HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance - 775-1946 - Regulating Slaughterhouses - 05/23/1946,0 o.S-23-l.9 CltDIN.UCB 10. rn .ll <IIDI~E REG'tJUTING SLA'OOH'lli'RBOUSESt THE SLAtllBT!iRI~, JWIDLIJQ, iAL& AID PIDTIOI fl WfS AND BAT lRODtcTS IN TlB Cm (6 LOBBOOJ:, U:USJ lllOmBI!OO !HI OF DISIASID MEA1'SJ REQUIBOO HEALTH OIRTIFIC•fESJ PROHIBI'liiG t.HE ADMISSIOI or J REGUI.ATIICI SCBBENS dD \fiNOOISJ BIGULA.TING HEATING (Jl fOWBR EQUIPMDIJ !OII&TS• OBIBIOIED .AUICLES.J ~ITS OF OIT.ALJ LIVING QlWtfDSJ PDII!S l<ll SLAUGHriRBOtJSISJ G OF RICORDSJ SUPERVISION BI TBI BJW.TB DEP8.TB:i'J PROVIDING FOR ST.liiPXBG Ol I$PICDJ> WfSJ AND THB INSPICTIOB at LIVI •BIIUT.SJ 7IUNG at LICUSE l"DS; JII!W- ITDD TBB; US& (I' a•uraORIUD JI!RIB AID CERTIFICADS J PROVIDING FOR 'l'BB l~Tl~· Til HOURS .fJI .IILLIIOJ .xao FQt IlflP!Ct'IOH ~ PLACES 1JHIRI MIJ.TS JRB SGLIJ BIGI• IBG W !IWiSPCilfjtiOB f1l IIEA!S .AND 'fHB tU f»" VEBICLESJ At11'HCIUZill.i TSE BU.LrB ~'flU! TO PASS RBGULA!IOISJ IBOfiDDil FCit TB APPOIRrJ&ft f:l HEALTH (W'FlCBBBJ ULATIIlG CBARGIS F<lt IILLilliJ IUSSilG, STORAGI• AID MAHBBR C6 STORilllJ JB:L.&RIIG NSESJ IIXIJQ PBH&LTIISJ Am> UPIAL fl (JU)I~I Jk>. 491, .lBJ) ML C:UIRAli:IS ~ TI018 Ol OBDIJA1.CIS U CONFLICT HlliRIIltB. D 1T OIUU.IDD BI TJII em COIIISSIOI ~ THE CM C6 LUBB«;I, TKXASI SICTIOI l. DISEASED .&.BIIU.LS Jar 10 I& BROUGH! IftO OM, BTC.. lo peraoa Uall withb tbe Gl~ ot labboot, or otter ar u:poee tor eale, or .. u ritb1.D add 1-tT, 8111' vistaq aiok or clieeased. ••'•al ca.aonq uaed tor too4 pvpoaee, or 8JJT art ot 'the fieah thereof, ot uv a.Sul, which,. when tnl .a wae alck or diaeue4, that dies a utural ar accidental deatla. SJC1'IOa 2. .U£ft'OlR Cll SL&UlBllaHOUSI • COltrtROOfiOlf. .Ill alJattoirs or slauch• houaes eoqtructed ar ma1r.rtained tor the purpose ot slaughter1nc antmala to M ed tar tood, uhiblted tor sale, or sold tor food wlthin the lla1ts ot the City ot bock, shall be 80 COllSVUCt.ed U to perait adequate light end ventilatioD for aU UGh coapart.eDt.a u are used tttr the alaughteritJ& of azd.llala to be used far food. floors, draiua, aDd t.he walls thereof to be the height or at least tour teet trOll e floor, shall be ooDBtrwsted ot concrete or other lll.terial illperviou to water, such compartmont shall 'he ot euf'ficient aise to pera1 t the haDdling at carca•••• 1 thout their cOJii.D& 1n contact w1 th walla or paasagewqa in their reaonl. to other ompartaenta. !here shall be ef'tieient drainage tor both the establialment aDd pre• Slil:TIOI 3. &OPRIITORs OR OV'niERS OF S11lli ESTABLISBM&:N'l'S SlWJ. PB.OVIIBJ Baoka~ eceptacles, or other devices tor ret.asm.ng such parts u the head, toxtgue, tall, 'llhY•nt~ gl&Dd, viacera, aDd other parts to be used in ~· preparation ot meat produota, til after the poet mortem examination ot that animal ls caapleted, in order that h87 ma;r be identli'ied ln aaee ot cendeuation ot carcuaJ receptacles tar he nell s na the rlscera ot elaughtere4 eD1Ml a ao as to prevent contact with the tl.oarJ equip- such th•t. upcm reJIO'ftl ot the hides, the bead and viscera, the carcaaees or • thereof intended for food mq ge reiiOYed to other cQIIpartmeute tar storage aDd equlpaellt so ueed aball be kept cleaJl and sani'taryJ provision shall be made wher.- all noora, walls, uteulls, aDd all equipmeld. uaed 1D. the slaughtering f4 ardmala, w1 tb. which the carcasses or parts theraot mq come 1n eon tact can 'be thorollglaJ.7 ahecl aDd eterillaed with steaa, or hot water, and this cle&DiD& aDd ater111nt1oa .... -...1M done iamed1ateq upon completion at each dqa sla'OihterJ properq Jooated 111 ties 1Mlli41Dc hot. aDd cold rmming water shall lte prOYided tor the cleeiiJ -c diaintect.1DC ot uteuils 8Dd the haDda of all peraou lw::ld.l.Ug u.;r ~~eat or ,PJ'()oo\ t thereotJ outer clothing worn b;r pera0118 handlilag aJJ7 meat or product shall be ot twial that mq lae read1l7 oleaJISed aDd onl.7 clean g&r1181lts shall be wornJ all lo;rees egaged on ldlliD& floors net have apprOYed metal knita ecabbaJ'da which t 'be kept in a aanitaJ7 coDdit.loa. I / ,. () SI'CtiOI 4. All peraona assisting 1n the alavgbter -af'-·hJmdlin& at carcaaea or a thereoZ ahall bave certiticates ot health froa the Ci:Q: Health Dep.rtJ~ea)'.tat• that t~ are tree from u:t t.J'en•iaeible oondltioD of aJ1¥ intect1ou. or coatag• oua diaeaae aDd DO person ao attecW ahall be permtted to serve in such esta•llah· ta. $EC!101 s. Bo doge slsall be adldtted into alavghtering eatabliabllenta. SllJTIOI 6. &11 doors 8Jid wiDdon ahall be proper q acr .. ned and everr practicable recaution ahall 'be taken to keep the eata~liabaent free trom fiiea, rats, alee, aDCl their verain., The use ot poisou ia prohibited ex.oept UDder the direction of an 1R- peotor or the Be&1 th Deparbent.. ~TIOH 7. 1lo compartment ·used to house heat1na or powc-equipment, or tor the t.orage ot tuel., shall he used tw the storage or handl1Dg ot Jlleati!l or producta. or e rendering ot lard or tallow. SICTION 8. Abattoirs or slaughterhouses shall aot be within 100 teet ot aJV' peu ed far tbe feeding or livestock, nor shall the7 'be within 100 teet of outside Ueta~ ill toUeta shall be of a 1iJ'pe approved h7 the City Health Department aDd ept aani t&l'7 1 well -v.utllated and. shall not open directl7 into 81J3 room used tor torage or bandlhag ot aDi1 meats or products. 8BC1'101 9. In each eatablisaent at which aJV' article 1a held until a dq aD- equant to lte .ooDdemoation, a auitalll7 located rooa or cc:apartlleut shall be provid• d• together with suitable look• the kq to which is to be kept at all tilles h7 an pector of the Cit7 Jlaalth Department. This rGOII to be kept at all U.s oleaa HD1ta!7e hovided it DO such roo. is available the retained or condeeed cca- V shall be placed aDd kept separate from aiV aDd all camodi ties not retai..t cODcleued• such separation to be 1n the preae:ooe of and u directed h1' tile inspeo• Sl!lSTIOI 10. •o otral ahaU M cteposi ted or allowecl to collect w! thin 100 teet ot atalliahllent,. aDd all outlets ot draiDa and s•en shall be at least 100 feet tra. l14la establishment. m nate, ottal o:r an~e auat lta disposed of' in a IJ8.Dl1ft' &p- ond b7 the CU.7 Health·~· Open pita t_. the collection of' waste water, tal Gil" ••ace wU1 DOt be conaidered capliaDce with the orc.U......-.. SlllfiOlf U. lo l1v1Dg quarters shall have direct opeDi.Dg into arrr slaughteriDC atabllahllenta. BliDTIO.R 12. l'ERIII'fS OF ABAftOIR OR S'LlOI'lHDRHOUSE. A:q person, tirm, corporatiou, association desiriug to establish, const,;uot or Jl&intain an abattoil" or slaughter- ouae, or make cha.Dge•;· alteratioas, extensions, or repairs to existing abattoirs or laughterhouaes tor the purpose of slaughtering antu.la to be used tor tood., exhfb1 ... eel tor sale, or aold tor .tood within the Uaits of the City ot Lultbook, shall prior the construction, ohazlies, alterations, extensions and repairs of saae, tile with e City .He alth Department of the City ot Lubbock, a written request addressed to Cit,-Caa.issic:m etatiDg 'that h~ or the;, desire to conatruot, make ch&Dges, terations, extensions, or repairs to new or exiatillg abattoirs or alaughterhoueea the location and approximate cost or s8ll8. Said application, plana and apeclfi• atiODS shall be exaained b7 the Cit;y COllllld.asion, or other authority designated heN'by 1 aDd 1t such abattoir or slaughterhouse is found to conform to spec1ficat1ou. t this Ordinance. it shall be the dut.T ol the City ot Lubbock t\J issue a written erait tor the eatabllshment and mainteDaDCe ot aald abattoir or alaughterhouse, aDd n the nent said permit is issued, the Health Department shall record the aaae in in a book to be kept tor that purposeJ t!lii p81"111t shall be ncm-transtera8le I -=~~====~~~~-=~======~~~~~~---=~~==========; v aDd shall remain 1D tull force and etfact tar Oll8 year from date ot lsauance al'ld un• leaa, sooner revoked tor canae wUl be •nnuelt,.. reissued aDd a taUure 1n c011pliance L w11ib e:q Ql."der, general law or rulea and regula tiona of the Pu'bllc Health DepartHnt shall be deemed cause tar revocation. Said perlllit shall be dlaplqed at all tiaea ill a conspicuous place within the place ot business tor which the permit haa bHn 1nue4. It such appllcation be retuaed b7 the City Co-.isaion, the applicant shall be notU'iecl to that etf'ect in writing. Sl!X:TIOI lJ. Olmara or propr1etora ot slavghteri:ug ewtalDliahllente shall keep H"" cords on properl7 prepared forma, at the~. sex, color, apprCDimate weight. troa whoa purchaallll, atld ehall have on haDd bill ot eale or other nidanca ahori.Dg legal qwDeJ>ah1p .of such ant •al alavchterad. SJCTIOB 14. It 8hall be u.la~ul ~or ~ person, flrm, corporation or aaaooia $o have, kMp, sell ar expose tor sale or have .in posseaa10A w1tJa intent to sell toe h'IIIIAD fooc!, within tha liaits at the CitT ot Lubbock, the meat or tood produota _... utaotured in whole or in part from. the meat ot &IV' cattle, oalna, aheep, nine ar goats, UDless same shall have been slaughtered, and inspected UDder the auperv1a1oa ot tht Health Departmeat ot the City ot .Lubbock, in acoordaDCa with the p.FO't'ia1ona at this Ol'd1DaDOeJ prorlded, howner, that thie ord1.DaDCe aball DOt apply to tM mea-t; or tooa produots manutacturecl traa the meat of oattle, calves, sheep, n1De Gl' &O&ta alaught.erecl .or tupected under the supervision ot the United States .GOYermunt ia acoordanae wi\11 the regula~iona relatinc to the i.DapecUon at meat u pr .. oriltad -, the Da~t ott Aar1nltura ot the UJUtacl St.at.ea &Dd beariD& the etaap ot eaDil 1Dapeo\1oa1 or to &117 avch meats al a»&)ttered or iupeot.ed liDdar t!aa aupen1.alOA ~ u. o.ttioial meat or f'ood inaPMtar ot &JV' city 1D thia State, 1B whieh the inapeo• tioa ot ... t haa Hell approved b7 tba Health Departunt ot t.his Ci\71 aDd baarlDC t.ba ateap aholring that such meat hu been 1Dspeoted aDd passed b;y the Jllellt •Dd toed 1nepeotar ot auoJa other (U-. BmfiOI lS. It eAall be wilawtul. ten-aliT person, firm, -corporation or assoaiat to eell, have, keep or u:pose tor sale, or have iD possession with intent to aall tor h-.n tcod., wi\bm the llaits ot the Cit7 of Lubbock, the aeat or portion there• ot aDT cattle, calves,. eheep, nine or goats, unless there shall have beea placed on each priaal part thereof, ~ or under the persoDal supervi•ion ot an l.Dapector at the tJDited Statu, ar the OitJ' ot Lubbock, or axq other Citg within this State appr ved b,y said Health Department as in Sections 12 aD4 13 or tha ordiDance, a mark, staap o.r brand llho.riDg that same hu been inspected aDd p used tor food purpoaea. SECtiON 16. This Ordinance sball be couatrued to authorise live inspection ln &Mltion to iupect1oa o£ C&I'CU888J however, duri.Dg the aontb ot .HoveiiiNr* Dec•• be, .l&DUa1'7 ud Feltruar7 ot each 7Nr tu-.ra -.., aell caroaases or parts thereat w1w.n the 11a1ts Gt the Cit,' or Lubock provid.c! such en1ula are slaughterect aJid illllpeoted at regul.arq authorised slall&ht.rhouees, aDd 'bear.iJJc suoh ataap ot 1Dapee- Uea, but all carcasses or parte thereof' ahall be ha.Ddlad in a sanitar,y manner atn aol4. U touad to he diseased, w.holeaome or otherwlae UDf'it tar hllllall tood, thQ' aball be condeaned tor toocl purposes and destrored. ro.r ezud.Dation aDd 1nepeot1on of all enlmela ala-gghte.red the tollow1Dg tees shall be pa.U& Fift7 cente par head tor all cattle and calves &Dd twen~ive cents per ~bea4 tar all nine, ahaep, ud goats. Provided, however, that when a sutticient DWD.Mr ot ••' ula have 8een 1dlled lD azq •• ...U at &f1l' ODe plut. to llake a total 1Dspeot10D tea o.t t7S.QO fe2 uob repl.arq .. Pl.ored iuspector eaployad at the plant, t.hen tb l.upeoUoa tea fOI" all addit.ianal eN•ala ldllecl tba' week aball be at ou-halt the rate per head u set on abcw .. -J It. ehall 'be tmlatul for 8JW peraon, til'll, corporaticm ar aaaociation. uoept !Jl• apecto.ra ot the Health Departaent to have in possession, keep or uae s:r17 mark, ataap .. ~ ---- OJ' ltrar14 prov14ed or used tor marld.uc. ataapi.Dc or brd.dlDg -as iupected aDd pua.a; &JV' article herein required to 'be marked, ataaped or br8J2ded, or eJS:1 mark, stamp or braDd ·.ba:ting thereon a device or words similar in character o£ import to the marks, stamps 01'-·bre.Dd.a provided or used tor such purposes for the Health Depart~. sai!lOJl 17. It shall be the du\7 ot the inspectors of the 'Jteal th Depar.1illeDt, aJid the7 are her-., up01rer811, to enter all. places in which the alaughte1'1DI ot •Jd •ala tor f'ood is -~ ca:r.ried on and to .JIIIIke suoh 1Dapect1on ot --.14 an'•ala u aq H 4.-med DaCess8rr to cteteraiJae their titne•• tor h~ tood. · . ' ' '::" ... -,.._ ~ ' - · 1'he Jiours ot Jdlllng sball 'be 81"UlfCed-to ileet the mutual.· con.veuience ot 8oth in• apectOr 8.Dd OIIDer or proprietor Ot establishment, but 1n general slaugb:ter1Dg s.ba1l M dODe tetn811 the Jaours ot 8 ~ .. aDd S 1 ... loDdq to Sa\urda¥ inclusive. ~ . . . ~ . · ·:t •u 'be' vnl.a1rf'ul for 81J7 person,. tint,· corporation, or uaoc1at1on owning or J-.Yf.~ charge of a:tq place 1D which animals ere slaughtered tor f'~od (the carcaases or par_u thereof' which are to be offered tor a&;].e within the Ci\7 ~ £ubbook) to per · att the reaoYal theretrca ot aDT carcass oC part thereof' UD.til the same Shall Q9'e 8een !Depected aDd stamped as apprgved or oondaDed b,y a meat iupector or the Heal Departaen\, condeailed carcasses or parts thereof lhall not be remov,ed from the ala WZ.houae or place Where ool'.ld.emned untU they have lteen treated• 1D the preseDCe ot hapector, in such a wq as to prevent their tutun use 1b.r h1UD8J1 food, aDd stampecl not to be uaed for food. SEC!IOBlst It sball be the, du.t7 of the " inspectors ot the Bealth Department 8Jld the.r are hereb.r eapowered to enter ~ place where the meat ot flesh ot ~ animal meatio.Ded in this Ordinance, or the products thereat -.y be stored, lield, kept, ex- posed ~ offered for sale, ~ also f1'1ery establishment where meat, .manufactured for tood or preserved:~ cure4, c&.rined or otherwise prepared for food and inspect the saae, aJ.1d whenever such meat or flesh shall, upon inspection and examination, be toUDd ·raot marked, stamped or br8l'ldecl or other evidence so as to shoW .that the same has been u ~" spected ·aDd passed for food purposes as' in this Ordinance provided, or when meats or products, even "'when eo staaped, are f'olmd to be soU.red1 Unwholesome or otherwise \Ill- fit tor f'oocl purposes,' .the irispector of the Health Depu·~m.ent shall condetu1 the s~. and. shall order such disposal a~ dl.l pre":tent its use for human food. . ' SBC!JON 19. It shall be u:Dl.aw:tal. tor 8..D3 person or personS to l.raupart or oatiBe to 'be traDaported in aD.J vehicle through tlle streets or public hi&hwa;,s or the City ot Lubbock ~meat UJ11.ess tb.e same 1e secureq wrapped in paper .or tightly' woven eloth C9Yerinc, unlesa eaolt vehicle .is proy1d8ci with a t!gbt cover, which shall be kept olosed. at all times duriDi such transportation, so as not to expose the meat ' to d~, dirt, tilth or other deleterious su'bste.nceJ and-where so tr8l'18ported fOr sal• at retail, same shall be kept 1n properly constructed icebox, with adequate quantitT ot 1~• to keep meat in proper state ot pn,serv&tion. . SEc'l'IOli 20. The lfealth Department with the approval. ot the Clty Co~ission shall .adopt and promulgate such rules aDd regalationa as ·are necessary to cerrr iat.o etfec the provisions ot this OdiDBDCe. SECTlOB 21. The Oi\r Health Officer shall appoint a veter1Jaar1an, who shall be a graduate of a reputable veterinar,r college recognized b.r the United Sta tes Departmen of ~icul ture, who sh811 under the direction ot the Health Department of the Ci tt LubboCk, have charge or the inspection as Dial' be necessary tor the carryirlg out of the provisions ot this OrdinaAOe. . , smT.IOI 22. The standard of meat iDSpection aDd sani:tary regulations to be adop1; eel bT the City ot·Lubb ock shall b.e that esta.oliahed a.n4 maintained by the United Sta J)epartmant ot jplcul.ture1 and known as •Bureau ot Anim8.l Industry Order 211 (Revis aDd its amendllents applic!~~!ito a unmicipal government aD4 as to this seotion, maie a part thereof as thouch ~ incorporated hereia. SJCfiOli 23. All meat stored or kept ~ alV' butcher shop, hotel, restaurant or other place where meat 11!1 kept for sale or to l)e served, shall be stored in such wv ,., so that the haDdling thereof will J)Ot coDf'lict wi t.h aJV" requireaent of this OrdiDaDoe '0 and .._ COYered or protected so as to keep the sarae f'ree f'rora cont8Jiinat1on by :tllas, duat, tilth, excessive heat or other agencies that tend to make the meat UIIW'holesae or untit tor toodo 0 I '- SICfiOi 24,. Bo ~~e&t shall be placed or kept ill the same coapartllent with other articles that aq cont.aa1nate said meat w cause same to 8e liDholeaoa. SiXl~I.ON ;;,. PEN£Lft. 1.rJ:¥ person who ehall violate aJV' of the provisions at this Ordinanoe tdlill be deemed guilty ot a adedeaao.r, 8.l'ld upon convic61on thereot, shall be puni11hed 117 a tine of not lese than Ten Dollars IIJ'ld not more flball ODe Hundred Dollars. Each and eveq violation or the provisioll8 ot this OrdillaJlCe s.baJl col'JJit1- tute a separate offense. SECTIOlt 26. REPEAL AND D.U'E OF EFFF£T. All ordilwlces and parts of: ordinances in conflict with this Ordinauce are hereby repealedJ and this ordinance shall be in tull tw.&.•· and effect immediate~ upon its adoption and its publication as provided b7 law SECTION 27. Sbauld e:t17 section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase ot this Ord1D8.DCe be declared tmconstitutional or invalid tor arv reason the remainder ot said Ord1nancu shall not be affected therebT • .IJII) IT IS SO CIUlDIDe· Passed first readiJJg b.1 unanSmoU8 vote ot the Ca.llieaiou this 2l dq ot .., , 1946. Passed second readi.Dg by unanimous vote of the OOIIEiBJtion this dq ot ------~-----' 19~. llqor A'1'TES1'a tr -I ORDINANCE # 775 FIRST READING . ONLY NO FINAL PASSAGE