HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 840-1947 - Designating The Boundaries Of Texas College Campus - 12/11/1947t , •-.J 12-11-IQt+r ORDINANCE NO. ~&40 l'Z., Z2-I q't-;r..;....:....__ __ AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE BOUNDARIES OF TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE CAMPUS FOR VEHICU~ TFAFFIC CONTROL PURPOSES, PROHIBITING VEHICULAR SPEED IN EXCESS OF 15 MILES. PER HOUR; PROHIBITING PARKtNG OF VEHICLES ON THE PAVED PORTION OF ANY STBEET, DRIVE OR ROADWAY WITHIN THE CAMPUS BETWEEN 7t45 A.M. AND 5&15 P.M., EXCEPT WHEN AUTHORIZED BY OFFICIAL SIGNS; DESIGNATING THE AREA TO BE KNOWN AS "MEMORIAL CIRCLE 11 AND "ENGINEERING DRIVE", AND REGULATINaF DIRECTION OF VEHICULAR TRAFFIC THERE ON; AUTHOniZING TRAFFIC CONTROL LIGHTS AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS; AUTHORIZING APPROV- ED TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. WHEREAS, the Streets, Drives and vehicular passageways situated on that portion of the Texas Technological College Campus, lying within the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock are not designed, constructed or maintained for the purpose of carrying trucks and other heavy and fast traffic, and, ..... WHEREAS, no regulation now exists adequate to protect students and other persons passing to and from dormitories and other buildings located on the campus, from vehicular traffic and the following regulations are found to be necessary in the interest of public safety, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCKa SECTION 1. For the purpose of this ordinance the area extending from the North line of 19th Street to the South line of 4th Street and from the West line of College Avenue to the West City Limits line, extending from the inte~section o£ Madison Avenue and 19th Street due North to the City Limits line intersection with 4th Street, is he~eby designated as the Texas Technological College Campus, the same being a school area requiring special traffic control devices to provide ade- quate public safety to pedestrians and other persons within the area. SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for the driver or a~ other person in control of a vehicle, to operate or permit any such vehicle to be operated on any street, drive or roadw~ within the Texas Tech College Campus at a rate of speed in excess-ot fifteen (15) miles per hour. SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful for the driver or any other person in charge of a vehi~e to park or permit a vehicle to be parked on the paYed portion of any street, drive, or roadway on the Texas Tech Campus, between the hours of 7:45 A.M. and 5il5 P.M., EXCEPT where parking is authorized and permitted by parking signs lawfully placed thereon and designating the place where parking is permitted, PRO- VIDED FURTHER, that it shall be unlawful to place any such signs on any street, drive or roadway within the Texas Tech Campus unless the same be done by written direction of the Chier of Police of the City of Lubbock. SECTION 4. For the purpose of this ordinance the area encircled by a circular drive and lying immediately North of the Administration Building is hereb,r designat- ed as "Memorial Circle". SECTION 5. For the purpose of this ordinance the street and parkway area between "Memorial Circle'' and the Textile Building on the North is hereby designated as "Engineering Driven. SECTION 6. All vehicles moving on the street or circle abutting •Memorial Circle shall proceed anti-clockwise and make right turns only. It shall be unlawful for any driver or other person having control of a vehicle to drive or permit the same to be driven clockwise on the circular driveway abutting "Memorial Circle 11 • ' ... _, .... SECTION 7. 'l'be East laDe ot •EDgiDeering Drive•, i1 hereby designated ae a one way drive and vehicles entering .from the South from the •Memorial Circle• shall proceed North on the East lane. SECTION 8. The West lane o£ •Engineering Drive" ia hereb7 designated ae a one wa7 drive and traffic entering .from the North shall keep to the right and proceed South on th• Weat lane. SECTION 9. It shall be unlawful tor the driver or other person. in charge ot a vehicle to drive or perait &JV' such vehicle to proceed South on the East lane ot •EDgineeriDg Drive• or to proceed Borth on the West lane ot •EDgineeriDg DriTe•. SECTION 10. The Chief ot Police is hereby authorized and directed to place traffic control lights at the following locations on the Texas Technological CampusJ when such approved devices and equipaent are furnished by that institution. (1) At the intersections of •Meaorial Drive" aDd the East aDd West lanes ot •EDgineerine Drive•. (2) At the South aide of the •Maorial Circle• aDd at 1 ts intersection w1 th the curb and center line of the wlk exteDding lorth of the £dainistration Build1Dg. ' -~ (3) At the interaection of a paved drive contiuuing West from 14th Street, with a paved drive~ running South along the East aide of the Administration Building to 19th Street. (4) At the intersection ot a paved drive continuing West from 14th Street with a paved driveway running South alcag the West side or the .&dldniatration Buildiar, to 19th street. SECTIOB 11. The Cliier of Police is authorised and directed to place the f'ollow- iug trattic control signa at all entrance a to the Texas Technologie&l Co11-ege CallpUSt "SCHOOL • SLOI" "TRUCKS XE1P OUT• • • ~~ON 12. The Chief ot Police is further authorised aDd directed to place a additional standard and approved signa at such locations aa aay be deeaed necessar.r to car17 out the intent and purpose ot this ordinance. SECTION 13. It ahall be anlawhl for the driver or other person in charge ot Tehicle to drive ~ vehicle or pend.t the same to be driven upon &JI1' street, drive- wq, lane, or other public wa:r located on the Texas Technological Cupus aa herein designated, in violation o.f' the provisions ot this ordinance and upon conviction .for &qr such violation shall be fined in an, sum not exceeding $25.00. Passed and approved b7 unanimous vote of the City liommiaaion this the 11th d&l' or DeceJRber, 1947. Passed and approved by UD&niacua vote of the Ci t7 22nd dq of pe cember , 194..:Z.• •