HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 828-1947 - Amending Ordinance 661 - 08/14/1947/ ' "" C>9-ll.-4--J.Slf-7- 0IDINAIDE NO. 828 o e-.ze -1.9Lf-7 AN .cm>I~E AMENDING ZONING mDINANCE NO. 661, and "PLACING THE SOlJl'H ONE-HALF OF BLOOIG 143, 144 AND 145 1 AISO LOTS 6, 7, B, 9 AND 10 IN BLOOK 146, AND ALSO ALL QF BLOOKS 159, 160 AND 161, AND THE WEST .O~ ... HALF OF BLOOK 162, ALL IN THE ORIGINAL TOWN OF LUBBOOK IN AN 11F 11 DIS'l'RICTa AND PL.Ac:liG ALL OF Bta::KS 1, 34, 35 AND 68 ARNETT & BENSON S113DIVISION, tors 1 THROUGH 4 AND LarS Zl THR.OOOH 24, I~LUSIVE OF BLOOK 1, FRIEND ADDITION; tars 1 THROOOH 4 and 21 THROOOH 24 I~LUSIVE, BLCX::K 8, FRIEND ADDITION, LOrS 3 THROUGH 6 I~LUS:rvt, BLOCK 25 FRIEND ADDITION AND LOTS 1 THROOOH 4 AND 7 THROUGH 10 I~LUSIVE, BLOCK 24 1 FRIEND ADDITLON, LO!S 1 THROUGH 4 AND 21 THROUGH 24 I~LOSIVE, BL(X;K 9, PARKS ADDITION AND LarS 1 THR.OU::iH 4 AND 21 THROOOH 23 INCLUSIVE, B:WCK 16, PARKS ADDITION, BEGINNI:OO AT THE SOlJl'HEAST CORNER OF WI' 1, Bta;K 25, FRIEND ADDITIONJ THE~E NffiTH ALONG THE WEST CQLLEGE AVENUE PROPERTY LINE A DISTA~E OF APPROXIMATELY 331 FEET TO THE SOUI'HEAST CffiN¥B Qi' Lor 23, BLOOK 16, PARKS ADDITIONJ THE:OOE SOUI'HVIEST A DISTA:OOE £F 202.3 FEET ALOOO THE SOlJl'H PROPERTY .LINE OF LOI'S 23, 22 AND 21, B:I:AXK 16, PARKS ADDITIDN; THE~E CONriNUING WEST AL()ll} S.OlJl'H .PROPERTY LINE OF SAID LOI' 21, BLOOK 16, A DIS- TANCE OF 13.35 FEET TO THE SOurHWEST CCRNER OF SAID LOI' 21, BLOOK 16, PARKS ADDI- TION; THEroE SOUTH A DISTAOOE OF APPROXIMATELY 213 FEET TO THE SOTJrH HWl'ERTY LINE OF LOT 1 1 BL<XJK 25, FRIEND ADDITION; THENCE EAST TD POINT QF BEGINNiltla BEGINNING AT A :POI:t-.YJ:', THE INTERSECT ION OF THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF C.cLLEGE AWNUE AND THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF 4TH STREET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG \VEST Bl OPERTY LUlE ·OF CCLLIDE AVENUE TO THE SOUI'H PROPERTY LINE OF .3RD STREET; THEIDE WEST ALONG sOurH PRtOPERTY .LINE OF 3RD STREET A DISTANCE DF 130 FEET; THENCE SOUI'HERLY 1.30 FEET F'ROM AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF COLLEGE AVENUE; THENCE 130 FEET EAST T.O PLACE OF BEGINNIOO IN A "G 11 DISTRICT. AND PLACING LOI'S NUABER 1 TO 7 INCLUSIVE AND 18 TO 24 IMJLUSIVE IN BLOOK 55, LOONEY SUB-DIVISI.ON QF RQ3ERTS & Ivt:WHffiTER ADDITION AND tors 13 1\0 23 I~LUSIVE IN BUXJK 1, KlRTHi.OOO SlEDIVISIDN OF ROOERTS & NCWHCRTER ADDITION ·IN AN "F" DISTRICT; AND .PLACIOO THAT .PART OF BLOOK 53 OF THE R<:BERTS & NCWHORTER ADDITION LYING SOUl'H OF THE S.OTJ.rH RIGHT•OF-WAY LINE OF THE SANI'A FE RAIL- ROAD (THIS INCLUDES ALL .QF BLCCK 2, LIVERMORE ADD.ri'ION),, ALL :OF BLOOK 1, LIVERMORE ADDITION, THE WEST ONEwHALF OF BWCK 1, KURTHWOOD StBDIVISION ·OF THE RCEERTS & J£WHORTER ADD IT I.ON; ALSO AIL OF BLOOK 2, KlRTHWOOD ADDITI.ON; ALSO LOTS 8 TO 12 INCLUSIVE AND LOrS 13 T·O 17 INCLUSIVE OF BUXJK 55, LOONEY SUBDIVISION; ALSO THAT PART OF BLOOK 56 R03ERTS & J(;WHORTER ADDITION LYING SOUTH OF THE SOU!HWEST RlGHT- OF-WAY LINE OF AVENUE 11Q" NORTHWEST, AND ALSO THAT PART OF BLOCKS 46, 47 AND 48,. RffiERTS & M;WHORTER ADD IT ION LYING SOOTH OF THE SOUI'H RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE SANTA FE RAILROAD IN A 11C" DISTRICT; AND ELACII«l: ALL OF BLO::K 36 COOK SWDIVISION Qi' R<BERTS AND l!CWHOOTER ADDITION; ALL OF BLOCK :35 DENNISON StBDIVISION OF ROOERTS & .MJWHOR.TER ADD IT ION, AND THE WEST HALF OF BLOCK .34 EASLEY SUBDIVISION OF RCEERTS & IVCWHORTER ADDITION IN A 110 11 DISTRICT;AND .PLACING wrs 1 THROUGH 5 INCLUSIVE, BI£CK 1, R:W VISTA ADDITION; ALSO tors 1 THROUGH 9 AND 11 THROUGH 22 INCLUSIVE, BLOOK 2, RIO VISTA ADDITION; AND torS 1 THROOOH 19 Il{;LUSIVE, B.Lcx::K .3, RIO VISTA ADDITION, AND BLOCKS 1 THROOOH 6 I~LUSIVE, WAYSIDE ADDITION IN AN "E" DISTRICT; AND Dll\ECTING THAT ZONI:OO. MAP CONFCRM TO SAID A.MEND.MENI'S. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended to tlie City Commission that certain changes be made in Zoning \Ordinance No. 661, as expressed by the terms of this ordinance and in consideration of such recommendation the City Commission caused notice of bearing thereon to be published in the Lubbock Avalanche Journal July 2.3, July 24 and July 25, 1947, and, WHEREAS, said notice was so published and the public hearing, according thereto was held in the City Commission room on the second floor of the City Hall in the City of Lubbock at 2:30 o 1clock P.M., August 14, 1947, at which time interested persons appeared at said bearing and after which said hearing the City Commission determined th~t it would be in the public interest that ~dinance No. 661, be (__) u amended in substantial compliance with the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Canmission, THEREFCRE, · BE IT ffiDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LtBBOOKa THAT, ·Ordinance No. 661, known as the Zoning Ordinance be amended as follOifsl SECTION 1.. That the South 1/2 of Blocks 143, 144 and 145, also Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 146, and also all of Blocks 159, 160 and 161, and the West 1/2 of Block 162, all in the Original Tavn of Lubbock be taken out of a "C" District and placed in an "F" District. SECTION 2. That all of the following described property which is now in a temporary "A" District be placed in a "G 11 Districta (a). All of Blocks 1, 34, 35 and 68 Arnett & Benson Subdivision. (b). -r.ots 1 through 4 and Lots 21 through 24 inclusive of Block 1, Friend Addition; Lots 1 through 4 and 21 through 24 inclusive, Block 8, Friend Addition; Lots 3 through 6 inclusive, Block 25, Friend Addition and Lots 1 through 4 and 7 through 10 inclusive, Block 24, Friend Addition. (c). Lots 1 through 4 and 21 through 24 inclusive, Block 9, :Parks Addition and Lots 1 through 4 and 21 through 23 inclusive, Block 16, Parka Addition. (d). Beginning at Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 25, Friend Addition; Thence North along the West College Avenue ~operty line a distance of approximately 331 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 23, Block 16, Parks Addition; Thence South- west a distance of 202.3 feet along the South property line of Lots 23, 22 and 21, Block 16, Parks Addition; Thence continuing West along south property line of said Lot 21, Block 16 a distance of 13.35 feet to the southwest earner of said Lot 21,-Block 16, Parks Addition; Thence South a distance of approximately 213 feet to the south property line of Lot 1, Block 25, Friend Addition; Thence East to point of beginning. {e). Begjnning at a point, the intersection of the West property line D~ College Avenue and the North property line of 4th Street; Thence northerly along West property line of College Avenue to the South property line of 3rd Street; Thence West along South property line of Jrd Street a distance of 130 feet; Thence Southerly 130 feet from and parallel to the West property line of College Avenue; Thence 130 feet East to place of beginning. SE6Tl.ON 3. That lots number 1 to 7 inclusive and 18 to 24 inclusive in Block 55, Looney Sub-division or Roberts & McWhorter Addition and Lots 13 to 2.3 inclusive in Block 1, Kurthwood Subdivision of Roberts & McWhorter Addition be taken out of a "J'' District and placed in an 11F" District. SECTION 4. That the following described property be taken out of a ''J" District and placed in a "C" District, to"'Witl That part or Block 53 of the Roberts & McWhorter Addition lying South of the outh right-of-way line of the Santa Fe Railroad (this includes all of Block 2, ivermore Addition), all of Block 1, Livermore Addition; the West· 1/2 of Block 1, Kurthwood Subdivision of the Roberts & McWhorter Addition; also all or Block 2, Kurthwood Addition; also Lots 8 to 12 inclusive and Lots 1.3 to 17 inclusive of lock 55, Looney Subdivision; also that part of Block ~6 Roberts & Mc\Vhorter ddition lying South of the Southwest right-of-way line of Avenue 11Q11 Northwest; also that part of B1oc.kS46, 47 aDd 48, Roberts & McWhorter Addition lying South of the South right•of-way line of the Santa Fe Railroad. r ") ....../. SECTION 5. That all of Block .36, Cook Subdivision of Roberts & McWhorter -..) Addition; all of Block 35 1 Dennison Subdivision of Roberts & McWhorter Addition; and the West half of Block 34, Easley Subdivision of Roberts and Mc•Vhorter Addition be taken out of a "J" District and placed in a ncn District. SECTION 6. That .Lots 1 through 5 inclusive, Block 1 1 Rio Vista Addition; also .Lots 1 through 9 and 11 through 22 inclusive, Block 2, Rio Vista Additk>n; and Lots 1 through 19 inclusive, Block 3 1 Rio Vista Addition and Blocks 1 through 6 inclusive Wayside Addition be taken from an "A" District and placed in an "E" District. SECTION 7. That the official Zoning Map of the City of [.ubbock, BE, and the same is hereby amended so as to indicate thereon the foregoing amendments¥. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed and approved first reading this 14th day of August, 1947, by unanimous vote of the Canmission. Passed and approved second reading this 28 1947, by unanimous vote of the Commission. ATTEST a ~~fit~~uJ City Seer tary --- day of August J