HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 808-1947 - Amending Ordinance 729 - 03/13/1947~~-3~1F=====~~~TF~~~F========-~~====--~~0~~~-T~~-~~7Q~T-----~~-­ QU>INANCE NO. 808 O?;~ZT--rqJ+-:r AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 729, PASSED ON SECOND READING THE-Sth DAY OF NOVEM3ER, 1945, SO AS TO ADJUST AND CHANGE THE LCCATION OF THE AVENUE •A 11 CENTER LINE FROM A POINT 119.8t FROM THE SOUl'H LINE OF THE NCRTH 1/2 OF SURVEY 7, BLCCK B, AND RE-ESTABLISHING SAID CENTER LINE BY CHANGING THE CALL POINT AS SHOWN BY THE LAST SENTENCE IN SECT ION 1, AND BEING "THENCE S0l1l'H l~ 31 t .30" West" TO READ, :AND SAID CALL POINTS TO BE "THENCE SO\Jl'H 2.0 12' East"; AND BY CHANGING THE CALL POINTS IN THE LAST SENTENCE OF SECTION 2, READ.rnG "THENCE SOUI'H .3° .31 1 20" WEST• SO THAT THE SAME SHALL HEREAFTER READ AND BE "THENCE S0(1I'H 2° 121 EAST" • WHEREAS, it becomes necessary in the public interest to change the location of the center line of the building lines established by Ordinance No. 729, and as set out in the caption of this ordinance and to avoid excessive expenses and the removal of improvements, which can and will be avoided by the change here found to be necessary, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOOKc THAT, Section 1 of Drdinance No. 729, BE, and the same is hereby amended to include the call points set out in the caption of this ~dinance so that said Section 1, shall be as follows: Section 1 "Beginning at a point in the present West property line of Avenue A at the South property line of 6th Street; THENCE South along the West property line of Avenue ~ to the center line of loth Street; THENCE in a Southwesterly direction at an angle of 2° 28 1 to the right with the West property line of Avenue A to a point in the center line of Main Street and 15' West of the West Property line of Avenue A as now located; THENCE South parallel to and 15 1 West of the West property line of Avenue A, said line also being parallel to and 110' East of the East property line of a 20 foot alley in Blocks 125, 141, 173, 189 and 205, to a point in the center line of 17th Street 15 1 West of the West property line of Avenue A as now located; THENCE in a Southerly direction at an angle of 0° 2.3 1 to the right to a point in the South line of Survey 1, Block o, Lubbock County, Texas, 95 1 West of the intersection of the South line of Survey 1 and the projection of the East property line of Avenue A as produced from the North; THENCE South parallel to the East line of Survey 7, Block B and 4.2 1 West of the East property line of the East one-half of Block 30, Merrill's Addition to a point in the South line of Lot 16,.said Block 30, 4.2 1 West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 16; THENCE Southwesterly to a point in the South property line of 20th Street 2.47.5 1 West of the East property line of said Survey 7; THENCE South 1° 59' .30 11 East to a point 1.303. 7 1 South of the North line of Survey 7, Block B and 220 1 West of the East property line of sauy~~ 7; THENCE South 0° East parallel to the East line of Section 7 to a point ~ North of the South line of the North one-half of said Survey 7; THENCE South 2° 12 1 East to the inter- section of the present City Limits which is on the southwesterly right-of-way line of the Ft. Worth and Denver South Plains Railway. 19 and Section 2 of said Ordinance No. 729 is hereby amended to include the call points referred to in the caption of this ordinance so that said Section 2 of ~dinance No. 729, shall be as follows: "Section 2. That a building line is hereby established on the East side of Avenue A from the North property line of 6th Street as produced from the West, Southwardly to the present City Limits in the vicinity o£ 28th Street, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the East property line of Avenue A at the intersection of the North property line of 6th Street as produced fr~ the West; THENCE East 15'; THENCE South parallel to and 15' East of the East property line of Avenue A as ~ ~~~==========================~==------=-==-=====~--~~=============------=~~--- surveyed on the ground by the City Engineering Department of the City of .Lub bock, to a point on the center line of loth Street as produced from the West and 15 1 East of the East property line of Avenue A; THENCE Southwesterly at an angle of 2° 28 1 to the right to a point on the center line of Main Street and on the East property line of Avenue A; THENCE Southwardly along the East property line of Avenue A as now surveyed and along the projection of the east property line of Avenue A to the South line of Survey 1, Block 0 and the North line of Survey 7, Block B, l.ubboc~~~~ CoUp.ty, Texas; THENCE West along the South line of Survey 1, Block o, 5 1 ; THENCE/\0° East parallel to and 1.44 • .2 1 West of the East line of said Survey 7 to a point in the North prop erty line of 2oth Street. The last described course above being also parallel to and 35.8 1 East of the West line of Block .31, Merrlll 1 s: Addition; THE NCE Southeasterly to a point in the South property line of 20th Street 127.5' West of the East line of said Survey 7; THENCE S 1° 59 1 .30n E to a point 1301.7 1 South of the North line of said Survey 7 and 100 1 West of the East line of said Survey 7, said point being on the East property line of the Santa Fe Industrial Site and an the West property line of Ft Warth and Denver South Plains Railway right~of-way; THENC~j2)\~0 East parallel to and 100' West of the East line of said Survey 7 to a poirit ~North of the South line of the North one-half of said Survey 7; THENCE South 2° 12' East to the intersection of the present City Limits on the Southwest~ erly right .. of-way line of the Ft. Warth and Denver South ~ains Railway." Sections 1 and .2 of Ordinance No. 729 as herein amended together with all other provisions of said ~dinance No. 7.29, shall be and constitute the building line established by said Ordinance No. 7.29, and all provisions of said ~dinance No. 729, including penalties Bhall apply to said sections hereby amended. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. Passed and approved first reading by unanimous vote of the Governing Boqy this 13th day of Ma r ch , 1947. Passed and approved second reading by unanimous vote of the Governing Body this 27th day of Ma rch , 1947. Mayor lZ I , • %'h't: ;;1M &4~ City Secretary ·