HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 885-1948 - Abandoning And Closing Alley Between Blocks 8 & 9 - 08/26/1948AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING AND CIDSIIG THE ALLEY BET\YEEN BLOCKS 8 AND 9, SOUTH• SIDE ADDITION TO THE CITI OF LUBBOCK. WHEREAS, the City COIIIIIiseion f'inde that the alley ~1ug between Blocka 8 and 9, Southside Addition, is not being used tor public purposes and no need erlste tor the maintenance of said aller as a publio lftq tor 811¥ purposes, THERE• FORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK& . THAT, the alley between Blocks 8 and 9, Southside Addition to the City ot Lubbock, Texae, BE, and the same is hereby abandoned and closed to publio,use. AlfD IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed and approved by unanimous vote ot the City Commission thb ,26th , dq ot August , 1948. Passed end approved by unanimous vote ot the Cit7 CODDission this % , dq of ~e j'l ~ , 1948. ATTEST a £#(.,~;/ju~r.W«.__ ~rr-· --c~ Cit,. Sec _ c arY .JOHN W. WILIIDN CXEDUTIVE DIRE!:TDR HDNDIU.RY ADVISORY COMMITTEE SAM C. ARNETT C L.l NT BREEDLOVE S. E. CONE DR. SAM 13. DUNN OEOR13E W. DUPREE ROY F'URR CHARLES A. 13UV .J. D. HASSELL. GEORiiiE P. KUYKENDALL A. M. LEFTWICH, .JR. MORRIS L.EVlNE OEDROE P. LIVERMORE C. E. MAEDBEN RETHA R. MARTIN RUEL. C. MARTIN WALTER B. POSEY PARKE" F". PROUTY D. W. RIBBLE M.A. ITATEI BANDERS A. V. WEAVER, SR. NEIL. WRIGHT .J. E. MAISEN AMERICAN BUBINEiiUI CLUB'B OPERATIONAL COMMITTEE .J. RAY DICKEY, CHAIRio4AN BILL MEAD, SEc.•TAEAB . .J. A. F'CIRTENBERRY GRADY KNIGHT D. H. NELSON o. 8. RATLIFF" H. B. BRYAN .J:.~ ISG~fl, C:IM/J.,_ .:IHC. , 2321 A VI:NUE It ~ LUBBOCK. TEXAS Hon. Mayor and City Commission City Ha.ll Lubbock, Texas Dear Sirs: August 24, 1948 The Lubbock Boys' Club, Inc. through its Board of Direotors is desirous of you that you close the alley between blocks 8 and 9 of the southside addi-tion to the City of Lubbook in Lubbock County Texas. We make this request so that we might construct an indoor swimming pool and oonneot it to Our present building which is located on lots 9, 10, and 11 in block 8 ·of the southside addition in the City of Lubbock, The ~imming pool will be immediately behind the present building on block 9. The Lubbock Boys' Club, Inc. now owns all of blocks 8 and 9, purchasing the same'from the Lubbock Independent School District in 1946. All utili ties have been removed from this alley with the exeeption'of the gas line owned by the West Texas Gas Co. They have been contacted and a satisfactory arrange@ent has been made with the West Texas Gas Company ~or the removal of their line from this alley. The City and the Utilities Company removed their power lines from the alley in 1944 and the Lubbock Boys' Club has been using this entire block for a playground area. Since 1940, to .our .knawle.dge, • this alley has not ever been graded, how long before this time we are not able to state. The ,,,g;arbage department has never used the alley for its oolleotions. At pre-sent time, and since the Club was opened in 1944, all refuge from the Club has been picked up by the gar-bage department from the 24th street side of the Club. 2 From these faots given above we would greatly appreciate an affirmative answer as quickly as it is possible for you to d'o so. Very truly yours, JRD/ak oc: West Texas Gas co. Attentions c. ! • Wail ~1