 21. All persons operating or driving automobiles, or other
vehicles, approaching aqy street or avenue intersection where such stop signs
have been placed, and when the word "STOP" on said stop sign ie visible to
such approaching vehicular traffic, shall come to a full stop at a point not
more than ten feet from the line of such street or avenue intersection, and
before crossing such line of intersection.
Section 3. Operation of Vehicles on approach of authorized Emergenc7
Vehiclesa Upon the approach of an authorized emergency vehicle and the driver
is giving audible signals b,y sirene or bells, the driver of ever,y other
vehicle shall yield the right•of-way, and shall immediately drive to a portion
parallel to and as close to the right hand edge or curb of the street, roadway,
or high~, clear of ~ intersection, and shall stop and remain in such posi•
tion until the authorised emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise
directed by a police officer. This sectibn shall not operate to relieve the
driver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due re-
gard for the safety of all persons using the streets, roadways or high~•·
. ,
· 4• It shall be unlawful for any person to drive 8.llJ' vehicle so as to
follow aqr authoriEed emergency vehicle within 500 feet of said authorized
emergency vehicle.
Section 1. Vehicles not to be equipped with Emergency Signals: It shall
be unlawful for ~ person, firm, co-partnership, association or corporation
to operate or cause to be operated any vehicle upon a public street, roadway
or highway, or other public places in the City of Lubbock when said vehicle is
equipped with a bell or siren such as is usually associated with the public
fire apparatuses or other emergency vehicles, or has attached to the front
thereof red lights, provided however, that nothing in this Section shall be
construed as app}Ji.ng to auxiliary equip1ll8nt maintained by public utili ties
designed to aid or assist the Fire Department to prevent or suppress fires or
explosions, and police cars and ambulances.
Section 2. Unattended Motor Vehiclet No person driving or in charge of
a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without firet stopping
the engine, locking the ignition and when standing upon ~ preceptible grade,
without effectively setting the brakes thereon, and turning the front wheels
to the curb on the side of the street, roadw~ or bighw~.
Section 3. Obstruction to Driver's view or Driving view or Driving
(a) No p erson shall drive a vehicle when it is so loaded, or when there
are in the front seat such number of persons exceeding three, as to obstruct
the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle, or as to inter•
fere with the driver's control of the driving mechanism of such vehicle.
(b) No passenger in a vehicle shall ride in such position as to inter•
fere with the driver's view ahead, or to the sides, or to interfere with his
control of the driving mechanism of said vehicle.
(c) No one-passenger motorcycle shall be ridden within the City of
Lubbock by more than one person at a time, and no person while riding upon
8Df one~assenger motorcycle within the City of Lubbock shall at any time
carr,y or permit ~ other person to ride upon said motorcycle.
Section 4. Load Extending behind the Vehicle a It shall be unlawfUl for
any operator of ~ vehicle to load such vehicle with aqy material extending
beyond the rear of such vehicle, unless a red flag not less than 12 inches in
width and 12 inches in le.ngth is displqed in the day time, and a red light,
visible under normal atmospheric conditions for 500 feet, is displayed at
night at the point of greatest projection of such material extending beyond
the rear of the vehicle.
Section 5o Following Fire Apparatuses Probibitedl The driver of ~
vehicle other than one on official business shall not follow aqy fire appara•
_/ tus traveling in response to a fire alarm closer than '600 feet, or drive into
or park such vehicle within the block where a fire apparatus has stopped in
answer to e. fire alarm.
13. ~=======-----==~==~------==--~~
Section 6. • Crossing Fire Hose Prohibited& No vehicle shall be driven
over a~ -unprotected hose of the Fire Department when laid down on ~
street, roadway or highw~, or private drivew~, to be used at ~ fire or
alarm of fire, without the direction or the fire department official in
command .
Section 7. Prohibiting throwing of glass, nails, tacks, wire, cans,
etc. a
(a) No person shall throw or deposit upon aqy street, roadw~ or high•
W&f, ~ glass bottles, glass, nails, tacks, wire, cans or any other substance
capable of injuring aqy person, animal or vehicle using such street, road~
or highway.
(b) Aq person who drops, or permits to be dropped or thrown upon any
street, roadway or highw~, aey material of aey kind capable of injuring 8.1JY
person, animal or vehicle shall immediately remove or cause the same to be
removed from said street, roadway or high~.
(c) Any person removing a wrecked or damaged vehicle from a street,
roadw~, or highw&J shall remove any glass and all other materials that are
torn loose and found lying upon said street, road~ or highw~ at the place
of such wrecked vehicle.
Section 8. Requiring Bicycles to be Equipped with Lamps& Ever.y bicycle
ridden at night by aqr person shall be equipped with a lamp on the front ex•
hibiting a white light visible for a distance of at least 500 feet to the
front, and with a lamp on the rear exhibiting a red light visible for a dis-
tance of 500 feet to the rear, except that a red reflector may be used in
lieu of a rear light.
Section 9. Requiring Every Motor Vehicle to be Equipped with IJ.ghtsz
Every motor vehicle while on the public streets, roadw~s or highw~s of the
City of Lubbock, when in operation, during one ... half hour after sunset to
one-half hour before sunrise, and at all times when fog or other atmospheric
conditions render the operation of such vehicle unusuall1 dangerous to trat~
fie and the use of the highw~, shall carr,y at the front at leaet two lighted
lamps or headlights, showing white lights visible under normal atmospheric
conditions at least 500 feet in the distance in which said motor vehicle is
facing, and shall also carr.y at the rear a lighted lamp or tail light, ex•
hibiting a red light plainly visible for a distance of 500 feet to the rear.
Section 1. Negligent Collisionf No person driving or operating or in
charge of 8DJ motor vehicle, animal or aqr other vehicle, shall by negligence
cause or suffer or permit the same to come in collision with aey other
vehicle of any nature whatever, or with aqy animal, person, street sign,
street post, water plug, mail box or any other obstacle or object whatever
in or on ~ street, roadway or highw~, or aqy other public place whatever
in the City Limits of the City of Iubbock. Violation of this section shall
be known as the offense of •Negligent Collision•.
Section 2. Accident involving death or personal injurya The driver ot
aqy vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injur,y to or death of aqy
person, shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident or
.. as close thereto as possible, and go forthwith to the injured person or per-
sons and shall remain at the scene of the accident until he has fulfilled the
requirements of Section 4 of this Article. Every such stop shall be made in
such a way as not to obstruct traffic.
~ Section J• Accident Involving Damage to Vehicle& The driver of aqy
vehicle involved in an accident resulting ~ in damage to a vehicle which
is driven or attended by anJ person, shall immediatelf stop such vehicle at
the scene of such accident or as close thereto as possible, and shall forth-
with return to said damaged vehicle and remain at the scene of such accident
until he has fulfilled the requirements of Section 4 of this Article. hirer.y
such stop shall be made in such a w~ as not to obstruct traffic.
Section 4. Duty to give information and Render Aid: The driver of aey-
vehicle involved in an accident, resulting in injur,y to or death of ~ per•
san, or damage to aqy vehicle which is driven or attended by ~ person, shall
give his name, address and the registration number of the vehicle he is driv-
ing, and shall upon request, exhibit his or her operator 1 s or chauffeur 1 s
license to the person struck or to the driver or occupants ot or persons
attending aqy vehicle collided with, or aqy peace officer, and shall render
to 8.0\Y person injured in such accident, assistance, including the carrying or
the making or arrangements for the carrying of such person to a physician, sur-
geon or hospital for medical or surgical treatment, if it is apparent that
such treatment is necessary, or if such carrying is requested by the injured
Section 5. Duty Upon Striking Unattended Vehicle& The driver of a~ ve•
hicle which collides with aqr vehicle which is Un&ttended, shall immediatelf
stop, and shall then and there either locete and notify the operator or owner
of such vehicle of the name and address of the driver or owner of the vehicle
striking the unattended vehicle, or shall leave securely fastened in a con-
spicuous place in or on the vehicle struck, a written notice, giving the name
and address of the driver and of the owner of the vehicle doing the striking,
and a statement 'of the circumstances thereof.
Section 6. Duty upon Striking Fixtures Upon a Street, Road~ or High-
waya The driver of ~ vehicle involved in an accident resulting onlY in
damages to fixtures legally upon or adjacent to a street, roadw~ or highway,
shall take reasonable steps to locate and notify the owner or person in charge
of such property of such fact, and of his name and address, and of the regis•
tration number of the vehicle he is driving, and shall upon request and if
available, exhibit the operator's or chauffeur 1 s license, and shall make re-
port of such accident when and as required in Section 7 of Article VII.
Section 7. Duty to Report Accident&
{a) The drivers of ~ vehicle involved in an accident resulting in an
inJur.y to or death of aqy person or damage to any property, shall, within 12
hours after such accident, forward a report of such accident to the police
department of the City of-Lubbock.
. · . · .
(b) The Police Department of the City of Lubbock ~ require any driver
of a vehicle involved in an accident of which a report must be made as pro•
vided herein, to file a supplemental report whenever the original report is
insufficient, and it is hereb,y made the duty of all persons witnessing any
accident or collision of a vehicle of ~ kind to report the same to the
Police Department of the City of Lubbock.
(c) When the driver or operator of a vehicle is unable physical~ to
make the required accident report, if there was other occupants of the vehicle
at the time of the accident, capable of making the report, such occupant or
occupants shall make or cause to be made said report.
Section 1. Pedestrians Subject to Control Signalsa Pedestrians shall
·be subject to control signals at intersections as hereinbefore required in this
ordinance, but at all other places pedestrians shall be accorded the privileges,
and shall be subject to the restrictions as hereafter stated.
Section 2. Pedestrians' Right•of•Way at Cross•Wal.kst
(a) Where traffic control signals are not in place or in operation, the
driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-or-way, slo~aown, or stop if neces-
sary, to so yield, to a pedestrian crossing the street, roadw~ or highway
within(any marked cross-walk or within)any unmarked crosswalk at an inter-
section{ except as otherwise provided in this Article.
(bJ Whenever aqy vehicle is stopped at a marked cross-walk or at ~
unmarked cross-walk at an intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross tho
street, roadway or highw~, the driver of any vehicle approaching from the
~ear shall not overtake and pass such stopped vehicle.
(c) Between any adjacent intersections at which traffic control sig-
nals are in operation, pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a
marked or unmarked crows-walk.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, every driver of a
vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with aqy pedestrian upon
any street, roadway or highW81, and shall give warning by sounding the horn
when necessary, Md shall exercfse proper precaution upon observing any child
or aqy confused ot incapacitated· person upon a street, roadway or highway.
Section 3. Pedestrians to Use Right Half of Cross-walk: Pedestrians
shall move and keep on the right half of cross-walks.
Section 4. Pedestrians soliciting ridesl No person shall stand in a
street, roadway or highway for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the
driver of any private vehicle, except it be in a place duly marked and desig-
nated for such purpose.
~ Section 5. Pedestrians shall observe, in addition to the above the
following rules and regulations&
~ (a) They shall stand on the sidewalk or within a safety zone or island
while waiting for a bus.
(b) They shall enter or leave a bus or a vehicle of ~ kind at a
safety zone or cross-walk only.
(c) Pedestrians shall, while waiting for a bus, stand on the side of
a sidewalk, eithe~ in or near the curb or the property line so as not to
interfere with other pedestrians.
Section 1. Boarding and alighting from moving v ehicles prohibited&
No person shall board or alight from any vehicle while such vehicle is in
Section 2. Prohibiting Riding on outside of Motor Vehicle& No person
shall ride on any vehicle or upon any portion thereof not designated or in•
tended for the use of passengers. This provision shall not app~ to ~
employees engaged in the necessary discharge of his duty, or to persons riding
within truck bodies in the space intended tor merchandise.
Section .3. Driving through safety Zones Prohibited: No vehicle shall
st aqy time be driven through or within a safety zone or safety island.
Section 1. Headlights on Motor Vehicles& Ever.y motor vehicle, other
than a motorcycle, shall be equipped with two head lights, which shall be
placed on opposite sides of the front of said vehicle, and which headlights
shall give sufficient illumination under normal atmospheric conditions and
on an approximate~ level street, roadw&f or highw~, to produce a light
sufficient to render clearly discernible all vehicles, persons or substantial
objects 200 feet ahead, but shall not produce glaring or dazzling lights to
persons in front of such vehicle. All motorc,ycles shall be equipped with at
least one headlight, which shall give sufficient illumination under normal
atmos~eric conditions and on an approximately level street, roadw81 or high•
w~, to produce a light sufficient to render clearly discernible all vehicles,
persons or substantial objects for 200 feet ahead, but shall not produce a
glaring or dazzling light to persons in front of such headlight.
Section 2. Requiring Motor Vehicles to be Equipped with Brakesa Ever,r
motor vehicle, other than a motora,rcle, when operating upon a street, roadw
W8Y or highw~ within the city limits of the City of Lubbock, shall be equip·
ped with brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and to hold
such vehicle, including·two separate means of app~ing the brakes, each ot
which means shall be effective to apply the brakes to at least two wheels.
It these two separate means of app~iog the brakes are connected in ~ w~,
the.y shall be so constructed so that failure of ~ one part of the separate
mechanical parts shall not leave the motor vehicle without brakes on at
least two wheels. ~motor vehicle or combination of motor vehiel~trailer
or semi-trailer, or other vehicle, shall be equipped with brakes upon one or
more of such vehicles, adequate to stop such combination of vehicles in dr.y
weather upon a reasonable level surface within a distance of 45 feet from
the spot where such brakes are first applied, when such vehicles or combina-
tion of vehicles are traveling at a rate of speed of 20 miles per hour.
Section 3. Steering and Steering Geara No motor vehicle shall be
driven upon the streets, roadways or highways of the City of Lubbock when
the "pl~" in the steering wheel is in excess of 3 inches measured on the
peripher.y of the steering wheel. The steer arms, tyrod, drag link or
other mechanism by •hich the vehicle is steered, and the associated parts,
muet be secure and free from excessive •play" a:n.d/or wear. The •tow-in"
and •tow-out" shall not vary more than one-quarter inch from the factor.r
specifications. Rear wheels must be in good condition and in alignment,
so as not to have more than a 10 foot side slip per mile, and the center
bolts must be secure in the rear springs. The alignment of wheels shall
be determined by a standard test as prescribed and required by law.
Section 4• Windshields and Window llpersl
\..,; (a) It shall be unlawful for aey person to drive any vehicle upon
any street, roadw~ or highw~ with any sign, poster or other non-trans-
parent material upon the front windshield, side wings, side or rear win•
dows ot such motor vehicle, other than a certificate or other paper re-
quired to be so displayed by law or authorized to be displ~ed by the
City of Lubbock. The windshield and windows of such vehicle shall be
of transparent material so as to furnish the driver a clear and un•
obstructed view to the front, sides and rear.
(b) Ever.y motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle shall be equipped
with a device for cleaning rain, snow or other moisture from the wind-
shield of the vehicle, which device shall be so constructed as to be con-
trolled and operated by the operator of the vehicle.
Section 5. Rear View ~ftrroraa No person shall drive a motor vehicle
on a street, roadway or highway, unless such vehicle is equipped with a
mirror, so located as to reflect to the driver a view of the street, road~
w~ or highw~ for a distance of at least 200 feet to the rear of such
Section 6. Muffler Required& No person shall drive a motor vehicle
on a street, roadw~ or highway within the city limits of the City of
Lubbock, unless such motor vehicle is equipped with a muffler, in good
working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual
noises, annqying smot. and the escape of excessive gas or oil. All ex-
haust pipes carrying exhaust gases from the motor shall be directed paral-
~ lel with the ground or slightly upward.
Section 7. Regulating all Motor Vehicles and Bic.ycles to be Equipped
with Alarm Signals& Every motor vehicle, motorcycle or bicycle, while
being used upon aqy of the streets, roadways or highw~s or alleys of the City
of Lubbock shall be provided with sui table horn or other signal device, in
good working order, capable of emitting a sound audible under normal conditions
·tor a distance of not less than 200 feet, to serve as a signal of warning.
But it shall be unlawful for aqy person operating any motor vehicle, motor-
cycle or bicycle to make or cause to be made a~ unnecessar.r noise with such
horn or other signal device, or to use the same except as a warning.
Section 1. Empowering City Commission to designate Safety Zones,
Places for "Stop•, •Go• and •Slow• signals, and the place for installation
of such other signals, markers and zones that may be deemed necessaryr
The City Commission of the City of' Lubbock is hereby authorized to desig-
nate by Resolution, Safety Quiet and Sick Zones and the place where "Stop",
•Go•, and "Slow• signals shall be placed, and the further right to desig-
nate the place where any sign, signal e.nd marker and such other zones for
safety or otherwise as it may deem necessary for a proper control and
regulation of traffic within the City limits of the City of Lubbock.
Section 2. Regulating and Designating the Place for Loading and
Unloading Passengers on or from Busses& All busses permitted to be operated
and used in the City of Lubbock for transporting passengers over the Streets,
road~s and highways of said City shall stop, take on and unload passengers
at street intersections or at such other places as the City Commission ~
designate, and it shall be unlawful for any driver of such bus to stop the
same in any part of a block for the purpose of taking on or unloading pas-
sengers at an, place except street intersections or such other place as has
been designated, unless directed to stop ~ a police officer or a fireman or the
City of Lubbock.
Section 3. Prohibiting the Painting and Marking of Streets and the
Erection of Signs Prohibiting Parldnga It shall be unlawful for any per-
son, firm, association, co-partnership or corporation to paint or cause to
be painted upon an, curb, street or sidewalk or upon any sign, any wording
ot any kind that parking at such place is prohibited or that aqy place in
front of or along side of such painting, wording or sign is reserved.
Nothing herein shall ever be construed as prohibiting the City ot Lubbock,
through its employees, from painting signs on the curbs, streets or side-
walks or signs, when directed b,y the City Commission.
Section 4• Prohibiting the Parking of Vehicle that Extends More than
20 Feet Into Street; Except When Loading and Ubloadingl
(1} It shall be unlawt'ul for the driver or other person in control
of aey vehicle to park any vehicle in such a way as to permit it to extend
into the street a distance of more than 20 feet from the face of the curb
PROVIDED this provision shall not affect ~ ordinance requiring parallel
parking, nor to vehicles while actuall7 being loaded or unloaded.
{2)-Parking Prohibited in Certain Places& No person shall park a
vehicle within aqy alley in the City of Lubbock in such a manner or under
such conditions as to bl~ck the alley ·or leave insufficient width of the
road~ available for the free movement of vehicular traffic.
(3} No person shall park a vehicle within an alley in a business
district or in aqy ~lley in a block on which a business building abuts,
except for the purpose of actually loading or unloading said vehicle,
and this shall be done in an expeditious manner.
{4) Owner Responsible for Illegal Parking& It shall be unlawful
tor any person, having registered in his name or owning or operating or
having in charge aqy vehicle, to allow or suffer or permit same to stop,
stand or be parked in any street in the City of Lubbock in violation of
~ of the ordinances of this City regulating the stopping, standing or
parking of vehicles.
(5} ~ vehicle parked in a parking meter space for more than 24
hours, or in an alley or in front ot a fire hydrant or on aqr part of a
cross-walk, or in any loading zone in violation of the traffic ordinances
of the City of Lubbock or abandoned on aQy public street ~, upon direction
of the Chief of Police be removed from such place and impounded by the
traffic division et Police Headquarters station in the City of Lubbock,
and an impounding fee of $2.50 plus storage shall be assessed against
said vehicle and the owner or driver thereof and collected before such
vehicle is released. Storage fees of 50¢ cents for each 24 hours said
vehicle is impounded is hereby assessed against each such vehicle and
the owner and the same shall be collected before such vehicle is released.
The p~ment of the impounding fees shall not constitute a defense to aDf
charge against the driver or owner of such vehicle for violating said
traffic ordinance prohibiting or limiting such parking. The fees herein
provided for shall be charged and collected by the City Recorder and
accounted for and such sums as may be collected shall be used to defr~
the expense of impounding and transporting such impounded vehicles.
·section 5. It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person, firm
co-partnership, association or corporation to drive and operate or park
upon aqy street or alley in the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock a
vehicle of aqy kind equipped with a loud speaker, radio or ~ other kind
of sound equipment for advertising purposes of ~ kind; however, nothing
herein shall ever be construed as prohibiting the City of Lubbock from
issuing a permit permitting the use of such vehicles equipped with loud
speakers at public anq/or political assemblies. .
Section 6. PROVID$0 HOWEVER, the ~rovisions of Article XI, Section
5, shall not be construed to conflict with the terms of ~ license grant•
ed or to be granted by the City Commission permitting the use of loud
speakers an~or amplifiers under such conditions and at such places as
the City Commission shall find will conserve the public peace and promote
the public welfare and provided further, that when any such license has
been granted by the Commission, the same shall not be used for advertis•
ing or other commercial purposes and any license so issued by the Commie•
sion shall be revokable b,y it with or without cause, and shall not be
Section 7. Prohibiting the Use of Bands and Orchestras on Sidewalks
and Streets for Advertising: No person, firm, association, co -partnership
or corporation shell hire, employ or otherwise engage a brass band or
orchestra to stand on the sidewalks or in the streets, roadways or highways
in front of such personts, firms, co-partnershipts, associationts or
corporation's place of business and play music for the purpose of advertising
such personts, firmts, association's, co -Partnership's or corporation's place
of business.
Section 8. Providing for the Enforcement of this Ordinance: It shall
be the duty of the Police Department of the City of Lubbock to enforce the
provisions of this ordinance.
Section 9. Not to Repeal Parking Meter Ordinance or any Part Thereof'
Nothing in this ordinance shall ever be construed as repealing all or any
part of Ordinance No. 564, known as the Parking Meter Ordinance.
Section 10. The provisions of the City of Lubbockts traffic ordinance
shall be construed consistent with the provisions of the Uniform Traffic Laws
of the State of Texas,
Section U,. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here-
with are hereby expressly repealed including Ordinance Rios. 57, 116, 141t
199, 234, 2482 265, 284, 301, 346t 357, 401, 403t 404, 424, 453t 463, 499t
5202 551, 552 and 565 and 575, EXCEPT that the provisions of the traffic
ordinance shall never be construed to repeal any ordinance establishing
"Boulevards" and regulating the approach of vehicles to boulevards, nor
shall the same ever be construed as repealing any ordinance, resolution
or order of the City Commission designating the placing and location of
stop signs, official traffic control devices and traffic signals, and
all such,ordinances, resolutions and orders so excepted shall remain in
full force and effect. This ordinance shall not be construed to repeal
the prBvisions of Ordinance No. 614., relating to courthouse safety zones
or Ordinance No. 840, relating to traffic control on Texas Technological j
College Campus*
Section 12o The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed,
upon the final passage of this ordinance, to indicate in the Ordinance
Records of the City of Lubbock, on the margin of each ordinance herein
expressly repealed, that the same has been "SUPERSEDED OR REPEALED BY
Section 1. Procedure on Arrest: Any person arrested for violating any
of the provisions of this ordinance shall be given a notice by the arresting
officer to appear before the Corporation Court of the City of Lubbock as
provided by Article XVII, Section 148 (Article 6701d RCS) of the Uniform
Act Regulating Traffic on Highways, which said section is hereby adopted,
and it shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to disobey such
Section 2. Penaltya Any person, firm, association, co--partnership or
corporation who shall violate any provision or provisions of this ordinance
shall be fined a~ sum not to exceed $200.00.
Section 1. Should SII¥ section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase
of this TRAFFIC OP~INANCE be declared unconstitutional or invalid for aqy
reason, the remainder of said ordinance shall not be affected thereb,y, and
it is intended that ever.r other section, paragraph, sentence, clause or
phrase ot this TRAFFIC ORDINANCE shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 2. The City Secretar.r is authorized and directed to publish
the descriptive caption of t his TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, together with the penalty
seetion which is Section 2 of Article XII, once a wee~ for two consecutive
weeks in some newspaper regularly published in the City of Lubbock, in lieu
of publishing the entire ordinance, as an alternative method of publication
provided by Chapter 10, Page 112, Acts 19.39 of the 46th Legislature, as
amended by Chapter 264, Page 46.3, Acts 1947 of the 5oth Legislature, and
this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication
as made and provided by the Charter of the City of W.bbock.
Passed and approved by unanimous vote of the City Commission this 28th
day of October , 1948.
Passed and approved by unanimous vote of the City Commission this 10
day of November , 1948o
Capt i on ~ Penalty s ecti on pu blidE d
Nov. 18 and Nov . 25, 1948.-
. DIU TO TlW'J'IC <JmWICI 10. 890
ACCIDIII'l'Sa DaV ot drh·er 15J Duv \o
report lS, 16; IDYolYiDC
daaage to vehicle 15; In-
volving death or peraoaal
iiiJ ury 14 J .legligent Colli ..
aion 14 J StriklDC fixture a
15; striti.Dg lJnatteDded
vehicle 15; When ooouputa
; aake report 16.
VJ.DVERTISINGa B.r radio, when 20; B;r
b&Dda & orcheat~• 20;
Prohibited on vehiclea 8.
AI.ARII SIGB.USc bquired 18.
AU.IIa Definition 2; JMrging tr• 8, 9.
AIIIW.J SUbject to ordiD.Gee 5.
ABRES'Ta Procedure ot 21. •
DA.II&GEa To Yehiole 15.
DUTHI Caused b,y accideDt 14~
DIFIMITIOHSa 2, 3 1 4•
DEVICES& Traf'.tic Coatrol, definition
3; Obedience to SJ
Deface 7.
hibi~ illere 7.
DISTRICTI Business, De1'ia1tioa 2J
ReaideAt, Detinitioa 4•
DOUBt& PARKa Detini tion 2.
DRIVEih Det'init1on 3J View ot
obstructed 13 J Dut7 alter
accident 14~ 15; To exhib t
11cenae on request lSJ
2; J'ollowine 131 Right or -~ 12.
Dut7 alter atrikiDC fix-
tures 15; .Dilt7 to report
accident lS, 16; Dut7 to
r.deatriana 16; Dut7 to
child or incapacitated
person 16.
AUTHORma C1t7 Coaiaaicm 19.
BACJWii VEBICL&a baulat.4 8,
BANDS• Uae tor advertising prohibited,
whell 21.
BBLLSI Ob. EmergeDOT Vehicle 12; Uae ot
prohibited 13. -
BICYCLBSa SUbject to ordinance 5J Attach•
1DC to vehicle 9; Lighta re-
quired l4Jr RidiDg on HaDC!leban
9; StriJd~~g uuttencled 15.
I BRAKES& Required 17.
BUILDINGs lmerging tJ'Oil 8, 9.
BUSa DutT ot Pedestrians boarding or
leaYbg 17.
CABS& 1'hrow1Di in atreet prohibited 1.4·
CAPriO.tia ot ordiunce 1, 2.
CHILDa DuV ot dr1Yer t• '16~ em CODISSIOlh Authorit7 19.
CIT! SICRITARII Dat7 21-J Autborit7 t•
pub11ah 22.
COASTER& Attaching t• Yehic1e 9; U.e
ot reatricted 9.
CORPCRATION COtJRTa Appear ~tore 21.
CROSS-WA.LK:r Definition 2; Parkilla ·
ia 8; Parkbe withia 4' ot 8J
Pedeatriau dut7 while u1D& 6.
CUBBa Detillitioa 2; Paintill& probibited 19.
lxceptiona to ordinance
,4, 5J Rigbt ot ft1' 12;
Followi.Dg 13.
BQUIPMUTI Required aDd sate 17, 18.
FDSJ IMFOOMDIBG 20; Penalty 22.
FIRI APPARATUS&a lollowing ot pro•
hibited 13.
FIBI HOSie DriYiug OYer prohibited 14
FIRE HYDRANT: Prohib1tiug ~rkiDc
within lOt, 8.
lL£01 lhen disp~ed 13.
FOLWIIllia lllergenq Vehicle l3J 1'1
apparatuae prohibited 13.
GL&SSa Tl:arowiq in street proh1bite4
lWID SIGJW.Sa Richt turn ll; IAl't
turn llJ Stop 11.
HEADLIGHTS a Required 17.
HITCHHIKBRa Prohibited 16.
BORHa Required 18.
HOSB, FIREa Drirtne OYer, prohibited
l ./
IIIPOUNDIIli a When and fees 20.
IRJURia Parsonal, in accident 14.
INTEI1SBCTIO!fa Approach!»& & enteriDi
12; Def'inition 3; Park1Di
iD prohibited 8; R11ht of'
wa~ in l2J Turnin, lett
IITOIICAT.BD PERSOB a Proh1 bi ted troa
driYiDg 9.
LUID BOADWA.ISI Rules for traffic
10, 11.
LIFT TURlh Prohibited 9; Band Sigul
~BlENDa Si&nal 5, 6.
LIGHTS& Required on biqclea 14.
LIGHT, RKDI tlM ot prebibi~ed 13;
OFFICIAL TIMEaDetinition 3.
OPERAXORa Def'lnltion 3.
ORCHBSTRASa Use prohibited, when 21.
<JU>INA.NCE1 Police to enf'orce 211 CoD ...
structi• of 21•
<IllER& Detillition J.
Detini tion 3 J Double, Det1D1 tion
2; BlaergeJlC7 Yehicle, ex•
ceptlon to 5J Extension i
street regulated 19; Illega
20; On sidenlks 8; Pu.blio
or private drive 8; Where
20; lhere signs prohibit 7;
coacested places 7; Mar~
ings prohibit 7J .Ul Digbt
7; lxceptlon to J'h7alc1ane
7; Within block ot fire 13.
On load extendilli fro.
Yehicle lJ.
LIMIT LINES I Def1Di tion 3.
..: AI ~ ~lnsert ~or . •fM SitjGIJ!S•& bftSJ:l•~
INGa On r ght regulated llJ
LOADING ZONEt Authorization 19.
LOUD SPEAKmSa Prohibited 20; Perait
when 20.
Vehiol• tra•elling op•
posite direction 10;
Onrta:ten vehicle 10;
Prohibited in inter-
IIIRRORSa Required 18. ( section 12.
II)'J.'OR VEHICLE& Definition J; Da-ced PIRSOia Defbdtion 3; RegulatiDC nua•
in accid•nt 15; Llghta ber in f'root seat 13; OD
required on 14; IapouDC!iDC, aotorc7cle 13; Boarding or
when and toea 20; Prohibit-1eav1DC aoving vehicle pre-
iDe intoxicated person troa hibited 17.
driving 9; Regul.atione 9; PHYSICIANS& Bxception to parkin, 7.
Passing regulated 10; Strik• FOLICE OFFICER& Definition )J Obed•
iDC u.aattended ·15; Ridi.Bc on ience 4J to entorc• 21.
outside prohibited 17; Safet)-PRIVATE ROAD OR DRIVEWAY& ~tinition
equi~nt required 17; ODatten~ J.
ded 13. PROCESSIOIS& Dri•fn& throQch 8.
lfO'l'ORCYCU:a Attaohina to vehicle 9; Lichte PROCEDURE& For arreat 21.
required 14, 17; RidiDC on PUBLIC PLACia Definition 4•
handlebars 9; Regulatine nua· PUBLICATION: .Author~•d 22.
ber of passengers 13; StrikiDC PUSH CARTa Subject te ordinance 5.
unattended 15.
IIUFFIDt Required 18.
· BILSa Throwing in street proh1 bi ted 14.
NmLIGENCEa Definition 3.
OBBDIENC:Ea No-turn liens 5; Ordinance 4;
Police Officer 4; Stop Signa
12; Trattic Control DeYicee 5.
OFFICER, POLICE& Definition 3. .
JW>IQSa Prohibited when 20.
RED LIGHTSI Use ot prohibited 13; On
load.. vehicle 13.
RIPAIRSa Prohibited, when 7.
REPORTSa Dr1Yer to make 15; lhen
occupant to aake 16.
t •
v f ·.
RIGHTS• Ot pedestrians 16.
RIGB'l'.OOF1Ail Definition 4J Rules
12, 13 J In intersection
ROAD• Printe, Detinitlon 3·
RO.ADUYIS, LUIDa Rules for traffic
10, 11.
ROLLER SKADSa Attaching to Tehicle 9;
Uae of' restricted 9.
ROLES& Right·ot-.q 12, 13.
SAliTI ZOOI Definition 4J Vehicles
prabibi ted in 17.
SECRITARY, CITit Dut7 21; Publicatioa
b7 22.
SIDitiUI DetiJaitioD 4J Parldng on pro•
hiblted 8; Dri•iDC on pre·
hibited 9.
SIG!W.St Tratf'lc, Detlnitioa 3J Un-
authorized 7; Detace 7;
·~~orized emergency vehicle u.
SIGISt Slow, Detlnition 4; lo-t'III'D 5;
Obedience to SJ Unauthorized
SIRIISa 121 , Uae Gf prohibited 13.
SLID& Attachbc to •ehicle 9.
SLOI SIGISI Detiaitloa 4.
SKATES, ROLLBRa Attaching to vehicle 9;
Uee ot reetricW 9.
SPIED LIIIITa latablt.bed 9.
STIIRIHG ~ LDo1e, pr~ib~ted l8.
STOP SIGBSt Obedience to 12.
STOP.PIJGa 7J At intersection 12.
TACKSa Tb.rowb& in atreet prohibited 14.
TIIIEa Of'f'lclal, definition 3•
TOY VEHICU:a Uae ot reatrlcted 9.
TRAFFIC& Detlaition 4J Qa laDed road•
MD U) Ui1 laws, Taaa,
TRAfFIC c~rbtdf!ISr~DetiD.itlen 3J
Obedience to 51 Deface 7J
Of'f'lcial, detWtion 3.
TlWTIC SIGNAL I Def'ini tion 3 J Deface 7 •
llJ Rules 11.
TURBSI Prohibited 8, 9, 11, 12~
•uwrOR!l•a · Prohibited s.
lJBAUTHORIZIDt Signa 7; Sicn&ll 7.
with 21J Penalt,. ccmaietent
21J Arrest consistent 21.
VIBICaa DetW tiOD 4J JMrgeJI07 1 cle•
tini tion 2; Motor, def'1111•
tion 3 J :lllereeney 1 exceptioa
to 41 5J Prohibitine nahiD&
&: repair, where 7J Bx.ceptiac
eMrgeac7 repairs 7; Jdnr·
tlalne on 8; BactiDg ot SJ
Prohibit!Diintorlcated person
troa drlriJig 9; Regul.atiou 9
Paaaing regulated 10 J AmW"e~~lldR
ine & enter!Da interaec.tloa
12; Rilht ot wa:t, uere•noT
12; tmattellded 13; r.o.ded 13;
Wrecked, reaOYe f'~ stJ-eet
14; LightS' required on 14J
Daaaged in accident l5J
Strild.DC tmatteDded 15; Dut7
to pedestrians 16; Meytnc,
boarding or alightiag, pre ..
hibited 17; Ridiaa on outaide
prohibited 17; In saf'et7 zane
prohibited 17; Satet,. equip•
ent req,uired 17; I.poundiug,
when & tees 20.
VIDa Interterence ot 13.
W.AU'S""CRRSSI Def'iDition 2.
IASHIIGJ Vehicle prohibited 7.
IHDLSt AlicDMDt ot 18.
WIJIDSBIELDSt Obstruction on prohibited 1 •
WUOOI WzyJmS1 Required 18.
WIREs Tbrowirl& in street prohibited 14.
wams &: PHRASES• Definitions 2, 31 4•
Z<WEt Saf'et;r, detWtion 4J Quiet 5J
Loadina, authorized 19.